Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
that was a good one anonymous. All of the guys know he is the same guy "vinny m., littlebilly and aces" i would'nt be surpised if he had a few more names. Now he talks back and forth to himself and makes mistakes. Mental!!!! If you know what i mean. I am just going to ingore him now and have a few laughs. I like your spunk...


Well-Known Member
that was a good one anonymous. All of the guys know he is the same guy "vinny m., littlebilly and aces" i would'nt be surpised if he had a few more names. Now he talks back and forth to himself and makes mistakes. Mental!!!! If you know what i mean. I am just going to ingore him now and have a few laughs. I like your spunk...


Well-Known Member
There he is! Wow... u finally say something and it is trying to make fun of someone. That's a shock . Yeah ,I made a mental mistake like u did when u told all the members you represented that the contract was good and to vote on it. So.. what do u think of the vice prez bill buhlet going out on building manager Jim kirks boat? Yeah ,I know u won't respond cause EVERYBODY knows u are a selfish person who only cares about wearing a suit to work. U call a lot of people dog cause u r a d...... bag. so who knows who u are talking about. Things happen for a reason and its time to go wear a suit and make up nicknames somewhere else


Well-Known Member
BTW I know who dog is . But Lonewolf made fun of safety bob and called him dog also. he couldnt stand the guy so like a bully he made people laugh at him by making a nickname.


Well-Known Member
O ok ,, but i'm u and your me , no were him LOL everyone is the green jacket but is it really green?? were all in harry's world anyway.......


Well-Known Member
Let me Guess ....
407 steward, u r Lonewolf and why does your location state ohio when you're in
New York ?
You watch the Jersey shore, You know all the characters!
Or............ You are Tony D talking to himself and just made a mistake.
GIVE UP you will never get in Lonewolf(407 steward..wink)

A few people on here are SchizOOOO..
Hey I will save u the trouble, Im the Green Jacket! Actually Agitator 1 Is

And for Bill B..While guys were getting fired he was on Kirks Boat....
( of course working things out for the benefit of local 804 )


Signed up because I am tired of reading all this BS and wanted to redirect the conversation to why this thread was started in the first place! What's up with our new EB? What happened to 24 hr representation etc. I just got a new insurance card for Blue Cross. What is going on with that? Hope the local ain't giving us up to Blue Cross. I like the fact that I can show up with a bill over there and have someone explain why I am getting bill at the house. I know they got problems over there, but I don't want to end up paying for my insurance or having the company take over like they did to the part timers. AND I DON'T LIKE FISHING, so give it to me straight.


Well-Known Member
only kidding don. im sorry but this guy tony from local 804 uses many names on here. He likes to play politics and use the site to bash the new e board. He was on the old e board. When he was there things were not as bad as they are now. but.. things were getting worse and he went along for selfish reasons and told people to vote on the contract that sucked!. He is to blame along with the president howie redmond for the horrible spot we are in at ups. also, this new board needs to be held to what they promised when they ran for the job. we deserve better Don. i say throw almost all of them out and start fresh


Well-Known Member
rite now instead of this new board taking on ups, they took the easy road and put all the problems with the medical and pension on the members that dont vote. the retiree. i have like 18 years and i started young so, i will have 25 years in and be 50 yo. now, what do i do? pay 1000 a month by then for medical? im screwed.
Let me Guess ....
407 steward, u r Lonewolf and why does your location state ohio when you're in
New York ?
You watch the Jersey shore, You know all the characters!
Or............ You are Tony D talking to himself and just made a mistake.
GIVE UP you will never get in Lonewolf(407 steward..wink)

A few people on here are SchizOOOO..
Hey I will save u the trouble, Im the Green Jacket! Actually Agitator 1 Is

And for Bill B..While guys were getting fired he was on Kirks Boat....
( of course working things out for the benefit of local 804 )
dude I'm not tony or whoever you said I'm getting involved in this thread because it's so bizzzzzzar. It's like a train reck or the Jerry springer show I can't help myself I can't wait to see what jiberish you guys will spew next. As far as Jersey Shore is concerned this thread is the exact same stuff as the show and the same reason I keep tuning in because its funny.


Well-Known Member
Signed up because I am tired of reading all this BS and wanted to redirect the conversation to why this thread was started in the first place! What's up with our new EB? What happened to 24 hr representation etc. I just got a new insurance card for Blue Cross. What is going on with that? Hope the local ain't giving us up to Blue Cross. I like the fact that I can show up with a bill over there and have someone explain why I am getting bill at the house. I know they got problems over there, but I don't want to end up paying for my insurance or having the company take over like they did to the part timers. AND I DON'T LIKE FISHING, so give it to me straight.

What happened to 24 hr representation etc Nothing happen theres a answering service that will email and call the nite BA's on call. I just got a new insurance card for Blue Cross. What is going on with that? first try going to a union meeting , second our old board Howie and the boys destroyed our medical so changes had to be made. Hope the local ain't giving us up to Blue Cross. Blue Cross has more doctors then Magna Care did ,plus the change is saving the fund over $350,000 a year. You can still go to the hall and get the same answers , the same people are still upstairs.


Well-Known Member
rite now instead of this new board taking on ups, they took the easy road and put all the problems with the medical and pension on the members that don't vote. the retiree. i have like 18 years and i started young so, i will have 25 years in and be 50 yo. now, what do i do? pay 1000 a month by then for medical? I'm screwed.

rite now instead of this new board taking on ups, they took the easy road and put all the problems with the medical and pension on the members that don't vote. the retiree. I'm really surprised you no nothing about what's going on? The board can't just take on UPS that has to be done in the next contract, thanks to Howie and the boys our medical was almost empty, no funds , thats why it was in arbitration and UPS wanted the retiree's to pay $1,200 a month now. These changes were made to get it out of arbitration. From what I was told there maybe more changes so the the retiree's don't go up 10% a year starting 2012 and they may even go down. Plus next year in June the Obama bill goes in and all kids up to 26 yrs old are covered that will also be a big hit to the plan. But our board isn't hiding the truth from our membership it is what it is and they are making plans to fix it , IF YOUR NOT CAREFUL U MITE JUST LEARN SOMETHING.........


Well-Known Member
You don`t know what your talking about Angelo was one of the best B.A`s we ever had. You are obviously a row "B" guy...Nice job those guys are doing they are the clueless I can`t wait to show them the door in 2 years. Get your facts straight Angelo is a good man he was always there for his people as a steward and as a B.A.