Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Yea! The precedent is? Don't be stupid as a driver! You get ridden 3 times on a ojs and each time they get more production out of you? You need to have a reason why your not maintaining! Not that it's not my responsibility! Hear arrogance was a key factor in the hearing! Funny no one else has been fired for production in this local since?
First, It is NOT funny when a member gets fired for anything!! Second, you are absolutely wrong. Members have indeed been fired for production since liam's arbitration. But since the new board has been in we have won those arbitrations (unlike the old board!!) Usually it is agreed that the member get re-ojs'ed to new and FAIR numbers!!
Agreeing to be re- ojs is not winning in arbitration! thats an aggrement made bye the steward. Nothing to with a driver being taken off the clock. Liam worked til his arbitration also!


Well-Known Member
You "hear"?? You must be hearing things then, fool!! I didnt "hear" this but i KNOW this for a fact: neil did not buy a new boat. He does have a boat, an old boat at that, that he's owned for years!! Your libelous crap has to stop.
Hey Neil O why don't you stop worrying about your new boat, and start worrying about what UPS is doing in your buildings! And let us talk about libelous crap, remember Howie stole 30 million dollars from the H/W fund you proudly where doing around telling members that there was going to be this big investigation and Howie, Billy where going to be arrested.
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Well-Known Member
These childish posts gives new meaning to the name of this thread: "804 members COMING soon..." LOL

Go moderate your other threads that you have going? I liked the one about Fox News viewers iq level! Wouldn't watch Fox News to save any member of our executive board life.


Well-Known Member
BigD is back baby!I see you all have been keep ur Eboard in check around here! Well it's time for bigd to join the party once again!
1. Tim and co. Are bragging about our annuity fund making 8% on return for fiscal year 2012! Lol did anyone check the administrator fees!!!. On many cases the administrator fees are higher than the 8% return. So now the members are loosing money on their annuity.


Well-Known Member
Hey Neil O why don't you stop worrying about your new boat, and start worrying about what UPS is doing in your buildings! And let us talk about libelous crap, remember Howie stole 30 million dollars from the H/W fund you proudly where doing around telling members that there was going to be this big investigation and Howie, Billy where going to be arrested.
No one said he stole any money. It was more incompetence on the funds. As for investigations, there should have been one over all the records and files being shredded. Every one in that hall was complicit with that conduct. How dare they destroy the files, notes, etc OF THE MEMBERS!! COnduct unbecoming of a union official!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Neil O why don't you stop worrying about your new boat, and start worrying about what UPS is doing in your buildings! And let us talk about libelous crap, remember Howie stole 30 million dollars from the H/W fund you proudly where doing around telling members that there was going to be this big investigation and Howie, Billy where going to be arrested.
No one said he stole any money. It was more incompetence on the funds. As for investigations, there should have been one over all the records and files being shredded. Every one in that hall was complicit with that conduct. How dare they destroy the files, notes, etc OF THE MEMBERS!! COnduct unbecoming of a union official!!

Conduct unbecoming?

Would Pete threatening a Nassau shop steward or Chris W throwing down with a member fit that criteria


Well-Known Member
No one said he stole any money. It was more incompetence on the funds. As for investigations, there should have been one over all the records and files being shredded. Every one in that hall was complicit with that conduct. How dare they destroy the files, notes, etc OF THE MEMBERS!! COnduct unbecoming of a union official!!
Well, now it's more incompetence, I still have the flyer that you put out saying Howie and Billy stole 30 million dollars from the H/W fund, and their pending arrest, and I still have Kenny R agitator news letter saying the same thing. And if now your changing your lie and saying its incompetence, why is Thomas L still the fund manager? He would be Howie's co-conspirator.
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Well-Known Member
What tore this once great union apart is the lies put out by Tim S on down and Kenny R lies on his agitator news letter, which was written by someone from the TDU. Had this board ran an honest campaign and won okay! I would be behind them 100%. But you didn't ! This board only knows how to lie and blame the previous board.


Well-Known Member
The board thinks members where confused angry and stupid? that's the reasons why they believe contract didn't pass??? Now they are pushing the scare tactic!!! If contract doesn't go through Hoffa will negotiate contract!!! If they attempt to push the same contract through as is!!! I go with a Hoffa contract over this in a second! Don't be fooled or scared of voting no again if its garbage! If much better we vote yes! You have to live with it for 5 years and that can be an eternity!!!!


Well-Known Member
Somebody close to these fools better tell them to get off there @sses! Dock the boat, cut the vacation short, stop writing Nrlb charges and stop maintaining blogs on bc!


Well-Known Member
Tim! Maybe you should go to a palm reader? Tell them your Ron Carey brother! So you can get some good intel! What's another 90k blown on a substandard agreement! Ask her or him to ask Ronnie how you've done so far!! And the state of the union. Duck quick! She or he? May smack you as per Ronnie.


Well-Known Member
To the cool aid drinkers:

We the non cool-aide drinkers want a real pension increase that is sustainable to all members of local 804! That will stand for everyone everyone who is vested! An accrual rate higher than the current 144.00 for all vested full time employee. So explain how would received raise? How much would ups have given us to come out of critical status and give us a pension increase? We all know an actuaries speaks what ifs? We want facts! Truth! We want to know exact funding levels! What will be our yearly contributions on jan 1, 2014. Will it be over 85% funded?or higher?
Jan ,1 2015
jan 1, 2016
Jan1, 2017
Jan 1, 2018
Are they stating there going to keep us in green zone or better? I understand that a raise can't be given in the red/yellow zone correct? without a sell your soul to the devil deal! So is ups putting yearly lump sums in to keep a higher accrual rate for every member? or is it just what it seems like? your a little boy sitting at the big men table and you don't know what your doing !!!

We will not give away our jobs for a fake pension increase.


Well-Known Member
The old slate @ 804 are the ones responsible for the missing monies and mismanagement. They took out language that helps the members and added language that hurts the members. Give the new slate a chance. They have a few things up their sleeves cooking. I see them every week at 43rd st building. I voted for them, but lately I've been having mixed feeling , so i just hope whats going on at 43rd st gets taken care of soon, because they are starting to look weak to the members here. I still support them, but bosses like falco are disrespecting them and testing them. They will have to start doing something soon. I still have faith that they will do what has to be done....

Do you still have that faith! 3 years later??

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
The board thinks members where confused angry and stupid? that's the reasons why they believe contract didn't pass??? Now they are pushing the scare tactic!!! If contract doesn't go through Hoffa will negotiate contract!!! If they attempt to push the same contract through as is!!! I go with a Hoffa contract over this in a second! Don't be fooled or scared of voting no again if its garbage! If much better we vote yes! You have to live with it for 5 years and that can be an eternity!!!!
Got news for you the board is correct,members were confused by guys like you who have an agenda that has nothing to do with helping the members.Twenty four stewards or how many it took to make up there slate confusing the membership sending out vote no texts bad mouthing everything the board does,knocking everything in OUR supplement.For one reason and one reason only for our board to fail so they can run again PERIOD.I have news for you alot of members i speak to are beginning to wake up and realize these stewards agenda and also realize if the board fails we all fail,and wind up with nothing.So don't run out to the Mens Wearhouse so quickly, you just might have to return those suits again.This you quote "I GO WITH A HOFFA CONTRACT OVER THIS IN A SECOND" Sounds like a great plan maybe you should try to sell that to the kool Aid drinkers better yet see how that flies with the non kool Aid drinkers!!!!