Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
"Aces Angelo is my friend and is also one of the smartest men I known we have been friends for year stewards together for the longest time. He is extremely qualified for any position at that local. It`s a privledge for me to have him as a friend. I feel bad that he got stuck in the house cleaning he ands a couple of others didn`t deserve that."

Very nicely answered.I'm glad to say he's a friend of mine to. He is a great person and a good union man , but the facts are the facts and you can't run from your past. All the info is at the hall ,the notes , the minutes the facts. They will use it against any old board member he is damage goods. Angelo had his chance to speak up against what was going on in the hall. The same things that u were upset about and he did nothing but collect his pay.....Johnny Brown had the balls to speak up as a board member no on else did, how you could even run with anyone from the old board is amazing. you talk the talk , walk the walk..............


Well-Known Member
guys, angelo got caught up in howies mess. he is a great union memeber and he would be able to run any position in that union hall. Him and pat didnt deserve what happend . they are better then the people who replaced them. hands down. howie did a terrible job with a few picks and a terrible job cause he forgot who he really worked for. the members. those two guys were the only two willing to put it all on the line.


Well-Known Member
guys, angelo got caught up in howies mess. He is a great union memeber and he would be able to run any position in that union hall. Him and pat didnt deserve what happend . They are better then the people who replaced them. Hands down. Howie did a terrible job with a few picks and a terrible job cause he forgot who he really worked for. The members. Those two guys were the only two willing to put it all on the line.
all the talk ha!!!!!!! A.g gotta beaten hands down in his own center guys!!!!!! So how great is he .... Delusional!!!!!!! Is a word that comes to mind.... If the guys that know you best voted against you.. Ha!!!! What does that say ...and pat . D ... Ha !!!! Be honest and fair guys please i know its hard but try !!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
all the talk ha!!!!!!! A.g gotta beaten hands down in his own center guys!!!!!! So how great is he .... Delusional!!!!!!! Is a word that comes to mind.... If the guys that know you best voted against you.. Ha!!!! What does that say ...and pat . D ... Ha !!!! Be honest and fair guys please i know its hard but try !!!!!!!!!!
listen if you can tell me honestly for a minute that ken r and mark holmes are better b.a or trustee then angelo or pat you are u delusional . the members see now that yes row a needed to go, but not all of them. some of these row b guys are scary. they even have a look like they have no clue. come on really. i know u seem to be a person that cant really look at the whole picture but..


Well-Known Member
listen if you can tell me honestly for a minute that ken r and mark holmes are better b.a or trustee then angelo or pat you are u delusional . the members see now that yes row a needed to go, but not all of them. some of these row b guys are scary. they even have a look like they have no clue. come on really. i know u seem to be a person that cant really look at the whole picture but..

what is so much better now that row b is there? higher medical for retiree and people still being walked out of every building at a rate that is makes row b look delusional.. i mean i think at this point i would rather have row a hide the truth instead of paying 120 percent more for medical when i retire. thank god i know the truth


Well-Known Member
Aces I haven`t commited to anything I may just retire and work for my brother in his company..Angelo is a good man he spoke up on lots of occasions as did other guys on that board especially when that contract came back. I know for a fact quite a few of them weren`t in favor of that contract but you do what your told to do by your boss.


Well-Known Member
listen if you can tell me honestly for a minute that ken r and mark holmes are better b.a or trustee then angelo or pat you are u delusional . the members see now that yes row a needed to go, but not all of them. some of these row b guys are scary. they even have a look like they have no clue. come on really. i know u seem to be a person that cant really look at the whole picture but..
I agree some of the guys on the old board new there :censored2: and were always there for the memebers when they needed to be. Pat was also a good man I always had respect for him and I respect Billy B also.


Active Member
I agree some of the guys on the old board new there :censored2: and were always there for the memebers when they needed to be. Pat was also a good man I always had respect for him and I respect Billy B also.

Watch what happens with the next contract. These guys made it impossible to retire
with medical down the road it will cost you more than your pension. before you know
it they will be giving up election day.


Well-Known Member
Please Aces stop it , don't give Rocky any ideas , god knows he needs them. "I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice. " again just shows how clueless you are , what do you even know about TDU , I know what you know about TDU what ever Howie and the gang told you. If it wasn't for TDU Ron Carey would never have been elected as President of the Teamsters. If it wasn't for TDU we would have lost 25 and out , coffee and other give backs that Howie and the gang were willing to give back. What you think TDU is evil?? there for Teamsters be your own man. All the stewards are getting a long better now we have to because we have to watch each others back. Please all you did was talk behind there back , its getting better because you want the other stewards like Jimmy to back you , and if anyone should be on that slate it should be Jimmy he's a far better steward then you will ever be but thats my opinion. All That bad blood started because I was the only steward in that building that was against the last contract it caused a lot of hard feelings are you kidding me , we know you love to hear yourself talk but please , NO one was for that contract. Danny is a good steward his guys like and respect him. The change will be good for the members he represents. Angelo has a lot of knowledge he can pass on the move will benefit the center give it a chance. Lets not forget Angelo was the Steward on that center for many years so there`s a lot of experience there. Yea lets not forget your going to run with them , please I remember when you were beside yourself when they took Angelo in to the hall , but father Tony M talked you off the cliff and made it all better. And yes the only person I miss is Tony M he was the meaning of the word Teamster , he didn't cry when he lost he said the members have spoke we do this for the members and it was an honor to be there for them. Everyone should back this slate the way you backed me, remember UPS is the enemy." WE DO MISS HIM

