Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Why are we paying so much for a web guy! Why isn't the car allowance and gas money on lm2. All present board members make just as much if not more than those men that had experience on past board! Our board currently are freshmen and have not learned from there mistakes! Btw??? What does Tim or Jim do?? Membership only sees them at a meeting! RC and HW came to buildings! What's those guys problems!


Well-Known Member
Ron Carey was the president of local 804 and IBT. He was a man that stood for the members to be the most important thing! Howie did a much better job at this than TS today! Fact is? New members don't know who the man is! We you speak of Ronnie your only speaking to members with 20+ years. So stop tarnishing a man legacy that you will never be like! Remember! You haven't spoken to Hoffman and got anyone there job back! Only bye arbitration. Ron and Howie had a ability to talk to company and prove there points! To get and keep members on job til there arbitration was finalized.


Well-Known Member
I purposely brought Mr. Howard Redmond name up to show the spin that our current executive board continues to use! There allegations that the man did! Or would have hurt us are just that! allegations! I do see something that will be very similar in both there presidency! Ups will make a move on the pension during this contract! Knowing that we are still in critical status of 66% tells us our accrual rate and 25 and out are still in jeopardy!! TS and company are refusing to inform membership of this! Howie fixed his problem with the accrual rate to restore pension. The man also knew we worked to hard to have substandard healthcare!! See if you can fix your dilemma.
( all post that U can't answer)


Well-Known Member
Tim hasn't been perfect bye far! Let's count some major mistakes!
1. Walkout strike in Melville! Which we are getting sued for or we lost ground on strikes thru arbitration
2. Shop stewards knocked off job and 50+ drivers suspended for. 3 days.
3. The poor guidance and education that new stewards have received ! This is causing casualties like we have never seen before! The Oceanside center. They have drivers in that center that are not working that have been cleared of Any wrong doings and have been of clock for over a year.
4. TS refuses to show his face in building or make BA do there job!
5. TS hasn't shown any respect to its members, and shows that there is a division in 804! Clearly, things where not perfect with Howie! But at least if there was a problem with a driver, Howie fixed it! I still wish Howie was here ! We miss getting our medical bills paid! I think you forget who works for that contribution.
6. You need to get more money for our healthcare. We don't want to hear about .15 cent if we fall under a a level.
7.substandard returns that our fund is receiving is unacceptable! But you keep lowering interest expectations.
8. Get our members back on the clock and you won't need helpers. Also we deserve a real lawyer with experience to beat the company in arbitration.

My question was never answered!!
What have you personally done for RC. Nothing! Man is dead! Only thing you attempted to do is run on his name. RC son apologized about endorsing you. Said he made a grave mistake.
What have "I" done for him?? Its what he did for US, genius!! I had the decency to make it after work to his wake. I had the decency to attend his funeral. Ron's son is the only Carey family member who thinks endorsing tim and his crew is a mistake. He is also the only one who assumed he was "owed" anything by Tim for his original endorsement. He is the black sheep of the family. As for what this board did FOR Ron: they named the union hall after ron....put up HIS picture in that same hall that was not allowed up during the dark years under redmond/buhlert/donato.....and pushed city council to name a street after Ron (which they did in 2010!!). But maybe more importantly, Tim and co ran and took back this local for the rank and file. Things are not perfect by far but they serve ron's legacy well. The entire carey family (minus one needy person) appreciates what the new E/B has done and attempted to do for Ron's legacy!!


Well-Known Member
Im a truck driver proud and true! My mom and dad are proud of it too! Genius I'm not! Which may be true! Have true common sense to know your do do! Like I said you did nothing! You knew that you couldn't do anything til the man was dead! You knew RC couldn't have any ties to us without going to prison!!! Cut the lies! Tell me what are you gonna do with the race remarks that you haven't touched! And allow management to make to drivers!!!


Well-Known Member
Because YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH so you keep your head in the sand. Ignorance is truly bliss!! There are 6800 members in our local. 1200 members did not lose their jobs in the past 3 1/2 years. Stop the *********
Their you go again pushing lies, we all can read and the report shows 1200 less members since this board took over, your boy Tim S also confirmed it in a TDU paper. I suggest you go to the hospital, make sure they will cover you because we have lots of members on collection, which by the way we never had with Howie, and have your stomach pumped, I believe you have a lot of row B kool-aid in their.


