Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
We have not received a raise in our pension i believe the magic number to be 15 years, correct me if i am wrong.That in itself shows our local has not been doing the right thing for us no matter who is wearing the suits!!! I am here over 25 years every supplement seems to be the same B/S the company wanted to take this that and the other thing and we walk away holding on to what we already had.You have to give something to get something,maybe you think its too much to give.Election day is B/S you are still getting a triple time day once a year cant see your point there.VCD S my understanding is part timers will only cover vacations to give more full time drivers vacation time in the summer.There are part timers delivering ground packages every day as helpers in my building then they come work local sort.They deliver on Saturdays all year round.So what is the difference.You say pension increase should be bigger i have heard someone else on here state it should be bigger!!! That is a joke we havent gotten a nickel in our pension from our local in 15 years and 300 to 400 is not a substantial raise PLEASE give me a break.We had a good supplement on the table with a great pension increase a pension increase that was agreed upon period.Guys jumping up and down that its not guaranteed, it is on the table and it is agreed upon.There are only two things in life that are guaranteed one is you were definetly born and someday you will die those are guaranteed.We trusted our last board all the years they were there and what did we get out of it.It is time to trust this board and get what all of us members deserve.
Well goodie for you! Keep believe in the fairy godmother too. But as far as I am concerned I will vote NO, and your here 25 years jr. I have been here over 36 years and have not seen anything like this. It's a clown show, and the row B followers are on crack.
Tom, Everyone in the room knows full well who calls the shots regardless of who is the "lead" negotiator. It's a common practice apparently beyond your understanding.
If Hoffa or the IBT intervenes, it won't be to negotiate any perceived improvements regardless what your deluded group thinks. It will be to impose the supplement agreed to between the parties or LESS. That is what your board has explained, responsibly and openly. Only if L804 can renegotiate improvements ( WTF ????? THIS LOCAL DOESNT THINK IT NEEDS ANY IMPROVEMENTS & IS JUST FINE AS IS. THEY BELIEVE THE ONLY PROBLEM WAS THAT THEIR MEMBERSHIP WAS TOOOOOOOOO ! STUPID TO UNDERSTAND JUST HOW WONDERFUL IT REALLY WAS EVEN AFTER IT WAS OVER WHELMINGLY SHOT DOWN ! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IMPROVEMENTS THEIR CONSIDERING ?????? ) will they be made.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Well goodie for you! Keep believe in the fairy godmother too. But as far as I am concerned I will vote NO, and your here 25 years jr. I have been here over 36 years and have not seen anything like this. It's a clown show, and the row B followers are on crack.
Sorry to hear you are still here after 36 years buddy maybe if we had gotten pension increases in the past you could have afforded to retire.Raise or no raise in pension this junior is out of here in less than a year.MEMBERS Dont forget to vote yes on our supplement 300 to 400 dollar bump in the pension this way members dont get stuck working here for over 36 years.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you are still here after 36 years buddy maybe if we had gotten pension increases in the past you could have afforded to retire.Raise or no raise in pension this junior is out of here in less than a year.MEMBERS Dont forget to vote yes on our supplement 300 to 400 dollar bump in the pension this way members dont get stuck working here for over 36 years.

Well you make sure you let everyone know when you retire we will hook you up with off-routes pay.
Listen I now know your concern with the pension increase, you are leaving and will not have to pay for it, I guess you don't have any part time years because you wouldn't get the increase!
Stop telling members to vote for this concessionaire supplement. And don't insult a member who decides to continue to work because he has had contributions going into your pension for 6 extra years.
You should thank him not tell him to retire and if he was as selfish as you he would not be worried about the effect this supplement will have on others.


