TOM D, are this the 400k your are taking about?
Tim S. and co. need to explain where the money went!
Local804 LM2, 2012.
View attachment 9575
Again, you throw around numbers like 1200 members fired under tim, etc. Not true. You just read the LM2s and make a broad brush assumption that since the number changed by 1200 that they have been fired. Fact is the numbers have problematic for years. UPS had a number of people on pay role and then there is the number the union has through union dues. The previous administration has the same problem. This administration brought this issue to the company's attention last year. They even sought to bring it to the national grievance panel. UPS agreed to settle and provided lists that the union had requested which were the first of their kind to be provided to our local. They are currently using these lists while conferring with the IBT in order to verify the actual membership count.Lets see, first we would still have the 1200 members that were fired under Tim S. supervisors and managers yes manager, would be paying for doing union work, last week in Melville, five supervisors were working in front of Steve A and all he did was laugh, while P/T off the clock were walking past. Lets see, medical bills were being paid, we have a record number of members on collection, you try finding a doctor on this plan, good luck they are dropping like flies.
Howie would have never agreed to make the members and retires pay high co-pay and retires pay 500 to 600 hundred dollars a month, some of those retires had to get second jobs to pay for their medical. The hardship that this board has put on our members is repulsive. I can see you only think of yourself, that's what is so disgusting about you row B supporters: you've been had! You've been took! You've been led astray, run amok, victimized, hoodwinked! You've been bamboozled ! You've been lied to! AND YOU STILL DON'T GET IT!
Have you finally come around? 804 indeed knows his stuff. Maybe if you and your boys would listen at the few meetings you attend you'd learn some facts too.I think you have proven what most of us have known for sometime. Thanks a bunch 804 brown. You sure know what your talking about to a T.
Their you go again, $400.000,00, missing I want to know where Obrien got the money for the new boat. Maybe they all should be investigated.At one of last year's union meetings, it was stated that an adjusted depreciation of the hall value had occurred. It was an accountants error for the years 2008 through 2010 (which means it started during the last administration and was found during this administration). The accountant was at that meeting and was available to take questions. The amount was about $325k. If you add about $95k for the cost of contract negotiations I think it accounts for the lower number on the LM2s.
So maybe next time before you accuse your board of "corruption" etc you will do some homework and research before yo make a fool of yourself!! Like I said before, jim don't do much but what he does do he does well.
Their you go again, $400.000,00, missing I want to know where Obrien got the money for the new boat. Maybe they all should be investigated.
At one of last year's union meetings, it was stated that an adjusted depreciation of the hall value had occurred. It was an accountants error for the years 2008 through 2010 (which means it started during the last administration and was found during this administration). The accountant was at that meeting and was available to take questions. The amount was about $325k. If you add about $95k for the cost of contract negotiations I think it accounts for the lower number on the LM2s.
So maybe next time before you accuse your board of "corruption" etc you will do some homework and research before yo make a fool of yourself!! Like I said before, jim don't do much but what he does do he does well.
Is brother george going to be out of line and out of control again?? He also needs to apologize to the member at the mic who was trying to speak too!!804brown, is Tim S. going to apologize to brother George on Sunday?
We all remember what happen in the last general membership meeting.
LOL, so now im an old fart E/B member too!! You crack me up. I dont get upset about the name howie. Speak about him all you want but you cant remake history. Howie's time was a failure. He and his crew inherited a strong union from ron carey. In that time they squandered that strength and power and unity, first by turning their backs on ron when he needed them. Second, they turned their backs on the rank and file by kissing up to hoffa. And finally, they just gave up and stopped caring. At the end they only cared about saving their well paid positions even if it meant lying or keeping us in the dark about our pensions or the state of our health fund. They failed us as leaders.So I guess he's the only person listening at union meetings? Right!! Lols.
I never said he was smart as you missed! He Just knows more than enough lies and deception to be one of the e board members still using multiple screen names on bc!! And and old fart too! Also! I love how he gets upset about the name Howie! I said it now go on a tear about someone we haven't seen in almost 5 years that you can't even stack up too!
Well put inthegame. How dare this idiot question any normal purchase that lots of other people on long island have?? This member (or former e/b member) has no morals.Maybe every member that purchased a new car in the last 4 years needs to be investigated. It's a shame you're a poor money manager and can't save for a new boat. Some others, like intelligent members of this board, know how to manage their funds and can buy some toys. Thankfully they are in office and you're not.
Real estate took a hit in 2008 Einstein, which means many locals real estate lost value. 804 Brown clearly and accurately reiterated what was reported openly to all members. Show up and listen once in a while and maybe a few facts will find their way into the cranial cavity.
You are so full of **** the LM2 would not include this years negotiations expense, so who is the fool . And another fact is Jim doesn't do anything the accountant fills out the LM2 all he does is sign it. The value of everyone's property has changed no big surprise. Maybe you should get your facts straight smart guy
Dont you listen at the union meetings??What was the arbitrators decision on healthcare 804 brown?
Ok, thats probably right about the $95k for negotiations. But dont forget, they started negotiating last september so im sure some of that is on last year's LM2s. And yes jim r does the books. Its the accountant who goes over jim's work.