Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
If being selfish means I get a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase for myself and the rest of my union brothers who also deserve this bump.So be it .I am now selfish 804 definitely not foolish 804.If you want to bad mouth the local vote no on this supplement ,that's your rite bro.But as far as I am concerned I will convince as many people with any common sense that this supplement is the answer.Whether you are here 2yrs or 30 years if your pension is not straight you are not getting out of this dump.

Maybe you do know? But to say your voting yes on the supplement right now !! I guess this means there not changing anything? Wow! Get prepared for a 3 to 1 vote in favor of another NO!


Well-Known Member
Can you believe the Vice President of local 804 got so upset that he threatened the shopsteward with harm!!! Where does it say in the bylaws that a executive board member can tell another member that! Quote!


word in my building is that the steward contacted the IBT and the IRB.


Well-Known Member
Big D you asked me to post this again.

Local 804 Makes UPS Deliver

This was on Make UPS deliver on May 24 2013
That’s what happened last time. The national contract passed with 65 percent of the vote. But it was rejected in numerous locals where TDUers and other reformers got active—including in New York Local 804 where members rejected their supplement by a three-to-one vote.(62% in 2013)
By voting no, Local 804 members saved 25-and-out pensions.(Two tiered package driver pay and other concessions. 2013) They kept organizing and took back their union in the next local election.(The reformers will stay active and take back their Local) And they just negotiated the best supplement in the country.(Rejected by 62% of the rank and file that voted in 2013)

There is no bad publicity for TDU backed locals they just keep spinning their stories.
You can't fool the Members all the time !!!!!

Yes they can, they fool you all the time!

LOL, you call yourselves "reformers"?? LOL, that is funny. We all know you are old guard former board members just looking to hurt our current E/B. Last time your boys backed Hoffa's concessionary contract (Howie was even on the national negotiating committee). Last time your boys negotiated give backs including giving up 25 and out as well as the weak language that was recently fixed.
Fool, we took back our union in dec 2009 when we threw out the old guard who were in there forever. We elected reformers who cut their own salaries and restored ron carey's picture inside the hall. And now they have negotiated a strong supplement that delivers on the surveys we took. Their mistake in all this was not getting out and selling it strongly to the members. They relied on one union meeting and their website. And they got outflanked by their political enemies!!


Well-Known Member
An overwhelming portion of the present board has not held a stewards position for many years if not ever! So how do you expect them to go an negotiate for us when there not us to negotiating for there perspective union members! They have no experience!! None! You where never close enough to Ron Carey to learn anything from The greatest labor leader of all time. .

Everyone of them were stewards before they were elected in 2009. Some were with Ron Carey in Washington during the historic 1997 strike and contract. As far as needing experience to negotiate this supplement, well really. This is their first major contract (they have been negotiating the outside shops contracts since they got in...literally) and it is way better then the old guys who had ALL THAT EXPERIENCE. A matter of fact they fixed a lot of what was wrong with the contract like the 4.5 hr guarantee for reduction of staff (now can bump 2 part timers and get 8 hrs) as well as fixed the slow grievance procedure. What they really learned from Ron was "putting members first". And they did just that. They asked the members what they wanted and then went to work negotiating a contract that gave the members what they asked for. yes, it was voted down but the reasons have more to do with the dislike of the national as well as the old guard NO on both campaign plus a pinch of ignorance on exactly what was in it.


Well-Known Member
Mr Sylvester remember this words, "is all about the members" instead you and your group are asking the membership to explain their vote. So you can't tell them to shut up! Or bully them and harass them?
The membership voted against you vision for this local by 2 to 1.
On that survey no one asked for VCDs, an hour flex start time Or giving up Election Day for what it is etc..
The members gave you a big NO.
Mr Tim S you are not listening! It's time for a due over! We don't want your agreement!

Actually they are asking why they voted no and what would get them to YES. Pretty basic here. There is only about a month left.
Yes, on the survey no one asked for VCDs, but members DID ask for more summer vacation and this was a way to get more summer vacation as well as get more inside people to get on the path to full time driving. Also, ONCE AGAIN, election day WAS NOT GIVEN UP. For the 90% of us who actually WORK the day and get the triple time, no problem. The other 10% who want to take the day off (why they would is beyond me)might still be able to get it off but they will definitely be able to use it as a floating holiday basically any other day from jan 16 until thanksgiving.
As for "flex time", I look forward to starting early. To me that is a positive change.


