Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The board thinks members where confused angry and stupid? that's the reasons why they believe contract didn't pass??? Now they are pushing the scare tactic!!! If contract doesn't go through Hoffa will negotiate contract!!! If they attempt to push the same contract through as is!!! I go with a Hoffa contract over this in a second! Don't be fooled or scared of voting no again if its garbage! If much better we vote yes! You have to live with it for 5 years and that can be an eternity!!!!
Got news for you the board is correct,members were confused by guys like you who have an agenda that has nothing to do with helping the members.Twenty four stewards or how many it took to make up there slate confusing the membership sending out vote no texts bad mouthing everything the board does,knocking everything in OUR supplement.For one reason and one reason only for our board to fail so they can run again PERIOD.I have news for you alot of members i speak to are beginning to wake up and realize these stewards agenda and also realize if the board fails we all fail,and wind up with nothing.So don't run out to the Mens Wearhouse so quickly, you just might have to return those suits again.This you quote "I GO WITH A HOFFA CONTRACT OVER THIS IN A SECOND" Sounds like a great plan maybe you should try to sell that to the kool Aid drinkers better yet see how that flies with the non kool Aid drinkers!!!!

Put that crap on the table as is again? Same result!!!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Crap ! Really maybe you can type me up a breakdown of our last two supplements negotiated by our last board.If you can't find it look up the definition of crap in the dictionary it should be there.


Well-Known Member
Where are the big monetary gains that board made in this TA ! Looks to us like we are headed down road of mismanaged funds again as you call it! Lols! You didn't negotiate enough money! Crapola. Your owns slogans are coming back to bite you square in the @&$.


Well-Known Member
If the summer cover drivers are still in the next supplement that alone will be enough for it to get voted down...if that is erased and the local can figure out a way for part-timers to come into our non payment of medical bills Health Care fund then it may pass...


Well-Known Member
If the summer cover drivers are still in the next supplement that alone will be enough for it to get voted down...if that is erased and the local can figure out a way for part-timers to come into our non payment of medical bills Health Care fund then it may pass...

Now! Someone is making sense!


Well-Known Member
How is Neil O supposed to represent the members now that Pat S has gone fishing with him, was poogy fishing with Pat good judgement!


Well-Known Member
I will not vote yes with yes without a higher pension increase and a higher accrual rate.300 after 15 years is not enough. The company is making massive profits on our backs. Fifty dollars a year times 15 years is a 750 increase. Keep voting no until peak and see how ups feels then


Well-Known Member
I will not vote yes with yes without a higher pension increase and a higher accrual rate.300 after 15 years is not enough. The company is making massive profits on our backs. Fifty dollars a year times 15 years is a 750 increase. Keep voting no until peak and see how ups feels then
Enzo I agree with you, our pension should be over four thousand, but when our members vote republican they vote against unions. When we had Bush he put together a plan, that was called the pension protection act. That law which was planned by corp America only, no union reps no demicrats, put all the responsible on the unions. That is we're we are at.


Well-Known Member
Enzo I agree with you, our pension should be over four thousand, but when our members vote republican they vote against unions. When we had Bush he put together a plan, that was called the pension protection act. That law which was planned by corp America only, no union reps no demicrats, put all the responsible on the unions. That is we're we are at.

LOL you are funny , so in other words don't blame the old board LOL,, Many other Locals pension are a lot better then 804. Why because there board did what was need to protect their members. Howard and company did not fight for enough money for our pension , plan and simple.... This board that you and myself at one time thought they were clowns went and got you a pension increase on there first supplement..... Are u kidding me, these clowns did what was needed BUT Howard and company that were always Hoffa freindly got 804 nothing. All they did was make excuses and lie to everyone, those 2 fat wind bags Billy and Pat told me for years " there is no way to raise the pension though the supplement. NO WAY only the national" when UPS added the 18 million the last supplement, Billy told me that because UPS wanted to LOL


Well-Known Member
I will not vote yes with yes without a higher pension increase and a higher accrual rate.300 after 15 years is not enough. The company is making massive profits on our backs. Fifty dollars a year times 15 years is a 750 increase. Keep voting no until peak and see how ups feels then

ENZO guess you didn't go to the last General Membership Meeting? I didn't go but I heard that Tim explained what could happen to your supplement if it keeps getting turned down, like the International stepping in and passing it though, ALSO was told that if your supplement is not done by Oct 15, 2013 your pension can not go up till Jan 1, 2015 because 804 has the let the government know if they are willing to be removed from the protective plan. So with out the money from UPS 804 cant take a chance and pull out of it unless they know for sure that money will be there. But you guys have all the answers just vote NO..... LOL


