Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
United, you and who.The rest of your slate with the members of the other slate.Dividing this local so you can run again.Members are not looking to go backwards with members of the old slate that's why you all lost,figure it out.Dividing the local so our supplement gets trashed to make these guys look bad is not the answer bro,being such a vocal union member you should be trying to help your brothers instead of trying to hurt them for your own personal gain.Don't you have any shame.
First, Kenny R , Tim S , Niel Obrien and Pete M are the original dividers of this union with their lies. This gos back to when Ron C was IBT president. These same people wanted to bring Ron C to court because they said he made a deal with UPS on the P/T pension. When Ron was removed from the IBT, on trumped up charges, these people believed they earned a spot on the board, one problem, they all sucked. They were just ball washers of Ronnie's . Now that their on the board they don't know what they are doing. They had a meeting today for P/T only so that they could brain wash these members into voting yes. Part timers, listen this board stab you guys in the back, they voted for that horrible medical the IBT tried to stuff down your throat, then told you it was the best contract in union history, the E/B tells you so many lies they forget the last lie they told you. By you voting no again doesn't mean this new medical plan is dissolved, that is from the master not the local supplements. This board gave away the store on this contract, all those years Carey fought against these changes, this E/B gave UPS. All for a maybe increase in our pension, UPS did the same thing to Ron C in 1997, push the supplements thru and we will recommend a pension increase, it never happened, Ron said he would never do that again. This board has been bamboozle by UPS.


Well-Known Member
If we get a second no vote , what then? If we can not get a pension increase anyway maybe it is time for a strike vote.....no reason to vote yes after a second no vote unless they somehow sweeten the pot.....TIME TO HIT THE STREETS AND RESTORE OUR UNION POWER AT THE GRASSROOTS LEVEL


Well-Known Member
Local 177 got a pension increase and protected all their members healthcare without selling their souls. Why cant local 804 do the same


Well-Known Member
Some of you have really have no clue at all. You come on here and "write" about Ron Carey as though you knew him. And you write about how evil TDU is. Well i bet you didnt know that when Ron ran in 1991, 10 of his 15 candidates on his slate were TDU!! He left 3 seats uncontested. He also attended and spoke at 5 out of 6 TDU conventions while he was president of the IBT. It might be true that he never became a "member" but he knew who his friends were. His heart was with TDU but for political reasons he never officially joined. So when you write about what "ROn would be thinking or what he might do ..." just remember whose side he was on!!


Well-Known Member
First, Kenny R , Tim S , Niel Obrien and Pete M are the original dividers of this union with their lies. This gos back to when Ron C was IBT president. These same people wanted to bring Ron C to court because they said he made a deal with UPS on the P/T pension. When Ron was removed from the IBT, on trumped up charges, these people believed they earned a spot on the board, one problem, they all sucked. They were just ball washers of Ronnie's . Now that their on the board they don't know what they are doing. They had a meeting today for P/T only so that they could brain wash these members into voting yes. Part timers, listen this board stab you guys in the back, they voted for that horrible medical the IBT tried to stuff down your throat, then told you it was the best contract in union history, the E/B tells you so many lies they forget the last lie they told you. By you voting no again doesn't mean this new medical plan is dissolved, that is from the master not the local supplements. This board gave away the store on this contract, all those years Carey fought against these changes, this E/B gave UPS. All for a maybe increase in our pension, UPS did the same thing to Ron C in 1997, push the supplements thru and we will recommend a pension increase, it never happened, Ron said he would never do that again. This board has been bamboozle by UPS.
Total fiction. A matter of fact Ron supported those guys in every election they ever ran in against Howie. And in 2006, Ron actually publically endorsed Tim's slate for delegate. He wasnt around in 2009 but he knew Tim and co were about to take on Howie again and was 100% behind them.


