It's time for those part-timers to support the full-timers, we backed them the last two contracts now its time for them to support the full timers. They may have frozen the first four years of your medical co-payments, but the house of representative voted today to defund the obama care....with that comes the responsibilities, you know the int'l in the future will increase your co-pay. Vote no!!!!!!the teamcare plan is good for the moment....log on that website Vote No for the Local 804 Supplements and National Master Freight Agreement. read the facts!!!!! Why is tim and company siding with company? Pushing vcd.. Nothing in the contract guaranteeing a increase for full time member... From what i hear according to liam from sunday conference call .....there was 63,000 hours of schedule days off in this local. Break it down. Totalling $2,016.000 million ups saved in pay roll, also no contribution made into the pension fund on those members. This equals over 39 drivers. This is a major reason why our pension is in the red zone,,,,, no wonder ups is pushing vcd...millions in savings....wake up the future of this local..i urge you all to vote no!!!!!!vote no!!!. Tim your a sale out...for $300 bonus increase for just those with 25yrs service or better.....this is the same crap sandy pope did in her local. Tim if you have any leadership you will tell ups to shove this motion for $300 bonus up their you know what...but you don't have the balls to do it....maybe you should send liam to do it....what a disgrace. You should be banned from this local...
We trusted our last board supplement after supplement and they put nothing on the table for us.This board has put a major pension increase on our table a pension increase we all need whether you are here 2 years or 25 years if you are ever looking to retire.Its time to trust them,someone on here stated he is not selling out our local for a 300 dollar pension increase.We have been getting sold out for years by previous board, supplement after supplement, wake up fellas your memories cannot be that short. This is not a sellout this is a supplement that has addressed members concerns thru a survey.A survey that was addressed for once.This is the best supplement presented to us in years dont blow it.Who says that the local 804 website has any truth on it?
VOTE NO!We trusted our last board supplement after supplement and they put nothing on the table for us.This board has put a major pension increase on our table a pension increase we all need whether you are here 2 years or 25 years if you are ever looking to retire.Its time to trust them,someone on here stated he is not selling out our local for a 300 dollar pension increase.We have been getting sold out for years by previous board, supplement after supplement, wake up fellas your memories cannot be that short. This is not a sellout this is a supplement that has addressed members concerns thru a survey.A survey that was addressed for once.This is the best supplement presented to us in years dont blow it.
Like i have stated before members read the post weed it out word for word,this man i trying to run an election off of your supplement.RAH!!! RAH!!!RAH!!! your memories cannot be that short.The members walked away with nothing our last three supplements WHY!!!!! tell us why.Not only did they not get us a pension increase in almost 15 years,they tried to cut it WHY!!!! They ran the medical into the ground forcing our current local to have to make drastic changes on our dime to fix it WHY!!!!Our annuity did not make money for years,that is why it is garbage today.WHY!!!! You want to run your campaign on our members supplement you are asking our members to leave a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase on the table to help you get back in the hall.You have the floor bro answer my questions WHY!!! Have all these wonderful ,positive,excellent,outrageous,overwhelming things been done for our membership over the years by the superheroes you speak of.I could vote yes on this supplement, roll the dice and maybe I could get that extra $300 bucks and leave, retire, screw the new members I got mine, adios goodye and good riddance. But I can't, I rather toss that measly $300 buck in their face then to turn my back on the lower seniority member. I am not alone, there are hundreds of drivers who are willing and are going to vote no. That is right we are Ron C, Howie R and Bill B members, you remember, row A. The ones that after four years are still taking heat because this E/B can't stand on there own two feet, they want to blame someone for there short comings. We are union members, always were, always will be, and I am proud to stand with them. 1200 members lost their jobs under this E/B, not under Bill or Howie. Medical bills were paid no one was on collection for medical bills, under this E/B 70 % of the members are. Bill B , Howie R weren't arrested for stealing from the H/W fund, Tim S , Pete M , Neil O accused them of stealing, there was going to be an investigation, Bill and Howie were going to do jail time, never happened, that's because they cared about the members and their families. I lot of you members don't know this but while Bill and Howie were in the union hall one year two members kids, small children I believe one was a new born and the other was two years old, well these kids needed heart surgery,cost over a two million, Bill and Howie made sure the bills were paid and the families of these kids did not go thru any financial hardship. That's the kind of leader I want. So save yourself any hardship down the road and VOTE NO!
