Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Mr Tim S this is the position you dream to have for years! You been telling the membership for decades that you would do a better job that you were capable of delivering great things.
You stood up on the mic at every general membership meeting acting like a big man, condemning every move by past Eboards!
This is your time to deliver what you been claiming for years.
So far the only thing you and your have brought us IS Shame.
The membership told you NO!
You are to behold to the membership!
You are right. This is his moment to deliver. Basically he did deliver on the contract but I guess we disagree on that. Fine. But if you will recall, Tim and others when they did challenge the old board, THEY DID SO IN PERSON RIGHT AFTER ANNOUNCING THEIR NAME AT A UNION MEETING. They never came on the brown café and attacked the board behind an anonymous screen name or started a vote no contract website anonymously. They had the balls to stand up at those meetings when many were booing and disrespecting them. You even had idiots standing up and turning their backs on Tim as he spoke at the mic. Howie allowed all that crap to go on. Remember the time he told tim: "you said what you had to say NOW SIT THE friend#$@ DOWN!!" Ah the good old days of our over paid union officials out of touch with the membership and in bed with management!! I guess you yearn for those days don't you?? Granted things are not perfect by far but are heading in the right direction. And if you weren't so blinded by hatred for this board you might actually see that highlighted by this supplement. And I will be at the union meeting to see if "big d" gets up to the mic.

Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.


Well-Known Member
804brown you said you will be waiting for Big D to hit the mic at the next meeting. Will the members be giving more then 20mins for the Q&A this time. I've personally run events and have never seen a catering hall get rented out for 2 1/2 hours like the last in Franklin Square. It's generally a 4 hour minimum. So will enough time permit for the Q&A this time? And thanks for making it so convenient for the majority of the membership by putting it in elmsford, I know I know the executive board said they would move meetings around to cover everyone. 3 1/2 years so far with this current board what exactly are the stats on the geographic's for meeting locations.

Will the members be safe if they dare challenge the board. I mean Tim does let his goon squad threatening the members. Pete, Liam, Fennell, Holmes and Williams all have a notch under their belt for these acts.

Bring those acts anywhere off company property and lets separate the men from the mice. Just a suggestion. And we won't even bring the cops for security. What fun would that be


Well-Known Member
Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.
You are the only dope you wants Howie back. LOL!! The man who sold us all out to Hoffa...TWICE!! The man who took our once great local that ron carey left him AND DESTROYED IT!! The man who kept the truth from us about our pension situation UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE AND THEY ALL VOTED TO CUT THE ACRURAL RATE!!The man who bankrupted our health fund and lied to the membership about the condition of the funds during HIS RE -ELECTION CAMPAIGN!! The man who went along with hoffa's weak SPLIT raises while laughing all the way to the bank making over $160K a year !! The man who cowardly turned his back on his leader, RON CAREY, in his time of need. WHo also didnt have the decency to even attend ROn's wake or funeral!! The man who promoted donato to recording secretary (LOL)!! The man who GAVE AWAY 25 and OUT and coffee (15 minutes) to the new hires!!
Yeah, we all have not forgotten the damage he and his wrecking crew did to our local. Howie couldnt handle this local without ron's guidance. The members COULD HAVE put howie's legacy back in charge last december...BUT WE DIDNT. We decided to give tim and his crew a chance to negotiate a strong and fair contract. ANd that he did. You can make fun of his size and maybe even his dress code. Ok, he doesnt wear $500 suits, but he makes up for it by delivering for us and telling the truth!! I will take that over wise guy bravado ANYDAY!!


Well-Known Member
804brown you said you will be waiting for Big D to hit the mic at the next meeting. Will the members be giving more then 20mins for the Q&A this time. I've personally run events and have never seen a catering hall get rented out for 2 1/2 hours like the last in Franklin Square. It's generally a 4 hour minimum. So will enough time permit for the Q&A this time? And thanks for making it so convenient for the majority of the membership by putting it in elmsford, I know I know the executive board said they would move meetings around to cover everyone. 3 1/2 years so far with this current board what exactly are the stats on the geographic's for meeting locations.