Active Member
1- VCD needs to come off the table. Every center in my bldg are over 3-5 drivers everyday, supervisors are calling guys if the want the day off. They are also breaking loads up all summer long. So there is no need for VCD.. Just open more vacation weeks instead.....2-part-timers doing ground work is a no it's full-timers work only!!!! But If a P/T does work grounds then pay them for the work we do and nothing less....period!!! Ups objective here is to make this job part-time all year round....PART-TIME AMERICA IS NOT THE ANSWER.....AS CAREY ALWAYS SAID...RIGHT TIM...3- grievance panel is a way to divided and conquer, if you have member where he or she is not well like by both ups and EB they are done....60 days idea is good where all member must have a seat down, but innocent until proven guilty is best...ups needs to respect article 7- I know this is a national article, but this is why members are out of work for long period of time...ups does not respect our EB and even more so don't respect of contract...especially when it comes to members get injured..they want to harass and threaten the member for calling in the injury..4- making book should be done the traditional way for P/T...not prequalifed!!!! 5- Election Day should remain the same. Why should we select in Dec our option for Election Day...why inform UPS! The hell with them..6- why are we giving back .15cents. Give nothing back....Also yes we all need an increase in our pension but at what cost,, ask your self where will our local be in 20yrs from now if we give up all this for $300 or $400....the betterment and the future of this local is what it's about!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Well you make sure you let everyone know when you retire we will hook you up with off-routes pay.
Listen I now know your concern with the pension increase, you are leaving and will not have to pay for it, I guess you don't have any part time years because you wouldn't get the increase!
Stop telling members to vote for this concessionaire supplement. And don't insult a member who decides to continue to work because he has had contributions going into your pension for 6 extra years.
You should thank him not tell him to retire and if he was as selfish as you he would not be worried about the effect this supplement will have on others.
First off dont tell me what to do !!! 2nd off i tell it like it is brother this local has a 25 and out regardless of age.Alot of people do not retire when they can because the pension is not where it should be.If the superheroes that some of you think we had in the hall before this board got us a little something every time they went to negotiate our supplement maybe guys would not be stuck here for over 36 years.I didnt know i had to be concerned after breaking my ass for this miserable company all these years that when i retire i am screwing the guys that are still working because like you stated i am not paying for it.Anyone who puts up with all this B/S from this company and this union for 25 years or better earned there pension period.And enough with B/S who is concerned about the members all this division in this local is getting us nowhere.If all the stewards that were running on the two slates that lost the election worked with the current board like they are supposed to for the MEMBERS maybe OUR local would benefit from a group of members that were united.Instead lets all bash the current board so they fail,but guess what anyone who has any common sense the current board fails we all fail.The reason these guys won the election is because members did not want to take a step backwards with members of the old slate.They gave this board a shot at negotiating OUR supplement and they put a pension raise on the table and took care of other concerns of members that were answered on questionaire.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you are still here after 36 years buddy maybe if we had gotten pension increases in the past you could have afforded to retire.Raise or no raise in pension this junior is out of here in less than a year.MEMBERS Dont forget to vote yes on our supplement 300 to 400 dollar bump in the pension this way members dont get stuck working here for over 36 years.
Yep I heard that song before, if I had a nickel every time A member said, 25 and I am out of here.
​i wouldn't need a pension!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Trust me i am done i have had more than enough of all the B/S this company and this union dishes out.Its like being eligible for parole!!!

You are not the only one who doesn't like to be told what to do but you are willing to advise members how to vote.
I would like to pass on some info that one of our members told me when I asked the same question that you had about being here longer than 25 years. "He said everything changes after 25 there is no more B/S. He said his whole attitude changed and so did UPS toward him because he could leave when he wanted he could wake up and call in retired if he felt like it" He also said he didn't want to start over somewhere else, his sentence was over.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be totally lost on the part time members that you represent. These are the same members that you promised the world too, that you would fix the division and did nothing but put a bigger gap between us with salaries and healthcare.

The members knew about the healthcare problems that where arising and how part timers from this local might be affected. Members of 804 felt that we should All have the same healthcare provider and that our bills and problems would be handled locally bye our fund administrator! Creating the best plan possible for All! We see now that you could have been exempt from Teamcare but the lack being able to position yourself in Washington has put the gap between part time and full time even wider for now.

As the executive board you are suppose to be the mouth piece of the rank and file workers that you represent. We elected you to go to the company and intl to protect our best interest. Whether that's what you did or think you did is up for Discussion. You have harmed our relationship with intl with the support of a unknown candidate support for IBT presidency and giving local 804 a name of a TDU local.

We want our leader to have views and not to agree on all! But to outright refuse or hate with no dialog?bad deal! That Leads to us not having a say! Or be invited to talk about issues that are important to ups teamsters hear and across the country! We where always the leaders and everyone always wanted what we had in our supplement, not the other way around!!

The part timers that want to go full time that currently deliver packages know how much they can receive as an hourly rate that is explained in previous contract. You have decided that part timers are not worthy of the hourly wage they have received for years? You agree to lower it significantly!!! And have us take time off our other job to fill vacations ? There is no benefit to part timers, we are sacrificing for a bonus that soon to be retirees with 25 years or more will be only receiving and we will not receive! Doesn't seem fair right!! We won't even receive a friend/t pension credit for this hardworking in summer. The board clearly isn't looking out for part timers today or tomorrow.