I guess your first couple of posts you didn't want people to know who you were but that cats out the bag. I'm sure Pete's really happy with the way you ran your mouth. Rocky being Rocky I guess. People like you and Angelo have been around a long time and you forget what you have said about the other over the years but I haven't and can't wait until it all comes out. I heard that since Angelo is an Alt-Steward he's talking to Al friend about starting the ERI all over again ,,, remember how you felt about that Rocky.....
Your the one that likes to hear himself talk. Lets get on thing straight that was Claude that was upset that Angelo got picked instead of him Tony M had to talk to him and calm him down. I had no problem when they picked Angelo and I was quite happy when they did I actually knew about it way before it was annouced he had more time then me as a steward and was around longer then me he was a very well deserved choice. Chris you should know better then that you distort the truth but someday if you pay a visit to the east side building where the members are happy and we l represented on both centers you will realize just how cluesless you truly are. You better worry about 43rd st it seems that`s where all the codswallop is going on. Seems much worse since the old guys are gone lets not foget I have many friends on 43rd st whats going on there is a disgrace. Abitrations forgetting to be filed on discharges blatent contract violations that I haven`t seen ever..Why? Why all of a sudden does the company feel they can get away with what ever they want ? I had no problem supporting these guys after they were elected I felt for the good of the local it was better that we stay united and not fight and throw darts. But after almost a year I`m very unhappy with the way things are going and I`m not alone I but if the election was held today after this past year the old board would win by a landslide. What`s that old saying the grass always looks grenner on the other side well apparently it`s not.


Well-Known Member
Please Aces stop it , don't give Rocky any ideas , god knows he needs them. "I don`t like Hoffa but I`m not supporting some TDU candidate like Pope I hope we have a solid 3rd choice. " again just shows how clueless you are , what do you even know about TDU , I know what you know about TDU what ever Howie and the gang told you. If it wasn't for TDU Ron Carey would never have been elected as President of the Teamsters. If it wasn't for TDU we would have lost 25 and out , coffee and other give backs that Howie and the gang were willing to give back. What you think TDU is evil?? there for Teamsters be your own man. All the stewards are getting a long better now we have to because we have to watch each others back. Please all you did was talk behind there back , its getting better because you want the other stewards like Jimmy to back you , and if anyone should be on that slate it should be Jimmy he's a far better steward then you will ever be but thats my opinion. All That bad blood started because I was the only steward in that building that was against the last contract it caused a lot of hard feelings are you kidding me , we know you love to hear yourself talk but please , NO one was for that contract. Danny is a good steward his guys like and respect him. The change will be good for the members he represents. Angelo has a lot of knowledge he can pass on the move will benefit the center give it a chance. Lets not forget Angelo was the Steward on that center for many years so there`s a lot of experience there. Yea lets not forget your going to run with them , please I remember when you were beside yourself when they took Angelo in to the hall , but father Tony M talked you off the cliff and made it all better. And yes the only person I miss is Tony M he was the meaning of the word Teamster , he didn't cry when he lost he said the members have spoke we do this for the members and it was an honor to be there for them. Everyone should back this slate the way you backed me, remember UPS is the enemy." WE DO MISS HIM

I guess your first couple of posts you didn't want people to know who you were but that cats out the bag. I'm sure Pete's really happy with the way you ran your mouth. Rocky being Rocky I guess. People like you and Angelo have been around a long time and you forget what you have said about the other over the years but I haven't and can't wait until it all comes out. I heard that since Angelo is an Alt-Steward he's talking to Al friend about starting the ERI all over again ,,, remember how you felt about that Rocky.....

Oh yeah one more thing friend#ck the TDU bunch of :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
I agree some of the guys on the old board new there :censored2: and were always there for the memebers when they needed to be. Pat was also a good man I always had respect for him and I respect Billy B also.

u had respect for a guy that would go to family events of reg managers and go on building managers boat? wow!


Well-Known Member
listen if you can tell me honestly for a minute that ken r and mark holmes are better b.a or trustee then angelo or pat you are u delusional . the members see now that yes row a needed to go, but not all of them. some of these row b guys are scary. they even have a look like they have no clue. come on really. i know u seem to be a person that cant really look at the whole picture but..
Just out of curiosity, what do you have against Mark?
Your totally entitled to your opinion but I am really wondering why you think he isnt a good trustee?


Well-Known Member
Watch what happens with the next contract. These guys made it impossible to retire
with medical down the road it will cost you more than your pension. before you know
it they will be giving up election day.

Yep they were so concerned about 25 & out being eliminated in the last contract and so was I but now they elimenated it by themsleves with any help from that greedy ass company we work for. Who can afford to retire now people will try to stick around to get to as close as 65 as possible nice job.


Well-Known Member
Your the one that likes to hear himself talk. Lets get on thing straight that was Claude that was upset that Angelo got picked instead of him Tony M had to talk to him and calm him down. I had no problem when they picked Angelo and I was quite happy when they did I actually knew about it way before it was annouced he had more time then me as a steward and was around longer then me he was a very well deserved choice. Pumpkin Head you should know better then that you distort the truth but someday if you pay a visit to the east side building where the members are happy and we l represented on both centers you will realize just how cluesless you truly are. You better worry about 43rd st it seems that`s where all the codswallop is going on. Seems much worse since the old guys are gone lets not foget I have many friends on 43rd st whats going on there is a disgrace. Abitrations forgetting to be filed on discharges blatent contract violations that I haven`t seen ever..Why? Why all of a sudden does the company feel they can get away with what ever they want ? I had no problem supporting these guys after they were elected I felt for the good of the local it was better that we stay united and not fight and throw darts. But after almost a year I`m very unhappy with the way things are going and I`m not alone I but if the election was held today after this past year the old board would win by a landslide. What`s that old saying the grass always looks grenner on the other side well apparently it`s not.