Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
That was negotiated in probably 2006 right before the new contract took place. Who should we blame for mis managed funds or a longer than usual contract? who can we blame for not telling us that our 34 million dollar fund is now in a one month reserve? did tony m ever say anything bad at any of our union meetings? NO
ok, you are better then howie for telling us there is a problem i agree. now, what are you going to do to make ups pay and not the members that have lost enough? you cant just blame howie and dump all the problems on the members or retiree. enough with the blame game. ok, its howies fault. lets move to fix it now without hurtung the members too much. what do u plan to do to lay the cost off the member and onto a multi billion dollar company?


Well-Known Member
That was negotiated in probably 2006 right before the new contract took place. Who should we blame for mis managed funds or a longer than usual contract? who can we blame for not telling us that our 34 million dollar fund is now in a one month reserve? did tony m ever say anything bad at any of our union meetings? NO

we should blame howie and his crew that didnt take a stand. what will u do different so this is fixed?


Staff member
From the Terms of Service:

6.) You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your real name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site.

No more full names please.


Well-Known Member
From the Terms of Service:

6.) You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your real name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site.

No more full names please.

I was just about to tell u,So sorry I cant


Well-Known Member
I see "u"<--------------------------------Hello ...........Lonewolf....Look........ The "u"

I see U ,But "U" don't see Me


Well-Known Member
we should blame howie and his crew that didnt take a stand. what will u do different so this is fixed?

Sorry LittleBilly, I hold no rank in this local to answer that question. I do see that the new board does keep us more informed with good and bad news. The website has a ton more information on it and it is a lot easier to get in touch with the board with the 24 hour service. Its not perfect, but is just another tool in our favor. The one thing that does scare me is the guys that are brought on without a membership vote (a and b). 5 years ago they would have brought in anybody and just because they were put on the slate at election time, they had a free pass on the board. They could have placed a UPS manager from a different district in office but the members had way too much trust in board and were blind. Another thing that scares me is the term limits of the board. I personally think that anyone with more than 3 terms ( 2 terms in our gvmt with an extra year) in the local should not be able to run again. One other thing that kills me is double dipping.....How is it possible for a member on the board to be payed by us and receive their pension checks at the same time???????
Thats just a few things I would like to see possibly added in our bylaws to benefit the members and keep the boards from getting too comfortable.


But what about MacHeath, Louie Miller, Jenny Diver, Sukey Tawdry, Miss Lotte Lenya, and old Lucy Brown?

This crazy endless thread needs a theme song. Let's all sing along. . . .

Mack the Knife
Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
And he keeps it … ah … out of sight.

Ya know when that shark bites, with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, though, wears old MacHeath, babe
So there’s nevah, nevah a trace of red.

Now on the sidewalk … uuh, huh … whoo … sunny mornin’ … uuh, huh
Lies a body just oozin' life … eeek!
And someone’s sneakin' ‘round the corner
Could that someone be Mack the Knife?

A-there's a tugboat … huh, huh, huh … down by the river don’tcha know
Where a cement bag’s just a'droopin' on down
Oh, that cement is just, it's there for the weight, dear
Five'll get ya ten old Macky’s back in town.

Now, d'ja hear ‘bout Louie Miller? He disappeared, babe
After drawin' out all his hard-earned cash
And now MacHeath spends just like a sailor
Could it be our boy's done somethin' rash?

Now … Jenny Diver … ho, ho … yeah … Sukey Tawdry
Ooh … Miss Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
Oh, the line forms on the right, babe
Now that Macky’s back in town.

Aah … I said Jenny Diver … whoa … Sukey Tawdry
Look out to Miss Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
Yes, that line forms on the right, babe
Now that Macky’s back in town …

Look out … old Macky is back!!



Active Member
ok, you are better then howie for telling us there is a problem i agree. now, what are you going to do to make ups pay and not the members that have lost enough? you cant just blame howie and dump all the problems on the members or retiree. enough with the blame game. ok, its howies fault. lets move to fix it now without hurtung the members too much. what do u plan to do to lay the cost off the member and onto a multi billion dollar company?

