Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Local 804,Tell the truth..
I think they should of delayed,delayed,delayed and gotten it at next contract. Im sure thats what Howie was going to do. It can be DONe.
LittleBilly, Tony wont answer until the next election is over,He still thinks he has a chance and doesn't want to ruin it. I also asked him a question,But no answer

lets just say it was delayed for one year, there would have been no money in the account to pay the doctors and then what?
what do we do then? there was more going out per month thatn what was coming in, we were in serious trouble.


Well-Known Member
July 31 2013 is when this contract expires and UPS would not give one cent more than what we negotiated at the start. that my brother is another reason why anything more than a 3-4 year contract blows. too much can change and it has.
so if you cant get more then howie got, why do u blame him for not getting enough money?


Well-Known Member
so if you cant get more then howie got, why do u blame him for not getting enough money?

That was negotiated in probably 2006 right before the new contract took place. Who should we blame for mis managed funds or a longer than usual contract? who can we blame for not telling us that our 34 million dollar fund is now in a one month reserve? did tony m ever say anything bad at any of our union meetings? NO

Fat D

New Member
Tell the Truth
Local 804

You guys had it better with Row A,So don't knock em. They did what they can, It's a lot worse now


Well-Known Member
I agree but its a negotiated contract.

ok if it is a negotiated contract why do we let ups change lauguage in the middle of the contract term? they changed the 9.5 lauguage and the with the split drivers not being able to file a 9.5 grievance. why let them do that!? this friend job have gotten so bad. i mean wtf is going on here. ups make 60 billion and we have to pay more? as members we should be outraged

Fat D

New Member
again is the medical for retiree going to 1200? for the third time

From what I know,It's going up in Feb 2011. I do not know if this is 100% accurate

Row A would never allow this to happen. The retirees are screwed. They helped give us what we have now and to do that to them is wrong.


Well-Known Member
ok you told us the fund has a bad problem good for you. now, what are you going to do to make ups pay more and not the member who is being friend&&&&& everyday?