Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
One question for Tony (had enough)
What in Gods name are you thinking when you bypass the security and park your pimped out cadillac next to the dms on property? Ron used to park with the rest of us in the parking lot and walk through the guardbooth, are you special?


Well-Known Member
Aces I haven`t commited to anything I may just retire and work for my brother in his company..Angelo is a good man he spoke up on lots of occasions as did other guys on that board especially when that contract came back. I know for a fact quite a few of them weren`t in favor of that contract but you do what your told to do by your boss.

I guess it was easy to keep quiet when your making 150,000 and your praying that Howie retires but the facts are the facts , I would have taking Claude any day of the week as my steward over Angelo hands down. Angelo was to much up managements @ss. And maybe in Angelo's mind he was doing the right thing but he wasn't.


Well-Known Member
I don`t like Hoffa I never have never will I think he`s a total sell out.

Hoffa was backed by the whole old board , they all gave there personal money to his slate...... I know do what your boss tells you , total cop-out BS , thats why Johnny Brown was a true Teamster.......... He didn't follow anyone.........



Well-Known Member
I agree some of the guys on the old board new there :censored2: and were always there for the memebers when they needed to be. Pat was also a good man I always had respect for him and I respect Billy B also.

From what I know...Pat D was about Pat D
B.B. was all about giving Kirk whatever he wanted. If B.B. would have put kirk in his place,the Uniondale bldg. wouldn't be the way........... it is today!


Well-Known Member
I don`t like Hoffa I never have never will I think he`s a total sell out.
He is the biggest sellout ever! and thats why his own E board is not running with him...What a pathetic disgrace to all union members. All on his own he destroyed the Hoffa name.
His father must,must be turning in his grave. I "wonder" what it would be like if he was alive today


Well-Known Member
Yep they were so concerned about 25 & out being eliminated in the last contract and so was I but now they elimenated it by themsleves with any help from that greedy ass company we work for. Who can afford to retire now people will try to stick around to get to as close as 65 as possible nice job.
when u say they eliminated 25/out by themselves, did the new board recently make a change? Im not sure im 100 % on what u <----(-LOOK ANOTHER U LONEWOLF HOPE U R ADDING THEM UP TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY) r talking about


Well-Known Member
One question for Tony (had enough)
What in Gods name are you thinking when you bypass the security and park your pimped out cadillac next to the dms on property? Ron used to park with the rest of us in the parking lot and walk through the guardbooth, are you special?

WOW, He's still doing it


Well-Known Member
I don`t know anything about who`s boat he was on. The only thing I know is that he was always kind and respectly towards me I judge people by their actions.

yeah he was a "nice" man but.. he was "nice to friend##### managers also who fired alot of people. please, judge him on his actions and lose his number his is a manager wannabe


Well-Known Member
From what I know...Pat D was about Pat D
B.B. was all about giving Kirk whatever he wanted. If B.B. would have put kirk in his place,the Uniondale bldg. wouldn't be the way........... it is today!

5 angels from what i heard out there pat only showed up like once a week.but.. ive spoken with him he seemed like he knew his stuff.. dont get mad


Well-Known Member
i heard tim s was out east today. guy walked around while supervisor work and one of the managers out there continue to get away with murder. wow, we are all screwed.. does anyone know of this manager M.H that has labor charges against him over and over. Guy out there told me union isnt doing anything???


Well-Known Member
listen if you can tell me honestly for a minute that ken r and mark holmes are better b.a or trustee then angelo or pat you are u delusional . The members see now that yes row a needed to go, but not all of them. Some of these row b guys are scary. They even have a look like they have no clue. Come on really. I know u seem to be a person that cant really look at the whole picture but..
i see you have done your homework because i have commented in the past the mark. H was one board member that i liked ... Get reports all the time he gives managers ...supervisor hell... The inside membership is a little weaker then the rest of us but once they get up to speed boy!!!!tell you what dont take it from me talk to management they know who is who .......as for ken .r he has a different tack ... But word is he is annoying management everytime the guys at melville .... Like i said if he a. G was so so good why did he lose in his own center !!! Please explain that ...


Well-Known Member
i heard tim s was out east today. guy walked around while supervisor work and one of the managers out there continue to get away with murder. wow, we are all screwed.. does anyone know of this manager M.H that has labor charges against him over and over. Guy out there told me union isnt doing anything???

Yes, the ipod thief. If there are labor charges against him, what more can the union do?


Well-Known Member
Yes, the ipod thief. If there are labor charges against him, what more can the union do?

What r u kidding me? This animal manager already lost a labor charge . This is the third one filed against him. The guy laughs at the labor charge. give it a break already how much harassment can people take without some repercussions. ?


Well-Known Member
i see you have done your homework because i have commented in the past the mark. H was one board member that i liked ... Get reports all the time he gives managers ...supervisor hell... The inside membership is a little weaker then the rest of us but once they get up to speed boy!!!!tell you what dont take it from me talk to management they know who is who .......as for ken .r he has a different tack ... But word is he is annoying management everytime the guys at melville .... Like i said if he a. G was so so good why did he lose in his own center !!! Please explain that ...

What? Ken R has a different tack? He's annoying mgrs.? I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled a load for them( really ) This Is one guy that should just stick to agitating on paper behind a computer. They laugh at him. They know him well ,especially Lurch !


Well-Known Member
What r u kidding me? This animal manager already lost a labor charge . This is the third one filed against him. The guy laughs at the labor charge. give it a break already how much harassment can people take without some repercussions. ?

If you are talking about Mike, He has lost a labor charge and there are more on him and u are right, he laughs.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the ipod thief. If there are labor charges against him, what more can the union do?

LOcal 804
LOL Ipod thief.
U are right! From what we hear,He drove the getaway car,while the Phat supervisor jumped in and stole IPOd. Phat Supervisor actually came back while the police were there and questioned and "arrested" for lying to police,then admitted it, because Police watched the video surveillance...LOL......I don't remember supervisors name..Anyone??
But hey if anyone thinks this is wrong please let me know,This Is what we have heard.

Now...What can union do about labor charges? Make them stick,make the company responsible.Not just a slap on wrist.This is not the first. Im sure it takes a lot of guts to make a labor charge.If its not made from only Union....
Little Billy
Who made the labor charge? Was it the union or Driver/Steward and for what reason ?