Well-Known Member
I forget which one of you numbnuts brought up Tim's suits or Liam's hair, but grow up. This type of nonsense has NOTHING to do with getting us a strong supplement!!


Well-Known Member
An overwhelming portion of the present board has not held a stewards position for many years if not ever! So how do you expect them to go an negotiate for us when there not us to negotiating for there perspective union members! They have no experience!! None! You where never close enough to Ron Carey to learn anything from The greatest labor leader of all time. .

Everyone of them were stewards before they were elected in 2009. Some were with Ron Carey in Washington during the historic 1997 strike and contract. As far as needing experience to negotiate this supplement, well really. This is their first major contract (they have been negotiating the outside shops contracts since they got in...literally) and it is way better then the old guys who had ALL THAT EXPERIENCE. A matter of fact they fixed a lot of what was wrong with the contract like the 4.5 hr guarantee for reduction of staff (now can bump 2 part timers and get 8 hrs) as well as fixed the slow grievance procedure. What they really learned from Ron was "putting members first". And they did just that. They asked the members what they wanted and then went to work negotiating a contract that gave the members what they asked for. yes, it was voted down but the reasons have more to do with the dislike of the national as well as the old guard NO on both campaign plus a pinch of ignorance on exactly what was in it.

Like I said! Haven't been for years! Thx


Well-Known Member
An overwhelming portion of the present board has not held a stewards position for many years if not ever! So how do you expect them to go an negotiate for us when there not us to negotiating for there perspective union members! They have no experience!! None! You where never close enough to Ron Carey to learn anything from The greatest labor leader of all time. .

Everyone of them were stewards before they were elected in 2009. Some were with Ron Carey in Washington during the historic 1997 strike and contract. As far as needing experience to negotiate this supplement, well really. This is their first major contract (they have been negotiating the outside shops contracts since they got in...literally) and it is way better then the old guys who had ALL THAT EXPERIENCE. A matter of fact they fixed a lot of what was wrong with the contract like the 4.5 hr guarantee for reduction of staff (now can bump 2 part timers and get 8 hrs) as well as fixed the slow grievance procedure. What they really learned from Ron was "putting members first". And they did just that. They asked the members what they wanted and then went to work negotiating a contract that gave the members what they asked for. yes, it was voted down but the reasons have more to do with the dislike of the national as well as the old guard NO on both campaign plus a pinch of ignorance on exactly what was in it.

outside shops contracts are wise than before! They hate contract! Guys getting fired there for bs also!


Well-Known Member
An overwhelming portion of the present board has not held a stewards position for many years if not ever!

Everyone of them were stewards before they were elected in 2009. Some were with Ron Carey in Washington during the historic 1997 strike and contract..

Like I said! Haven't been for years! Thx

804brown answers a post from bigd and you respond "like I said"???
How many screen names are you using?

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
When this supplement comes back out for a vote,whether it was adjusted not adjusted,if you are unsure of any aspect of the agreement call YOUR LOCAL this is YOUR CONTRACT negotiated by YOUR LOCAL.Forget about all the bogus text messages floating around you are being mis informed.This is OUR CONTRACT for our future this is not an election, the election is over.


Well-Known Member
The President of Local 89 has put out a statement saying the IBT claimed that the local 89 e-board supported the National Contract. His statement is very clear THE LOCAL 89 E-BOARD DID NOT ENDORSE THE NATIONAL CONTRACT.

NOW on that note if our e-board did not vote to endorse the National Contract, WHY don't they do the same thing. Lets see if those cowards have the :censored2: to do the same thing and post it on the local website. JUST TO CLEAR THINGS UP


Well-Known Member
He is also saying this;
"A Message to UPS Teamsters From President Fred Z

Updated On: Jun 27, 2013

Congratulations to all of our Brothers and Sisters of Local 89 for standing up against UPS and this terrible contract offer. We will continue to fight whoever stands in our way to achieve a contract we deserve. Our vote has rejected the Central Region Supplement and has protected every member in the Central Region from a terrible contract. You should be very proud of that. Air District members have sent a strong message to the Company and the IBT that we will not accept a concessionary supplement forced on us by the IBT. We have shown everyone the POWER of the VOTE. Going forward we will continue to fight until we achieve a contract we deserve.

