Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
hey has anyone noticed when vinny m/aces/5 angels/little billy types he puts a "u" alot instead of typing the word you? Oh and from this point on you can change it, but the damage is already done...... Why dont you go get help? People see right through you.....maybe if you became a nicer person you would not have to talk to yourself on brown cafe. We are serious here about needing help. We dont need some mental person getting in the way.

I text a lot and that Is the reason I write "U" .....blockhead! U know( Yes U ) that if u paid such attention to little things in the hall,we wouldn't be in the position were in. AND "u" wouldn't be out of a job -Tony.....
You became complacent,and didn't care. "U" shoved a:censored2:ty contract down our throat ( Howie was in the damn video for Hoffa,saying best contract ever.He probably paid for the special effects...anyways...I get it.......Its like UPS...keep on saying it .......till we believe it )
There were a few good guys on Row A...
There are a few good guys on Row B ...Tim S Is doing what he can,Like he said..He will do his best and if someone thinks they can do better, "U" should run...( AND...I don't mean "U" FougeddaBouttit! You will never return.
Some changes do need to be made,we all know that!

Why would I change the way I type....For U? your mental...and we all know ur <-----(ohhhh dwell on that word for a while) MENTAL.....U r on here talking to yourself.
I am serious about our local and I have put in more heart and soul to my everyday here then you'll ever know.
Hey Lonewolf,when u say " we don't need some mental person getting in the way" explain urself... If u think u can just come on here because u lost...Forget it.

P.S. How come u have the shuttle run that was never bided on?
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What happened to 24 hr representation etc Nothing happen theres a answering service that will email and call the nite BA's on call. I just got a new insurance card for Blue Cross. What is going on with that? first try going to a union meeting , second our old board Howie and the boys destroyed our medical so changes had to be made. Hope the local ain't giving us up to Blue Cross. Blue Cross has more doctors then Magna Care did ,plus the change is saving the fund over $350,000 a year. You can still go to the hall and get the same answers , the same people are still upstairs.
Thanks for the info, hope you are right about the $350,000 savings. $350,000 over what period of time? If it is a monthly savings, then it should help us. But if it is over 6 months or a year, that's a drop in the bucket. Overall I'm glad measures are being taken not to through it back on us. I am also close to retirement and I want to be able to afford the medical monthly payments.
BTW, I see we are back in the chat room with all of Uzzz--lol


Well-Known Member
Speaking of change,
Maybe we need Sandy in office..Maybe we need a woman......... that can put UPS in there place... Hoffa screwed us and Ken? wow talk about a role reverse from '97


Well-Known Member
k. lonewolf(tony ) dont get mad cause we started talking about something besides U. ok, i will make U feel better. Tony i bet U wear a suit to take the garbage out in the morning. There U go. U feel better now. grow up

LOL And If you guys Believe Lonewolf that Im talking to myself....Thats Hilarious on its own....


Well-Known Member
Rumor has it that Rocky D'MONEY out of the east side building is been added to the Angelo slate. Rocky D'MONEY because thats all he cares about , Crying like a baby because he felt he should get the 2 dollars for all the 22.3 guys. Pete M told him "whats the different just split them with the preload steward" Rocky D'MONEY said "No , they all come to me so I want to take credit for them" it was like 8 guys so i understand the 48 dollars means a lot to him. Rocky D'MONEY walks around the building telling people Pete M cant shine his shoes he should be the BA in the building.Heard he was voted the last person the stewards wanted to hear speak at the stewards meetings.

Eyes your an idiot and so is Pete if that`s what he told you.. lets get this straight I`m a steward for 18 years and I had the 22.3 guys from day one and always represented them most of those people were airwalkers that moved to full time 22.3 and yes they were mine. The reason for that was because the 22.3`s are full timers and the preload steward was a part timer. About 3 years ago the part steward got voted out by a full time porter. Those people were always mine he put them on his list and he shouldn`t have he is the steward for the part time preload and that`s it. He thought because I was out on disability for over a year that they became his. I don`t care about the money it`s the principle. I was one of the few stewards that voted against the increase to 2 dollars. Get your facts straight maybe I can teach you and Pete a thing or two. And by the way if you have anything to say to me give me a call get the number from my nephew you know the one you went in the locker room and yelled at last week if you have the balls.
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Well-Known Member
Btw read ur posts in the beginning of this thread about being nice !
I am all for this union. We need to put UPS back in there place.They reversed the roles and disrespect us everyday.....It started while Row A was here....and It has gotten a lot worse!


Well-Known Member
LOL And If you guys Believe Lonewolf that Im talking to myself....Thats Hilarious on its own....
{Schizophrenia} {meaning} General sign are Delsuional, Bizzare thoughts alot of Paranoia You need Medication!!!!! They say it helps. Hey why not? It would only be for your own good.

As from the beginning. Let the show begin. There is another Circus in Town!!! Vinny M. You so deserved to be on this Board. You fit in so well!!!
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Well-Known Member
{Schizophrenia} {meaning} General sign are Delsuional, Bizzare thoughts alot of Paranoia You need Medication!!!!! They say it helps. Hey why not? It would only be for your own good.

As from the beginning. Let the show begin. There is another Circus in Town!!! Vinny M. You so deserved to be on this Board. You fit in so well!!!

