Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
No, what tore this local apart was when your boys, the old e/b, turned its back on Ron Carey and started supporting Hoffa jr.
As for Tim S "putting out lies", you show me one lie he has told. ANd Ken R happens to be TDU. ANd they did run an honest campaign...TWICE!! So end the hate campaign and show some solidarity and start acting like a real union member!!



Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!


Well-Known Member
No, what tore this local apart was when your boys, the old e/b, turned its back on Ron Carey and started supporting Hoffa jr. As for Tim S "putting out lies", you show me one lie he has told. ANd Ken R happens to be TDU. ANd they did run an honest campaign...TWICE!! So end the hate campaign and show some solidarity and start acting like a real union member!!
only one lie, okay Howie and billy stole 30 million dollars from h/w fund, how's that for one lie, I have alot more! Your boy Niel O somehow got a hold of big money to buy that quote great big boat, were did that money come from. I guess he not only checks the books!


Well-Known Member
No, what tore this local apart was when your boys, the old e/b, turned its back on Ron Carey and started supporting Hoffa jr.
As for Tim S "putting out lies", you show me one lie he has told. ANd Ken R happens to be TDU. ANd they did run an honest campaign...TWICE!! So end the hate campaign and show some solidarity and start acting like a real union member!!
We have no union sonny, you guys destroyed the union by voting in these clowns. Not one of them have the cojones to stand up to UPS, what chances does the average driver have, NONE! Learn to live out your career on your knees boy!


Well-Known Member
You have so much hate in you or just trying to spin! Company put more money in than they where hoping ! That's why they took .15 cents from this agreement! Or was going too!

LOL they always put in more money then they want to. The company knew exactly what they were doing with the pension and played Howard and company like a bunch of fools. They tired the same thing with the medical but it didn't work. They wanted the 15 cents back because the medical was saving to much money and the reserve with gaining to much money.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!

If you have proof of this then post it, for all to read. If not its nothing more then hear say and means nothing.


Well-Known Member
Just received the insulting letter from Ken H. I wonder if UPS helped him write it. It is starting to seem like they are on the same team. I voted for and I support our E.B. If Tim stood up and formed a coalition with they other unhappy locals we could once again be the envy of all local unions. Dont you think that 18 locals and their members could have a strong and positive voice against the weakness of the IBT. Why cant Tim and our local be the leaders of a large group of locals and their members to keep UPS and the IBT from pushing a pro company contract down our throats. I will keep voting no until I am satisfied. Better healthcare for our part timers, a larger pension increase and no way on 21 dollar a hour drivers. How about 18 locals stirring the pot with the talk of a joint job action????

If you really did support the E B ( which I did not ) then you should know that Hoffa and Hall have been kissing UPS @ss for years. Thats why the E B pushed for Sandy P ( for the record I didn't vote for, I voted for Fred at least he had a slate ) You have a lot of dreams that won't ever come to, just because 18 supplements were turned down doesn't mean they will ever stand behind a TDU Local like 804 , nothing against TDU just the truth. Enzo where were you for the last supplement screaming about the pension maybe I could have retired with more then 3600..


Well-Known Member
No one put out anything saying Howie and buhlert "stole" any money. As for Tom, he only did what howie told him to do. Howie and the e/b voted to divert money and keep us all in the dark about the condition of the fund. Im not sure about any "pending arrest" but they certainly neglected their fiduciary responsibility to protect the members' funds. That they certainly did NOT do!!
Get out from under their, maybe that's why Tim S isn't doing any work, your always under his desk!


Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!
UPS is not going to put any money into the H/W fund when Tim S turned it into a savings account, UPS told them there is plenty of money in there. Have the members pay more if you need more funding. That is why we have the highest percentile of members on collection.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!

If you have proof of this then post it, for all to read. If not its nothing more then hear say and means nothing.

Not hear say!! Fact!!!


Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!

If you have proof of this then post it, for all to read. If not its nothing more then hear say and means nothing.

Not hear say!! Fact!!!

Call the H&W office and ask!! They sent the out the paperwork??


Well-Known Member
Don't know why you keep using the word 'you' my pension is 3600 Howard the duck should have made ups put in more then the extra 1.75 that only fixed it. The investment returns were a joke under Howard way below par with other pensions across the country.
You sir! Don't know what you are talking about, under the existing supplemental the company has to put monies in local804/447 pension fund to cover to difference of what's coming in as pension contribution from full time members and what's going out as benefits paid! Now let me break it down for you all!
When the current supplemental was signed back in 2008 the pension fund had a deficiency of 19million so thru out the following years the deficiency grew to now over 26million. Why this? Well simply we have less full time members working.
The previous board didn't negotiated $1.75! What they did was to tie future contributions to the law (PPA).
If you divide 26millions/4035 full time members you get $3.09 and hour! That is almost double what the current Eboard negotiated!


