Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
change isn`t always good..

The change I didnt like was not hearing Tony say "brothers and sister your local is in great shape and financially sound". He was a great people person and totally a gentleman and he is missed. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and boy there was a lot of bad. That meeting with the actuary when Howie was acting like a maroon was another time I would like to forget. If you dont like it, vote me out? Are you kidding me??? You guys are making a mistake turning down this contract? Lol
Its time to move on my brother


Well-Known Member
Prs man, werent you pissed off at the row a boys for something and concidered running with members united slate during that time?
This thread is very unique. What in the heck keeps it going? It started off being political and now I guess you have to be an "insider" to get it. I'm trying and it's taking alot of effort!!!

Just drop in from time to time check it out make a comment. The only reason I am in this thread is because it's hilarious
and entertaining.


Well-Known Member
They`re afraid some of the stewards that have been around a long time will really find out how full of :censored2: they really are..lol
No! They remember that the stewards all backed the old boards B.S. for their own reasons. They also are dividing the membership with hopes of running in two years. The membership is not stupid you will see! It only looks bad because the new E,B, isn't making deals... Everyone sees that.. The truth will come out when everyone sees the slates formed. Then it will confirmed everything. They know that if they really do the right thing.. They will have to be held to the same standards like everyone else and just maybe the new E.B. would look great.. Ending their chances of ever getting back in to the hall. SAD!


Well-Known Member
I`m worried about it too Brown I`m seeing things the company is doing now that I`ve never seen in my 25 years. I`m just trying to keep my guys out of harms way by educating them and keeping them off the radar screen. So far so good just a couple of bumps in the road along the way. I fear for the younger guys that aren`t as disciplined as the senior guys you should be worried everyone should be worried. I`m not happy with a lot stuff that`s going on now I hear a lot of horror stories from people that work in other buildings.
The company is looking to deal and the car lot is closed that's all.. If all the stewards are really as good as they claim they are.. It wouldn't matter who was in the hall. The DMs and managers would respect the stewards that they dealt with all these years.. Sounds like BULL to me.. You are starting to sound like you might be running with a couple of 2 times losers. Don't follow.... Be a Leader.. Respect the New Board and wait your time like you use too.


Well-Known Member
to acesup804 l, I know more about what is going on then u think. I KNOW THE BOARD CANT MAKE CHANGES UNTIL THE NEXT CONTRACT! Let me ask u something cause your so smart. You mean to tell me Tim couldnt do anything else to delay that arbitration until 2012 and find another way? Cause then he could of been in neg with ups for the next contract. THEN, do everything in his power to make ups help pay for the shortfall in health and welfare INSTEAD OF DUMPING ONTO THE RETIREES. U KNOW IF ROW A DID THIS BACK IN THE DAY, PEOPLE WOULD HAVE BURNED THE UNION HALL DOWN. All of a sudden we trust everything row b says. I mean get ur head out of ur . btw by doing that to the retiree medical he ruined 25 and out. figure it out since u know so much more then everybody
Little Billy....... You sound like someone I know... Keep texting.. It will come to me.. By the way Tim is doing the best he can... Once Ups trim the fat (attendance problems, get overs but kissers, time stealers, go along get along stewards and members,) then only the true hardcore memebers will remain.. The new board didn't sell us out can't you tell... When Ups want old board members back don't that bother you.. Or maybe they are going to take you along for the ride... WAKE UP! 2,000 and some members did.. And they have their eyes wide open.. I SEE YOU!! LOL


Well-Known Member
The retirees medical is going up to 1200 HUNDRED DOLLARS after the first of the year and co payments are going up to 40 AND 50 DOLLARS thanks to ROW B ask cigar pete the V.P.


Well-Known Member
What and embarassment the feeder meeting was last weekend.Out of 300 feeder drivers only 30 show up,they all told cigar pete what a bs artist he is and that they are all fed up with him and the rest of the board


Well-Known Member
i hope everybody on here sees how this lonewolf tony do nat a will not answer the questions he is asked. he is on here to try and get his job back. thats all. it dont matter if he sold the membership out or if he was friends with giant scabs who treated management like family.


