Gave us $400.00 dollars into pension since RC got wrongfully expelled from the IBT, before Obama care we were the first union to extend medical to age 23 for our kids going to school, gave us the best medical care in local 804 history and paid our medical bills. . Kept the co-pay as low as possible, retires medical was at $175.00 a month, something they could afford. Yes members do screw up but Howie always stood up for them. In the entire history of local 804 we have never lose as many members as this E/B lost in just four years(1200 members). I could keep going Mr.Bro but you have so much KOOL-AID flowing through your veins I doubt these facts will ever make it to your brain so that maybe you would be able to comprehend what these word actually mean. Now make me laugh and make me a list of your BROS accomplishments, wait don't start yet, okay I found a pencil and paper go ahead I am listening.