Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
So you wait until 11pm to post thinking you will have the last word!! Pathetic!

Listen!!! Local177 NJ will get their pension increase retroactive to August, 1 2013! Their pension fund was also in critical status yet somehow they manage to get a 402 pension increase plus better health care!! Even better than teamcare!
Your pension increase is all BS...

Better yet answer why Tim S. and Co. Aren't providing the members with details of our supplemental?
No you listen lo 177 is getting a pension raise ONLY because it gave up some of their raises!! Got that?? We didnt have to in Local 804!! I guess they can do that because it is immediate monies coming into their funds. Dont know their situation but ours cannot go up til Jan 1, 2014 by law!!


Well-Known Member
No you listen lo 177 is getting a pension raise ONLY because it gave up some of their raises!! Got that?? We didnt have to in Local 804!! I guess they can do that because it is immediate monies coming into their funds. Dont know their situation but ours cannot go up til Jan 1, 2014 by law!!

Oh yeah? Under your contract we the members are giving up more than those .30 cents local177 is giving up!
1. VCDs will be making almost $12 an hour less than a driver!
2. One hour flex start time that sir is $121 weekly out of every full time driver!
On and on you go with your so called best supplemental in the nation!!
It is sad that we have leaders like you!! Willing to sell us for $300.
Go head buddy you keep watching porn on our computers at the union hall! By the way if I call the union hall tomorrow would anyone pick up the phone?
Lies more lies that's all we get from this executive board since their first day in office!!!


Well-Known Member
Members i am a union dues paying member like yourselves,the only people i support are my family.Row A, Row b ,Row C !!!! Whatever row turns you on or dont turn you on.This is our current board at Local 804 they have negotiated a good supplement,We have not seen a pension increase in 15 years or so,our previous board couldnt even come up with a $50.00 bill in your pension all these years.I supported them like alot of you also did.Its time to give credit where credit is due they have negotiated a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase for you and your family,whether you are working here 3 years or 25 years you will need a good pension to retire from this miserable company.Listen to the right people not guys like this who have a total different agenda than helping our members.They are looking to twist and pick apart this supplement for there own agenda, whatever that might be.See all the negative aspects of this supplement he is pointing out to you,Call your local and get the real truth.Enough with this B/S THIS IS OUR SUPPLEMENT !!! If half of these clowns were really interested in helping our membership they would help us and our local not put all there effort into dividing us.
dividing us, ask that to the 1200 members that lost their job under this current board.
Anybody know where & when the super secret meeting is going to be held with the board & part timers only. guess its your only prayer to get this tired retread of a supplement passed by begging the P/T's for support cause u know u def don't have from the friend/T'ers

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
dividing us, ask that to the 1200 members that lost their job under this current board.
Maybe if the 1200 members did what they were supposed to do maybe just maybe they would not have gotten fired.Employees who lose there job, lost it because they were doing the wrong thing not the hall.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Members vote yes on our supplement,the best supplement in years don't listen to members and stewards whose only agenda is for themselves.Pay attention to who is knocking our supplement,just pay attention to who is telling you to vote no.They may act like they are looking out for your best interest but they are only hoping our supplement tanks to make our current board fail.They are looking to divide us in any way possible.If there true interest was to help the members and our local, thats what they would do help us not divide us!!! Enough with the b/s this is our local this is our supplement.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe if the 1200 members did what they were supposed to do maybe just maybe they would not have gotten fired.Employees who lose there job, lost it because they were doing the wrong thing not the hall.

There is a big difference between an honest mistake and a cardinal sin. This is my issue with TDU. All talk, no action. I'll admit I admire their initial tenacity, but their follow through is less to be desired. Your #1 job at a local is to keep people employed.


Its funny how when Howie was telling everyone to vote yes and Tim was putting out a vote no campaign that was ok. But now that the tables have turned the vote no campaign is meant to divide the membership? Just a bit hypocritical arent you? The members spoke when we voted it down under Howie because they were smart enough to realize the load of crap he was selling us. And I have breaking news for you. The members also spoke when we voted down the contract that Tim and CO negotiated because......You guessed it...because we are smart enough to realize the load of crap he is trying to sell us. We dont need to listen to anyone. All we have to do is READ the tentative agreement. And for those who know how to read it doesnt take a brain surgeon to realize that this contract is bad for 804 members!! its bad for our future!!!! And Tim is using the same tactics that Howie used by telling the membership if you dont vote yes the pension increase will be off the table..Gee..where did we all here that before??? Howie telling us if we dont vote yes the pension accrual rates will not return to there normal levels and our pensions will be reduced!! Remember when he told us that? and you remember when we all voted and said get your A_ _ back to the negotiating table and get us a contract we deserve!! and guess what?? they went back to the table and restored our pension accrual rate even after he said it was off the table

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Sorry this is not the same scenario,we are getting something out of this supplement.That supplement like the supplement before it we got balls, they acted like they did us a great justice to keep what we already had.Are telling me a 300 to 400 dollar increase in our pension is not a substantial gain for our local There are people on here that are trying to put a spin on anything and everything in this supplement.Wake up the last board after Ron Carey God rest his soul ,did what substantial in our supplements.Tell me maybe I am wrong and I have a short memory.I supported them probably just as well as you did.This is our local now there is no such thing as take it or leave it.I give them credit for negotiating a good supplement.Do I think they do everything right ,no I dont.But I am not going to sit back and lose a pension increase like this in the hope that maybe someday and that's a big maybe that there are going to be a group of super heroes running the hall.