Well-Known Member
Yup! That's all what tim s. and co. do lie! Now they are going around the buildings telling part timers that teamcare as bad for them meanwhile they were telling the members to vote for it! What a bunch of clowns.


Well-Known Member
Yup! That's all what tim s. and co. do lie! Now they are going around the buildings telling part timers that teamcare as bad for them meanwhile they were telling the members to vote for it! What a bunch of clowns.
Nope, THAT is a lie. Presently, there is nothing for them to even vote on. Our local has to go back to the table and continue the negotiations in order to ok something that will pass. The part time issue of "teamcare" was negotiated at the national level, not our local. But then again with you guys FACTS DONT MATTER!!


Well-Known Member
Nope, THAT is a lie. Presently, there is nothing for them to even vote on. Our local has to go back to the table and continue the negotiations in order to ok something that will pass. The part time issue of "teamcare" was negotiated at the national level, not our local. But then again with you guys FACTS DONT MATTER!!
How about the fact that Tim S voted for it!


Well-Known Member
Nope, THAT is a lie. Presently, there is nothing for them to even vote on. Our local has to go back to the table and continue the negotiations in order to ok something that will pass. The part time issue of "teamcare" was negotiated at the national level, not our local. But then again with you guys FACTS DONT MATTER!!
How about the fact that Tim S and Jim R voted for it!


Well-Known Member
Howie Redmond knew by law there was to be absolutely no form of relationship with Ron Carey without risking Carey going to jail and possibly bankrupting his family. You fail to forget who Ron Carey appointed to lead local 804! Let you tell it? It should have been one of the present board members who worked for Ron previously!! It wasn't! It was Howie Redmond! Not Tim, Jim or Pete! Howie continued on the path as Ron with great benefits for the members and pension increases. Ups has wanted control over our pension since the beginning and where never able to get control of the fund. Ron never cared about funding levels because of one main reason! The unfunded liability always went against ups!! The company lobbied for reform after 97 strike. Ups was the frontrunner company to lead the way to lobby passage of the pension protection act. The pension protection act switched the responsibility to the plan participants! Us?? Which lead to reductions! Namely! The accrual rate which was restored! We all remember too! That president of 447 voted against our union proposals last time due to fear! But Howie got accrual rate restored even though we went through a recession and stock market crash! His investment met and beat expectations and had us going in the right direction. The current board has yet to yield a expectations on returns while company is putting more money in our fund to avoid paying fees for being under funded in fact this Eboard has mortgage our pension fund under the ERISA act. til god knows when! Kicked the can down the road for someone else to fix.
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Well-Known Member
Howie Redmond knew by law there was to be absolutely no form of relationship with Ron Carey without risking Carey going to jail and possibly bankrupting his family. You fail to forget who Ron Carey appointed to lead local 804! Let you tell it? It should have been one of the present board members who worked for Ron previously!! It wasn't! It was Howie Redmond! Not Tim, Jim or Pete! Howie continued on the path as Ron with great benefits for the members and pension increases. Ups has wanted control over our pension since the beginning and where never able to get control of the fund. Ron never cared about funding levels because of one main reason! The unfunded liability always went against ups!! The company lobbied for reform after 97 strike. Ups was the frontrunner company to lead the way to lobby passage of the pension protection act. The pension protection act switched the responsibility to the plan participants! Us?? Which lead to reductions! Namely! The accrual rate which was restored! We all remember too! That president of 447 voted against our union proposals last time due to fear! But Howie got accrual rate restored even though we went through a recession and stock market crash! His investment met and beat expectations and had us going in the right direction. The current board has yet to yield a expectations on returns while company is putting more money in our fund to avoid paying fees for being under funded in fact this Eboard has mortgage our pension fund under the ERISA act. til god knows when! Kicked the can down the road for someone else to fix.

