Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
lonewolf the medical is going to 1200 for retiree and 40 to 50 co pay? i didnt hear that/ is that true? btw if you got elected in again were u guys going to raise anything?


Well-Known Member
calm down tellthetruth.. to tell u the truth it sounds like u are going to have a heart attack.. is that true about the medical for retirees going to 1200 and co pays to 50


Well-Known Member
so, tell me the point of having a union if they are afraid ups will "push back"?. whats ridiculous is as a membership we let this get to the point that ups has all the power.ALOT OF PEOPLE AT UPS HAVE A ME,ME,ME WAY OF THINKING. W hat im saying is lets stop talking politics and lets get this job back to what it should be. All i hear from drivers now is "i just go to my truck stay out of union **** and go home". NEVER WAS LIKE THAT!!!
I thought that the power came from the members and not the hall.. Sounds to me that just maybe you had a friend on the old e-board and now you have to work. If you want it to go to the way it use to be.... Then this new board has to start making deals and give back more contract language, look the other way, and really sell us down the river..


Well-Known Member
name is frankie ,, i guy that was up Tony D @ss but he found out that Tony D is all about Tony D as a BA he was nothing more the a deal maker other Row A guys would laugh if you asked if Tony D was a good BA,the joke was he couldn't spell BA even if you gave him the B LOL, Joe R , Ralph and all the management people love him LOL of course LOL poor phil the guy use to be a good stewart , now look at him ,listening to Tony to long, when was the last time he put in a grievance for sups working ,, sending p/t home early and sups are working like crazy ,, but its not his fault he's getting old he's tired ,, whats the trade off he saves a guys job , big deal ,, live up to the tattoo on your arm or retire.i still love ya DOG.. now Tony is using Cyrus LOL poor little guy being used like a pawn and he doesn't even know it ,, to busy looking at the carrot in front of his face , Harry found out the hard way but he learned... you will to cyrus , remember were your from my 43rd street friend..........

If this is true with Syrus!! He is done! At least Tony d and Angelo are on the same page.. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!


Well-Known Member
After six weeks, the big guy Tim S. finally showing up at Island City.....Looking like one of the porters.......When members complain that things are getting worse all he could say was I know , the boys on the board and "I do mean boys" because they cannot conduct themselves as men. Most of them don't know the first thing about the contract, because they were all feeder drivers and are delirious from the Diesel Fumes. Sammy C. the bull smile* Artist is more delirious then all of them, Tim says now he is chauffering him around and getting me lunch ":spaghetti:A big lunch".
I can't believe that!!!


Well-Known Member
While Dave O. Clueless was in Foster Ave for the last nine months, it was like having no Union at all..... More guys were fired and suspended!!!!! Reports says that Dave O. was afraid of mangement that he just agreed with everying they said. I don't think they understand that we need more then a Marshmallow in a building like Foster. We need a STREET BOSS someone with strength!!!! Dave O. had so much fear in his eyes we thought he was going to cry.......:stalker:
HAHAHLOL Stop it... I'm about to bust!!!


Well-Known Member
Pandemonium at local 804 last nite as the big guy T.S. and Liam try to have a meetig with the drivers at island city. the big guy eat all the food. while pople yell at liam that he didn't know what he was talking about and nothing was getting done. the company is walking all over us:clubbing:
I have to give you this one lonely!! I heard the same thing...


Well-Known Member
Cyrus should think long and hard about the move he is making, there are a lot of members from his center that are not happy with him. Many members in the building are already saying they know why Tony D will run , its because he only cares about himself , but for Cyrus to run, WOW is he really a pawn, most people know Cyrus was a closet Row B supporter anyway. All he is doing is opening the door for him to loss the next steward election.

Anthony C and a couple of people were at the gate getting signatures for Sandy Pope, they got well over 300. When Anthony was asked if he was going to vote for Sandy? He said "I don't know who I will vote for , but I want to make sure someone runs against Hoffa because we need to get a better contract" This guy is here less then a month and already he has most of Foster behind him . THINK HARD CYRUS
How many years do Cyrus have and how long was he a steward? It sounds like Tony learned alot from management.. Always hang the carrot in front of people who want to nibble on it!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like this guy voted Row C. LOL. "Waiting and taking it from UPS"? waiting for what? Old board didnt negotiate enough $ in the first place. New board took the Fund out of arbitration which could have DUMPED the retirees entirely!! Listen we all took a hit. They made some difficult decisions about the fund. Ok it wasnt the most popular thing to do as soon as you get in. But it was the responsible thing to do to save the fund.
Do you listen are what...


Well-Known Member
Angelo G is now a Alt-steward because he promised the steward Danny MonSELL-OUT a spot on he's slate. Half the center can't believe that Danny would go for that, the funny thing about it is that Danny MonSELL-OUT beat the so called Mr 43rd Angelo G 59-12 destroyed him hands down.So now he goes on his slate??? Danny MonSELL-OUT just gave the power back to Angelo, Good job Angelo you played him like a flute. I talk to guys on Danny's center ,most can't believe it , not that Angelo wouldn't be a good alt-steward because he would but Angelo went around telling guys that he needed to be steward because Danny was over his head dealing with this new board plus Danny went around telling people Angelo has some nerve thinking that just because he's back he should be steward. Angelo is a has-been , he's damage goods. Danny should have put together his own slate with good stewards from other building , now he's walking around the 4th fl looking dazed and confused telling people why he did what he did. There is a reason why UPS management people all over, like Al friend want Angelo and the old board back they miss the deal making point blank. A porter with over 25 years told me that "Angelo always told the DM before he was going to make a screen and yell and scream also one time there were guest from United Way in the building and the DM told me to keep them away from the 4th fl because Angelo was going to yell at one of the managers to make him look good."
Another one!!!! LOLOLOL!!! Dannymon-sellout!!! HAHAHA>>LOLOL!! What is in the water...LOL! I really believe that UPS is going old school with the last name ending in a vowel B S ..The members better not put them back in... As you can see they have no problem with using people to get what they want... They are not doing it for the members.... They are doing it for themselves!!!! YOU JUST CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!! Angelo is so desperate.. Him and Falco might set up Danny to get fired.. I don't trust none of the UNFab 4. You know what they say.. Birds of a feather flock together..And If you lay down with dogs you get fleas!! I'll catch up later...LOL!! UNBELIEVEABLE!! I just can't take it anymore! LOL!


