Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey! Tim S, you know why the members voted no on the supplements. Come closer,let me whisper it in your ear, because it "SUCKS". What were you thinking letting Liam R negotiate, what did you and the rest of your board do while he negotiated, sit there with your index finger up your butt. I have had managers asking me why did you guys vote it down, seems to me this E/B and UPS are the only ones that liked it. This was the goose that laid the golden egg for UPS. The members were about to get screwed once again, it reminded me when this E/B was first elected, management was so happy they were telling the members you did the write thing, they were telling us who to vote for. And whoever is posting on here how great the supplements are, this is UPS your negotiating with, they are not saints, before they cross their T's and dot their I's they know how many of their workers their screwing. And for the shop steward in the Stonybrook center, if you think this E/B are geniuses, I feel sorry for the drivers on your center.


You are 100% correct on that poor stony brook center! We brought up the fact that he wasn't smart enough not to get fired but they continued to blame others! Secrets out! The guy works for his members but a negotiator! Not? The man couldn't save his Own self!


Well-Known Member
Tim and co. are a bunch of short minded clowns! 5 years ago, you told the membership that you have done the impossible that because of your actions the members turn down the 1st agreement, now you are trying to sell more BS! That you don't have leverage now, that the members should have taken the 1st agreement!
Question what has change?
We all knew that the master agreement was going to pass.
For the first time since 1997 on August 1st 2013, over 240,000 thousand teamsters will go to work without a raise! Meanwhile ups will report their 2nd quarter earnings with record profits once again! Remember back in 97 ups was making 1 billion in profits a year, now at days ups is making 1 billion in 3 months on our backs! Yet Tim and co. wants you to believe that they don't have leverage!
Lol you are pathetic stop crying and do you job.


Well-Known Member
Nice catch Offroutes.

Thanks, and for the record bigd was signed in when I posted that, no reply left about half hour later, good old Anthony run from the truth.

Sorry about lastnight off routes! But I have a family unlike Pete and Liam! Talking about Pete, I was at a pharmacy somewhere in the island, the pharmacist asked this woman last name please and she saids Mastandrea, so I said really? She goes yup that guy! mister know it all! than she said I divorced his ass last year! I said I hope he is paying your med bills!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Love the comedy hour over here!! As most of us probably know our buddies Hoffa and Hall gave this wonderful company an extension with no deadline.You know the same Hoffa and Hall that our last slate through Ron Carey under the bus so they could jump in bed with, Meaning all leverage just went out the window.So all you comedians on here that think our members supplement is a joking matter running a no vote campaign to anyone who does'nt know the facts and want you to follow them down the road to nothing as usual, should look in the mirror and say am i really happy with nothing in my supplement.Because that is what we are going to wind up with if all the B/S dont stop. GET THE FACTS ON OUR SUPPLEMENT FROM YOUR LOCAL !!! Dont listen to the comedians that are putting there agenda ahead of the members.That is not what our local membership is about it is about us the members getting the best supplement we can get.


Well-Known Member
Love the comedy hour over here!! As most of us probably know our buddies Hoffa and Hall gave this wonderful company an extension with no deadline.You know the same Hoffa and Hall that our last slate through Ron Carey under the bus so they could jump in bed with, Meaning all leverage just went out the window.So all you comedians on here that think our members supplement is a joking matter running a no vote campaign to anyone who does'nt know the facts and want you to follow them down the road to nothing as usual, should look in the mirror and say am i really happy with nothing in my supplement.Because that is what we are going to wind up with if all the B/S dont stop. GET THE FACTS ON OUR SUPPLEMENT FROM YOUR LOCAL !!! Dont listen to the comedians that are putting there agenda ahead of the members.That is not what our local membership is about it is about us the members getting the best supplement we can get.

Obviously! Your best was not good enough and the members of Local 804 know a much better deal awaits us! This contract is your case for keeping union hall in your control for years to come! All you had to do was bring a good sense contract to the members and not hide it for weeks! You know! The lawyers are looking it over? Wow lawyers must have an online degree because this TA was an insult to everyone!
Ps! Your the comedy! Up here begging and trying to scare members! That your agenda!