WOW what a bunch of BS , what a joke. The old board stayed away from Carey not to upset Hoffa, Howie wanted to be president of joint council 16 thats why he kissed Hoffa's @ss nothing more. Billy told me the reason they didn't go to Ronnie's funeral is because they knew Tim would us it agaisn't them come election time. Howards great benefits was to pay out of network claims thats why it when from 33 million down to 7 million. NO the pension protection act did not switch the responsibility to us that is a LIE. Another LIE the president of 447 voted agaisn't it because there wasn't enough money it was under funded Howard just wanted someone to blame. NO Howard fixed the accrual rate by getting UPS to give an extra $1.75 but it was a time bomb and he knew it, the $1.75 was only for the life of the contract why do you think he wanted to get rid of 25 and out, Howard tried twice to get rid of it. Our medical was in arbitration and he never told anyone was waiting till he get re-elected , Even his own lawyer told him the medical would go broke thats why he wanted to get rid of 25 and out. Howard investment did not meet expectations his own people said they lost 180 million do to bad investments. STOP with the BS

For you to talk like Howard was a good president is a total joke. He ran our finances into the ground only cared about getting re-elected.


Well-Known Member
I purposely brought Mr. Howard Redmond name up to show the spin that our current executive board continues to use! There allegations that the man did! Or would have hurt us are just that! allegations! I do see something that will be very similar in both there presidency! Ups will make a move on the pension during this contract! Knowing that we are still in critical status of 66% tells us our accrual rate and 25 and out are still in jeopardy!! TS and company are refusing to inform membership of this! Howie fixed his problem with the accrual rate to restore pension. The man also knew we worked to hard to have substandard healthcare!! See if you can fix your dilemma.
( all post that U can't answer)

Keep blowing smoke you little midgit, there is no problem with the pension. There is no way UPS can make a move so clean your crystal ball and try again , Howard put a bandaid on the accrual rate because UPS wanted the contract done by Dec 31 he got UPS to put and extra $1.75 to fix the rate but that dollar $1.75 was to end when the contract was up. Thats why he wanted to get rid of 25 and out , thats how he was going to fix it. We had UPS by the balls and should have got $2.10 so that our pension could have gone up $400 but he didn't have the balls to fight UPS. Plus he still lost coffee for new hirers, what a joke.


Well-Known Member
Again I never voted for Tim or anyone on the current board. Yes I feel that Tim and his crew need to do a lot better job but being in the hall only 3 years you can't expect them to have a relationship like the old board did. It took Ronnie a long time UPS hated his guts and didn't respect him for years plus Ronnie had the right to pull buildings when he wanted to, Tim doesn't its a different time.

I agree that having the VCD in your supplement was a big mistake but if they get them out of the supplement and it goes out for a vote it will pass.

I was very close to the old board and for anyone to tell me that Howard did a good job is crazy. Yes was he able to save people by going to the company of course , why because ups knew that Howard would push for weak contracts and not fight ups for better supplements so of course they gave him a lot of bones.


Well-Known Member
804 is no longer in the Critical Status we ae now in the Endangered Status

Critical Status

A plan is in critical status if it meets one of the following criteria:
The plan is less than 65% funded and (1) will have a projected funding deficiency within five years,
or (2) it is projected to be unable to pay benefits within seven years; or

The plan’s normal cost for the current plan year, plus interest for the current plan year on unfunded

benefit liabilities exceeds the present value of the reasonably anticipated employer contributions for
he current plan year, plus the present value of nonforfeitable benefits of active participants and the
plan (1) has an accumulated funding deficiency for the current plan year, or (2) is projected to have
an accumulated funding deficiency for any of the next four succeeding plan years; or

The sum of the market value of plan assets plus the present value of the reasonably anticipated

employer contributions for the current plan year and each of the four succeeding plan years is less
than the present value of all benefits projected to be payable under the plan during the current plan
year and each of the four succeeding plan years.

A plan in critical status must implement a rehabilitation plan, which allows the plan to emerge from critical
status within a 10-year period. The rehabilitation plan must be adopted no later than 240 days after the due
date of the enrolled actuary’s certification that it is in critical status. The rehabilitation plan may include
reductions in plan expenditures, reduction in future benefit accruals, and increases in contributions.

Plans in critical status are subject to certain restrictions on:
Paying lump sum benefits; or
Adopting amendments that reduce contributions or increase benefits or future benefit accruals.

To encourage employers to negotiate with bargaining units to adopt a schedule of benefits and contributions
consistent with the rehabilitation plan, employers with collective bargaining agreements that are inconsistent
with the rehabilitation plan must pay a surcharge that is equal to:
5% of the required contribution for the first year that a plan is in critical status; and

10% of the required contribution for each subsequent year that the plan is in critical status.

A contributing employer that does not make the contributions required by the rehabilitation plan is subject toan excise tax equal to 100% of those contributions.

