Well-Known Member
Hey! Tim S, you know why the members voted no on the supplements. Come closer,let me whisper it in your ear, because it "SUCKS". What were you thinking letting Liam R negotiate, what did you and the rest of your board do while he negotiated, sit there with your index finger up your butt. I have had managers asking me why did you guys vote it down, seems to me this E/B and UPS are the only ones that liked it. This was the goose that laid the golden egg for UPS. The members were about to get screwed once again, it reminded me when this E/B was first elected, management was so happy they were telling the members you did the write thing, they were telling us who to vote for. And whoever is posting on here how great the supplements are, this is UPS your negotiating with, they are not saints, before they cross their T's and dot their I's they know how many of their workers their screwing. And for the shop steward in the Stonybrook center, if you think this E/B are geniuses, I feel sorry for the drivers on your center.
You are 100% correct on that poor stony brook center! We brought up the fact that he wasn't smart enough not to get fired but they continued to blame others! Secrets out! The guy works for his members but a negotiator! Not? The man couldn't save his Own self!