Well-Known Member
Total fiction. A matter of fact Ron supported those guys in every election they ever ran in against Howie. And in 2006, Ron actually publically endorsed Tim's slate for delegate. He wasnt around in 2009 but he knew Tim and co were about to take on Howie again and was 100% behind them.
Their you go again trying to put out more B/S. Have you no respect for Ron C. Now your speaking for a dead man, you'll say anything to keep spreading the KOOL-AIDE . That entire slate used Ronny's corpse to promote themselves. I bet this slate would have used Ron C cadaver and march it around like that inflatable rat if the Carey family would let them, even Ron C Jr. Knows your a bunch of morons that destroyed their fathers union. That whole union hall became a rat ship and it screwed every member of this once great union. 1200 members fired in two years, 70% of members on medical collection, $20.00 co-pay for everything, UPS isn't funding our medical anymore the members are with the co-pays, UPS had you turn our medical fund into a savings fund and you A/H brag about how you saved the fund. The entire UPS management team that is day shift and night work along side our union members, it became their job.


Well-Known Member
Local177 NJ will get their pension increase retroactive to August, 1 2013! Their pension fund was also in critical status yet somehow they manage to get a 402 pension increase .
The real reason Local 177 was able to get their pension increase as of Aug 1, 2013 was because they opted NOT to take the "fund relief" that other locals like ours took. By federal law, The Pension Protection Act, we could not get an increase in our pension until Jan 1, 2014...or jan 1, 2015 if this supplement doesn't pass by Oct 15th!!


Well-Known Member
If we get a second no vote , what then? If we can not get a pension increase anyway maybe it is time for a strike vote.....no reason to vote yes after a second no vote unless they somehow sweeten the pot.....TIME TO HIT THE STREETS AND RESTORE OUR UNION POWER AT THE GRASSROOTS LEVEL
Smarten up. Are you proposing to have us go out on strike with a contract that gives us raises, a large increase in our pension, over 100 new Full time jobs and language improvements?? LOL!! Get serious, no one strikes over this kind of offer!!


Well-Known Member
Their you go again trying to put out more B/S. Have you no respect for Ron C. Now your speaking for a dead man, you'll say anything to keep spreading the KOOL-AIDE . That entire slate used Ronny's corpse to promote themselves. I bet this slate would have used Ron C cadaver and march it around like that inflatable rat if the Carey family would let them, even Ron C Jr. Knows your a bunch of morons that destroyed their fathers union. That whole union hall became a rat ship and it screwed every member of this once great union. 1200 members fired in two years, 70% of members on medical collection, $20.00 co-pay for everything, UPS isn't funding our medical anymore the members are with the co-pays, UPS had you turn our medical fund into a savings fund and you A/H brag about how you saved the fund. The entire UPS management team that is day shift and night work along side our union members, it became their job.
Not speaking for a dead man. I know for a fact that Ron supported Tim and Jim putting a slate together to challenge the old board in late 2008.
Once again, 1200 members have NOT been fired. Oh, a NEW made up number: where do you get the "70% of members on medical collection" from?? 60% of our local are part timers who are not IN our plan so.....explain your fiction. LOL!!
Do you REALLY think those $20 co-pays are totally funding our H/W funds which puts out tens of millions of dollars a year?? LOL, REALLY??


Well-Known Member
we did not get a raise. the wage increase was less than the rate of inflation. a300 increase in the pension after 15 years is nothing to brag about. the company makes over 4 billion in profit

