Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The word is out! The company can't wait to put there newest assets on the streets. the Helper!!! The package drivers know that the two worst days of the week are Mondays and Fridays! Why? The Company breaks loads up to make us more productive bye company standards. Now with helpers on the truck the company can run less loads throughout the entire week and mainly effecting senior drivers routes. The Company will increase routes stop counts to whatever they choose? Hearing 20-40 % more!! Next the company will try to give a sporh number with a helper!!! You know it's coming!


Well-Known Member
It about an extention of the weingarten act. Shop Stewards are too be at all meetings

Arbitration Victory: Your Right to Union Representation
Local 804 has won an important arbitration victory against UPS that defends your right to union representation.
Under the Arbitration Award, UPS is required to give the Union advance notice so a shop steward can be present whenever management meets with a member concerning a grievance, discipline or to ask questions as part of a company investigation.
Until a shop steward is present, management cannot start the meeting or ask questions as part of a disciplinary investigation.
These rights are all spelled out in Article 4 of the national contract. But UPS management, including Loss Prevention, were violating the contract by questioning members in secret, and in some cases coercing members to waive their right to union representation and resign, without any shop steward present.
Local 804 took this issue to the national grievance panel. When it deadlocked there, we took the issue to arbitration—and we won.
You have the right to union representation. If management tries to meet with you about discipline or grievances or to question you without a shop steward present, they are violating the contract and this Arbitration Award. Ask for a union representation immediately.
A member cannot waive their right to union representation without a shop steward present. And no member should ever waive their right to union representation. That's like going to court without a defense lawyer.
If you hear about management trying to violate this Arbitration Award, tell your shop steward or business agent immediately.
Click here to download the Arbitration Award.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Arbitration Victory: Your Right to Union Representation
Local 804 has won an important arbitration victory against UPS that defends your right to union representation.
Under the Arbitration Award, UPS is required to give the Union advance notice so a shop steward can be present whenever management meets with a member concerning a grievance, discipline or to ask questions as part of a company investigation.
Until a shop steward is present, management cannot start the meeting or ask questions as part of a disciplinary investigation.
These rights are all spelled out in Article 4 of the national contract. But UPS management, including Loss Prevention, were violating the contract by questioning members in secret, and in some cases coercing members to waive their right to union representation and resign, without any shop steward present.
Local 804 took this issue to the national grievance panel. When it deadlocked there, we took the issue to arbitration—and we won.
You have the right to union representation. If management tries to meet with you about discipline or grievances or to question you without a shop steward present, they are violating the contract and this Arbitration Award. Ask for a union representation immediately.
A member cannot waive their right to union representation without a shop steward present. And no member should ever waive their right to union representation. That's like going to court without a defense lawyer.
If you hear about management trying to violate this Arbitration Award, tell your shop steward or business agent immediately.
Click here to download the Arbitration Award.

Question where did this arbitration take place MD? Did 804 present the case ?
How would an arbitrator rule against what is already in your contract ? That is not their job to fix contracts.
Stop trying to make it sound like these clowns did anything the language is in the contract UPS has no respect for this group of clowns so they do what they want.


Well-Known Member
Question where did this arbitration take place MD? Did 804 present the case ?
How would an arbitrator rule against what is already in your contract ? That is not their job to fix contracts.
Stop trying to make it sound like these clowns did anything the language is in the contract UPS has no respect for this group of clowns so they do what they want.

Not surprised you don't understand what this means but I'll help you or ask your steward Monday morning...

804 took a case to the National Panel ( you know that place that Howard never went ) because LP was talking to members with out a steward, managers and DM's were kicking people out of buildings without a steward. The company was holding meetings and doing investgations without a steward. When 804 told them to stop they didn't so... whats next take it to an arbitrator.
Thats what they did, Yes the arbitration was in MD, Yes 804 presented the case, NOW that an arbitrator ruled that UPS has been voilating Art 4 if it continues 804 has the right to strike with out penalty. This is something that the whole COUNTRY can use to help them with there fight agaisnt UPS. So yes those clowns won a great battle.
Everyone knows the company has no respect for your board thats why 804 took on UPS and WON.

