Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
3900 is not enough[/QUOTE With Hoffa in Ups's pocket giving them unlimited extension to negotiate our supplement,24 stewards from two slates who are more concerned about our local failing so they can run against them next time around,instead of doing there job as stewards for the local and the members.You can forget about 3900 at this point we will be lucky to keep what we have.We had a pension increase on the table,the members need to open there eyes and choose carefully who they get there advice from.Dont forget the the current local fails we all fail!!
Get out from under Tim S desk, and smell the roses for a change, you are not getting anything in your pension. Bush and the Republican Party took care of that.


Well-Known Member
lets forget the vacation issue. Everyone had to wait heir turn in the past. The key issues are healthcare and pensions. The co. has more than enough money to resolve these two issues. Then we can vote yes. But we will keep voting no until the pension is above 4200 and healthcare funds are at a proper level


Well-Known Member
You do mean raising the accrual rate for everyone vested! Not the increase for people who are about to retire only! Everyone one accrual rate has to go up that vested.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
lets forget the vacation issue. Everyone had to wait heir turn in the past. The key issues are healthcare and pensions. The co. has more than enough money to resolve these two issues. Then we can vote yes. But we will keep voting no until the pension is above 4200 and healthcare funds are at a proper level
We havent gotten a pension increase in 15 yrs not even a 10 dollar bill,the local negotiated a 300 up to 400 dollar pension increase thats not good enough, you have to be kidding me with the above 4200. As far as medical see all those extra copays your making that brought levels up thats not an issue.As far as WE all will be voting no until we get 4200 speak for yourself,you will be voting no!!!


Well-Known Member
TOM D, are this the 400k your are taking about?
Tim S. and co. need to explain where the money went!

Local804 LM2, 2012.
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Well-Known Member
I guess this is the old guard's newest tactic. Throw as much mud and bull$#!t and see what sticks. Lets see, Enzo: the pension is set to go up to $4000 a month but that is not good enough for you?? Its been frozen since 2002 and the new board negotiates a strong increase. Im hearing $4200?? yeah but we would probably have to use some of our raises.

Bigd, Let's see, Im ken, Tim, jim, vinny, dave levine, etc...yawn!!

Agitator 2, still attacking members' wives?? Classy!!

I forget which one if you fools mentioned the "missing money" but really. If $ was missing the IBT would be at the hall and have our local in trusteeship genius. Hoffa is not a friend of this local but he knows this local is run honestly. Jim R might not do much but he keeps the books honest!! If you have a question about the funds, come to the union meeting on sunday and go to the mic and ask a question.

The meeting is upstate this time. ATTENTION ALL CONSPIRACY NUTS!! Well if you have been paying attention the past few years, this is what this board does. Every summer meeting is held in westchester. Redmond and his crew used to just CANCEL the summer meeting. This board doesnt!!

Tom DUHlay, "This union is corrupt"?? Really?? For paying david levine for doing and maintaining the local's website and doing the local's monthly newsletters?? Nothing is being hidden. Its all on the local's LM2s and legal. Redmond and crew used outside people too. You just dont like TDU and levine is TDU...get over it!!

As for Lou Nikolitis being a "TDU lawyer" LOL. What is a TDU lawyer anyway?? TDU's members are union members like truck drivers and warehouse people and office workers and railway workers, etc...NOT LAWYERS. Nikolitis is a labor lawyer and a good one looking at this record so far. And a helluva lot cheaper than the high priced lawyers redmond paid to lose arbitrations.

As for the "dead weight" comment, Holmes is no longer in nassau. From what i am hearing, there are no complaints from his new buildings. And talk about "dead weight" , how could hoffa investigate holmes's when hoffa himself has been dead weight and "completely useless to the members and getting paid on our dime" since 1998!!

I really think member 6045, tom delay, bigd, newto this truly think alike or they are THE SAME STUPID INDIVIDUAL!!


Well-Known Member
There was absolutely nothing wrong with our medical coverage under Howie R and Bill B, it was the best coverage a member could want. Tim S and his E/B sold you lies. Our health fund went from what? 27 million to 7 million, that's because they paid the bills, we had excellent coverage . .
Take off the rose colored glasses. Problems with paying bills go way back. So it was ok for for our funds to go from $33 million to 7 million?? I guess members just got sicker in those years under howie. LOL!! Actually they just got sick OF HOWIE!! Your numbers stop at $7 million BUT in actuality the funds were projected to be in the red by June 2011!! Redmond and buhlert were negligent!! The Funds lawyer explained it last year at a union meeting. Same funds lawyer as under howie. No politics here.