Well-Known Member
danny is a good steward his guys like and respect him. The change will be good for the members he represents. Angelo has a lot of knowledge he can pass on the move will benefit the center give it a chance. Lets not forget angelo was the steward on that center for many years so there`s a lot of experience there.
so if thats the case why did he just lose the election in his old center 49 to 12 huh please tell me that i want to know ... I got some old sneakers in my closet im looking to sell are you interested.... You certainly sound like the buyer i need for them ...lol lol


Well-Known Member
what and embarassment the feeder meeting was last weekend.out of 300 feeder drivers only 30 show up,they all told cigar pete what a bullsh@t artist he is and that they are all fed up with him and the rest of the board
question 4 you tony . D or bill im mad as hell buhlert lol in the 13 years you was in office how many side meeting did you have for members ... Let me guess 0 lol come on be honest im so sick of you guys im gonna start revealing what i know about all of you AND remember i have until dec 31 2010 STOP TRYING TO DESTROY MY UNION WITH LIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you guys don`t know what your talking about. The fact is the members in the eastside building are the best represented in all of 804. The stewards in that building that do a bang up job. You should visit that building someday and ask around maybe you`ll learn something.
rocky rocky rocky man you know they played games with you for years ... I know you rocky very well two words for you **********...lol need i say more ...MISTER HOWIE I DONT WANT MONEY FOR BEING A STEWARD I WILL DO IT FOR FREE!!!!!!! LOL ... NOW ROW B IN AND YOUR CRYING ABOUT A FEW MEMBERS WOW!!!! ..LOL YOU LOOK BAD ROCKY....LOL... YOU STOOD UP AND SAID THAT ... REMEMBER !!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I thought that the power came from the members and not the hall.. Sounds to me that just maybe you had a friend on the old e-board and now you have to work. If you want it to go to the way it use to be.... Then this new board has to start making deals and give back more contract language, look the other way, and really sell us down the river..
what are you talking about? u are really stupid. i mean u say things that makes no sense... anybody that has been on this job for a long time knows the members are everything. yes we know row a was not the best, i agree . now, lets talk about what row b has done. go ahead tell me what they have done to correct the disrespect from ups and the supervisors working... lets here it and lets see if u can do it without saying the word row a or howie
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Well-Known Member
btw, anyone that sees what i post would know im not for what row a did or a few management wannabe feeder guys on row a either. so.. tellthetruth why dont u do that? and say the members didnt really look at the big picture. we voted in some people that have zero idea how to be a b.a. lets start telling the truth. Tim is good but most of the rest of them really would suck as stewards no less trustee or b.a . you cant see that?. i was never for everything row a did so.. u are wrong about me. I want the best for everybody at ups and i want ups to pay more into our health and welfare and pension.Ups have picked away at everything we have fought for. We should stop the politics and put people in that hall that has had enough of lying ups and them stealing our pension and health care money everyday. enough of tony d., bill ****************************** and pete m. they suck! start over.
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Well-Known Member
what are you talking about? u are really stupid. i mean u say things that makes no sense... anybody that has been on this job for a long time knows the members are everything. yes we know row a was not the best, i agree . now, lets talk about what row b has done. go ahead tell me what they have done to correct the disrepect of ups and the supervisors working... lets here it and lets see if u can do it without saying the word row a or howie
OK! From what I see this is what the new board did so for.. They replaced the whole old board, they took pay cuts, they had done several raids, i see them more then I every saw Tony, they stopped wheeling and dealing and I know that for sure look at the Chaos UPS is in, supervisors on the inside almost don't work at all, I called the hall after hours around 8:00 p.m. and the business agent David friend answered the phone..Not only did I talk to him, he had my business agent call me that night, they sent out a newsletter that told me more than I ever heard at an old board membership meeting, when I'm at the general meeting I hear more than I ever heard before, they saved the retirees from an heartless corporate minded arbitrator, and I feel good when I see them. I never saw the last pres or sec treasure past 10:00 a.m., I'm sorry I'll take that back.. When they knew their time was up last election! I saw them and their faker smiles and greetings!!
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Well-Known Member
btw, anyone that sees what i post would know im not for what row a did or a few management wannabe feeder guys on row a either. so.. tellthetruth why dont u do that? and say the members didnt really look at the big picture. we voted in some people that have zero idea how to be a b.a. lets start telling the truth. Tim is good but most of the rest of them really would suck as stewards no less trustee or b.a . you cant see that?. i was never for everything row a did so.. u are wrong about me. I want the best for everybody at ups and i want ups to pay more into our health and welfare and pension.Ups have picked away at everything we have fought for. We should stop the politics and put people in that hall that has had enough of lying ups and them stealing our pension and health care money everyday. enough of tony d., ***************************************** and pete m. they suck! start over.

Ok! You have a point there about all of them coming in at once. But you have to admit
! When you are not sure about everyone on the old board.. There is nothing better than erasing everything and starting all over again.. Which happened!
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