Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Really? What facts to you have to support your theory!
The #1 reason, taking a salary you didn't earn. Selling out the membership. Paying out members money to TDU for campaign help. Hiring a TDU lawyer as a pay back. Not paying members medical bills while all the time making sure the E/B bills are paid. Stealing money from union account, $400,000.00 missing someone is siphoning money. I here Obrien just bought another boat.


Well-Known Member
There is one thing i will agree with you on the guy is dead weight.Should have been tossed out on his ass a long time ago.Completely useless to the members and getting paid off of our dime.

Its called feather bedding. The eboard can get into serious trouble for turning a blind eye to this. Someone should bring him up on charges. The IBT and IRB would have no choice to deal with the problem if they were made aware of the problem.


Well-Known Member
"the old board paid our bills"...as written by agitator 2

As far as the medical goes if the members used the doctors that are in the plan and the labs that are with the plan instead of just going anywhere they find without finding out if they are covered or not shame on them the local has nothing to do with it.Obviously your comments about medical and others understanding how the medical works is clueless.Maybe we should all just go to the emergency room for broken toenails and flip through the yellow pages and find any doctor maybe the one who charges the most in the country to treat a cold,Uncle Parcel Service is gonna pay dont worry.WRONG doesnt work that way.The fund gets depleted!!! That is why we are where we are now with your co pays.
Exactly teamster804. We the members need to be responsible for our actions and even our ignorance. The job of the trustees on the h/w funds is to PROTECT THE FUNDS to make sure there is enough money to pay the bills through the length of the contract. And it is the job of everyone of us COVERED by the funds to know WHICH hospital is good and which is not. Which doctor is in our network and which ones arent. We are all adults. We cannot just say: "oops i didnt know". Emergencies are another matter, but cluelessly going out of the network without picking up a phone and calling the h/w number is stupid. These people who are too lazy to do this jeopardize our funds. For too long it did go on and look what happened. We were months away from our funds being IN THE RED (that is negative funds)!! That would have meant disaster for all of us!! I know some of you old guard followers like to say the old guys paid the bills. But what you are totally blind to is THAT WAS NEGLIGENCE!! (Redmond and that crew all LIED to us about the condition of the funds!!) It takes leadership skills to tell the members the truth and tell them STOP GOING OUT OF NETWORK DUMMIES YOU ARE BANKRUPTING THE FUNDS!! That type of leadership along with some difficult decisions SAVED OUR FUNDS. That is what leaders do but for that they get attacked!! Go figure.


Well-Known Member
You guys are pathetic i had enough of this b/s so what are you saying the locals agenda is to screw the members.I guess just like the previous board tried to screw us.Thats great there agenda is to screw the members they might need to be sharpened up as far as handling discipline but that comes with experience.But as far as an agenda to hurt the members you are way off bro. As far as the medical goes if the members used the doctors that are in the plan and the labs that are with the plan instead of just going anywhere they find without finding out if they are covered or not shame on them the local has nothing to do with it.Obviously your comments about medical and others understanding how the medical works is clueless.Maybe we should all just go to the emergency room for broken toenails and flip through the yellow pages and find any doctor maybe the one who charges the most in the country to treat a cold,Uncle Parcel Service is gonna pay dont worry.WRONG doesnt work that way.The fund gets depleted!!! That is why we are where we are now with your co pays.

Had to pay for a emergency room visit that I was brought to by ambulance. So even when you can't consciously make the choice on where to go you still get friend%#+ed.... So like I said before genius are fund is good shape because they don't pay or should I say pick and choose what they pay

804 brown any thoughts on this


Well-Known Member
You guys are pathetic i had enough of this b/s so what are you saying the locals agenda is to screw the members.I guess just like the previous board tried to screw us.Thats great there agenda is to screw the members they might need to be sharpened up as far as handling discipline but that comes with experience.But as far as an agenda to hurt the members you are way off bro. As far as the medical goes if the members used the doctors that are in the plan and the labs that are with the plan instead of just going anywhere they find without finding out if they are covered or not shame on them the local has nothing to do with it.Obviously your comments about medical and others understanding how the medical works is clueless.Maybe we should all just go to the emergency room for broken toenails and flip through the yellow pages and find any doctor maybe the one who charges the most in the country to treat a cold,Uncle Parcel Service is gonna pay dont worry.WRONG doesnt work that way.The fund gets depleted!!! That is why we are where we are now with your co pays.

Handling discipline comes with experience. Lmao... Is that the out your gonna give these big apple circus rejects. How many years combined do they all have as stewards. What more experience do you need as far to handle discipline?

804brown how about this one


Well-Known Member
Really? What facts to you have to support your theory!
The #1 reason, taking a salary you didn't earn. Selling out the membership. Paying out members money to TDU for campaign help. Hiring a TDU lawyer as a pay back. Not paying members medical bills while all the time making sure the E/B bills are paid. Stealing money from union account, $400,000.00 missing someone is siphoning money. I here Obrien just bought another boat.

804brown this is another good one for you to answer


Well-Known Member
There is one thing i will agree with you on the guy is dead weight.Should have been tossed out on his ass a long time ago.Completely useless to the members and getting paid off of our dime.