Sorry this is not the same scenario,we are getting something out of this supplement.That supplement like the supplement before it we got balls, they acted like they did us a great justice to keep what we already had.Are telling me a 300 to 400 dollar increase in our pension is not a substantial gain for our local There are people on here that are trying to put a spin on anything and everything in this supplement.Wake up the last board after Ron Carey God rest his soul ,did what substantial in our supplements.Tell me maybe I am wrong and I have a short memory.I supported them probably just as well as you did.This is our local now there is no such thing as take it or leave it.I give them credit for negotiating a good supplement.Do I think they do everything right ,no I dont.But I am not going to sit back and lose a pension increase like this in the hope that maybe someday and that's a big maybe that there are going to be a group of super heroes running the hall.

I agree the supplement we got was garbage. And your right. We got back what we already had. It was a terrible contract and so was the one before it. And your entitled to your opinion on this supplemental. However. So am I. And I believe most people who voted agree that a 3 to 4 hundred a month pension increase is not worth selling the farm for. There are things that are sacred to this union. And fulltime package drivers are one of them. And il tell you something else. That 3 to 4 hundred a month pension increase is garbage when you factor in the medical has increased an average of 3 hundred per month for a family. So you can spin it any way you want. That's not a gain. Not when you retire and have to pay 575.00 for medical. Sorry. And stop blaming row a for it b it's been 4 years and the medical is terrible. The co pays are terrible. The bills members are stuck with are ridiculous. There is no pension increase. You would need to reduce the medical what it was for retiree coverage back to 250 per month for a family for there to be considered an increase. Or raise the pension by 800 per month. Gimme a break guy. There is no pension increase. We are getting back what we already had. Sound familiar?


Well-Known Member
Maybe if the 1200 members did what they were supposed to do maybe just maybe they would not have gotten fired.Employees who lose there job, lost it because they were doing the wrong thing not the hall.
Listen, that number he throws around is a made up number. Its true members fire themselves sometimes but dont accept those fictional numbers.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know where & when the super secret meeting is going to be held with the board & part timers only. guess its your only prayer to get this tired retread of a supplement passed by begging the P/T's for support cause u know u def don't have from the friend/T'ers
​Actually that "super secret meeting" is on the local's website. It will be on saturday the 14th at 10am at the Hall.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if the 1200 members did what they were supposed to do maybe just maybe they would not have gotten fired.Employees who lose there job, lost it because they were doing the wrong thing not the hall.

Is that what you really think? Sir you sound like ups management! Members fault right? Maybe you also should be asking for the same standard from Tim S. on his subordinates! Mark H., Dave O., Fennel, Pete m. and Liam R. should have been fired a long time ago!!! But I'm sure you don't agree.


Well-Known Member
Its funny how when Howie was telling everyone to vote yes and Tim was putting out a vote no campaign that was ok. But now that the tables have turned the vote no campaign is meant to divide the membership? Just a bit hypocritical arent you? The members spoke when we voted it down under Howie because they were smart enough to realize the load of crap he was selling us. And I have breaking news for you. The members also spoke when we voted down the contract that Tim and CO negotiated because......You guessed it...because we are smart enough to realize the load of crap he is trying to sell us. We dont need to listen to anyone. All we have to do is READ the tentative agreement. And for those who know how to read it doesnt take a brain surgeon to realize that this contract is bad for 804 members!! its bad for our future!!!! And Tim is using the same tactics that Howie used by telling the membership if you dont vote yes the pension increase will be off the table..Gee..where did we all here that before??? Howie telling us if we dont vote yes the pension accrual rates will not return to there normal levels and our pensions will be reduced!! Remember when he told us that? and you remember when we all voted and said get your A_ _ back to the negotiating table and get us a contract we deserve!! and guess what?? they went back to the table and restored our pension accrual rate even after he said it was off the table
You got your history wrong bro. The accrual rate was restored in howie's fist TA. We turned it down because howie was giving up 25 and out and coffee for the new hires among other things.
DO NOT EVEN COMPARE HOWIE'S CONCESSIONARY CONTRACTS AND THIS ONE!! Howie gave stuff up and never increased our pensions. Tim has negotiated a strong contract that adds $400 to our pensions, adds 100 new FT jobs, arranges for more summer vacations and an expedited grievance procedure as well as an 8 hr guarantee if laid off instead of 4.5 hrs. All howie did was restore what was taken away under his leadership. Its like day and night!!


Well-Known Member
Where is the super secret revise supplemental?When is Tim S. going to post it on the locals' website? Listen up, all members of the bargaining committee have copies of the supplemental and they are under strict instructions by Tim S. and Liam R. not to give copies to anyone!!!
If it's so good, why is it that you don't want to show it to us?

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Is that what you really think? Sir you sound like ups management! Members fault right? Maybe you also should be asking for the same standard from Tim S. on his subordinates! Mark H., Dave O., Fennel, Pete m. and Liam R. should have been fired a long time ago!!! But I'm sure you don't agree.
No the member has nothing to do with fact he got fired.How stupid of me thanks for the clarification.Keep up the fight trying to divide the members.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Dividing the members? We the members are more united when it comes to turning down your supplement than ever!!!
United, you and who.The rest of your slate with the members of the other slate.Dividing this local so you can run again.Members are not looking to go backwards with members of the old slate that's why you all lost,figure it out.Dividing the local so our supplement gets trashed to make these guys look bad is not the answer bro,being such a vocal union member you should be trying to help your brothers instead of trying to hurt them for your own personal gain.Don't you have any shame.


Well-Known Member
Tim s., Liam R.,are brilliant!Lol! There about 40 people in the union hall at this time and that includes the entire executive board!!!
Bad news for you Tim and co. Even the part timers know that your revised supplemental sucks! Especially the over 300 part time air drivers with have in our local!!!