Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Stinky will support Hoffa no matter how much he sticks it to his members.

You obviously know zero about what I preach. I'm not a Hoffa fan. I'm a Teamsters fan. I'm a hall fan. Im a Sean O'Brien fan. Do I need to rehash why I don't like TDU? You folks really think TDU is unbiased? You have to be joking. You do understand that TDU just wants to strike no matter what. TDU in not a union, they don't hold elections for their executive boards. Everything they hold our union accountable for, they don't hold true within themselves.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you start talking of the misrepresentation of your BA boys at UPS? Where is the representation? You have like what, 90 people out of work because of BS discipline? How many unanswered grievances? Reformers or old guard, people understand one thing...Protection. What good is the H&W if members are falling by the wayside. When a member loses his job for BS reasons, it is my business.
Misrepresentation?? Where?? I think you have been reading too many brown cafe fiction writers on here. Some have even said there are 1000 members fired under the new board. A total fiction. Now you post 90 people out of work because of discipline. Where does that number come from?? "Unanswered grievances"?? How come I never hear that in my center?? Not only have we been getting our grievances heard, but also paid!! Sups working and 9.5 grievances. I guess you read the "headlines" on some of these posts on this thread and take it as fact!!


Well-Known Member
You obviously know zero about what I preach. I'm not a Hoffa fan. I'm a Teamsters fan. I'm a Ken H fan. Im a Sean O fan. Do I need to rehash why I don't like TDU? You folks really think TDU is unbiased? You have to be joking. You do understand that TDU just wants to strike no matter what. TDU in not a union, they don't hold elections for their executive boards. Everything they hold our union accountable for, they don't hold true within themselves.
You're a ken h fan?? LOL!! Ahh the soft spoken good ol boy you was given a strong hand and gives it all away at the table. The only thing that guy ever received at the table was a good meal!! Last weak contract he agreed to split our raises. This carbon copy screws the part timers and others in the company health plan!! Go kenny boy!!
As for TDU being biased, is anyone truly unbiased?? Regardless they were the ones shouting in the wilderness all those years for rank and file elections and the end to corruption and the bloated salaries. They have proved their mettle. TDU is an organization OF, BY and FOR members of the Teamsters run by staffers who could qualify for food stamps. Also they DO hold elections, EVERY YEAR, for the steering committee, which is the body that runs the organization and pays the bills. As for holding anything accountable, they do every year at the convention where all receive a break down of expenses and inflow of money. ALso unlike hoffa and co, tdu does not accept corporate donations!!


Well-Known Member
You're a ken h fan?? LOL!! Ahh the soft spoken good ol boy you was given a strong hand and gives it all away at the table. The only thing that guy ever received at the table was a good meal!! Last weak contract he agreed to split our raises.
Yeah, biggest negotiated raises in our last 3 contracts! Ron Carey never had an issue with hall. $8.90 in raises raises this new contract son. Yeah he is terrible. Have TDU negotiate your contract. Ohhh, I forgot, they NEVER have. You would be on the picket line before you could say Teamcare.


Well-Known Member
you actually think that raises that are less than the rate of inflation can be considered good raises?????Are you related to Hall Stink. I thought you are smarter than that. The total dollar amount is not important. Any percentage less than the rate of inflation means less purchasing power.


Well-Known Member
I want to congratulate all the local 804 members that voted no on the supplements, no thanks to this E/B you pushed Hoffa/Hall to renegotiate the health care portion of the contract after it was passed, this E/B was using scare tactics to get it passed but you were not going to be threaten. Now we have to vote no on the VCD issue. Don't let UPS and this board bring in part time drivers .


Well-Known Member
Cheryl I would like to know how much longer it will take before your app will work for the iphone? Just wondering if I need to go get an android!


Well-Known Member
Buying power trumps all correct? If you had a group of 10 people and bought insurance it would be more expensive than if you had a group of 20 right!! So why is TDU trying to take credit for something that pure buying power created. ( I could see if National did not pass) Teamcare now has 300,000+ members in that network! don't you think that would eliminate some copays and low out of pocket expenses?? The full timers wanted the part timers to have a same health care us! Now the full timers wish they had what local 804 part timers have!!! not the $20.00 for co-pays!, $20.00 for blood work, and 20.00 for xrays! that's 60 bucks not counting prescriptions for a full time driver or 2-4 hours of my paycheck for the workday.


Well-Known Member
This is truly the time to stand strong and Vote NO again! There is no reason why we should be going into our pockets for healthcare, giving back election day and a accural rate increase for Every vested member in our local! NO VCD! Members don"t want to here the word again!


Well-Known Member
Leave part time wages for ground alone!!! $21.00 or $32.32 which is greater!!! Same job! Same pay!! You won't find a inside person that would say yes to 21.00! Unless they have tasted your kool aide

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
This is truly the time to stand strong and Vote NO again! There is no reason why we should be going into our pockets for healthcare, giving back election day and a accural rate increase for Every vested member in our local! NO VCD! Members don"t want to here the word again!
Truly the time to stand strong vote no again.Who is going into pockets for healthcare because of supplement and where does it say we are giving up election day.This local needs a pension increase now.Whether you want to retire next year or 10 years from now we need more money in our pension to retire.Listen to guys like this we will wind up with nothing!!!!!! If you dont understand something when supplement comes back out call your LOCAL our LOCAL to get informed about YOUR SUPPLEMENT and YOUR pension increase.


Well-Known Member
Truly the time to stand strong vote no again.Who is going into pockets for healthcare because of supplement and where does it say we are giving up election day.This local needs a pension increase now.Whether you want to retire next year or 10 years from now we need more money in our pension to retire.Listen to guys like this we will wind up with nothing!!!!!! If you dont understand something when supplement comes back out call your LOCAL our LOCAL to get informed about YOUR SUPPLEMENT and YOUR pension increase.

When will you and others stop putting yourself first! We deserve an accrual rate increase for all! Not just for the 25-30 year member! I'm pleased that the majority of 20+ year guys understand that the raise should be for all! They realize that allowing things like VCD will be the end of creating full time driving positions, and the beginning of the end to the pension and the local!