Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The board is explaining to the Pters how Teamcare will work and will be just like they had before. With that the part timers have NO REASON to vote against this supplement. Last time they voted NO on both because they rightly that they were getting a worse health plan. Part timers i spoke said they wanted to vote down the local supplement UNTIL THEY FIXED THE NATIONAL TEAMCARE LANGUAGE!! Well, that has been fixed (trustees of central states now have 140,000 new members and therefore can allow greater discounts hence same coverage as before) and now they are ready to vote YES on the supplement!!
​No one is being sold out in this contract: redmond and buhlert and donato are gone!!

Why are you giving back $5,700,000 million dollars to the company?

Vote no!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should let part-timers cover feeder runs too! This way, part-timers will never go full time in package, and I'll never go to feeder!


Well-Known Member
Great meeting at Melville this morning...Pete M had no idea how to explain the layoffs that will happen after peak...his funniest quote "UPS has to run the routes"...where has he been the last 3 years??...Except for Ken R who has his head so far up u know who...there wasn't much support for the VCD drivers...wish this board had the balls to come out and say we cant get a pension increase without giving UPS VCD's...


Well-Known Member
Great meeting at Melville this morning...Pete M had no idea how to explain the layoffs that will happen after peak...his funniest quote "UPS has to run the routes"...where has he been the last 3 years??...Except for Ken R who has his head so far up u know who...there wasn't much support for the VCD drivers...wish this board had the balls to come out and say we cant get a pension increase without giving UPS VCD's...

What you didn't know that ?? get out of the closet .... Off course to get the company to go along with the pension increase your E-Board had to give the VCD's... 2 weeks ago your E-Board asked the company to take the VCD's off the table and the company said sure and we will take the pension off as well. So now its up to the members if this supplement is turned down then both the pension and VCD's will be off the table. You guys will find out how much do the members really want the pension or not.

Nothing to get up set about just VOTE and see what happens.

What you guys don't realize is that when UPS gave Howard the $1.75 to fix our pension that was only for the life of that contract 5 years no more, but just like Howard to not tell us the truth. So for the guys that are crying about "why are we giving UPS 15 cents back" YOU AREN'T that extra $1.75 was only good for the last contract , the rest of the country got $1.00 local 804 got $2.75 now this contract the rest of the country got $1.00 and local 804 got $2.60. Great job by your E-Board to get $1.60 more then the rest of the country but guys here only care about trying to get in the hall and not tell the truth.


Well-Known Member
Screw Neil and his pushing oh ain't teamcare great??? You wanna give me something...give me somthing I can use, how bout a new tshirt Neil?? I knew him for years before he became a smiling union trustee blowhard....I'm surprised he can fit his inflated head through the door of the building once a week!!
that is one big head, must be from all the **** he has done in the past. If I remember right Howie save his job then, but as Niel O would say friend/$k Howie. Yes those good old memories!


Well-Known Member
Word is out that our presidents farm out in Vermont is actually a pig farm. And Liam R is his farm hand, he has don't a great job screwing all the full time drivers that, we'll Tim S surprised him with this new position. Pig farm handler. In fact I hear Neil O is going to dry dock the bamboozled there for the winter, oh there is no charge Neil just has to help Liam R with the pig **** and Tim S will call it even.


Well-Known Member
How do you define "failure"?? Is saving our H/W Funds "failure"?? Is taking huge salary cuts and putting that money into hiring more BAs for more representation "failure"?? Is being a reform slate and getting re-elected "failure"?? Is delivering on a strong supplement that increases our pension for the first time in 12 years "failure"?? LOL, you have just been so used to failed leaders like Redmond and buhlert that you are blind when leaders actually do what they promise to do and tell you the truth and visit buildings and stand in the parking lot for hours explaining the details to part timers who have questions!!
saved, gee wiz look up the meaning of saved would you, 70% of our members are on collection, UPS told them to turn our H/W into a savings account and this E/B did just that. I wish this board would pay as much attention to its members as they do UPS!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Members wake up and smell the pension!!!!see all these disrespectful idiots on here telling you to vote no looking for a chuckle here and there about your current board.All they are trying to do is divide us.They are looking for your supplement to tank so current board looks bad,all so they can run against them in two years.Take a look at your supplement make your own decision.Do not listen to someone who is only looking out for himself.Members that are running on these slates who want you to vote no so they can run again,they will be led by former board members from last board.Members who were there to mismanage your medical, that is why it is where it is today.Members who did not get you anything in the last three supplements they negotiated, including not one pension increase.Mismanaged our pension, our pension was so bad they were looking to cut it.If we all have a memory that is why we voted them out!! They mismanaged our annuity that is why it is garbage today.Ask yourself is it worth leaving a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase on the table listening to these guys so they can try to run again to get back in the hall.Get back in the hall to do what the same b/s we had before.It is time to move forward not backwards.Read your supplement open your eyes and make your own decision, not what someone else is telling you to do.


Well-Known Member
Members wake up and smell the pension!!!!see all these disrespectful idiots on here telling you to vote no looking for a chuckle here and there about your current board.All they are trying to do is divide us.They are looking for your supplement to tank so current board looks bad,all so they can run against them in two years.Take a look at your supplement make your own decision.Do not listen to someone who is only looking out for himself.Members that are running on these slates who want you to vote no so they can run again,they will be led by former board members from last board.Members who were there to mismanage your medical, that is why it is where it is today.Members who did not get you anything in the last three supplements they negotiated, including not one pension increase.Mismanaged our pension, our pension was so bad they were looking to cut it.If we all have a memory that is why we voted them out!! They mismanaged our annuity that is why it is garbage today.Ask yourself is it worth leaving a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase on the table listening to these guys so they can try to run again to get back in the hall.Get back in the hall to do what the same b/s we had before.It is time to move forward not backwards.Read your supplement open your eyes and make your own decision, not what someone else is telling you to do.