Under PPA, the funding rules for plans in endangered or critical status will sunset after December 31, 2014.

However, funding improvement plans and rehabilitation plans in effect on that date will remain in effect.

Endangered Status
A multiemployer plan is in “endangered status” if the plan is not in critical status and the:

Plan’s funded percentage is less than 80%; or

Plan has an accumulated funding deficiency for the current plan year or a projected accumulated

funding deficiency for any of the next six plan years.

A plan is in “seriously endangered status” if both of the above situations exist.

An endangered plan must adopt a funding improvement plan (FIP) within 240 days after the due date of the
enrolled actuary’s certification that it is endangered. The FIP must:
Reduce the plan’s unfunded percentage by at least 33% before the end of a 10-year funding
improvement period; and
Eliminate any accumulated funding deficiency for any plan year during the FIP.

Seriously endangered plans must satisfy more stringent requirements.

Sponsors of affected plans must update the FIP every year and file the update with the plan’s Form 5500.

While in endangered status, plan sponsors cannot accept any collective bargaining agreements that:
Lower contributions for any participants;

Suspend contributions for any period of service; or

Exclude younger or newly hired employees from plan participation;

In addition, the sponsor cannot amend the plan to increase plan liabilities by increasing benefits, changing
accruals or changing the vesting rate unless the amendment is necessary to maintain the plan’s qualified
status or is required by law, and is consistent with the terms of the funding improvement plan.

A contributing employer that does not make the contributions required by the FIP, is subject to an excise tax
equal to 100% of those contributions.
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Well-Known Member
Howie Redmond knew by law there was to be absolutely no form of relationship with Ron Carey without risking Carey going to jail and possibly bankrupting his family. You fail to forget who Ron Carey appointed to lead local 804! QUOTE]
It is true that no one from Local 804 was allowed to have any form of relationship with Ron AFTER the trial but where was the executive board DURING the trial. None of the them showed up to even show moral support. Members like Tim and Jim and a former part timer showed up every day. Truth is by that time Redmond and co had already been coopted by Hoffa . So instead of supporting a leader and friend, THEY TURNED THEIR BACKS ON RON. But some members with integrity took time to be there for ron to see their faces and think he wasn't alone!!


Well-Known Member
. Another LIE the president of 447 voted agaisn't it because there wasn't enough money it was under funded Howard just wanted someone to blame. NO Howard fixed the accrual rate by getting UPS to give an extra $1.75 but it was a time bomb and he knew it, the $1.75 was only for the life of the contract why do you think he wanted to get rid of 25 and out, Howard tried twice to get rid of it.
You are correct. Redmond's revisionist history says that the stock market crash hurt our funds therefore the cut in accrual. Fact is the stock market didn't crash until 2008. If you remember the accrual cut took place in 2006-2007. Oops!!


Well-Known Member
Midget? Your mother didn't think so! Plan is already in place! Ups is just waiting to vote on your fake raise! Give it to the 30 year guy an up for a month or 2! Tell you the fund can't maintain and pull 25 and out.


Well-Known Member
I purposely brought Mr. Howard Redmond name up to show the spin that our current executive board continues to use! There allegations that the man did! Or would have hurt us are just that! allegations! I do see something that will be very similar in both there presidency! Ups will make a move on the pension during this contract! Knowing that we are still in critical status of 66% tells us our accrual rate and 25 and out are still in jeopardy!! TS and company are refusing to inform membership of this! Howie fixed his problem with the accrual rate to restore pension. The man also knew we worked to hard to have substandard healthcare!! See if you can fix your dilemma.
( all post that U can't answer)

Keep blowing smoke you little midgit, there is no problem with the pension. There is no way UPS can make a move so clean your crystal ball and try again , Howard put a bandaid on the accrual rate because UPS wanted the contract done by Dec 31 he got UPS to put and extra $1.75 to fix the rate but that dollar $1.75 was to end when the contract was up. Thats why he wanted to get rid of 25 and out , thats how he was going to fix it. We had UPS by the balls and should have got $2.10 so that our pension could have gone up $400 but he didn't have the balls to fight UPS. Plus he still lost coffee for new hirers, what a joke.

Midget? Your mother didn't think so! Plan is already in place! Ups is just waiting to vote on your fake raise! Give it to the 30 year guy an up for a month or 2! Tell you the fund can't maintain and pull 25 and out.