What information are we getting from our local?
Nothing! They will do anything to keep us in the dark! On the email just sent by Tim and co. They said,
quote; all written changes will be mailed to every Local 804 members on September 18 along with a contract ratification ballot.
We are in the process of reducing the changes to writing and submitting them to the Package Division and International Union. And quote.
LIE!!! Fact is that the international received local 804 supplemental weeks ago! Local804 ballots are printed as well! You Tim might think that Hall likes you! But They know that this supplemental is not what the members want!
It is distasteful what Tim S. and company once again are trying to do!!
Once again I'm calling on this executive board to provide the copy's or post the new agreement on local804 website! Sep, 12, 2013 at 4:40pm.
LOL, first you say where is the info from the local...we are in the dark. Next sentence you tell us they sent out an email with info...duh!!
Seems they will be having parking lot meetings to inform the members as well as flyers. It doesnt look like major changes to the original TA.
Oh and that TA the intl received weeks ago was probably the original TA. I guess they will be receiving a new TA now, hmm?? And for the record, hall WANTS our supplement to pass. Thats why ol kenny boy made some changes to Teamcare.
"Once again I'm calling on this executive board"?? LOL,sit down jr.!!