Well-Known Member
I am a supporter of our e.b. I will not, however, allow the threat of a long contract process force me to vote yes to a bad deal!! How will ups feel about going into peak with no contract done!! Also, if the 18 locals who voted their supplements down stand strong and united the IBT will not be able to bully us!! Sorry that Tim is using the fear of a long process and IBT involvement to push a bad deal through. I would like to hear him say that 804 and the other 17 locals will stand strong against ups and IBT pressure. Carey would have the courage of his convictions. He would stand strong and proud against ups and the IBT. The path may be long and difficult...let us not be weak and impulsive.We fight not just for ourselves, but also for our locals future!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Enzo I agree with you, our pension should be over four thousand, but when our members vote republican they vote against unions. When we had Bush he put together a plan, that was called the pension protection act. That law which was planned by corp America only, no union reps no demicrats, put all the responsible on the unions. That is we're we are at.

LOL you are funny , so in other words don't blame the old board LOL,, Many other Locals pension are a lot better then 804. Why because there board did what was need to protect their members. Howard and company did not fight for enough money for our pension , plan and simple.... This board that you and myself at one time thought they were clowns went and got you a pension increase on there first supplement..... Are u kidding me, these clowns did what was needed BUT Howard and company that were always Hoffa freindly got 804 nothing. All they did was make excuses and lie to everyone, those 2 fat wind bags Billy and Pat told me for years " there is no way to raise the pension though the supplement. NO WAY only the national" when UPS added the 18 million the last supplement, Billy told me that because UPS wanted to LOL
Looks like your blame game has worn off! Take accountability for your own failures! You speak of the 18 million like it was a one time deal! The company had to keep the accrual rate the same!! Through the present contract the company put more than. 25 million a year in fund that you took the fame in glory over! Maybe you should thank Howie and Billy! You only negotiated 17 million?? Explain why.


Well-Known Member
Don't know why you keep using the word 'you' my pension is 3600 Howard the duck should have made ups put in more then the extra 1.75 that only fixed it. The investment returns were a joke under Howard way below par with other pensions across the country.


Well-Known Member
Just received the insulting letter from hall. I wonder if UPS helped him write it. It is starting to seem like they are on the same team. I voted for and I support our E.B. If Tim stood up and formed a coalition with they other unhappy locals we could once again be the envy of all local unions. Dont you think that 18 locals and their members could have a strong and positive voice against the weakness of the IBT. Why cant Tim and our local be the leaders of a large group of locals and their members to keep UPS and the IBT from pushing a pro company contract down our throats. I will keep voting no until I am satisfied. Better healthcare for our part timers, a larger pension increase and no way on 21 dollar a hour drivers. How about 18 locals stirring the pot with the talk of a joint job action????


Well-Known Member
Well, now it's more incompetence, I still have the flyer that you put out saying Howie and Billy stole 30 million dollars from the H/W fund, and their pending arrest, and I still have Kenny R agitator news letter saying the same thing. And if now your changing your lie and saying its incompetence, why is Thomas L still the fund manager? He would be Howie's co-conspirator.
No one put out anything saying Howie and buhlert "stole" any money. As for Tom, he only did what howie told him to do. Howie and the e/b voted to divert money and keep us all in the dark about the condition of the fund. Im not sure about any "pending arrest" but they certainly neglected their fiduciary responsibility to protect the members' funds. That they certainly did NOT do!!


Well-Known Member
Don't know why you keep using the word 'you' my pension is 3600 Howard the duck should have made ups put in more then the extra 1.75 that only fixed it. The investment returns were a joke under Howard way below par with other pensions across the country.

You have so much hate in you or just trying to spin! Company put more money in than they where hoping ! That's why they took .15 cents from this agreement! Or was going too!


Well-Known Member
What tore this once great union apart is the lies put out by Tim S on down and Kenny R lies on his agitator news letter, which was written by someone from the TDU. Had this board ran an honest campaign and won okay! I would be behind them 100%. But you didn't ! This board only knows how to lie and blame the previous board.
No, what tore this local apart was when your boys, the old e/b, turned its back on Ron Carey and started supporting Hoffa jr.
As for Tim S "putting out lies", you show me one lie he has told. ANd Ken R happens to be TDU. ANd they did run an honest campaign...TWICE!! So end the hate campaign and show some solidarity and start acting like a real union member!!