Are you serious?! VCDs not a bad idea?
Where have VCDs been implemented?? It takes 10years for a part timer to get called in to full time package driver!... Ups will give a lot of vacations in the summer, and then cry that they can't cover because there won't be any qualifying part timers due to "no license, points on their license, suspended license, they can't drive stick shift," etc.!! Then, ups will take this in front of an arbitrator and say that they can't run the business because they don't have qualifying drivers!! Done deal!! Ups will get the OK to hire VCDs off the street like it's already happening everywhere else!!
Finally, ask your BA if this so call pension increase gets implemented would you get two checks,one for $3600 and another for $300.
If so, all of you who might be thinking that ups can't take it away once you retired! you will be very surprise when ups takes it away post retirement!!
REMEMBER is a bonus!!
It will be the next feeder list. UPS will abuse it just like the abuse everything else. And like someone else, their answer will be to file a grievance.
More Vacation and a Guaranteed Route to Full-Time Jobs
“The purpose of Vacation Coverage Drivers is to provide a pathway to full-time Package Driver jobs for Local 804 members, instead of nonunion drivers from the outside.” So you’re telling us, the membership, that we’ve been doing it all wrong and we should have done it this way before? What pathway? A VCD will work 49 days between Memorial Day to Labor Day and Oct. 15 to Jan. 15 and then get sent back, just like they already do with part timers they use as helpers. That’s almost half the year. The language does exist to protect our current jobs, but doesn’t exist to create new jobs.
Protecting Full-Time Package Driver Jobs
“The contract prohibits UPS from using Vacation Coverage Drivers to prevent the creation of seniority Package Driver jobs.” What kind of contradiction is that? Of course it’s going to prevent the creation of seniority Package Driver jobs! Now, the only way a full time Package Driver job will be created is when UPS creates a new route (which now-a-days is never) . If you have VCDs to cover full time vacations, you will no longer need full time cover drivers in this local! EVER!
No Part-Time Drivers
“VCDs get an 8-hour guarantee and time-and-a-half after eight hours.” When they work (selected times of the year), I’m sure they will.
VCDs Cannot Be Used to Reduce Your Overtime
"Only package drivers on a list to relieve excessive overtime [like the 9.5 list or on an 8-hour request], may have their overtime reduced through the use of VCDs.” Good, so let’s solve the overtime problem with part timers, instead of creating more full time driving jobs and forcing UPS to run more loads every day.
Caps and Penalties
“Escalating violations include that the VCD be paid top Package Driver rate for all VCD hours worked that week. On the third violation in a center, UPS has to create and fill a new Package Driver job.” Great, so when UPS screws up every once in a while and neglects to keep track of this, they’ll just be required to create a job and pay the driver like they would of under our old contract! Not a bad deal considering they don’t often screw up! Too bad they have to do it
3 times! Oh, and we’ll have to take it to the proposed panel too.
Layoff Protections
“No seniority Package Driver will be laid off while Vacation Coverage Drivers are in use in his or her building.” So what, VCDs are only allowed to work when it’s busy anyway.
Enforcement Provision
“Management is required to turn over company records so members can monitor use of VCDs and make UPS pay in case of violations through the new, expedited grievance procedure.” Let’s take UPS’s word for it. When they violate the language, they’ll hold off on any penalties for as long as they can, and let it go to the proposed panel.
Seniority Protections
“Open drivers have route preference over VCDs.” Until UPS says, “needs of the company.”
More Package Driver Jobs
“UPS must create a minimum of 50 Package Driver jobs and fill them by promoting VCDs and others from the full-time driving list” UPS will have to do this anyway due to retirement rate and volume. Look how many driving jobs they created this year, especially after the disaster last peak. They’re not scrambling to open a new building for nothing.
Strict Time Limits & Penalties
“VCDs can only be used from Memorial Day to Labor Day and from Oct. 15 to Jan 15.” You know what UPS will say, “needs of the company, go file.” This board has demonstrated they do not have the ability of enforcing language we currently have, what makes anyone think they’ll be able to tackle something as big as this?
Qualifying Rights - No Second Free Period
“A member who works 50 days in a qualifying period is placed on a qualified list and he or she will not have to complete another Package Driver probationary period.” Seriously? So now instead of 40 days to make seniority (book) it’s 50! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! What about the part-timers who do not become VCDs and want to become full time package drivers, are they at some kind of advantage because they can make their seniority in 40 days or are they at a disadvantage because they didn’t have an opportunity to go on to the “qualified list?”
Pay Rate and Pension Contributions
“VCD's will get the same pay rate and pension contribution as any part-time employee who is in the process of qualifying in Package: $21/hour and their regular part-time benefits”
-Bad news for the full timers: All this will lead to is less part timers contributing to our full time funds.
Bad news for the part timers: Since it will take you a lot longer to become full time, it’s going to be quite a while before you start contributing pension credits towards your own retirement.