Well-Known Member
Love the comedy hour over here!! As most of us probably know our buddies Hoffa and Hall gave this wonderful company an extension with no deadline.You know the same Hoffa and Hall that our last slate through Ron Carey under the bus so they could jump in bed with, Meaning all leverage just went out the window.So all you comedians on here that think our members supplement is a joking matter running a no vote campaign to anyone who does'nt know the facts and want you to follow them down the road to nothing as usual, should look in the mirror and say am i really happy with nothing in my supplement.Because that is what we are going to wind up with if all the B/S dont stop. GET THE FACTS ON OUR SUPPLEMENT FROM YOUR LOCAL !!! Dont listen to the comedians that are putting there agenda ahead of the members.That is not what our local membership is about it is about us the members getting the best supplement we can get.

Obviously! Your best was not good enough and the members of Local 804 know a much better deal awaits us! This contract is your case for keeping union hall in your control for years to come! All you had to do was bring a good sense contract to the members and not hide it for weeks! You know! The lawyers are looking it over? Wow lawyers must have an online degree because this TA was an insult to everyone!
Ps! Your the comedy! Up here begging and trying to scare members! That your agenda!

Your the same Teamster! who stated to take the 400 and run! it will make it all better when Pete threatens you!! That's the way to teach! Lead bye example! Think purely for yourself! Screw everyone else! Great morals

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Obviously! Your best was not good enough and the members of Local 804 know a much better deal awaits us! This contract is your case for keeping union hall in your control for years to come! All you had to do was bring a good sense contract to the members and not hide it for weeks! You know! The lawyers are looking it over? Wow lawyers must have an online degree because this TA was an insult to everyone!
Ps! Your the comedy! Up here begging and trying to scare members! That your agenda!

My best not good enough !! Got news for you bro i have been a union member for 25 yrs its not about my best, i am on no slate dont have any aspirations to ever be on a slate.I am tired of our local going to negotiations contract after contract coming back and congratulating us for being able to hold on to what we already have.Its time the members got something in there supplement.As far as the members know a much better deal awaits us.You better hope there is one because Hoffa might have thrown all the leverage out the window with an unlimited extension to this contract.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
My best not good enough !! Got news for you bro i have been a union member for 25 yrs its not about my best, i am on no slate dont have any aspirations to ever be on a slate.I am tired of our local going to negotiations contract after contract coming back and congratulating us for being able to hold on to what we already have.Its time the members got something in there supplement.As far as the members know a much better deal awaits us.You better hope there is one because Hoffa might have thrown all the leverage out the window with an unlimited extension to this contract.

Did you tell Tim and boys you are tired of getting nothing. I doubt it. I think your pissed because your pension increase is in question? You may have paid dues for 25 years but don't call yourself a union member when your scared to turn down a **** contract no matter who says to accept it.


Well-Known Member
LOL what that means is you guys are :censored2:.... You think you know it all vote no we will get something better... fools, Ups and the IBT doesn't like 804 so the plan by Tim was use the fact that ups and the ibt want a TA get the best supplement you can vote it in and run. No, to many know it alls... Now 804 has no leverage no badly needed pension increase and over what VCD????

When are the people from that website going to have the balls to say who they are??

Wow so Tim was right again......