Good Morning. Hope all is well.LOL

Illiterate - Meaning ....Unable to read or write ! Hey Look, at least "U" can copy and paste !

As for the Circus......It Left..It left with A..I mean Row A.. "Barrel of Laughs"


Well-Known Member
lonewolf what do u think of bill buhlet and steve medina? also, what did u tell people to do when it came to voting on this contract? it is a simple question. please dont respond with "you are mental" it is a real question and a good one.. and leave vinny alone u were a terrible friend with no loyality for long enough.

Brown to Brown

Well-Known Member
This thread is very unique. What in the heck keeps it going? It started off being political and now I guess you have to be an "insider" to get it. I'm trying and it's taking alot of effort!!!


Well-Known Member
This thread is very unique. What in the heck keeps it going? It started off being political and now I guess you have to be an "insider" to get it. I'm trying and it's taking alot of effort!!!

I`m worried about it too Brown I`m seeing things the company is doing now that I`ve never seen in my 25 years. I`m just trying to keep my guys out of harms way by educating them and keeping them off the radar screen. So far so good just a couple of bumps in the road along the way. I fear for the younger guys that aren`t as disciplined as the senior guys you should be worried everyone should be worried. I`m not happy with a lot stuff that`s going on now I hear a lot of horror stories from people that work in other buildings.


Well-Known Member
Eyes your an idiot and so is Pete if that`s what he told you.. lets get this straight I`m a steward for 18 years and I had the 22.3 guys from day one once we were awarded those jobs and always represented them most of those people were airwalkers that moved to full time 22.3 and yes they were mine. The reason for that was because the 22.3`s are full timers and the preload steward was a part timer. About 3 years ago the part steward got voted out by a full time porter. Those people were always mine he put them on his list and he shouldn`t have he is the steward for the part time preload and that`s it. He thought because I was out on disability for over a year that they became his. I don`t care about the money it`s the principle they were always mine and the always come to me when they need something or have to be represented. By the way it`s 15 people not 8 and I was one of the few stewards that voted against the increase to 2 dollars it`s not about money it`s about respect and me being the senior steward in that building. Get your facts straight maybe I can teach you and Pete a thing or two. And by the way if you have anything to say to me give me a call get the number from my nephew you know the one you went in the locker room and yelled at last week if you have the balls. And as far as speaking up at the stewards meeting some of these guys have a lot to learn they can learn a lot from the few senior stewards you have left in this local.


Well-Known Member
LoL that`s funny it wasn`t Atkins I just laid off all the carbs accept for beer of course. All the stewards are getting a long better now we have to because we have to watch each others back. All That bad blood started because I was the only steward in that building that was against the last contract it caused a lot of hard feelings but sometimes things like that happen I`m a free thinker and my own man. I can`t sell something I don`t believe in I hated that contract when it came back and made it well known. This caused a lot of friction with the B.A in the building and I guess some of the board. I was being called a TDU guy and other nonsense I`m not a TDU member never have been never will be. I just have principles I couldn`t see the new members loosing some of the things I have had for years I felt it wasn`t right I couldn`t sell it. But let me say this there were contracts under Ronnie that I hated too it`s something that wasn`t unique to the old board those guys for the most part were always there for my guys when I needed them they always came through when I needed them too. I really miss some of them Angelo, the 2 Tony`s Billy, especially Tony M. he was like a father to us always there when we needed advice or guidance you can`t replace a man like that. I know a lot of guys on 43rd st are sorry he`s gone now. Morel of the story " Be careful what you wish for".
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Well-Known Member
Speaking of change,
Maybe we need Sandy in office..Maybe we need a woman......... that can put UPS in there place... Hoffa screwed us and Ken? wow talk about a role reverse from '97

I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice.


Well-Known Member
Angelo G is now a Alt-steward because he promised the steward Danny MonSELL-OUT a spot on he's slate. Half the center can't believe that Danny would go for that, the funny thing about it is that Danny MonSELL-OUT beat the so called Mr 43rd Angelo G 59-12 destroyed him hands down.So now he goes on his slate??? Danny MonSELL-OUT just gave the power back to Angelo, Good job Angelo you played him like a flute. I talk to guys on Danny's center ,most can't believe it , not that Angelo wouldn't be a good alt-steward because he would but Angelo went around telling guys that he needed to be steward because Danny was over his head dealing with this new board plus Danny went around telling people Angelo has some nerve thinking that just because he's back he should be steward. Angelo is a has-been , he's damage goods. Danny should have put together his own slate with good stewards from other building , now he's walking around the 4th fl looking dazed and confused telling people why he did what he did. There is a reason why UPS management people all over, like Al friend want Angelo and the old board back they miss the deal making point blank. A porter with over 25 years told me that "Angelo always told the DM before he was going to make a screen and yell and scream also one time there were guest from United Way in the building and the DM told me to keep them away from the 4th fl because Angelo was going to yell at one of the managers to make him look good."

Danny is a good steward his guys like and respect him. The change will be good for the members he represents. Angelo has a lot of knowledge he can pass on the move will benefit the center give it a chance. Lets not forget Angelo was the Steward on that center for many years so there`s a lot of experience there.


Well-Known Member
I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice.

If we don't have a third ( BTW, I think we do)
Do u vote for Hoffa? No way ! I would rather take my chances,Enough of Hoffa,He's a disgrace to all Union Members.