Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Howie Redmond knew by law there was to be absolutely no form of relationship with Ron Carey without risking Carey going to jail and possibly bankrupting his family. You fail to forget who Ron Carey appointed to lead local 804! Let you tell it? It should have been one of the present board members who worked for Ron previously!! It wasn't! It was Howie Redmond! Not Tim, Jim or Pete! Howie continued on the path as Ron with great benefits for the members and pension increases. Ups has wanted control over our pension since the beginning and where never able to get control of the fund. Ron never cared about funding levels because of one main reason! The unfunded liability always went against ups!! The company lobbied for reform after 97 strike. Ups was the frontrunner company to lead the way to lobby passage of the pension protection act. The pension protection act switched the responsibility to the plan participants! Us?? Which lead to reductions! Namely! The accrual rate which was restored! We all remember too! That president of 447 voted against our union proposals last time due to fear! But Howie got accrual rate restored even though we went through a recession and stock market crash! His investment met and beat expectations and had us going in the right direction. The current board has yet to yield a expectations on returns while company is putting more money in our fund to avoid paying fees for being under funded in fact this Eboard has mortgage our pension fund under the ERISA act. til god knows when! Kicked the can down the road for someone else to fix.

WOW what a bunch of BS , what a joke. The old board stayed away from Carey not to upset Hoffa, Howie wanted to be president of joint council 16 thats why he kissed Hoffa's @ss nothing more. Billy told me the reason they didn't go to Ronnie's funeral is because they knew Tim would us it agaisn't them come election time. Howards great benefits was to pay out of network claims thats why it when from 33 million down to 7 million. NO the pension protection act did not switch the responsibility to us that is a LIE. Another LIE the president of 447 voted agaisn't it because there wasn't enough money it was under funded Howard just wanted someone to blame. NO Howard fixed the accrual rate by getting UPS to give an extra $1.75 but it was a time bomb and he knew it, the $1.75 was only for the life of the contract why do you think he wanted to get rid of 25 and out, Howard tried twice to get rid of it. Our medical was in arbitration and he never told anyone was waiting till he get re-elected , Even his own lawyer told him the medical would go broke thats why he wanted to get rid of 25 and out. Howard investment did not meet expectations his own people said they lost 180 million do to bad investments. STOP with the BS

For you to talk like Howard was a good president is a total joke. He ran our finances into the ground only cared about getting re-elected.

The board and your conservative views are killing the union movement! You tend to believe that Howie spent too much money! Its the members money! Not the funds money! sometime you cant be at the right hospital for emergencies! But complain tomorrow about how many billion company has made?

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Wow!! havent been here awhile same B/S arguements going nowhere fast.Keep up the good work fellas,maybe they will give us our turkeys back,or ohhh!! i almost forgot maybe you guys want to fight to get the birthday cards back.Keep throwing the board under the bus that you are driving.Keep running a VOTE NO campaign,we are going to wind up keeping what we have nothing more nothing less.Vote out a pension increase!! you should all have your heads examined.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
The board and your conservative views are killing the union movement! You tend to believe that Howie spent too much money! Its the members money! Not the funds money! sometime you cant be at the right hospital for emergencies! But complain tomorrow about how many billion company has made?
Union movement ?? What exactly do you define as a union movement,because the B/S that is going on here is more like a bowel movement!!!!


Well-Known Member
Howie Redmond knew by law there was to be absolutely no form of relationship with Ron Carey without risking Carey going to jail and possibly bankrupting his family. You fail to forget who Ron Carey appointed to lead local 804! Let you tell it? It should have been one of the present board members who worked for Ron previously!! It wasn't! It was Howie Redmond! Not Tim, Jim or Pete! Howie continued on the path as Ron with great benefits for the members and pension increases. Ups has wanted control over our pension since the beginning and where never able to get control of the fund. Ron never cared about funding levels because of one main reason! The unfunded liability always went against ups!! The company lobbied for reform after 97 strike. Ups was the frontrunner company to lead the way to lobby passage of the pension protection act. The pension protection act switched the responsibility to the plan participants! Us?? Which lead to reductions! Namely! The accrual rate which was restored! We all remember too! That president of 447 voted against our union proposals last time due to fear! But Howie got accrual rate restored even though we went through a recession and stock market crash! His investment met and beat expectations and had us going in the right direction. The current board has yet to yield a expectations on returns while company is putting more money in our fund to avoid paying fees for being under funded in fact this Eboard has mortgage our pension fund under the ERISA act. til god knows when! Kicked the can down the road for someone else to fix.