Well-Known Member
HAD ENOUGH think of what your saying ..... tim is the president of the local.... not a shop steward .. he has to look at the bigger picture.... attendance is a weapon use by UPS to silent members from speaking up about wrongs the company commits on a daily basis ......so why the double standard????? its one company.... if drivers are being dragged in the office for ten days out in one year and insiders are allow to go 45 days out in one year .... something is wrong with that on the companys part...we are all one... inside.... outside... we all have to stand together !!!!! UPS IS THE PROBLEM LETS GET MAD WITH THEM GUYS!!!!!
You have a point! You also sound like a fair person!!


Well-Known Member
sure aces ...... steve.m=1 john.n=1 tom.c=2 frank.l=3 Aces i rated the old board already on july 27 ..... all of the numbers reflect the ladder years-the last three years in office ...Im a local 804 member first my loyalty stand as a member to my union first!!!! then to a good board member second!!!!And if i see a guy who trying to hit back against this :censored2: company.... and stands up for my fellow members i will support them 100% ......I dont care what slate they came from ....its 804 vs UPS... NOT 804 VS 804 not until 2012...... I just dont understand why guys would side with the company against our board .....the same company that has clerks layed off .. airdrivers ..parttimers ..and carwashers are next....at the same time they make record profits !!! gentlemen U.P.S is our problem we have to stand together !! they sure as hell do ...and they back eachother up always we can learn from them ..........:smart: Im thinking of revealing my real name just to stop all the chattering ......
They side with the company because they are UNION BUSTERS who only think about themself!!! Didn't some of the old board members say that if they had to you could still do the job... WELL..... Bill b looks like he isn't going to make it....SM always holding Bill up while they walk hand in hand.......Angelo has the same deal going on like Tony d... and that's UPS help me get back into the hall hook-up.. JN..? They are lost souls..and sellouts.. The only old board members I would consider having back are the BAs. Only because they didn't have a say but the others had to vote and pass the B S to the membership!!


Well-Known Member
do you want to know the reason we don't see this board in any of the buildings? Because there is a inhouse fight in the union hall, i heard they are going to do a 7 to 6 split. Poor tim is loosing control, i do feel bad for him, he is a nice guy but needs to get a much better grip on his men, not really president material. Sorry little miget from foster ave you wont be asked to be on board from either side. They even know by now your a brown nosed rat! I guess it does not pay to kiss ass!
lol!!! Haha! Midget?


Well-Known Member
LOL even I laughed at that.... Anthony C was in Foster Thursday with Dave O , I talked to him for a couple of minutes he has Manh South but doesn't know what other barns he will get. He really handles himself well, he acts and looks like he's been a BA for 10 years. Even DOG (a stewart )had something good to say about him LOL.( and that don't come easy) Felt good to have him in the building. LIKE THE UNION WAS THERE..... I hope he gets Foster, but no one, NO ONE will be happier then Dave O , this way he doesn't have to think of ways not to come to Foster. YOUR MOUTH WILL ALWAYS ACT STRONG BUT YOUR EYES WILL ALWAYS SHOW YOUR FEAR.....

HAHAHA LOLOLOL! I missed alot!


Well-Known Member
again and again i say what a mistake! When you are ready to go to the dentist, be prepared to hear the plan is lower then what we had. I was just informed by one of the guys that his dentist said the plan was lower. Funny how they raised the medical and the plan went lower. The dentist said he received a letter and they only cover a few things now! Just when you think things are bad, they are worse. I hear that at ft hamilton the ba's hang with management. They ask permission to do things, they show no authority.:angry:

stop lying!!


Well-Known Member
Yes your right people should do there jobs , don't cut corners , no this new E board isn't great but I trust them , that word trust is big , not the sh/t ROW A was doing over the years , our pension and medical. never did nothing about supervisors working , making deals like crazy . tell us its a fair contract , talk about someone being scared the whole Row A said nothing , did what ever Howie said ,, most would to, is they made the money they did.... no strong language since Ron Carey was in there ,, willing to give up coffee , and 25 and out in a heart beat.... thats scared ..... no one from that whole ROW A board said anything ,,, just like mice..... you don't think these guys are good to run our local ,,thats your right , but I'd rather see 11 new members run for office but NO ONE FROM ROW A ,,, what will the ROW A say" you can trust me NOW" LOL


Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!!!!!!!!!wow...... Folks i hope these reports are false .... But these are some strong sources that i trust ... I know bill and steve and tony are having major money problems but this ....... Wow !!!!