As for saving money, yes we are all paying higher copays and fees. Got friends in other locals paying same or more. It had to be done. But actually the funds are growing because blue cross/shield costs less. magnacare was bleeding us dry. Tim and Tom from the health fund made a smart choice to change over.
The only time we pay is if we GO OUT OF NETWORK. Emergency rooms are still a problem due to scummy doctors not wanting to belong to any doctors group. But i think the board mentioned something about getting major medical back for emergency room services!! That is good news.


Well-Known Member
The Review Part 2.

804brown or Jim R. Are all you guys stupid? You keep lying! "Saying the that previous Eboard didn't negotiated enough monies for our health plan" my god! i cant believe you gang has been allow to get away with so many lies! Is like 804 membership is been in some kind of trans!
Read sloooooowly...


Section 1 – Contribution Rates and Payments

The Company shall pay into the Local 804 Welfare Trust Fund $854.18 per month effective August 1, 2008. The contribution rate per member per month effective August 1, 2009, August 1, 2010, August 1, 2011 and August 1, 2012, is to be determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Fund actuaries.

1- 2008 there was a guarantee of $854.18 a month, Aug 2009 to present it was to be determined by the trustees.

2- So up or down it could of went because it was in full control of the trustees, the fund would have never gone bankrupt. The company was 100% liable to keep the fund viable.

3- forward to July 2010 Tim and co. Cut a deal with ups to move away from magnacare to blue cross blue shields instead of simply making ups pay for their obligations.

Simply put Tim and co. Inherited the equivalent of a blank check! All they need it to do is to write down the number need it for us to keep the same coverage we had!


Well-Known Member
But actually the funds are growing because blue cross/shield costs less. magnacare was bleeding us dry. Tim and Tom from the health fund made a smart choice to change over.
Blue Cross Blue Shields DOES NOT COST LESS!... There you go again pushing lies! The fund is growing because all of the co-payments we have been paying for the last 3 years! Remember, co-payments go straight to the UNION HALL, not to BCBS.


Well-Known Member
The Review Part 2.

804brown or Jim R. Are all you guys stupid? You keep lying! "Saying the that previous Eboard didn't negotiated enough monies for our health plan" my god! i cant believe you gang has been allow to get away with so many lies! Is like 804 membership is been in some kind of trans!
Read sloooooowly...


Section 1 – Contribution Rates and Payments

The Company shall pay into the Local 804 Welfare Trust Fund $854.18 per month effective August 1, 2008. The contribution rate per member per month effective August 1, 2009, August 1, 2010, August 1, 2011 and August 1, 2012, is to be determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Fund actuaries.

1- 2008 there was a guarantee of $854.18 a month, Aug 2009 to present it was to be determined by the trustees.

2- So up or down it could of went because it was in full control of the trustees, the fund would have never gone bankrupt. The company was 100% liable to keep the fund viable.

3- forward to July 2010 Tim and co. Cut a deal with ups to move away from magnacare to blue cross blue shields instead of simply making ups pay for their obligations.

Simply put Tim and co. Inherited the equivalent of a blank check! All they need it to do is to write down the number need it for us to keep the same coverage we had!

Hey Bigd you have know idea what your talking about, the trustees are 4 union and 4 company. The company was never 100% liable to keep the fund viable. It was in arbitration when Howard left office , why would it be in arbitration if the company was 100% liable? Since Howard sent it to arbitration, because his lawyers told him it would go bankrupt. Just more proof you have no idea what your talking about. Keep spinning it.....


Well-Known Member
Blue Cross Blue Shields DOES NOT COST LESS!... There you go again pushing lies! The fund is growing because all of the co-payments we have been paying for the last 3 years! Remember, co-payments go straight to the UNION HALL, not to BCBS.[/QUOTE]

WOW do you just make this stuff up as you go??? The co-pays do not go to the hall they go to the doctors that collect them. I'm not going to say what was better Megnacare or Blue Cross never had problems with either.
MagnaCare was charging $144 a claim while BlueCross charges $80 thats how the fund is saving money.


Well-Known Member
Health Care goes up every year while UPS puts in the same money. Under Howard for 8 years more money was going out every month then was coming in. Thats why the reserves went from 33 million to 7 million. Had nothing to do with the type of plan we were in. Howard never told the members the truth about the health care or the pension.

6.3% Health Premium Increases Projected for 2013

By Stephen Miller, CEBS

In 2012, U.S. companies and their employees saw the lowest health care premium rate increases in six years, according to an analysis by consultancy Aon Hewitt. The average health care premium rate increase for large employers in 2012 was 4.9 percent, down from 8.5 percent in 2011 and 6.2 percent in 2010. In 2013, however, average health care premium increases are projected to jump up to 6.3 percent.
Aon Hewitt's analysis showed that in 2012:
• The average health care cost per employee was $10,522, up from $10,034 in 2011.
• The employees' portion of the total health care premium was $2,204, up from $2,090 in 2011.
• Average employee out-of-pocket costs, such as co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles, were $2,200, up from $2,072 in 2011.
2013 Costs Forecast
For 2013, average health plan premium costs per employee are projected to jump to $11,188, of which average employee contributions to the health plan premium would be $2,385. In addition, average employee out-of-pocket costs (co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles) would be $2,429.

