If any low seniority driver is worried about being laid off in Feb or March,he or she should take more of their vacation in those months. Or they can take the transfer to other buildings or bump 2 less senior part timers and work the pre-load. As for the "meeting " on the 15th , I believe Tim said at the union meeting this past sunday that we "came out of funding relief on Friday" (Oct 11th). The company and the union trustees meet again in December. But the contract was ratified BY the 15th, that is all that really mattered. Now the new number is locked in.Correct I didn't ask and I have no intention of asking...RETIRE on this wonderful pension increase when all the other supplements eventually pass...so you can at least look a fellow driver with less than 10 years in the eye who will be layed off in Feb..March and April because there will be none to little vacations during those 3 months because your $300/month pension increase bought VCD's into the picture...I do agree a pension increase should implemented on every contract but not for VCD's...so again no intention of asking...just put your papers in and enjoy the increase
Again if any one has questions, call the hall!!