Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Fennel and Tim! Meeting was great! Now it all makes sense! You and the rest of the board don't answers your phones! Or give a damn about your shop stewards or members for that matter. You are incorrect about members! We clearly understood the TA. You don't have to reword it! We are not stupid, it's a POS! And we will vote it down again.


Well-Known Member
Hello again Brown Café. Contract update from today's meeting at our union hall --clarification is the key word. Mr. President said he wanted to make the contract language clearer and easier to understand:": I protest this action:) and ask that you please leave Election day untouched and drop vcd's


Well-Known Member
apocalypse that's what happened today at the union hall! So Tim and co., tell me what do you think... now, are you still planing to put the same supplement out for a vote?
Or are you actually going to listen to the membership? Well well... Your time of reckoning is over!!!... My suggestion for all of you is to do the job you all are actually paid to do!


Well-Known Member
Hello again Brown Café. Contract update from today's meeting at our union hall --clarification is the key word. Mr. President said he wanted to make the contract language clearer and easier to understand:": I protest this action:) and ask that you please leave Election day untouched and drop vcd's

That's it?? Let them know! Once an for all!!


Well-Known Member
Out of all people there, Liam R. had the nuts to complain about how much they make. Really?! Liam, you should be glad that you actually have a job because if it were up to me you would be out on the street!! You are not part of the roster! Planet earth doesn't gravitate around you. You are an egocentric *****.
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Well-Known Member
Hello again Brown Café. Contract update from today's meeting at our union hall --clarification is the key word. Mr. President said he wanted to make the contract language clearer and easier to understand:": I protest this action:) and ask that you please leave Election day untouched and drop vcd's
Did they go fishing after the meeting?
Not surprised you don't understand what this means but I'll help you or ask your steward Monday morning...

804 took a case to the National Panel ( you know that place that Howard never went ) because LP was talking to members with out a steward, managers and DM's were kicking people out of buildings without a steward. The company was holding meetings and doing investgations without a steward. When 804 told them to stop they didn't so... whats next take it to an arbitrator.
Thats what they did, Yes the arbitration was in MD, Yes 804 presented the case, NOW that an arbitrator ruled that UPS has been voilating Art 4 if it continues 804 has the right to strike with out penalty.( REALLY ?????? exactly where in this arbitrators ruling does it imply we have the right to strike without penalty, I read it but didn't see it, where are u getting this notion that it gives us the right to walk ????, please tell me ) This is something that the whole COUNTRY can use to help them with there fight agaisnt UPS. So yes those clowns won a great battle.
Everyone knows the company has no respect for your board thats why 804 took on UPS and WON.

WOW unbelievable those clowns did something good........ GO CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP


Well-Known Member
Did they go fishing after the meeting?
I have no idea if they went fishing lol But 300 emails from the members shouldn't rule the day. We must carefully examine why the contract was voted down and address those issues. But first we need to show respect for each other and discuss all issues and conflicts and put politics aside. What I witnessed yesterday was unacceptable it seemed like one steward just came to the meeting to heckle the E board not make progress or get answers. Hey E board look closely before you decide on vcd's and election day both are third rail items you can never explain Don't Touch Them.


Well-Known Member
I sent in my concerns via email I respectfully disagree with our e board on a few issues but I disagree with UPS on many more issues. My first allegiant is to my Union not UPS we had to fight UPS for everything we have. When someone ask me my occupation I always tell them I'm a Teamster UPS Teamster always comes first.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
I have no idea if they went fishing lol But 300 emails from the members shouldn't rule the day. We must carefully examine why the contract was voted down and address those issues. But first we need to show respect for each other and discuss all issues and conflicts and put politics aside. What I witnessed yesterday was unacceptable it seemed like one steward just came to the meeting to heckle the E board not make progress or get answers. Hey E board look closely before you decide on vcd's and election day both are third rail items you can never explain Don't Touch Them.

What I am sure the E board did not tell you was the reason for the VCD,s and Election Day they are both part of the GIVE in the give and take part of negotiations.
My problem is that this E board said they will tell the members what is going on NO secrets, well they played politics with these negotiations. Show me all the members that mentioned Vcd's or changing Election Day, that was the E boards idea and it was part of the GIVES that they gave UPS and tried to sell it to the members.
They did not come back and say if you want more vacations and a pension increase we have to GIVE this UP.
And that is not all the give backs but just remember that the E board is the ones that tried to sell this contract just like Redmond did they are no better or any more Truthful with the members.


Well-Known Member
What I am sure the E board did not tell you was the reason for the VCD,s and Election Day they are both part of the GIVE in the give and take part of negotiations.
My problem is that this E board said they will tell the members what is going on NO secrets, well they played politics with these negotiations. Show me all the members that mentioned Vcd's or changing Election Day, that was the E boards idea and it was part of the GIVES that they gave UPS and tried to sell it to the members.
They did not come back and say if you want more vacations and a pension increase we have to GIVE this UP.
And that is not all the give backs but just remember that the E board is the ones that tried to sell this contract just like Redmond did they are no better or any more Truthful with the members.
And why are we giving UPS 0.15 cents of our pay raise?


Well-Known Member
I really don't see the need for this at all? Don't we all have 24/7 protection from this E/B? With all the (promised) surprise raids this E/B have conducted, especially in the middle of the night, how could UPS possibly muster the courage to try to intimidate a union member without fear of reprisal from TS & company. The fact is people are being hauled into the office in record numbers & harassed (and fired) over some of the most ridiculous accusations then EVER, EVER, EVER before. Why?????? because the company knows they can run over this E/B like a steam roller, THEY DON'T RESPECT THEM !!!!!!!!!!! And if u think it's bad now, pass this supplement as it is now & watch the real fireworks begin
I believe the promise was "24 hour representation". That they give us. Granted not every BA is in every building every night, but every night a BA is working. So if there is a problem that needs a BA, someone is available to take the call or get back to the member.
Also it in not a "fact" that members are being hauled into the office in record numbers, etc. Where I am it seems to have slowed the past 2 years or so. Every building is a different beast. As for the company "dont respect them", I dont see that at all. Things have calmed down a lot since they first took over. The company did go out of its way to push the union and the union also went a bit out of its way to push the company ON EVERYTHING!! There seems to be a relative calm in the buildings where I know people. Maybe your building or center is unique.