WOW unbelievable those clowns did something good........ GO CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Not surprised you don't understand what this means but I'll help you or ask your steward Monday morning...

804 took a case to the National Panel ( you know that place that Howard never went ) because LP was talking to members with out a steward, managers and DM's were kicking people out of buildings without a steward. The company was holding meetings and doing investgations without a steward. When 804 told them to stop they didn't so... whats next take it to an arbitrator.
Thats what they did, Yes the arbitration was in MD, Yes 804 presented the case, NOW that an arbitrator ruled that UPS has been voilating Art 4 if it continues 804 has the right to strike with out penalty. This is something that the whole COUNTRY can use to help them with there fight agaisnt UPS. So yes those clowns won a great battle.
Everyone knows the company has no respect for your board thats why 804 took on UPS and WON.

WOW unbelievable those clowns did something good........ GO CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP

Look I know you say you are retired and maybe said you were a steward so I will not insult you.
How many times has any 804 member been to an arbitration in MD ? All the arbitrations that I have heard 804 members have been to is in NYC . And maybe you would like to tell your pals that we won an arbitration for walking members off the clock innocent until proven guilty so go ahead and STRKE them. I don't cry with these clowns I laugh because they are a joke.


Active Member
Look I know you say you are retired and maybe said you were a steward so I will not insult you.
How many times has any 804 member been to an arbitration in MD ? All the arbitrations that I have heard 804 members have been to is in NYC . And maybe you would like to tell your pals that we won an arbitration for walking members off the clock innocent until proven guilty so go ahead and STRKE them. I don't cry with these clowns I laugh because they are a joke.
I really don't see the need for this at all? Don't we all have 24/7 protection from this E/B? With all the (promised) surprise raids this E/B have conducted, especially in the middle of the night, how could UPS possibly muster the courage to try to intimidate a union member without fear of reprisal from TS & company. The fact is people are being hauled into the office in record numbers & harassed (and fired) over some of the most ridiculous accusations then EVER, EVER, EVER before. Why?????? because the company knows they can run over this E/B like a steam roller, THEY DON'T RESPECT THEM !!!!!!!!!!! And if u think it's bad now, pass this supplement as it is now & watch the real fireworks begin


Well-Known Member
Look I know you say you are retired and maybe said you were a steward so I will not insult you.
How many times has any 804 member been to an arbitration in MD ? All the arbitrations that I have heard 804 members have been to is in NYC . And maybe you would like to tell your pals that we won an arbitration for walking members off the clock innocent until proven guilty so go ahead and STRKE them. I don't cry with these clowns I laugh because they are a joke.

I still think most of them in that the hall are clowns but they are who the members voted for..but I also thought the old board had a couple of clowns to. My comments to you were because you didn't know the whole story about this but still deiced to trash the board. but thats your freedom...


Well-Known Member
You speak of lies, yet you come on here and slander a terrific business agent/Trustee Neil O.You have been posting on here since jan 2011 and have never posted anything of any worth. Only moronic lies and libelous attacks!! You are no union member. You are a hateful, lonely soul who only wastes our time and attacks our local's elected union officials as well as certain members you do not like!! Always hiding behind a screen name but never speaking your sick mind at a union meeting!! Just go away!!
Their you go again twisting the truth to advance your lies, listen no one believes you anymore. Neil O may be a nice guy but as B/S he sucks because the entire board sucks, you have guys that had union members fire on that board, sat across the table with ups management and testified against a senior member and got him fired, that is not a union that is a RAT SHIP! As far as speaking out at union meeting, been there done that, more important, I have gone after management, been fired three times once on Christmas Eve. Thank GOD for my row A stewards, they saved my job. If that were to happen today with this board I would have been listed as fired along with the other 1200 members this board has gotten fired. Child you done know what your talking about!