To the bargaining committee. You thought that we didn't understand language and that you need to dumb it down! Don't bother! Please! We are not stupid and clearly see the road ahead and it's nothing we are willing to live with for 5 years that is full of givebacks. You are personally giving them back 22.3 jobs that haven't been replaced bye members that went on truck full time or left job! Why?

In closing! If TA isn't changed! To where I get same wages as a driver and full time benefit package I will be voting no again! Your scare tactics won't work! If you where so concerned you would have took our issues serious and came back with something different to the company instead of concessions.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
You are not the only one who doesn't like to be told what to do but you are willing to advise members how to vote.
I would like to pass on some info that one of our members told me when I asked the same question that you had about being here longer than 25 years. "He said everything changes after 25 there is no more B/S. He said his whole attitude changed and so did UPS toward him because he could leave when he wanted he could wake up and call in retired if he felt like it" He also said he didn't want to start over somewhere else, his sentence was over.[//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////] Yes i am willing to advise members to push this supplement this local needs a pension raise whether its from this slate,the last slate,Santa Claus,The Easter bunny i dont give a friend who it comes from.You talk of someone you know who has 25 years and now it is easy sailing,that person is either a porter,car washer,clerk or trailer driver.With the exception of trailer driver no full time employee should count on those jobs to sail there way into the sunset.A majority of all full time drivers if they can survive this job on the street for 25 years will retire as drivers.Package car drivers whether they are here 6 months or 25 years you are still slaves with paychecks.The company completely controls the routes stop counts and streets.Years ago a driver with 20 years or better most likely had the best route in the center with the least amount of stops good area etc. THAT IS OVER!!!! Now for 25 years you will work like a dog everday of the year.All you drivers reading this look yourself in the mirror and ask can i survive this job in its current state 10 to 12 hour days all year long summer winter no break.You can have seniority to pick the best route in the center but the slave drivers still control the stop count.If our pension dont start climbing 300 to 400 now and keep growing till retirement you are stuck working like that same animal past 25 years and better because your pension is too low to get you out of this sentence we all call a job.We have not had a raise in pension for 15 years that is ridiculous not even a 50 dollar bill what the friend is up with that.I am a union dues paying member like all of you i have no political ambitions of running on any slate i dont support anybody except my family.Whoever is in the hall are paid to work for us to there best abilities.Get informed from the right people not people who want our current board to fail so they can try to step in like heroes next election, if you have questions call the hall before you vote on this supplement again this is OUR local OUR supplement.
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Well-Known Member
You are not the only one who doesn't like to be told what to do but you are willing to advise members how to vote.
I would like to pass on some info that one of our members told me when I asked the same question that you had about being here longer than 25 years. "He said everything changes after 25 there is no more B/S. He said his whole attitude changed and so did UPS toward him because he could leave when he wanted he could wake up and call in retired if he felt like it" He also said he didn't want to start over somewhere else, his sentence was over.[//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////] Yes i am willing to advise members to push this supplement this local needs a pension raise whether its from this slate,the last slate,Santa Claus,The Easter bunny i dont give a friend who it comes from.You talk of someone you know who has 25 years and now it is easy sailing,that person is either a porter,car washer,clerk or trailer driver.With the exception of trailer driver no full time employee should count on those jobs to sail there way into the sunset.A majority of all full time drivers if they can survive this job on the street for 25 years will retire as drivers.Package car drivers whether they are here 6 months or 25 years you are still slaves with paychecks.The company completely controls the routes stop counts and streets.Years ago a driver with 20 years or better most likely had the best route in the center with the least amount of stops good area etc. THAT IS OVER!!!! Now for 25 years you will work like a dog everday of the year.All you drivers reading this look yourself in the mirror and ask can i survive this job in its current state 10 to 12 hour days all year long summer winter no break.You can have seniority to pick the best route in the center but the slave drivers still control the stop count.If our pension dont start climbing 300 to 400 now and keep growing till retirement you are stuck working like that same animal past 25 years and better because your pension is too low to get you out of this sentence we all call a job.We have not had a raise in pension for 15 years that is ridiculous not even a 50 dollar bill what the friend is up with that.I am a union dues paying member like all of you i have no political ambitions of running on any slate i dont support anybody except my family.Whoever is in the hall are paid to work for us to there best abilities.Get informed from the right people not people who want our current board to fail so they can try to step in like heroes next election, if you have questions call the hall before you vote on this supplement again this is OUR local OUR supplement.