Will the members be safe if they dare challenge the board. I mean Tim does let his goon squad threatening the members. Pete, Liam, Fennell, Holmes and Williams all have a notch under their belt for these acts.

Bring those acts anywhere off company property and lets separate the men from the mice. Just a suggestion. And we won't even bring the cops for security. What fun would that be
Wow, I thought the last meeting was very long and the E/B did lots of explaining what exactly was in the national as well as the supplement. There was 30 minutes for questions but lots of that time was wasted by yelling and interrupting members at the mic by the thugs in the back who had no intention of allowing the members to hear what was going on. Then they blame the E/B for lack of information. LOL!!
As for the time limit last time, i heard there was supposed to be a communion in that room,, so it had to be cleared and set up (It was May which is communion time).
As for the moronic threats you speak of, the only thugs i saw at that meeting were the usual E/B haters looking for a fight. Sore losers from the last election looking for revenge. Get over it!! Our local, our membership needs a civil and informative union meeting. Another chaotic meeting of accusations and yelling and charging the mic ONLY HURTS OUR SOLIDARITY AGAINST UPS. So when you make the trip up there, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Lets act like adults not cranky kids who didnt get their way!!


Well-Known Member
Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.
You are the only dope you wants Howie back. LOL!! The man who sold us all out to Hoffa...TWICE!! The man who took our once great local that ron carey left him AND DESTROYED IT!! The man who kept the truth from us about our pension situation UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE AND THEY ALL VOTED TO CUT THE ACRURAL RATE!!The man who bankrupted our health fund and lied to the membership about the condition of the funds during HIS RE -ELECTION CAMPAIGN!! The man who went along with hoffa's weak SPLIT raises while laughing all the way to the bank making over $160K a year !! The man who cowardly turned his back on his leader, RON CAREY, in his time of need. WHo also didnt have the decency to even attend ROn's wake or funeral!! The man who promoted donato to recording secretary (LOL)!! The man who GAVE AWAY 25 and OUT and coffee (15 minutes) to the new hires!!
Yeah, we all have not forgotten the damage he and his wrecking crew did to our local. Howie couldnt handle this local without ron's guidance. The members COULD HAVE put howie's legacy back in charge last december...BUT WE DIDNT. We decided to give tim and his crew a chance to negotiate a strong and fair contract. ANd that he did. You can make fun of his size and maybe even his dress code. Ok, he doesnt wear $500 suits, but he makes up for it by delivering for us and telling the truth!! I will take that over wise guy bravado ANYDAY!!

I only read 2 sentences and that's more than enough of my time! Howie was closer to Ron Carey than Timothy Sylvester will ever be!! Sorry that can don't see the need to read anymore of your post! TS! At least 30 in the local think your doing a Great job


