Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
ok! From what i see this is what the new board did so for.. They took they replaced the whole old board, they took pay cuts, they had done several raids, i see them more then i every saw tony, they stop wheeling and dealing and i know that for sure look and the chaos ups is in, supervisors on the inside almost don't work at all, i called the hall after hours around 8:00 p.m. And the business agent david answered the phone..not only did i talk to him he had my business agent call me that night, they sent out a newsletter that told me more than i ever heard at an old board membership meeting, when am at the general meeting i hear more than i ever heard before, they saved the retirees from an heartless corparate minded arbitrator, and i feel good when i see them. I never saw the last pres or sec treasure past 10:00 a.m., i'm sorry i'll take that back.. When they knew their time was up last election! I saw them and their faker smiles and greetings!!
ok so.. They saved the retirees??? Holy s@@@ ... Wow, again if rowa back in the day raised the medical from 225 to 525 forget it!! The news letters and bulls$$ that would come out would have been crazy. I mean come on.. They didnt save anything. They took more!!!! .. Lets call it what it is now all over ups supervisors are working just as much or more then ever!!! U have to be on the board or promised cause u are nuts


Well-Known Member
ok so.. They saved the retirees??? Holy s@@@ ... Wow, again if rowa back in the day raised the medical from 225 to 525 forget it!! The news letters and bulls$$ that would come out would have been crazy. I mean come on.. They didnt save anything. They took more!!!! .. Lets call it what it is now all over ups supervisors are working just as much or more then ever!!! U have to be on the board or promised cause u are nuts
I wish I was on the board... Peak is killing me! HAHAHA! We have like 8,000 members and you think someone from the board is on BC chatting with you.. Do you really crave attention that bad. If you want to talk to a board member call the hall..


Well-Known Member
im just bored today. i dont NEED to talk to anyone on the board but u will due. i would like to hear from lonewolk (tony) and have him answer the two questions i asked him 5 times now


Well-Known Member
ok so.. They saved the retirees??? Holy s@@@ ... Wow, again if rowa back in the day raised the medical from 225 to 525 forget it!! The news letters and bulls$$ that would come out would have been crazy. I mean come on.. They didnt save anything. They took more!!!! .. Lets call it what it is now all over ups supervisors are working just as much or more then ever!!! U have to be on the board or promised cause u are nuts

They did save the retirees a boatload of money by not going to arbitration. No arbitrator would have ruled in the unions favor in the condition that the fund was in. What we should be talking about is why the hell did Howie let it go that far and to even put it in ones persons hands when clearly we would have lost. But then again, he would have had a meeting afterwards and place the total blame on the arbitrator. I do agree there would have been news letters about this, but atleast we would have heard about it from somewhere because hell would have frozen over if Howie would have told us before the arbitration.


Well-Known Member
please anyone on here that knows tony (lonewolf) tell him to have the balls and answer these two questions honestly. 1. tony, did you tell members to vote for this contract that is terrible? 2. tony what do you think of a vice prez hanging out with dist managers and going on there boat? it is not that hard really


Well-Known Member
hey 804? could tim have delayed the arbitration at all? and what do u think rowa would have done if they won with this health and welfare problem? also, is it going to 1200 a month cause that is stupid


Well-Known Member
They did save the retirees a boatload of money by not going to arbitration. No arbitrator would have ruled in the unions favor in the condition that the fund was in. What we should be talking about is why the hell did Howie let it go that far and to even put it in ones persons hands when clearly we would have lost. But then again, he would have had a meeting afterwards and place the total blame on the arbitrator. I do agree there would have been news letters about this, but atleast we would have heard about it from somewhere because hell would have frozen over if Howie would have told us before the arbitration.

I see that you are still posting fair comments..Its nice to see that every now and then on this tread..


Well-Known Member
please anyone on here that knows tony (lonewolf) tell him to have the balls and answer these two questions honestly. 1. tony, did you tell members to vote for this contract that is terrible? 2. tony what do you think of a vice prez hanging out with dist managers and going on there boat? it is not that hard really

Are you serious!!! And they want to run for office again.....


Well-Known Member
hey 804? could tim have delayed the arbitration at all? and what do u think rowa would have done if they won with this health and welfare problem? also, is it going to 1200 a month cause that is stupid

Not too sure if it could have been delayed, I really dont think us as a union would have won the arbitration if we combined both boards and brought back Ronnie for one last battle. The 34 million in reserves that we also were making monies from in short term investments dwindled down to a lowly one month reserve. So we are not making money on what we have in the account and there was very little left in it. There is no reason to make the retirees suffer, we will be there one day too.


Well-Known Member
Not too sure if it could have been delayed, I really dont think us as a union would have won the arbitration if we combined both boards and brought back Ronnie for one last battle. The 34 million in reserves that we also were making monies from in short term investments dwindled down to a lowly one month reserve. So we are not making money on what we have in the account and there was very little left in it. There is no reason to make the retirees suffer, we will be there one day too.
well thank for the posts. my thing is.. why not delay the arbitration until the neg with ups start? then hold their feet to the fire and have them help with the money? i mean that should be the last resort to take from people who are on fixed income and that maybe hurt and cant work. rite? is it going to 1200?


Well-Known Member
how much does a guy cost the union that gets hurt on the job and needs to retire? cause shouldnt ups kick in to our funds for that person a little more? why would the members have to make up that lost money? the guy or girl got hurt at ups on the job. shouldnt ups be responsible more?


Well-Known Member
They did save the retirees a boatload of money by not going to arbitration. No arbitrator would have ruled in the unions favor in the condition that the fund was in. What we should be talking about is why the hell did Howie let it go that far and to even put it in ones persons hands when clearly we would have lost. But then again, he would have had a meeting afterwards and place the total blame on the arbitrator. I do agree there would have been news letters about this, but atleast we would have heard about it from somewhere because hell would have frozen over if Howie would have told us before the arbitration.

Local 804,Tell the truth..
I think they should of delayed,delayed,delayed and gotten it at next contract. Im sure thats what Howie was going to do. It can be DONe.
LittleBilly, Tony wont answer until the next election is over,He still thinks he has a chance and doesn't want to ruin it. I also asked him a question,But no answer


Well-Known Member
July 31 2013 is when this contract expires and UPS would not give one cent more than what we negotiated at the start. that my brother is another reason why anything more than a 3-4 year contract blows. too much can change and it has.


Well-Known Member
i cause do think ups needs to be held responsible more on certain things. we are getting killed with them stealing our money and people getting hurt and taking from the fund years earlier then the union member should have to pay for.