WOW what a bunch of BS , what a joke. The old board stayed away from Carey not to upset Hoffa, Howie wanted to be president of joint council 16 thats why he kissed Hoffa's @ss nothing more. Billy told me the reason they didn't go to Ronnie's funeral is because they knew Tim would us it agaisn't them come election time. Howards great benefits was to pay out of network claims thats why it when from 33 million down to 7 million. NO the pension protection act did not switch the responsibility to us that is a LIE. Another LIE the president of 447 voted agaisn't it because there wasn't enough money it was under funded Howard just wanted someone to blame. NO Howard fixed the accrual rate by getting UPS to give an extra $1.75 but it was a time bomb and he knew it, the $1.75 was only for the life of the contract why do you think he wanted to get rid of 25 and out, Howard tried twice to get rid of it. Our medical was in arbitration and he never told anyone was waiting till he get re-elected , Even his own lawyer told him the medical would go broke thats why he wanted to get rid of 25 and out. Howard investment did not meet expectations his own people said they lost 180 million do to bad investments. STOP with the BS

For you to talk like Howard was a good president is a total joke. He ran our finances into the ground only cared about getting re-elected.

Come on ACes do you really believe the stuff you write.


Well-Known Member
The board and your conservative views are killing the union movement! You tend to believe that Howie spent too much money! Its the members money! Not the funds money! sometime you cant be at the right hospital for emergencies! But complain tomorrow about how many billion company has made?
Union movement ?? What exactly do you define as a union movement,because the B/S that is going on here is

Why don't you define it! I'm sure this will be a good opening for you.


Well-Known Member
"Come on ACes do you really believe the stuff you write."

Not aces, Anthony C.
Anyway talking about him there are reports from Forster ave. that he shows up once a week! And his partner mark homes is MIA!
Better representations Tim S. really?


Well-Known Member
Mark H has to be the master at hide and seek, because his own bosses don't even know where the friend++k he is.
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Well-Known Member
Again just because Hoffa's PR people put out a flyer "stating" that all in that room "voted to approve the TA" does not make it a fact. There is such a thing as sitting on one's hands...abstention.
I guess Tim S and Jim R are starting a lawsuit, against the IBT, defamation suit. Listen here, and listen good, UPS owns this union, lock, stock and barrel. UPS tells the union to jump and they say how high! This entire E/B is scared of the company, they were company people to start with, always got great favors from them as drivers, porters , part timers and car washers. Tim S got to go home almost every day, Pete got his favors by giving out cigars, Neal got his by pulling bad equipment Steve A got his by ratting out drivers. David O got his by sitting on management laps. We have no union!


Well-Known Member
Hey AC I heard the ojs blitz is about to happen to us. Please don't let what happened to Nassau's Oceanside center happen to us. Don't be the grim reaper. Pete M already holds that title

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Union movement ?? What exactly do you define as a union movement,because the B/S that is going on here is

Why don't you define it! I'm sure this will be a good opening for you.
You said union movement.What union movement there has not been a union here since Carey.Hoffa is a sellout,Hall is a sellout so our supplement is on its way to the garbage pail once again.None of the members stick together,stewards are working on there own agenda instead of whats good for the members.That is just the short list,just trying to figure out what union movement you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
The only movement coming out of this local e board is when big Tim uses the bathroom

E board spotted at the ground round today. I hope Tim didn't opt for the "pay what you weigh"....

If so were all paying for that one


Well-Known Member
Union movement ?? What exactly do you define as a union movement,because the B/S that is going on here is

Why don't you define it! I'm sure this will be a good opening for you.
You said union movement.What union movement there has not been a union here since Carey.Hoffa is a sellout,Hall is a sellout so our supplement is on its way to the garbage pail once again.None of the members stick together,stewards are working on there own agenda instead of whats good for the members.That is just the short list,just trying to figure out what union movement you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Our local has gone with the conservative republicans of the country and that the big companies need to stay rich! There isn't a need to make us pay a dime more for copays or bills! The company gives each employee hundreds of dollars each month to be used on member and families. As for shop stewards doing what they want? Run to the spot! You have been here for sometime! Maybe do some justice where your at! Shop steward meetings the week before a GM meeting won't do! Shop steward job is 24 hours! And experience and training is everything.

The contract isn't being enforced properly now! How can stewards do there job!!

What do you suppose can be done with the steward you speak off?

804 member

Well-Known Member
Hey Aces or any of you E/B members:

How come there still isn't a date to sit down with the company and rework the TA? What are you waiting for? Do your job and give us another "Best local Supplement EVER!"


Well-Known Member
Sorry don't like the nickname aces maybe if I every get a hole in one.

Guys go to local 89 website and read what's going on there looks like a war starting between them and the ibt.


Well-Known Member
Definitely gotta support our brothers and sisters in 89..... But 804 is gonna get the back burner till all else is settled. Ups has 804 where they want them. Up against the ropes and getting speed bagged. So lets show support but handle our own business.

Does anyone know why a date has yet to be set for ups and 804 to start talks again?


Well-Known Member
Union Facts: Teamsters 804 Profile, Membership, Leaders, Political Operations, etc.

Click on members and you will see how many members we lost under Tim S. and Co.
Click on assets and take a look, over $350,000 gone!

Nice, you are using a union-bashing site to attempt to make your misinformed point?? That site is financed by union busting companies and regularly advertises on fox "news". Try again genius!!

Well ken R an elected official who stepped down for Liam R works for Fox News right!! Must be tough in that house for dinner. Lols