If you want more money in retirement.........................put more money in your 401k......................Dont trust these prostitutes with your money!...just saying...thats all...I hate slamming the union...but they really dont care about us (except election time)You can tell the membership to vote yes and you will possibly get your bonus pension increase and may enjoy it for two or three years, then one day you will open your mailbox and you will see a letter stating your pension has been reduce and the second letter will be that your medical has go up.....what will do then? this is what will happen when you vote yes.....Then we as a local will be in a position where ups will attempt to take control of our pension, just so that you can have your pension bonus and ups can have their VCD....THE HELL WITH THE FUTURE OF THIS LOCAL IS WHAT YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP. YOU ARE NUTS. VOTE NO
Gloom and doom will get us nowhere brother,what if this, what if that, possibly this, possibly that.How about what if our local all of these years did something for the membership instead of selling us out supplement after supplement.Possibly our pension would be in better shape.Possibly our medical would not be so screwed up.Possibly our annuity would be better.There are alot of possibilities and alot of what if's with our local no matter who is in charge of the hall.So what are the members to do, not trust this board wind up with nothing as usual all these years and hope and pray that someday we are going to have a league of heroes in the hall.This is it our local, this is our current board, whether i like everything they do or not whether any member likes what they do or not.Members did not take a step back to vote them out last election,for one reason to give them a shot.They came thru and put a good supplement together.Enough with the B/S this company does whatever they want to do, before this current board took office and now with this current board.I want something substantial in our supplement for once all of these years for me and our members.Enough with the what ifs and the possibly this or that its time to work with our local and make this local strong again.Being divided and thinking that maybe someone someday just might do a better job than these guys is getting us nowhere.The time is now to increase our pensions for us and our families and stop worrying about what if.You can tell the membership to vote yes and you will possibly get your bonus pension increase and may enjoy it for two or three years, then one day you will open your mailbox and you will see a letter stating your pension has been reduce and the second letter will be that your medical has go up.....what will do then? this is what will happen when you vote yes.....Then we as a local will be in a position where ups will attempt to take control of our pension, just so that you can have your pension bonus and ups can have their VCD....THE HELL WITH THE FUTURE OF THIS LOCAL IS WHAT YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP. YOU ARE NUTS. VOTE NO
Who said UPS is taking control of our pension???As far as other locals they are not gaining what we are.This supplement is not a stepping stone to an election.This our members supplement negotiated by our local like them or not,instead of two teams of stewards worrying whether or not they are going to win the election next time around.Maybe they should worry about helping the members and our local in getting a good supplement for once.I personaly dont give a "friend" who is in the hall,i pay my dues they work for me and you.Supplement after supplement its the same B/S WE GET BALLS!!! Now we are supposed to walk away from a pension increase after not seeing one for almost 15 years.Walk away by the recommendations of guys who are on a slate with members of our old board.The same old board that gave us nothing the last three supplements.The same board that never increased our pension,the same board that tried to cut our pension.I know it is about the betterment of our local and that is what current board is trying to do.Make our local better with a pension increase.They already fixed our medical that was run into the ground by our previous board.Everyone jumps up and down about co pays and increase in retiree medical.They were handed a mismanaged medical and they are blamed for it.Wake up members.Betterment of our local thats great, what was done in our past before this board for the betterment of our local Please give me a break.Maybe i am on the wrong website you are talking about LOCAL 804.What if,possibly or what ever way you want to put it. The fact is if you vote yes we are done and you will get to enjoy your $300 bonus pension for the moment. Ups will get what they want to gain control of this pension and local. It's about the betterment of this local..remember 55% of this membership vote against this board, 45% of the membership wanted to see them negotiate this supplement.. Of that 45% it's now down to 30% who support this board. You are right the time is now to vote no even more. JUST LIKE THE OTHER LOCALS WHO VOTED DOWN THEIR SECOND BALLOT CONTRACT. WE WILL SEND A STRONG MSG TO UPS AS WE APPROACH PEAK THAT WE ARE WILLING TO GIVE UP $300 BONUS PENSION. TAKE THE VCD OFF THE TABLE AND GIVE ALL THE MEMBERS AN REAL PENSION INCREASE AND PUT IT IN THE CONTRACT..
Neil was a nice guy back when he was in I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and Tim.that is one big head, must be from all the **** he has done in the past. If I remember right Howie save his job then, but as Niel O would say friend/$k Howie. Yes those good old memories!
Neil was a nice guy back when he was in I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and Tim.
If I wanted you to make comments, I'd remove the gag and untie be quiet, sir!! Lmao!!Did you say throw or bl........................................................................................lmao....sorry BB58
Do it the right way..............................................................................................................................................................................and you wont get any complaints..........part timer!If I wanted you to make comments, I'd remove the gag and untie be quiet, sir!! Lmao!!
And by the right way, you mean like yesterday on the floor of your pc at lunch?? LmaoDo it the right way..............................................................................................................................................................................and you wont get any complaints..........part timer!![]()
And by the right way, you mean like yesterday on the floor of your pc at lunch?? Lmao
Yeah that was neck still hurts!No..I was referring to that acrobatic move you and your girlfriend did on me..................on my break!