Active Member
You are not kidding. These guys gave everything back to the company now they are reaping the benefits on your sweat. That's why during the summer when you called the Hall there was no one there .They were on niel o yacht.
Article 4 sec 1 fixed start times. Package car driver may have a Monday start time up to (1) one hour earlier. There is no need to start earlier if we are not getting off earlier! They cut routes all over building! Company is counting on extra help from helpers and keeping drivers at home! Telling them your loads not running today
Maybe we should be talking with the TDU CEO , after all, it's his local.That is horrible language. If the company wants to start you early on a Monday, they should be paying you time and a half.
Maybe we should be talking with the TDU CEO , after all, it's his local.
hey stink can you give us specific examples of how the tdu has taken control of 804???
thats all you have stinky!!!! Your posts are usually smarter than that!!
The lies never seem to end.EVEN ON LABOR DAY...have you no decency?? I guess you get your name from the disgraced former GOP congressman tom delay who also lied his way to power by lying about bill clinton and democrats to clueless republicans. Well, the 10 members of local 804 who actually read the rumors on this thread probably already know from your past posts that you are a liar and an embarrassment to the labor movement.But for the record Tim did not buy a house ANYWHERE. He still lives in the same house near Marine Park that he has lived for years.(Unlike the former big shots who moved their families to staten island and into mini mansions). Pete does not drive a cadillac. And Neil did not buy a new boat. And finally, there is no money missing from any funds. The only things "missing" from the hall are the former old guard incompetent leaders we un elected 3 and 1/2 years ago!!LOL!!What is going on? Did Tim S buy a farm in west Vermont, and Pete M buy a brand new Cadillac? Where is all this money coming from. First Niel O buys a yacht and now this. Money is gone missing from our medical fund and all of a sudden the E/B is buying big ticket items. 75% of the membership is on collection, they are not paying medical bills but are able to buy toys for themselves?
They are currently allowed to start us earlier on monday. You dont want the ot GO ON THE 9.5 LIST!! But i guess that is too hard for a simpleton to do. It is much easier to come on hear and whine!!This morning we started about 15- 30 minutes earlier than normal work week start time. They cut so many loads drivers gave eta of 9pm. It's not a good idea for early starts on Monday? Ups is waiting to put these helpers on the truck!its like they know the next supplement will pass! Stay strong! This is another reason to turn this contract down. An Hour early starts on Monday will suck too! What good is starting early if you still work late!!!
Well, having vcds might fix this problem since if they work outside the two periods, they would not need to go through progression to make book.Tired of seeing the company use PT inside guys for 39 days and sending them back and using the next inside part timer for 39 days. All this does is keep part timer as part timers and keep the company from making or using full time drivers. This should have been addressed at the contract meetings. What is the board gonna do about this?
If TDU is trying to "take over" your local, then it must be run by old guard Hoffa misfits bowing down before Jr while selling out their members. Our local ,804, is run by reformers two of which are actual members of TDU. In their first term they fixed a bleeding H/W fund that the old guard crew left them. They cut their own salaries by $35k and used the savings to hire 2 new BAs to increase representation for the part timers and fund education programs for the membership. Their first negotiation with ups brought us a $400 increase in our pension, 100 new FT jobs and an expedited grievance procedure as well as fix a few loopholes in the contract.Obviously that's problem number 1. We have some TDU clowns trying their BS tactics of propaganda to over take our local. 804 is more proof of the TDU destruction from within. I hope they don't treat their other barns as based as the UPSers in 804. You guys need to reform the reformers.
Why would you ask one of Hoffa's biggest water carriers?? Did you know that our Ron Carey was affiliated with TDU. He never joined but he attended 5 out of the 6 TDU conventions while he was IBT President?? He also hired several lawyers affillitated with TDU as well as brought in rank and filers who were TDU to help in negotiations?? Stink and his ilk HATE Ron. His buddies in Washington dont even have his picture up in the Marble Palace and have whitewashed his contributions from our history. They also hate TDU because TDU is a threat to the old guard. Stink could care less about our local. He as well as others on here just have a deep, irrational hatred for the reform movement in general because they have been doing such a FINE job so far,, LOL!!hey stink can you give us specific examples of how the tdu has taken control of 804???
Not true. I am a member of TDU. Tim is not. He supports most of what TDU does but like Ron Carey before him, Tim is not a member. Has he attended TDU conventions, absolutely. He even has spoken at several, again like Ron Carey before him. Like I said before, here in Local 804, TDU is a positive force. It is an organization that keeps us informed of what is going on and supports reform candidates and rank and file empowerment- everything local 804(the membership that is) has ALWAYS stood for!!That's not all. Tim S has been TDU forever. I'll get you more solid facts bubba.
If TDU is trying to "take over" your local, then it must be run by old guard Hoffa misfits bowing down before Jr while selling out their members. Our local ,804, is run by reformers two of which are actual members of TDU. In their first term they fixed a bleeding H/W fund that the old guard crew left them. They cut their own salaries by $35k and used the savings to hire 2 new BAs to increase representation for the part timers and fund education programs for the membership. Their first negotiation with ups brought us a $400 increase in our pension, 100 new FT jobs and an expedited grievance procedure as well as fix a few loopholes in the contract.
The clowns were removed by the members in late 2009 in a huge turnout election. You dislike them only because of their affiliation with TDU. Well, here is local 804, TDU is not a dirty word. Your boy Hoffa is the dirty word my friend. It is his continued weakness in negotiating strong contracts that makes our work day that much harder. Only the hard work and toughness of our local E/B has pressured UPS to give US concessions (increase in our pensions, 100 FT jobs, etc). Name me another local that was able to squeeze as much out of brown than our guys did!!
So stop sticking your nose where it doesnt belong. Our reformers ARE reforming!! It just scares all you old guard dinosaurs in other locals when there is a positive, working alternative regime to the washed up, dead in the water,Old Guard method of unionism!!