You started out begging! Then you claim you have no preference on who in union hall! Now your licking snow cones stating to call the hall! Please man! Do you have any decency!! G
First off dont tell me what to do !!! 2nd off i tell it like it is brother this local has a 25 and out regardless of age.Alot of people do not retire when they can because the pension is not where it should be.If the superheroes that some of you think we had in the hall before this board got us a little something every time they went to negotiate our supplement maybe guys would not be stuck here for over 36 years.I didnt know i had to be concerned after breaking my ass for this miserable company all these years that when i retire i am screwing the guys that are still working because like you stated i am not paying for it.Anyone who puts up with all this B/S from this company and this union for 25 years or better earned there pension period.And enough with B/S who is concerned about the members all this division in this local is getting us nowhere.If all the stewards that were running on the two slates that lost the election worked with the current board like they are supposed to for the MEMBERS maybe OUR local would benefit from a group of members that were united.Instead lets all bash the current board so they fail,but guess what anyone who has any common sense the current board fails we all fail.The reason these guys won the election is because members did not want to take a step backwards with members of the old slate.(WOW now that's incredible, this E/B won because a 3 party slate ran for office! 2/3rds of the membership didn't want or vote for them, 2/3rds of the membership voted down their supplement, so how about them trying to use some of this common sense u talk about & come up with a supplement we can endorse. This E/B's mantra from the very beginning was "WE WILL NOT GO ALONG TO GET ALONG" with this company ! Tell me how has that worked out for the membership these past 3 1/2 years? Now your telling everyone "WELL YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP SOMETHING TO GET SOMETHING" How hypocritical IS THAT! Their bargaining from a position of WEAKNESS INSTEAD OF STRENGTH. U didn't want to have anything to do with the company for the last 3 1/2 years & now u wanna play ball? Start bargaining from strength and GIVE UP NOTHING!) They gave this board a shot at negotiating OUR supplement and they put a pension raise on the table and took care of other concerns of members that were answered on questionaire.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
You started out begging! Then you claim you have no preference on who in union hall! Now your licking snow cones stating to call the hall! Please man! Do you have any decency!! G
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Good luck to you brother!! Keep up your fight whatever it might be, and wherever you think its going to get you in life.Vote NO, bash whoever you like believe who you want to believe, thats your right.Enjoy your trip trip to nowhere,dress warm the trip is going to be long and hard because you seem like a guy who needs directions and hates to ask for them.I myself hate getting lost !!!! Like i stated before to the members who are unsure about OUR supplement, before you vote again, if you have any questions or concerns call the hall they work for you they take your dues every month,listen to the right people so our supplement doesnt get lost and we dont get lost in all this B/S.


Well-Known Member
Yep I heard that song before, if I had a nickel every time A member said, 25 and I am out of here.
​i wouldn't need a pension!


Wow! You sound like a scared executive board member trying? To gain some support for a substandard contract! You can yell fire all you want! ( howie, billy, the porter) but!!!! You have a history in 804 and it stinks to all high hell!! It hurts all of us to say but from top to bottom the entire board failed the members of 804!! Especially the ones that supported them and stuck there neck out and have no job or pension til age 55! Yes! We know there's casualties in war! But when was the last manager, supervisor that met the fate of termination in your holy war.
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Well-Known Member
Executive board is no better than the people fighting over religion! Sighting there religion is better than the other and they must die! What happens when everyone is dead? Right wing people believe freedom comes with loss of life. To die in the fight means your a hero! Not true! People who are so far removed from the battlefield makes these decision and don't know the men and women who die due to there policy! Maybe they should be on the frontline instead of in an office or on a boat?? Maybe they have to be reminded whose at home and what's at stake when war is waged. People are not replaceable! In this game! There untrained and unprepared for battle in urban warfare. The bodies are building up and there is no mash unit to repair or fix the mental issues that come with battle. A few sign up for special forces and will fight, others are drafted and do there best with what they have learned from others along the way! They have PTSD, and multiple injuries and families suffering all because they follow! I say today stop following! Put down your gun! Let the leaders fix there own problems or be removed! Enough bloodshed has lost! Enough families have been hurt!