Vote no! You can't deny the power the no vote has. The IBT and Tim S pushed through a terrible health package for p/t workers. We all band together and voted no, after being told they can not re-negotiate the master agreement, threatened with scare tactic from Tim S and Ken H,it was changed, I don't believe this has ever happened before. Vote no again on VCD, Election Day give back and our raise going to UPS management. We the back bone of this company deserve more, much more. Think about every night eating alone, with your super in the microwave. Your kids already asleep in bed. Think about your kids sports that you missed, the plays you couldn't make, and if you took the day off, the harassment management would pray upon you. looking at your kids one day and think, MY GOD! They are all grown up, what did I miss. Think about getting out of bed feeling aches you never felt before. That is why we should demand more, the company has made billions on our blood sweat and tears, Tim S and this E/B gave themselves a 31% raise, Hoffa and Hall are making good money, but the back bone of all this, US, we got crap and they want us to think its great, maybe if we got a 31% raise, and we weren't on collection because our medical sucks, yeah! This is our one and only chance, UPS and the teamster done want to drag this out till peak season, stock holders are nervous. Vote No send them back to the table with something we could be proud of. Remember last contract, Chicago was the last hold out. One local all alone stood up to big brown and Hoffa, they were threatened harassed and alone, guest what, they got what they wanted,more money and respect. Think about it and VOTE NO!