I'm voting yes. I'll make sure every pter in my building does the same since I have some influences. This sup must pass, and will pass whether you like it or not.
LOL, listen to yourself!! Your bitching about a contract that actually increases your pension by $400?? Your bitching about how the board cares enough about retirees (who dont vote anymore)?? Wow, i guess some members can never be happy. I guess you will reject the 70 cent raise too and the retro money since Aug 1st because you are afraid of the taxes, right?? LOL!! Smarten up!!Im voting NO...but I think it may pass...beginning of the end for $300/month which after taxes is about $50/week...its a shame but it is all on this board's head...all they r worried about it is the retiring not the guys with years left...hope another slate with different ideas and goals is put together to get these guys out of office..
Well golly gee Tom lets do some critical thinking on this (as foreign as that is for some). How many FT's are going on TeamCare in L804? Ding, ding, ding...none Tom, good answer. Did L804 attend the TeamCare mtg in Chicago announcing adjustments to the plan to mirror the present plan? YES Tom you win again. Now for a real tough one...who gets a FT pension increase when this agreement passes? (hint, the answer is in the question) Sorry Tom you lose (again) it's those hard working Full Timers that were ignored by the past board.Why is this board trying to sell this to the P/T members, they had a meeting on Sept 14, P/T only, they are doing 6PM parking lot meeting to catch the P/T members going to work. They had a P/T conference call. Yes you hard working package car drivers have been sold out, and this board just put a wedge between hard working P/t and hard working friend/T members just to get a, that a boy pat on the back from UPS.
Members dont listen to this J/O he is only interested in dividing our local so he can run in the next election.He has no shame he wants you to turn down the best supplement we have seen in years.For what !! So we wind up with nothing just like our past supplements.Wake up open your eyes go to teamsterslocal804.org read about supplement,get informed.I have no affiliation with this current board or our previous board i am a dues paying member like yourself.This B/S has to end, dividing members will do nothing for us but destroy us.This is our supplement this is our current board whether some people like them or not go to teamsterslocal804.org read our supplement.My eyes were opened open yours,we all thought our previous board was doing the right thing by us.Think about it what did they do for us in our past supplements.They did nothing!!!! Read about your supplement think for yourself dont let someone like this influence you the wrong way for his own gain.Our local needs a pension increase now,it has been negotiated now do not leave it on the table.vote no!
Fwd;Members dont listen to this J/O he is only interested in dividing our local so he can run in the next election.He has no shame he wants you to turn down the best supplement we have seen in years.For what !! So we wind up with nothing just like our past supplements.Wake up open your eyes go to teamsterslocal804.org read about supplement,get informed.I have no affiliation with this current board or our previous board i am a dues paying member like yourself.This B/S has to end, dividing members will do nothing for us but destroy us.This is our supplement this is our current board whether some people like them or not go to teamsterslocal804.org read our supplement.My eyes were opened open yours,we all thought our previous board was doing the right thing by us.Think about it what did they do for us in our past supplements.They did nothing!!!! Read about your supplement think for yourself dont let someone like this influence you the wrong way for his own gain.Our local needs a pension increase now,it has been negotiated now do not leave it on the table.
FIND OUT THE REAL REASON WHY THE EXECUTIVE BOARD IS ALLOWING VACATION COVER DRIVERS! LISTEN AS B.A. LIAM RUSSELL EXPLAINSHere we go with B/S vote no campaign with the text messages.Members wake up this is not an election.The people sending out text messages to vote no are part of the old board that got you ZERO,NADA,NOTHING in the last three supplements they negotiated.Isn't a little ironic that they are pushing you to vote no on supplement that is finally giving you something.They are not interested in helping you ,they are trying to use our supplement for leverage in the next election.Open your eyes!!!
Here we go with B/S vote no campaign with the text messages.Members wake up this is not an election.The people sending out text messages to vote no are part of the old board that got you ZERO,NADA,NOTHING in the last three supplements they negotiated.Isn't a little ironic that they are pushing you to vote no on supplement that is finally giving you something.They are not interested in helping you ,they are trying to use our supplement for leverage in the next election.Open your eyes!!!