Incredible, the losers of the last 2 elections and their pals push a NO vote on a strong supplement. So now they take away the VCDs and we lose more summer vacation. Fine, back to status quo of 10% of the center. So now they take away the expedited grievance procedure and now wait 9 months again for a case to be heard. Great the nameless, gutless have no clue what to do now. Vote No, that's all they got. "This contract sucks" "Ron carey would be turning over in his grave!" Really?? A supplement that rewarded us with a $400 increase?? A supplement that rewarded us with 100 new Full time jobs?? That found a way to get us more summer vacation as well as another opportunity for part timers to gain experience to go driving. A supplement that now guarantees us drivers, clerks and car washers and inside workers 8 hrs of work if lay offs occur (presently under the current contract we are only guaranteed 4.5). That allows transfers to ANY building in our local. That speeds up the grievance procedure that usually works against us as management piles up a paper trail of offenses that build up over time.(But the sky is falling crowd think "now they can fire us quicker"?? ) I mean what the hell is wrong with these chicken littles.
Talk about comedy relief, we have people saying they are ready to strike now. LOL, this coming from members who don't have any balls to put in grievances when they see sups working, etc or attend union meetings. Rebels without a clue. Its like "yeah we voted it down...now what!!" Well, I bet we will not see it get any stronger. Getting rid of VCDs ALSO hurts part timers trying to go full time as well as younger drivers who want summer vacation WHILE THEIR YOUNG to enjoy with their kids. Like I said before, this supplement went down because of lots of misinformation and outright lies . I still would bet the exact same supplement WOULD PASS if a real get out the vote campaign with lots of detail about the language was done. So many members voted no for wrong and misinformed reasons. For this I blame the old guard, sky is falling crew PLUS our E/B for being too confident this supplement would sell itself ($400 pension increase, 100 new FT jobs, fixed some language problems) PLUS a misinformed membership that voted blindly JUST BECAUSE WE ALWAYS VOTE DOWN THE FIRST OFFER!! It makes you want to bang your head against the wall. Well, members of the NO-it -all crew, you got your wish. Now the adults in the room (our board) have to try and salvage a good contract for us.


Well-Known Member
Did you tell Tim and boys you are tired of getting nothing. I doubt it. I think your pissed because your pension increase is in question? You may have paid dues for 25 years but don't call yourself a union member when your scared to turn down a **** contract no matter who says to accept it.

It would be everyone's pension 400 dollars haven't gone up in 14 years a better way of living for the members of Local 804 plus medical not going up and the hall having control of it. So if a normal retiree lives 30 years after retirement they just lost ( off the 300) $108,000 way to go...

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
It would be everyone's pension 400 dollars haven't gone up in 14 years a better way of living for the members of Local 804 plus medical not going up and the hall having control of it. So if a normal retiree lives 30 years after retirement they just lost ( off the 300) $108,000 way to go...

You seem to have all the answers about the pension are the part timers that have gone full time get the increase or do they have to work 25 full time years to get the increase? Maybe you can clear that up for all to see. Also how much money does the VCD loose at $21.00 an hour compaired to the drivers whos vacation they are covering and how much money does UPS save over the life of the contract using VCDrivers can you do that math?


Well-Known Member
You seem to have all the answers about the pension are the part timers that have gone full time get the increase or do they have to work 25 full time years to get the increase? Maybe you can clear that up for all to see. Also how much money does the VCD loose at $21.00 an hour compaired to the drivers whos vacation they are covering and how much money does UPS save over the life of the contract using VCDrivers can you do that math?

I believe you need 25 full time years to get the increase. As for the VCD, it is a net gain of $21/hr. Without this deal, that part timer stays a part timer and will NOT get the $21/hr working the summer as a driver.

As I wrote in an earlier post, the ONLY legitimate beef against the VCD idea is by low seniority cover drivers with less than 10 years. These drivers fear some these VCDs actually BECOMING full time drivers with more seniority than them and therefore fear once again being laid off or sent to other buildings, etc. I tried explaining it to some that that is a problem UNDER THE CURRENT CONTRACT where any part timer on the list to go driving might have more seniority than some cover drivers. It is the right of EVERY part timer to go full time IF THEY SO WISH.But at least this driver has a legitimate beef while some out there lie and make stuff up.


Well-Known Member
I still would bet the exact same supplement WOULD PASS if a real get out the vote campaign with lots of detail about the language was done.
Dead on Brother...you guys need to educate the members with the facts you've written. Urge your board not to reduce/remove one thing.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have all the answers about the pension are the part timers that have gone full time get the increase or do they have to work 25 full time years to get the increase? Maybe you can clear that up for all to see. Also how much money does the VCD loose at $21.00 an hour compaired to the drivers whos vacation they are covering and how much money does UPS save over the life of the contract using VCDrivers can you do that math?