Well-Known Member
You sir! Don't know what you are talking about, under the existing supplemental the company has to put monies in local804/447 pension fund to cover to difference of what's coming in as pension contribution from full time members and what's going out as benefits paid! Now let me break it down for you all!
When the current supplemental was signed back in 2008 the pension fund had a deficiency of 19million so thru out the following years the deficiency grew to now over 26million. Why this? Well simply we have less full time members working.
The previous board didn't negotiated $1.75! What they did was to tie future contributions to the law (PPA).
If you divide 26millions/4035 full time members you get $3.09 and hour! That is almost double what the current Eboard negotiated!
OK Albert if indeed the past board "tied future contributions to the law" whatever that inanity means, how come UPS hasn't filled the holes in the plan since 2008? If Howie fixed the plan, why hasn't funding improved?
Not one cent of contributions this board lives under was negotiated by THIS board. THIS board remarkably even with inadequate past funding was able to secure a benefit improvement in this TA unlike anything your vaunted past board ever did, which incidentally did negotiate $1.75 in a MOU in '08. Your post shows your complete lack of comprehension of process. Divididng numbers of members into shortfalls on a one year basis proves your lack of understanding.


Well-Known Member
You sir! Don't know what you are talking about, under the existing supplemental the company has to put monies in local804/447 pension fund to cover to difference of what's coming in as pension contribution from full time members and what's going out as benefits paid! Now let me break it down for you all!
When the current supplemental was signed back in 2008 the pension fund had a deficiency of 19million so thru out the following years the deficiency grew to now over 26million. Why this? Well simply we have less full time members working.
The previous board didn't negotiated $1.75! What they did was to tie future contributions to the law (PPA).
If you divide 26millions/4035 full time members you get $3.09 and hour! That is almost double what the current Eboard negotiated!
OK Albert if indeed the past board "tied future contributions to the law" whatever that inanity means, how come UPS hasn't filled the holes in the plan since 2008? If Howie fixed the plan, why hasn't funding improved?
Not one cent of contributions this board lives under was negotiated by THIS board. THIS board remarkably even with inadequate past funding was able to secure a benefit improvement in this TA unlike anything your vaunted past board ever did, which incidentally did negotiate $1.75 in a MOU in '08. Your post shows your complete lack of comprehension of process. Divididng numbers of members into shortfalls on a one year basis proves your lack of understanding.

I'm sure you can see every year was different as specified. More money was put in yearly, than present e board negotiated!! Fact!! Get your stuff together! Numbers don't lie! People do!!


Well-Known Member
Healthcare! Why did the not board neglect to negotiate extra money for supplement? We are going to have to kick in more money as members again this next year! Are members aware that we give blue cross 5 million out the gate each year? For what!! That money should be used on us!!

If you have proof of this then post it, for all to read. If not its nothing more then hear say and means nothing.

Not hear say!! Fact!!!

Call the H&W office and ask!! They sent the out the paperwork??

Do you know how much employees contribute to H&W yearly?


Well-Known Member
only one lie, okay Howie and billy stole 30 million dollars from h/w fund, how's that for one lie, I have alot more! Your boy Niel O somehow got a hold of big money to buy that quote great big boat, were did that money come from. I guess he not only checks the books!
You speak of lies, yet you come on here and slander a terrific business agent/Trustee Neil O.You have been posting on here since jan 2011 and have never posted anything of any worth. Only moronic lies and libelous attacks!! You are no union member. You are a hateful, lonely soul who only wastes our time and attacks our local's elected union officials as well as certain members you do not like!! Always hiding behind a screen name but never speaking your sick mind at a union meeting!! Just go away!!


Well-Known Member
only one lie, okay Howie and billy stole 30 million dollars from h/w fund, how's that for one lie, I have alot more! Your boy Niel O somehow got a hold of big money to buy that quote great big boat, were did that money come from. I guess he not only checks the books!
You speak of lies, yet you come on here and slander a terrific business agent/Trustee Neil O.You have been posting on here since jan 2011 and have never posted anything of any worth. Only moronic lies and libelous attacks!! You are no union member. You are a hateful, lonely soul who only wastes our time and attacks our local's elected union officials as well as certain members you do not like!! Always hiding behind a screen name but never speaking your sick mind at a union meeting!! Just go away!!

Sounds like the same **** you have done in your past! You came on here with the bs in 2010. Don't try to become a priest now and see the light!!;)


Well-Known Member
The E.B. has scheduled a shop steward meeting for saturday!! Any word on what they will be discussing. Why the contract brownout from the local?


Well-Known Member
The E.B. has scheduled a shop steward meeting for saturday!! Any word on what they will be discussing. Why the contract brownout from the local?

Call him up and ask? Shouldn't all members be entitled to come! It's at the union hall and we all pay dues.
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