Its called feather bedding. The eboard can get into serious trouble for turning a blind eye to this. Someone should bring him up on charges. The IBT and IRB would have no choice to deal with the problem if they were made aware of the problem.

Another goody for you 804brown


Well-Known Member
The Review part 1.

Tim's era and his mob stylistic way of conducting business!
* Liam is going out to Long Island (Melville) showing other executive board members how to threaten shop stewards.
* MH was right there and neither could figure out this was wrong.
* The steward from Melville tried to get Tim to address the situation at a general membership meeting. As always Tim tried to silence the steward but the members stood up and didn't allow Tim to disrespect the steward!
* When Chris threatened a member from 43rd they got into a physical altercation. For that action by Chris got a promotion by Tim ! Chris is now the midnight BA for Nassau. I guess Tim still doesn't know where Mark is!
* At our last general membership meeting Tim addressed a steward from the Bronx in a unprofessional and disrespectful way. With all members and kids present, he told the steward quote "shut up and sit down"
* Now we have the vice president threatening a steward from nassau telling him quote " your days are numbered" because the steward expressed his dissatisfaction with the tentative agreement. The same agreement that 62% of the members voted down.
This and many other actions by this Eboard have had a negative impact to our local to the point that a lot of good and experience stewards had to step down! It is time for Tim to start acting accordingly to the position he holds!


Well-Known Member
The Review Part 2.

804brown or Jim R. Are all you guys stupid? You keep lying! "Saying the that previous Eboard didn't negotiated enough monies for our health plan" my god! i cant believe you gang has been allow to get away with so many lies! Is like 804 membership is been in some kind of trans!
Read sloooooowly...


Section 1 – Contribution Rates and Payments

The Company shall pay into the Local 804 Welfare Trust Fund $854.18 per month effective August 1, 2008. The contribution rate per member per month effective August 1, 2009, August 1, 2010, August 1, 2011 and August 1, 2012, is to be determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Fund actuaries.

1- 2008 there was a guarantee of $854.18 a month, Aug 2009 to present it was to be determined by the trustees.

2- So up or down it could of went because it was in full control of the trustees, the fund would have never gone bankrupt. The company was 100% liable to keep the fund viable.

3- forward to July 2010 Tim and co. Cut a deal with ups to move away from magnacare to blue cross blue shields instead of simply making ups pay for their obligations.

Simply put Tim and co. Inherited the equivalent of a blank check! All they need it to do is to write down the number need it for us to keep the same coverage we had!


Well-Known Member
There was absolutely nothing wrong with our medical coverage under Howie R and Bill B, it was the best coverage a member could want. Tim S and his E/B sold you lies. Our health fund went from what? 27 million to 7 million, that's because they paid the bills, we had excellent coverage . And every year UPS had to add another 20 million to the fund, I guess Tim S and Jim R forget to tell you that little tit bit. Well now we have just about every member that has used our medical in collection, we pay a hell of a lot more out of pocket, while E/B medical bills are 100% covered. And they are proud that there is 27 million in the fund, just what UPS wanted all the time. If you don't know, we the members, money is taken out for every hour we work, that is blood sweat and tears money. That money gos into our fund, it's always been like that, so don't let anybody tell you it's free, that's right you pay for your medical, you don't write a check out, it's taken out for you, that always been part of our contract. Now you pay more out of pocket and your bills are not paid, in my book that's called, well you can fill this sentence in.


Well-Known Member
Local 804 is dead! The older members knew it when row B came to town, lying there way in. When any union company tells their workers to vote for a certain slate, you have to ask your self why?


Well-Known Member
hey Tellthetruth it was because of Redmond , I know they were good BA's , but I feel the put there life in Howies hands. Angelo and Tony are way way better BA.s then any one we have on our board now by a long shoot, the members voted Tim vs Howie nothing more. Half of the BA on the board now are very bad and I'm sure Tim knows it. Hope there going to a lot of classes but what you need to learn to be a good BA comes with time , I just dont know if the members can wait that long..and I hope Tim doesnt either.

Anthony how could you say such a thing about your fellow union hall counterparts.

Anyone see Mark Holmes


Well-Known Member
The big guy was in Foster Ave looking like Hillbilly Jim. A bunch of members asked him where Mark Holmes was and he said that he does not know and when he finds out he will let them know....This is another example of the New E-Board 24-7... They are still waiting for a reply...

I think it's time to put Mark on a milk carton. It's clearly been years since he want missing.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
3900 is not enough[/QUOTE With Hoffa in Ups's pocket giving them unlimited extension to negotiate our supplement,24 stewards from two slates who are more concerned about our local failing so they can run against them next time around,instead of doing there job as stewards for the local and the members.You can forget about 3900 at this point we will be lucky to keep what we have.We had a pension increase on the table,the members need to open there eyes and choose carefully who they get there advice from.Dont forget the the current local fails we all fail!!


Well-Known Member
Liam!! What kind of agreement are you working on? We Do Not want VCD, Election Day taken and no helpers. We want all driving jobs to come from within ups! Want state to state transfers for all teamsters. We want a pension out of critical status effective immediately! Also amnesty to all arbitrations of cardinal sins.