For now yes but the more money over time since the hall would have had control they could have raised the accrual. Plus with all the full timers that would have left next year would have opened hundreds of jobs.
The facts are that most members make book between Feb to Jun any thing else get stretched to the free period. So with the VCD making days when they get called will get in faster. All people here want to say is how much money ups will save it's more important how it helps the union, hundreds of part timers are do grounds every day at 15.98 getting nothing for it. If this supplement went though a arbitrator would decided grievances on this in 2 months not 5 years. That's the beauty of it be to have cases heard. 400 pension increase, able to stop the 10% retiree increase forever plus having the right to make changes to the medical any time the union wanted to improve it, 200 new full time jobs, guarantee of clerks, card wash, porters and full time drivers guaranteed 8 hours or 4 1/2 out weights any stupid VCD. So ups saves some money, look at how this supplement benefits and would have helped make a better quality of life for so many members part time and full. What are u going to cry about next Christmas helpers only get 12.75 not full pay. This was a great supplement why don't u do the math and find out how much money the members lost out on because people like u voted no but had no clue what was really going on...


Well-Known Member
Tim and co. are a bunch of short minded clowns! 5 years ago, you told the membership that you have done the impossible that because of your actions the members turn down the 1st agreement, now you are trying to sell more BS! That you don't have leverage now, that the members should have taken the 1st agreement!
Question what has change?
We all knew that the master agreement was going to pass.
For the first time since 1997 on August 1st 2013, over 240,000 thousand teamsters will go to work without a raise! Meanwhile ups will report their 2nd quarter earnings with record profits once again! Remember back in 97 ups was making 1 billion in profits a year, now at days ups is making 1 billion in 3 months on our backs! Yet Tim and co. wants you to believe that they don't have leverage!
Lol you are pathetic stop crying and do you job.


Well-Known Member
Tim and co. are a bunch of short minded clowns! 5 years ago, you told the membership that you have done the impossible that because of your actions the members turn down the 1st agreement, now you are trying to sell more BS! That you don't have leverage now, that the members should have taken the 1st agreement!
Question what has change?
We all knew that the master agreement was going to pass.
For the first time since 1997 on August 1st 2013, over 240,000 thousand teamsters will go to work without a raise! Meanwhile ups will report their 2nd quarter earnings with record profits once again! Remember back in 97 ups was making 1 billion in profits a year, now at days ups is making 1 billion in 3 months on our backs! Yet Tim and co. wants you to believe that they don't have leverage!
Lol you are pathetic stop crying and do you job.

Meaningless post just running your mouth you are clueless and nothing more then an old union board member go way no on cares.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Did you tell Tim and boys you are tired of getting nothing. I doubt it. I think your pissed because your pension increase is in question? You may have paid dues for 25 years but don't call yourself a union member when your scared to turn down a **** contract no matter who says to accept it.
Actually i did tell Tim and the boys i am tired of getting nothing,on the survey they sent out months ago they had asked the members what they were looking for in the contract.They addressed the members concerns in this supplement.And guess what was one of the major concerns it was the pension,i guess you are happy without a pension increase for 15 yrs maybe you were hoping they could get you back your turkey!!!! MY PENSION INCREASE IS IN QUESTION!!! ITS THE LOCALS PENSION INCREASE SO WE CAN ALL RETIRE ABOVE THE POVERTY LEVEL INCLUDING YOU .


Well-Known Member
Did you tell Tim and boys you are tired of getting nothing. I doubt it. I think your pissed because your pension increase is in question? You may have paid dues for 25 years but don't call yourself a union member when your scared to turn down a **** contract no matter who says to accept it.
Actually i did tell Tim and the boys i am tired of getting nothing,on the survey they sent out months ago they had asked the members what they were looking for in the contract.They addressed the members concerns in this supplement.And guess what was one of the major concerns it was the pension,i guess you are happy without a pension increase for 15 yrs maybe you were hoping they could get you back your turkey!!!! MY PENSION INCREASE IS IN QUESTION!!! ITS THE LOCALS PENSION INCREASE SO WE CAN ALL RETIRE ABOVE THE POVERTY LEVEL INCLUDING YOU .

A pension increase would be great for the members of local 804! Look at what you are willing to give up to get your 300.00 extra! Or 3600.00 a year! Then 400 for last year of contract. First! you will take 450.00 a week out of a part time driver weekly salary if they deliver ground daily! or 23,400.00 a year! Does That makes sense to you! Clear savings to the company. Huge sacrifice for a young member! I don't think you would have done it if you where them!


Well-Known Member
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