Over the last five years, employees’ share of health care costs—including employee premium contributions and out-of-pocket costs—have increased more than 50 percent from $3,199 in 2008 to $4,814 in 2013, according to the analysis.
“Employers have seen some stabilization in employment levels, less severe impact of high cost claims, a general movement towards consumer-driven plans and greater clarity around the average cost impact associated with health care reform. As a result, 2012 premiums were offset to reflect the better than expected historical experience. For 2013, we expect premium increases to gravitate back to the 6 percent range,” said Tim Nimmer, chief health care actuary at Aon Hewitt, in a media statement.
Total Plan Premium Costs
Percentage Increase
Average Cost per Employee
Average Employee Premium Contribution
Average Employee Out-of-Pocket Cost
2013 (projected)
Source: Aon Hewitt Health Value Initiative database of large U.S. employers' health care costs.


Well-Known Member
The Review Part 2.

804brown or Jim R. Are all you guys stupid? You keep lying! "Saying the that previous Eboard didn't negotiated enough monies for our health plan" my god! i cant believe you gang has been allow to get away with so many lies! Is like 804 membership is been in some kind of trans!
Read sloooooowly...


Section 1 – Contribution Rates and Payments

The Company shall pay into the Local 804 Welfare Trust Fund $854.18 per month effective August 1, 2008. The contribution rate per member per month effective August 1, 2009, August 1, 2010, August 1, 2011 and August 1, 2012, is to be determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Fund actuaries.

1- 2008 there was a guarantee of $854.18 a month, Aug 2009 to present it was to be determined by the trustees.

2- So up or down it could of went because it was in full control of the trustees, the fund would have never gone bankrupt. The company was 100% liable to keep the fund viable.

3- forward to July 2010 Tim and co. Cut a deal with ups to move away from magnacare to blue cross blue shields instead of simply making ups pay for their obligations.

Simply put Tim and co. Inherited the equivalent of a blank check! All they need it to do is to write down the number need it for us to keep the same coverage we had!

Hey Bigd you have know idea what your talking about, the trustees are 4 union and 4 company. The company was never 100% liable to keep the fund viable. It was in arbitration when Howard left office , why would it be in arbitration if the company was 100% liable? Since Howard sent it to arbitration, because his lawyers told him it would go bankrupt. Just more proof you have no idea what your talking about. Keep spinning it.....

Off routes what was the outcome of that arbitration case

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Where were these Dick tracy detectives when the last board was running our local into the ground.OHHH !! What was i thinking some of these guys were on the old board.You cant make this B/S up.Take the 300 to 400 raise in pension why stick around life is too short, it is time your pension looks good,your medical co pays are not going up anymore.The members spoke the last two elections they wanted change, and guess what keep knocking these guys as much as you want but the members are getting a change.One of you explain to me and everyone else anything positive the previous board negotiated and won in any of the previous supplements after Ron Carey god rest his soul.A matter of fact give me a list of all the positives that our old board has done for the membership VS the new board.


Well-Known Member
Where were these Dick tracy detectives when the last board was running our local into the ground.OHHH !! What was i thinking some of these guys were on the old board.You cant make this B/S up.Take the 300 to 400 raise in pension why stick around life is too short, it is time your pension looks good,your medical co pays are not going up anymore.The members spoke the last two elections they wanted change, and guess what keep knocking these guys as much as you want but the members are getting a change.One of you explain to me and everyone else anything positive the previous board negotiated and won in any of the previous supplements after Ron Carey god rest his soul.A matter of fact give me a list of all the positives that our old board has done for the membership VS the new board.
Lets see, first we would still have the 1200 members that were fired under Tim S. supervisors and managers yes manager, would be paying for doing union work, last week in Melville, five supervisors were working in front of Steve A and all he did was laugh, while P/T off the clock were walking past. Lets see, medical bills were being paid, we have a record number of members on collection, you try finding a doctor on this plan, good luck they are dropping like flies.
Howie would have never agreed to make the members and retires pay high co-pay and retires pay 500 to 600 hundred dollars a month, some of those retires had to get second jobs to pay for their medical. The hardship that this board has put on our members is repulsive. I can see you only think of yourself, that's what is so disgusting about you row B supporters: you've been had! You've been took! You've been led astray, run amok, victimized, hoodwinked! You've been bamboozled ! You've been lied to! AND YOU STILL DON'T GET IT!