You are not the only one who doesn't like to be told what to do but you are willing to advise members how to vote.
I would like to pass on some info that one of our members told me when I asked the same question that you had about being here longer than 25 years. "He said everything changes after 25 there is no more B/S. He said his whole attitude changed and so did UPS toward him because he could leave when he wanted he could wake up and call in retired if he felt like it" He also said he didn't want to start over somewhere else, his sentence was over.[//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////] Yes i am willing to advise members to push this supplement this local needs a pension raise whether its from this slate,the last slate,Santa Claus,The Easter bunny i dont give a friend who it comes from.You talk of someone you know who has 25 years and now it is easy sailing,that person is either a porter,car washer,clerk or trailer driver.With the exception of trailer driver no full time employee should count on those jobs to sail there way into the sunset.A majority of all full time drivers if they can survive this job on the street for 25 years will retire as drivers.Package car drivers whether they are here 6 months or 25 years you are still slaves with paychecks.The company completely controls the routes stop counts and streets.Years ago a driver with 20 years or better most likely had the best route in the center with the least amount of stops good area etc. THAT IS OVER!!!! Now for 25 years you will work like a dog everday of the year.All you drivers reading this look yourself in the mirror and ask can i survive this job in its current state 10 to 12 hour days all year long summer winter no break.You can have seniority to pick the best route in the center but the slave drivers still control the stop count.If our pension dont start climbing 300 to 400 now and keep growing till retirement you are stuck working like that same animal past 25 years and better because your pension is too low to get you out of this sentence we all call a job.We have not had a raise in pension for 15 years that is ridiculous not even a 50 dollar bill what the friend is up with that.I am a union dues paying member like all of you i have no political ambitions of running on any slate i dont support anybody except my family.Whoever is in the hall are paid to work for us to there best abilities.Get informed from the right people not people who want our current board to fail so they can try to step in like heroes next election, if you have questions call the hall before you vote on this supplement again this is OUR local OUR supplement.