They are going to stick it to the retirees and the members. They can't keep blameing
the old board they are in office almost a year and nothing changed


Well-Known Member
I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice.

I'm not a TDU member but I want a president that will turn down a weak contract and NOT let it go to a vote. Hoffa won't do that. So Rocky if you , Angelo and Danny do run on a delegate slate what is your position? or do you have to ask Angelo first? ( just kidding ) the membership hates Hoffa we have never voted for him and never will ,and from what I'm hearing Sandy Pope is running with out a slate just her against Hoffa everyone else on Hoffa's slate will be back, I don't like that plan but I understand it.Thats why it would have made more sense if good stewards around 804 run against this board , again it looks like old board members are using you to get back in. I'm sorry to say you can't win with them you can without them , you have always been a smart guy Rocky , if you really want to help our union them drop any old board guys and plan to run in 2 years........ or be the puppet for the puppet master Angelo


Well-Known Member
I do like a couple of people from our board and I do hope they win in 2 years. I do feel that members should run and push our board to do better but nobody from the old board..


Well-Known Member
Please Aces stop it , don't give Rocky any ideas , god knows he needs them. "I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice. " again just shows how clueless you are , what do you even know about TDU , I know what you know about TDU what ever Howie and the gang told you. If it wasn't for TDU Ron Carey would never have been elected as President of the Teamsters. If it wasn't for TDU we would have lost 25 and out , coffee and other give backs that Howie and the gang were willing to give back. What you think TDU is evil?? there for Teamsters be your own man. All the stewards are getting a long better now we have to because we have to watch each others back. Please all you did was talk behind there back , its getting better because you want the other stewards like Jimmy to back you , and if anyone should be on that slate it should be Jimmy he's a far better steward then you will ever be but thats my opinion. All That bad blood started because I was the only steward in that building that was against the last contract it caused a lot of hard feelings are you kidding me , we know you love to hear yourself talk but please , NO one was for that contract. Danny is a good steward his guys like and respect him. The change will be good for the members he represents. Angelo has a lot of knowledge he can pass on the move will benefit the center give it a chance. Lets not forget Angelo was the Steward on that center for many years so there`s a lot of experience there. Yea lets not forget your going to run with them , please I remember when you were beside yourself when they took Angelo in to the hall , but father Tony M talked you off the cliff and made it all better. And yes the only person I miss is Tony M he was the meaning of the word Teamster , he didn't cry when he lost he said the members have spoke we do this for the members and it was an honor to be there for them. Everyone should back this slate the way you backed me, remember UPS is the enemy." WE DO MISS HIM

I guess your first couple of posts you didn't want people to know who you were but that cats out the bag. I'm sure Pete's really happy with the way you ran your mouth. Rocky being Rocky I guess. People like you and Angelo have been around a long time and you forget what you have said about the other over the years but I haven't and can't wait until it all comes out. I heard that since Angelo is an Alt-Steward he's talking to Al friend about starting the ERI all over again ,,, remember how you felt about that Rocky.....


Well-Known Member
I'm not a TDU member but I want a president that will turn down a weak contract and NOT let it go to a vote. Hoffa won't do that. So Rocky if you , Angelo and Danny do run on a delegate slate what is your position? or do you have to ask Angelo first? ( just kidding ) the membership hates Hoffa we have never voted for him and never will ,and from what I'm hearing Sandy Pope is running with out a slate just her against Hoffa everyone else on Hoffa's slate will be back, I don't like that plan but I understand it.Thats why it would have made more sense if good stewards around 804 run against this board , again it looks like old board members are using you to get back in. I'm sorry to say you can't win with them you can without them , you have always been a smart guy Rocky , if you really want to help our union them drop any old board guys and plan to run in 2 years........ or be the puppet for the puppet master Angelo

Aces Angelo is my friend and is also one of the smartest men I known we have been friends for year stewards together for the longest time. He is extremely qualified for any position at that local. It`s a privledge for me to have him as a friend. I feel bad that he got stuck in the house cleaning he ands a couple of others didn`t deserve that.