So for political gain you'd end the retirement security of thousands of past and future retirees with reckless actions? Glad Tim and other intelligent people are running the show. I'm reasonably certain you wouldn't understand 10% of the PPA but I'll cliff note it for you. Plans that took funding relief, which was required for red zone plans (that was the situation Tim and co. had handed to them by Howie) must opt out by Oct. to improve any benefit going forward. No blame on anyone here, just facts.
Raising accrual to $152 for all years (including part time for which no contributions were received in L804's fund) would bankrupt the plan.
Vote no all you want, just know that vote will injure many.
First of all when the current Eboard
took office our pension funding levels were at 70% in 2010! Now 3 1/2 years later we are at 66% funded! Now lets remember that period of time the market did amazingly good! So where are the intelligent people you speak off?
No one here is talking about part timers pension. We All know who handles that!
Currently there are about 500-600 members with 25years of full time service or more, only those members are going to be the once that are going to get the increase! Everyone else about ( 6,000 members ) are screwed! We can all agree that this company has change in 25years now at day is harder to make at ups for 25years so tell me in the long run who is going to get the increase? When a big number of full timers have to retired sooner due to injuries.
I don't think Tim an co. Should be worry about getting more money when they retired! Don't all of you guys are going to get double pension now?
Even after you character assassinated the previous board for doing the same!!