Well-Known Member
804brown just a suggestion. Since you are apparently close with this current executive board maybe you can recommend the following; this current meeting should be primarily Q&A. Reason being is that since the supplement got shot down the E board should hear it from the membership so the problems can be corrected. No need to hear them preach to us on what THEY thought was good. I think it's time and I'm not talking survey's to hear what WE(the membership) believes is the real issues
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You are the only dope you wants Howie back. LOL!! The man who sold us all out to Hoffa...TWICE!! ( Yeah he wasn't as smart as TS & endorse a candidate that had absolutely no chance of winning ) The man who took our once great local that ron carey left him AND DESTROYED IT!! ( Yeah he secretly had a deep seeded hatred for the man he served with for how many years ??????) The man who kept the truth from us about our pension situation UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE AND THEY ALL VOTED TO CUT THE ACRURAL RATE!! ( Does anyone remember how the stock market was performing at that time??? ) The man who bankrupted our health fund and lied to the membership about the condition of the funds during HIS RE -ELECTION CAMPAIGN!! ( I remember never having to worry about my bills being paid, he even extended my Physical Therapy visits for a knee injury after they ran out, what a dope he was ) The man who went along with hoffa's weak SPLIT raises while laughing all the way to the bank making over $160K a year !! ( Exactly how far away from that number are U GUYS, & how many people are on YOUR PAYROLL counting the ones we don't see at GM meetings ) The man who cowardly turned his back on his leader, RON CAREY, in his time of need. WHo also didnt have the decency to even attend ROn's wake or funeral!! ( That is TOTAL BS & you know it, ask his son ) The man who promoted donato to recording secretary (LOL)!! The man who GAVE AWAY 25 and OUT and coffee (15 %minutes) to the new hires!!
Yeah, we all have not forgotten the damage he and his wrecking crew did to our local. ( Guess they thought it would be in their BEST INTERESTS to do so, then they all huddled together & tried to decide how to bankrupt the local ) Howie couldnt handle this local without ron's guidance. ( Thats funny cause neither can YOU )The members COULD HAVE put howie's legacy back in charge last december...BUT WE DIDNT. We decided to give tim and his crew a chance to negotiate a strong and fair contract. ANd that he did. ( Yes he thought he did & 2/3 of his membership overwhelmingly shot it down, & he & his supporters keep telling us how stupid WE ARE, GO FIGURE ?????, NOW GO FIX IT LIKE THE MAJORITY OF THE MEMBERS WANT IT, INCLUDING NO VCD's ) You can make fun of his size and maybe even his dress code. Ok, he doesnt wear $500 suits, but he makes up for it by delivering for us and telling the truth!! I will take that over wise guy bravado ANYDAY!!


Well-Known Member
Wow so many lies too little time. First, pope was our candidate just like Tom L and ron carey was before. We have always voted for the reform candidate. Next, on the pension cuts under redmond, yes the stock went down but that was 2008-2009. The acrural rate was cut in 2007 plus other locals survived those same years WITHOUT the problems in our local. redmond and his boys mismanaged the pension funds.
As for bills not getting paid, LOL. Has been going on for years and years. Members need to be smart and find doctors in the plan..its simple if you look.
As for their salaries, Howie made about $160k because he was also getting paid by hoffa to be on the intl, the rest of his crew averaged about $150k/yr plus matching 401k, etc. Tim and co with EVERYTHING make about $117/yr with NO MATCHING 401K!! There are no "other people you dont see" duh. If you looked at the LM2s that would be obvious.
Also, not just howie, BUT NO ONE from the E/B at the time went to ROn's wake or funeral. I went to both. I was there!! NONE of them showed!!
So I guess than you admit howie couldnt run this local without ron. But why would he take his picture down in the hall all those years?? But there was a picture of hoffa up on the wall. Where was the loyalty Howie??


Well-Known Member
804brown just a suggestion. Since you are apparently close with this current executive board maybe you can recommend the following; this current meeting should be primarily Q&A. Reason being is that since the supplement got shot down the E board should hear it from the membership so the problems can be corrected. No need to hear them preach to us on what THEY thought was good. I think it's time and I'm not talking survey's to hear what WE(the membership) believes is the real issues


Well-Known Member
Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.

My question was never answered!!


Well-Known Member
Ron Carey was the president of local 804 and IBT. He was a man that stood for the members to be the most important thing! Howie did a much better job at this than TS today! Fact is? New members don't know who the man is! We you speak of Ronnie your only speaking to members with 20+ years. So stop tarnishing a man legacy that you will never be like! Remember! You haven't spoken to Hoffman and got anyone there job back! Only bye arbitration. Ron and Howie had a ability to talk to company and prove there points! To get and keep members on job til there arbitration was finalized.