The IBT says the National Agreement has been "ratified". That is not accurate. Although the National Agreement passed by 53% of the vote, it is NOT ratified until all of the supplements are ratified. We will continue to fight to maintain our benefits on Health Care.

For all the members in the Central Region who feel the same as we do...Local 89 saved your bacon once, join us and continue to vote NO until we succeed.

To all of our Local 89 Members...Our last NO vote was outstanding. Talk to all of your Brothers and Sisters who didn't vote and explain to them the Power of the Vote and encourage them to vote.

One last point...Rumors say Local 89 endorsed this agreement and the IBT sent a flyer stating that. Let me be perfectly clear. Local 89 did NOT endorse this agreement. Unless you hear me say that, don't take anything for granted. We had posted our Vote No recommendation on our website many weeks in advance of the IBT sending that flyer. They very well knew our position. Let's continue the fight."

What a difference Tim S and Co. Are calling members to harass them and why they voted no.
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Well-Known Member
What a difference Tim S and Co. Are calling members to harass them and why they voted no.
Hey genius did you ever think maybe the board wants to get a quick reading of the membership before they go back to the table?? There is not a lot of time for bargaining. August is just around the corner. Though I do agree that Tim should have told us what happened in that room when leaders were asked if they supported the TA.


Well-Known Member
Hey genius did you ever think maybe the board wants to get a quick reading of the membership before they go back to the table?? There is not a lot of time for bargaining. August is just around the corner. Though I do agree that Tim should have told us what happened in that room when leaders were asked if they supported the TA.

HEY GENIUS, you show us one place this e-board said publicly they didn't support the national contract. FACT is, they didn't. The more you post the more you sound like that poor excuse of a human being KR.


Well-Known Member
HEY GENIUS, you show us one place this e-board said publicly they didn't support the national contract. FACT is, they didn't. The more you post the more you sound like that poor excuse of a human being KR.

Ok, were you at the last union meeting?? I was. Neil Obrien, a trustee and member of the E/B, publicly stated AT THAT MEETING, that he did not support the national TA.
"Poor excuse of a human being". You must be a former board member the way you speak about other union members.


Well-Known Member
HEY GENIUS, you show us one place this e-board said publicly they didn't support the national contract. FACT is, they didn't. The more you post the more you sound like that poor excuse of a human being KR.

Ok, were you at the last union meeting?? I was. Neil Obrien, a trustee and member of the E/B, publicly stated AT THAT MEETING, that he did not support the national TA.
"Poor excuse of a human being". You must be a former board member the way you speak about other union members.

Hold the phone!!! 804brown you say agitator 2 must be a former board member for the way he speaks to other union members. Wtf is the difference from the way he speaks vs the way the current Vice President of our local speaks. At least agitator 2 isn't threatening anyone. You can't say that about Pete. Oh that's right you said he yelled at that Nassau shop steward... Well we shall see what the higher authority has to say about it


Well-Known Member
Niel who? He wasn't even in the room when Tim and Pete endorsed the master agreement. I thought Tim S is our president, why doesn't he take control of his herd? You want us to listen to what a BA said?! I don't think so! The last time members did that 50+ drivers got suspended in Melville!


Well-Known Member
Niel who? He wasn't even in the room when Tim and Pete endorsed the master agreement. I thought Tim S is our president, why doesn't he take control of his herd? You want us to listen to what a BA said?! I don't think so! The last time members did that 50+ drivers got suspended in Melville!

First mouth piece it was Tim and Jim that went to the 2 man meeting not Pete jack@ss

Second every one at the 2 man meeting according to Hoffa voted YES , EVERY LOCAL WAS THEIR EVERY LOCAL. You really think every Local voted YES Local 89 was their guess they voted yes, of course they didn't STOP with your BS
Third Niel is a trustee not a BA.