Its an agreement.Stop your B/S .Start looking out for the members and not your own agenda.All you are trying to do is spin every aspect of this supplement to bash our local so they fail.If your interest was to help the members you would instead of trying to divide them.They fail we all fail !!! Calling them names and making a goof of this whole thing is getting real tired.Your B/S comments are taking us nowhere.You want to run for office in a couple of years go right ahead,hurting the members by trashing this supplement is not your answer.
The board is explaining to the Pters how Teamcare will work and will be just like they had before. With that the part timers have NO REASON to vote against this supplement. Last time they voted NO on both because they rightly that they were getting a worse health plan. Part timers i spoke said they wanted to vote down the local supplement UNTIL THEY FIXED THE NATIONAL TEAMCARE LANGUAGE!! Well, that has been fixed (trustees of central states now have 140,000 new members and therefore can allow greater discounts hence same coverage as before) and now they are ready to vote YES on the supplement!!Why is this board trying to sell this to the P/T members, they had a meeting on Sept 14, P/T only, they are doing 6PM parking lot meeting to catch the P/T members going to work. They had a P/T conference call. Yes you hard working package car drivers have been sold out, and this board just put a wedge between hard working P/t and hard working friend/T members just to get a, that a boy pat on the back from UPS.
When the new board took over the fund was heading into a ditch. Without tough decisions made by the board, the funds would have been in the negative. There was no alternative. The old board even had their own plan which raised co-pays even more, put higher fees on emergency rooms and hit retirees too!! Today there are 7 months worth of reserves, making it a very healthy H/W Fund. So healthy that the board was able to use more of the money they got from UPS to put into a pension increase for "WE THE ACTIVE MEMBERS!!"Let me tell you something you genius!
When Tim and co. Took office retirees just to paid $200 for health care coverage, jul 2010 UPS put a lil pressure on Tim and he agreed to raised retirees health coverage to over $500! So do the math! What pension increase?! Is a net loss! when you factor higher co-payments, taxes, cost of living etc..
Oh!!! I forgot one thing, we the active members will be left behind with nothing!!!...
Screw Neil and his pushing oh ain't teamcare great??? You wanna give me something...give me somthing I can use, how bout a new tshirt Neil?? I knew him for years before he became a smiling union trustee blowhard....I'm surprised he can fit his inflated head through the door of the building once a week!!They are busy fishing on Neil's new boat, the bamboozled! They are care free!
Screw Neil and his pushing oh ain't teamcare great??? I knew him before he became a smiling union trustee blowhard....I'm surprised he can fit his inflated head through the door of the building once a week!!
How do you define "failure"?? Is saving our H/W Funds "failure"?? Is taking huge salary cuts and putting that money into hiring more BAs for more representation "failure"?? Is being a reform slate and getting re-elected "failure"?? Is delivering on a strong supplement that increases our pension for the first time in 12 years "failure"?? LOL, you have just been so used to failed leaders like Redmond and buhlert that you are blind when leaders actually do what they promise to do and tell you the truth and visit buildings and stand in the parking lot for hours explaining the details to part timers who have questions!!Stop with the sniffles? Whether I personally like board members or not, I hope that they would have our best interest in mind!!! Scary part is I don't believe they know what there doing!! Even at this moment there trying to compare themselves to past boards?? Why!! Stop chasing history! Open your eyes and make your own! Board has failed! When most people fail, they get up and try again! Not blame others!!! Also this TA is no good for Anyone in 804!
Lol okay, don't get your lil brown shorts twisted, i'm going lol.Sounds like a certain preloader is getting cranky! MUST BE past her bedtime!..lol
Lol okay, don't get your lil brown shorts twisted, i'm going lol.
Certain drivers might get treats....if they're sweet enough. Others just have to settle for package cars that weren't loaded by Ray Charles with a pitchfork after 10 beers.....lmao.Your drivers are going to be in for a real treat tomorrow..........lmao