Well-Known Member
I purposely brought Mr. Howard Redmond name up to show the spin that our current executive board continues to use! There allegations that the man did! Or would have hurt us are just that! allegations! I do see something that will be very similar in both there presidency! Ups will make a move on the pension during this contract! Knowing that we are still in critical status of 66% tells us our accrual rate and 25 and out are still in jeopardy!! TS and company are refusing to inform membership of this! Howie fixed his problem with the accrual rate to restore pension. The man also knew we worked to hard to have substandard healthcare!! See if you can fix your dilemma.


Well-Known Member
I hear you have your panties in a bunch because I said your uncle is a maroon. Well I see it runs in the family. I will try to explain it on your level. You see back in the day when Ron Carey was president of local 804 UPS wanted to bring in P/T loaders, they convinced the IBT that they would be helping college kids. Fast forward 1997 strike, because P/T workers out numbered friend/T. Fast forward to now, P/T drivers to give extra vacation for drivers. Fast forward, P/T drivers out number friend/T. The entire. Supplements suck.


Well-Known Member
I only read 2 sentences and that's more than enough of my time! Howie was closer to Ron Carey than Timothy Sylvester will ever be!! Sorry that can don't see the need to read anymore of your post! TS! At least 30 in the local think your doing a Great job
Howie and Bill were great, with them it was always about the member. If Bill was president of our local he would be just as good as Carey. If you think our pension has problems don't blame the union blame the members that voted republican, it was always the company's that had the burden of adjusting the pension, Bush allowed the company's to change that law and put the burden on the members. We are stuck with this E/B and its only going to get worse!


Well-Known Member
Howie and Bill were great, with them it was always about the member. If Bill was president of our local he would be just as good as Carey. If you think our pension has problems don't blame the union blame the members that voted republican, it was always the company's that had the burden of adjusting the pension, Bush allowed the company's to change that law and put the burden on the members. We are stuck with this E/B and its only going to get worse!
You really live in a fantasy land. Oh the good ol days. If you will recall, by the time they were voted out, the old board stopped caring. Remember their high salaries and matching 401ks. Remember them not coming to their buildings anymore. The arrogance of assuming they would be able to retire in their positions as they no one could challenge them. The turning their backs on ron carey when he went to trial AND ALL HE STOOD FOR. The selling out of the rank and file in order to cozy up to hoffa (which got us NOTHING!!). Remember in '98 the E/b "stayed neutral" but the membership backed leedham. In 2002, the redmond/buhlert board backed hoffa BUT THE MEMBERSHIP BACKED LEEDHAM. Again in 2007, the redmond/buhlert board backed hoffa but the membership backed leedham. ANd once again in 2012, the membership voted for the reformer sandy pope over redmond/buhlert's guy hoffa.
Yeah lets reminisce a little bit. Remember how howie couldnt stop the pension cut back in 2006?? Remember how they then diverted monies from H/W to the pension?? All behind our backs. They had to get re -elected in dec 2006 first, THEN it gets revealed what they did!! How dishonest is that?? That you miss??Face it those guys were out of touch with us!! They made TWICE what drivers made and probably 6 times what a part timer made!! And what did we get in return?? Weak concessionary contracts . ANd look at how close some of them were with management. Your hero buhlert was besties with DM kirk!! That is what happens when one is in office too long. I cant see that happening to this board. They have a very confrontational relationship with management...as it should be. They are civil but tough.
Back to your heroes howie and bill and how "it was always about the member"!! Well, when a certain member needed their help by the name of Ron Carey, they ran and hid!! The man who made Local 804 a powerhouse and looked up to by every local around the country, was lead away and his UNION LEADERSHIP WATCHED FROM UNDER THEIR BEDS!! They turned their backs on the rank and file who would have loved to see the E/b stand next to ron and speak to the media for ron and show solidarity. But they CHOSE not to because they ONLY cared about their own futures...their own salaries...their own cushy lifestyles they got used to!! They didnt want to rock the boat in the HOFFA YEARS!! Sort of like the vichy french during WW2!! They refused to stand up for OUR LEADER who they knew was not guilty!! BUT THEY DIDNT CARE ABOUT RON OR ABOUT THE RANK AND FILE......THEY ONLY CARED ABOUT THEMSELVES!! Shame ....that is the redmond leagacy...and the nail in the coffin was when ron died (dec 2008), NONE OF THEM showed...NONE OF THEM cared. But the members cared. The members remembered. And 1 YEAR LATER, the members booted their asses out ...FOR GOOD!!