Well-Known Member
Their you go again twisting the truth to advance your lies, listen no one believes you anymore. Neil O may be a nice guy but as B/S he sucks because the entire board sucks, you have guys that had union members fire on that board, sat across the table with ups management and testified against a senior member and got him fired, that is not a union that is a RAT SHIP! As far as speaking out at union meeting, been there done that, more important, I have gone after management, been fired three times once on Christmas Eve. Thank GOD for my row A stewards, they saved my job. If that were to happen today with this board I would have been listed as fired along with the other 1200 members this board has gotten fired. Child you done know what your talking about!
Genius, that person testified against a member who was physically abusing and injuring other UNION MEMBERS and was A PHYSICAL THREAT TO ALL AROUND HIM!! That type of member does NOT belong in ANY union!! So the member who is now a BA is no "rat". He is a brave man who did the right and moral thing. Since you seem so obsessed with this old issue, maybe it was you who got rightfully fired!! Go away!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Genius, that person testified against a member who was physically abusing and injuring other UNION MEMBERS and was A PHYSICAL THREAT TO ALL AROUND HIM!! That type of member does NOT belong in ANY union!! So the member who is now a BA is no "rat". He is a brave man who did the right and moral thing. Since you seem so obsessed with this old issue, maybe it was you who got rightfully fired!! Go away!!

You are a liar and you don't belong in any union you never speak the truth. If he did what you said he would have been in jail. Liar!!!


Well-Known Member
Did they go fishing after the meeting?
I have no idea if they went fishing lol But 300 emails from the members shouldn't rule the day. We must carefully examine why the contract was voted down and address those issues. But first we need to show respect for each other and discuss all issues and conflicts and put politics aside. What I witnessed yesterday was unacceptable it seemed like one steward just came to the meeting to heckle the E board not make progress or get answers. Hey E board look closely before you decide on vcd's and election day both are third rail items you can never explain Don't Touch Them.

Please don't forget the helpers! Ups wants to load us up! With helper teams!! Some areas will have 2 on the truck??? They will make us maintain a number with a helper too!!!! Union hasn't :censored2: on this either! 22.3 get a hour and a half break also! Unpaid


Well-Known Member
What I am sure the E board did not tell you was the reason for the VCD,s and Election Day they are both part of the GIVE in the give and take part of negotiations.
My problem is that this E board said they will tell the members what is going on NO secrets, well they played politics with these negotiations. Show me all the members that mentioned Vcd's or changing Election Day, that was the E boards idea and it was part of the GIVES that they gave UPS and tried to sell it to the members.
They did not come back and say if you want more vacations and a pension increase we have to GIVE this UP.
And that is not all the give backs but just remember that the E board is the ones that tried to sell this contract just like Redmond did they are no better or any more Truthful with the members.
And why are we giving UPS 0.15 cents of our pay raise?

That's a kickback to pay for the boat and Tim's lunches at the hall! And the cable tv in the hall


Well-Known Member
I heard the meeting was a joke but that doesn't surprise me. Anyone here want to talk about the reality of whats going on with 804 supplement?

I will.

I feel that Tim and company are going to send out the same supplement again to be voted on, thats because they want it back my Oct 1 and UPS will not change anything.

The problem you guys have is this, when it gets turned down again the IBT will step in and pass it. Then you will have the same supplement with NO PENSION INCREASE. THATS A FACT. because the agreement with the pension is not part of your supplement.

So if the IBT is going to push it though anyway better to vote it in and get the pension increase.

ANYONE HERE THAT SAYS VOTE NO, are only saying it to make the board look bad and don't give a sh/t about the membership.

I understand people feel the supplement su$ks but it will su$k less with a pension increase.


Well-Known Member
Voting for the supplement just to get your pension increase is selfish. The union is about all of us working together for the benefit of everyone now and in the future. We should vote no because this supplement gives too much to get to little.If all the locals who voted no stand their ground we can win a better supplement. Maybe with a larger pension increase. How do you think ups would feel with 18 locals holding out going into peak!!!We can control the IBT and ups with our vote and a good pair of balls


Well-Known Member
Voting for the supplement just to get your pension increase is selfish. The union is about all of us working together for the benefit of everyone now and in the future. We should vote no because this supplement gives too much to get to little.If all the locals who voted no stand their ground we can win a better supplement. Maybe with a larger pension increase. How do you think ups would feel with 18 locals holding out going into peak!!!We can control the IBT and ups with our vote and a good pair of balls

THAT works great in your fantasy world Enzo but try reading the Teamsters Constitution and wake up. There is no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. The IBT has the right to push in a supplement that they feel is a good package. The National passed it's done, can't be re-opened. I agree with your idea only problem is its a dream it can never happen. So if your telling members to vote no because your dream can happen your lying to them. GET THE FACTS FIRST


Well-Known Member
The constitution may say its o.k..but the members put the I.B.T. in office!!!! With only 51 % voting the national in and 18 locals voting their supplements down Hoffa and Hall will start to think about their futures. If they attempt to push through the supplements without a member vote their days are numbered. The current rhetoric is meant to scare the members into a yes vote. Stand strong....IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH.....I wish our E.B. would take the lead to a stronger contract.....Carey would have