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
we did not get a raise. the wage increase was less than the rate of inflation. a300 increase in the pension after 15 years is nothing to brag about. the company makes over 4 billion in profit
300 to 400 dollar pension increase nothing to brag about come on bro lets get real.You are correct in saying how much our pension has increased all these years.But we have to start somewhere,maybe if our previous board had gotten us a little raise here a little raise there instead of zero all these years our pension would be strait, but they did not.Supplement after supplement the same B/S we got to keep what we already had nothing more nothing less.We start out with the 300 to 400 and we go from there.Next supplement we go for a more and so on!!! If we dont start somewhere and get this pension raise voted in we are right back where we started.This is our local and our supplement all the guys trying to divide us will take us nowhere real fast.I personally dont care who is in the hall,who is not in the hall who supports TDU, who doesnt support TDU,I dont even care or know what the TDU is all about, I am a union dues paying member who breaks my ass like the rest of our members for this miserable company who expects my local to get me the best supplement they can.
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Well-Known Member
Not speaking for a dead man. I know for a fact that Ron supported Tim and Jim putting a slate together to challenge the old board in late 2008.
Once again, 1200 members have NOT been fired. Oh, a NEW made up number: where do you get the "70% of members on medical collection" from?? 60% of our local are part timers who are not IN our plan so.....explain your fiction. LOL!!
Do you REALLY think those $20 co-pays are totally funding our H/W funds which puts out tens of millions of dollars a year?? LOL, REALLY??
Genius 70% of friend/T workers, I will make it simple for you. Example, 100 friend/T members, 70% on collection equals, 70 members. Ask your mommy for help, this may be way over your head. And if $20.00 co-pay is not funding the H/W were is this money going, Neil O yacht.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Hey what exactly is that rep power number mean under your amount of posts.I see some of our posters have zero.Does that mean like nobody actually cares what that poster really has to say.I did notice that 804 browns rep power is off the chart.I guess its only logical because he is one of the few that are worth reading and make sense.So many posters with zero rep power,its kinda like you think its important what you are posting but nobody else reading it finds it important.Members take a look at the people posting and how many posts they have and how much rep power is underneath.There is some good info on here just try to weed out the ones that are trying to divide our local,they are easy to find just look for the ones with zeroes in the rep power.Remember in unity there is strength.The more we are divided the less we will achieve especially when it comes to our supplement.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe if the 1200 members did what they were supposed to do maybe just maybe they would not have gotten fired.Employees who lose there job, lost it because they were doing the wrong thing not the hall.

So what is Liam excuse. Go ahead blame tony d. What about the fact he can't maintain his ojs numbers. Now I don't support ups and there numbers but if a sup is on car and u do 13 sporh. Than when he is by himself he does 8-9 sporh. Just because he had different streets doesn't make a 4-5 sporh difference.


Well-Known Member
Genius 70% of friend/T workers, I will make it simple for you. Example, 100 friend/T members, 70% on collection equals, 70 members. Ask your mommy for help, this may be way over your head. And if $20.00 co-pay is not funding the H/W were is this money going, Neil O yacht.
Wasnt it YOU who wrote "70% of the members"?? I always thought part timers were members...silly me!!
Are you serious??? Do you really think that $20 co-pay covers an entire dr visit?? LOL, "where is the money going"?? I guess UPS doesnt put any $$ into our Funds, LOL!! But Im the "genius"??


Well-Known Member
So what is Liam excuse. Go ahead blame tony d. What about the fact he can't maintain his ojs numbers. Now I don't support ups and there numbers but if a sup is on car and u do 13 sporh. Than when he is by himself he does 8-9 sporh. Just because he had different streets doesn't make a 4-5 sporh difference.
Next time you see Liam, you ask him yourself. But when you see Donato ask him why he didnt make one of his famous deals to get one of his shop stewards out of a jam??


Well-Known Member
How many deals does tony d have to make before the driver takes responsibility for him self. How many arbitration cases does it take for him to smarten up?


Well-Known Member
How many deals does tony d have to make before the driver takes responsibility for him self. How many arbitration cases does it take for him to smarten up?
Point is Liam had only 1 arbitration case. Donato failed to act, failed to protect one of his stewards because it was in DONATO'S interest to see Liam lose. Why do you think he put a rookie lawyer on this all important case?? Why do you think Tony himself NEVER testified on Liams' behalf??


Well-Known Member
The second vote on the supplements is going out, vote no. UPS is counting on us not to notice but its the same offer. They sweeten the P/T medical so that they would vote this terrible contract in.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
The second vote on the supplements is going out, vote no. UPS is counting on us not to notice but its the same offer. They sweeten the P/T medical so that they would vote this terrible contract in.
The best supplement in years.If you have a question about your supplement call your local,do not listen to members who have an agenda to divide our local,or members that are looking to run in next election again.They are only interested in themselves,hoping our supplement tanks so current board fails.Enough with the B/S our local needs a pension increase, whether you are working here 3 months or working here 25 years.What good is our 25 and out if we cant afford to retire.There is a 300 dollar to 400 dollar increase in our pension on the table.An increase we have not seen in years.If you think this is a terrible contract like this poster put it.Do some research on some of our past supplements.There you will find the definition of terrible right next to the definition of garbage.This is not about who is in the hall, who wants to be in the hall, who you like, who you dislike, this is about our supplement.This board put together a good supplement give them credit, give yourself a raise in your pension by voting yes on your supplement.