2009 (last year of old board)
President | Howie R | $173,179 |
Vice Pres | Bill B | $150,268 |
Sec Tres | Anthony M | $156,734 |
Recording Secretary | Tony D | $159,244 |
2012 (last year of present board)
President | Tim S | $117,049 |
Vice Pres | Pete M | $116,372 |
Sec Tres | Jim R | $115,908 |
Recording Secretary | David friend | $115,512 |
If you're infering the current board is getting an unreported auto allowance, so was the old board. The DOL would normally require that allowance listed as a separate expense. No auto allowance was reported on the LM2 for 2009 or 2012.
L804 paid $184,420 more in salary in ONE year to just these four positions. Just think if Howie an Co were still draining the treasury. You'd still have the devalued appraisal plus a salary loss differential of $180K+ each year.
This current board is a double bargain, twice the ability and effort at a huge reduction in expenses. But you of course can't stand the fact that they are successful and your guys are out.