Well-Known Member
You really live in a fantasy land. Oh the good ol days. If you will recall, by the time they were voted out, the old board stopped caring. Remember their high salaries and matching 401ks. Remember them not coming to their buildings anymore. The arrogance of assuming they would be able to retire in their positions as they no one could challenge them. The turning their backs on ron carey when he went to trial AND ALL HE STOOD FOR. The selling out of the rank and file in order to cozy up to hoffa (which got us NOTHING!!). Remember in '98 the E/b "stayed neutral" but the membership backed leedham. In 2002, the redmond/buhlert board backed hoffa BUT THE MEMBERSHIP BACKED LEEDHAM. Again in 2007, the redmond/buhlert board backed hoffa but the membership backed leedham. ANd once again in 2012, the membership voted for the reformer sandy pope over redmond/buhlert's guy hoffa.
Yeah lets reminisce a little bit. Remember how howie couldnt stop the pension cut back in 2006?? Remember how they then diverted monies from H/W to the pension?? All behind our backs. They had to get re -elected in dec 2006 first, THEN it gets revealed what they did!! How dishonest is that?? That you miss??Face it those guys were out of touch with us!! They made TWICE what drivers made and probably 6 times what a part timer made!! And what did we get in return?? Weak concessionary contracts . ANd look at how close some of them were with management. Your hero buhlert was besties with DM kirk!! That is what happens when one is in office too long. I cant see that happening to this board. They have a very confrontational relationship with management...as it should be. They are civil but tough.
Back to your heroes howie and bill and how "it was always about the member"!! Well, when a certain member needed their help by the name of Ron Carey, they ran and hid!! The man who made Local 804 a powerhouse and looked up to by every local around the country, was lead away and his UNION LEADERSHIP WATCHED FROM UNDER THEIR BEDS!! They turned their backs on the rank and file who would have loved to see the E/b stand next to ron and speak to the media for ron and show solidarity. But they CHOSE not to because they ONLY cared about their own futures...their own salaries...their own cushy lifestyles they got used to!! They didnt want to rock the boat in the HOFFA YEARS!! Sort of like the vichy french during WW2!! They refused to stand up for OUR LEADER who they knew was not guilty!! BUT THEY DIDNT CARE ABOUT RON OR ABOUT THE RANK AND FILE......THEY ONLY CARED ABOUT THEMSELVES!! Shame ....that is the redmond leagacy...and the nail in the coffin was when ron died (dec 2008), NONE OF THEM showed...NONE OF THEM cared. But the members cared. The members remembered. And 1 YEAR LATER, the members booted their asses out ...FOR GOOD!!
I will not even bother to read your B/S. members know how bad it is under this E/B. we went from 7200 members to 6000. Most of them fired. The worse supplement and IBT contract which Tim S and Jim R voted for, you could stand on your head and scream at the top of your lungs how great your E/B is and no one will even hear you.


Well-Known Member
Because YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH so you keep your head in the sand. Ignorance is truly bliss!! There are 6800 members in our local. 1200 members did not lose their jobs in the past 3 1/2 years. Stop the *********


Well-Known Member
Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.

My question was never answered!!
What have you personally done for RC. Nothing! Man is dead! Only thing you attempted to do is run on his name. RC son apologized about endorsing you. Said he made a grave mistake.


Well-Known Member
Buddy, buddy! Explain the great relationship that your BA have in 43st that managers use racial comments in front of members in there presents and nothing be done! This goes on in the office during discipline!!! This has gone on for past 3 years!