Let me tell you something you genius!
When Tim and co. Took office retirees just to paid $200 for health care coverage, jul 2010 UPS put a lil pressure on Tim and he agreed to raised retirees health coverage to over $500! So do the math! What pension increase?! Is a net loss! when you factor higher co-payments, taxes, cost of living etc..

Oh!!! I forgot one thing, we the active members will be left behind with nothing!!!...


Well-Known Member
Members wake up and smell the pension!!!!see all these disrespectful idiots on here telling you to vote no looking for a chuckle here and there about your current board.All they are trying to do is divide us.They are looking for your supplement to tank so current board looks bad,all so they can run against them in two years.Take a look at your supplement make your own decision.Do not listen to someone who is only looking out for himself.Members that are running on these slates who want you to vote no so they can run again,they will be led by former board members from last board.Members who were there to mismanage your medical, that is why it is where it is today.Members who did not get you anything in the last three supplements they negotiated, including not one pension increase.Mismanaged our pension, our pension was so bad they were looking to cut it.If we all have a memory that is why we voted them out!! They mismanaged our annuity that is why it is garbage today.Ask yourself is it worth leaving a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase on the table listening to these guys so they can try to run again to get back in the hall.Get back in the hall to do what the same b/s we had before.It is time to move forward not backwards.Read your supplement open your eyes and make your own decision, not what someone else is telling you to do.
were have you been these last four years, this union is busted. UPS is calling the shots in the union hall.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
were have you been these last four years, this union is busted. UPS is calling the shots in the union hall.
I have been watching current board trying there best to rectify the mess our previous board handed them, as they walked out on them and us the members leaving them and us in the dark when they threw them the keys to the hall!!!I guess it was them who drove the medical into the ground right genius !!! I guess it was them who drove our pension into the ground and tried to cut it,instead of not gaining any increases in almost 15 years!!! I guess it is also current boards fault previous administration got us absolutely nothing in our last three supplements right genius.Enough with the B/S this is not an election,this is our hard working members supplements stop feeding members your poison and misconceptions about our supplement for your selfish gain. MEMBERS GUYS LIKE THIS ARE FEEDING YOU BAD INFO FOR THERE PERSONAL GAIN, EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT OUR SUPPLEMENT, GO TO THE LOCAL 804 WEBSITE AND READ WHAT IS IN YOUR SUPPLEMENT AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION,DONT LET SOMEONE ELSE INFLUENCE YOUR DECISION BY JUST TELLING YOU TO VOTE NO.IF YOU READ IT OVER AND TRULY THINK IT IS GOOD, OR BAD MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
I went to the website to read all the supposedly new changes, lets start with the Pension. only change I see is that its exactly the same letter of intent of a proposed increase with the only difference being the local trustees signatures have been mysteriously updated to 9/10/2013 while the UPS trustees are still dated 7/8/2013. If there was something different or improved wouldn't the UPS trustees signatures have to be updated to 9/10/2013 too???? Why is the present board hell bent on saving UPS money? Election day a floating holiday? The people who don't want to work election day ( the majority of this membership does work it) are going to use their floating holiday as an extra OPH. ( you know it & the company knows it ) Saving the company over $500 (16 hrs. pay) for each individual who chooses to use it that way, not many members want a Tuesday election day as an OPH, their going to use it on the front or back end of 1 of their vacation weeks . VCD's working for $21.00 per/hr with a winning the power ball chance to become a friend/T driver, saving the company more money. my favorite is the guarantee of creating 50 new drivers over the course of the contract, your going to need a lot more than that at the rate that your letting drivers get fired!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
vote this horrible,hideous, gruesome, vile, dreadful, terrible, shocking appalling, horrifying, horrific, horrendous, horrid,grisly,ghastly, gory,harrowing unspeakable supplement down! I forgot blood sucking! But management loves it.


Well-Known Member
I could vote yes on this supplement, roll the dice and maybe I could get that extra $300 bucks and leave, retire, screw the new members I got mine, adios goodye and good riddance. But I can't, I rather toss that measly $300 buck in their face then to turn my back on the lower seniority member. I am not alone, there are hundreds of drivers who are willing and are going to vote no. That is right we are Ron C, Howie R and Bill B members, you remember, row A. The ones that after four years are still taking heat because this E/B can't stand on there own two feet, they want to blame someone for there short comings. We are union members, always were, always will be, and I am proud to stand with them. 1200 members lost their jobs under this E/B, not under Bill or Howie. Medical bills were paid no one was on collection for medical bills, under this E/B 70 % of the members are. Bill B , Howie R weren't arrested for stealing from the H/W fund, Tim S , Pete M , Neil O accused them of stealing, there was going to be an investigation, Bill and Howie were going to do jail time, never happened, that's because they cared about the members and their families. I lot of you members don't know this but while Bill and Howie were in the union hall one year two members kids, small children I believe one was a new born and the other was two years old, well these kids needed heart surgery,cost over a two million, Bill and Howie made sure the bills were paid and the families of these kids did not go thru any financial hardship. That's the kind of leader I want. So save yourself any hardship down the road and VOTE NO!