Well-Known Member
It about an extention of the weingarten act. Shop Stewards are too be at all meetings
Funny that grievance was held in Maryland. I believe it was some other local and this board just changed the local number so that they show the members they are doing something other than getting members fired. Because all they had to do was read our contract, we already have it, why waste $5,000.00 dollars on a hearing. They could have used that money on members medical bills. Or they are funneling money to TDU and using this phony grievance to camouflage the payment?


Well-Known Member
Funny that grievance was held in Maryland. I believe it was some other local and this board just changed the local number so that they show the members they are doing something other than getting members fired. Because all they had to do was read our contract, we already have it, why waste $5,000.00 dollars on a hearing. They could have used that money on members medical bills. Or they are funneling money to TDU and using this phony grievance to camouflage the payment?
Right, the NLRB is in on the scheme to credit L804 for some other locals arbitration. This is a precedent setting decision thats helps UPS'ers nationwide Dexter. UPS skirts this contract language regularly and this board said no more. Huge win.
If your imagination settles down and you have any proof of your ridiculous allegations, contact the IRB about your charges of money funneling. Oh wait, then you'd have to put your name out and everyone would know who you are.
No money from local union treasuries can be mixed to bolster H&W funds, but along with so many other facts, very unsurprizing you don't know that.


Well-Known Member
Funny that grievance was held in Maryland. I believe it was some other local and this board just changed the local number so that they show the members they are doing something other than getting members fired. Because all they had to do was read our contract, we already have it, why waste $5,000.00 dollars on a hearing. They could have used that money on members medical bills. Or they are funneling money to TDU and using this phony grievance to camouflage the payment?
Right, the NLRB is in on the scheme to credit L804 for some other locals arbitration. This is a precedent setting decision thats helps UPS'ers nationwide Dexter. UPS skirts this contract language regularly and this board said no more. Huge win.
If your imagination settles down and you have any proof of your ridiculous allegations, contact the IRB about your charges of money funneling. Oh wait, then you'd have to put your name out and everyone would know who you are.
No money from local union treasuries can be mixed to bolster H&W funds, but along with so many other facts, very unsurprizing you don't know that.

Well it must be big news to someone? Did anything change other than respect!! The company will get over anytime they can! It's up to your e board to enforce contract and laws. Right now! It looks like you just went to arbitrator to say ups isn't following the rules that have been in place for years and its making our current board look unprofessional, weak, useless etc!


Well-Known Member
Well it must be big news to someone? Did anything change other than respect!! The company will get over anytime they can! It's up to your e board to enforce contract and laws. Right now! It looks like you just went to arbitrator to say ups isn't following the rules that have been in place for years and its making our current board look unprofessional, weak, useless etc!
Earth to 6045...The board did exactly what they're empowered to do. If the company violates the agreement the proper (and only) enforcement mechanism is to grieve, then arbitrate!


Well-Known Member
Well it must be big news to someone? Did anything change other than respect!! The company will get over anytime they can! It's up to your e board to enforce contract and laws. Right now! It looks like you just went to arbitrator to say ups isn't following the rules that have been in place for years and its making our current board look unprofessional, weak, useless etc!
Earth to 6045...The board did exactly what they're empowered to do. If the company violates the agreement the proper (and only) enforcement mechanism is to grieve, then arbitrate!

So basically! This is not even an NRLB charge or an admission of guilt! But a statement from an arbitrator reviewing the rights! Correct me if I'm wrong! Your are right about grieve bye union!! But why go to kangaroo panel when we can go to AAA here in NYC. I will congratulate you on doing absolutely nothing! Keep up the work while they continue to walk members out the door!!


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight!

Weingarten Rights
In 1975 the United States Supreme Court, in the case of NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975), upheld a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision that employees have a right to union representation at investigatory interviews. These rights have become known as the Weingarten Rights.

Now Tim and co. Allegedly takes same issue in front of and arbitrator! OMG!! Who came up with this brilliant idea? This is preposterous!


Well-Known Member
Huge win? Did Tim and co. Got any member back as a direct result of this decision? What does this decision do for all the hundreds of members currently working under "last chance agreement"?


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is our International Sucks....Our Local Sucks and we are getting kicked in the nuts with no end in sight...its depressing but its the truth