Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
when u say they eliminated 25/out by themselves, did the new board recently make a change? Im not sure im 100 % on what u <----(-LOOK ANOTHER U LONEWOLF HOPE U R ADDING THEM UP TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY) r talking about

Well let me clarify what I meant..Who is going to retire when they have to pay 500 bucks or so a month for benefits out of the 3600..and I got news for you they will probably go up quite a bit in the next year or two just a feeling I have..


Well-Known Member
LOcal 804
LOL Ipod thief.
U are right! From what we hear,He drove the getaway car,while the Phat supervisor jumped in and stole IPOd. Phat Supervisor actually came back while the police were there and questioned and "arrested" for lying to police,then admitted it, because Police watched the video surveillance...LOL......I don't remember supervisors name..Anyone??
But hey if anyone thinks this is wrong please let me know,This Is what we have heard.
5 angles my friend out there told me the union does not file the charge the driver does. from what i understand it is a joke! the drivers wins the labor charge and ups still does what they want anyway. the union needs to make a stand and get ups off peoples backs. i mean come on...
Now...What can union do about labor charges? Make them stick,make the company responsible.Not just a slap on wrist.This is not the first. Im sure it takes a lot of guts to make a labor charge.If its not made from only Union....
Little Billy
Who made the labor charge? Was it the union or Driver/Steward and for what reason ?


Well-Known Member
my friend told me the driver makes the statement to the labor board.. also, ups will do whatever they want even when or if they lose the labor charge. the union needs to let there balls drop like babies and get in the fight already. it is a mess in the city as well.... dont feel bad


Active Member
you guys have more time than me, do you know how the health & welfare works? I thought there was an administrator and a law firm involved in the handling of the funds. no one person could make any moves without the ok from the eboard,administrator & a ok from the lawyers. Any pension moves also had to pass not only thru the eboard but also the company reps on the pension board. if this is correct, it seems the economy is to mostly to blame for the issues and not any one person or group. If any one has any info on this please share it. thx.


Well-Known Member
you guys have more time than me, do you know how the health & welfare works? I thought there was an administrator and a law firm involved in the handling of the funds. no one person could make any moves without the ok from the eboard,administrator & a ok from the lawyers. Any pension moves also had to pass not only thru the eboard but also the company reps on the pension board. if this is correct, it seems the economy is to mostly to blame for the issues and not any one person or group. If any one has any info on this please share it. thx.


Well-Known Member
Pay attention so u don't miss it. The union has .........I don't know 8k members on its side. The reason u voted them in is to act in the members best interest by sitting on a board that makes decisions on your pension. Where have u been under a rock? Row b and the little piss ant agitator came out with 1500 flyers on how row a didn't act in our best interest when it came to our pension and health and welfare. So... u should expect your union to take care of your best interest so ups pays what they should to keep the fund in good standing.


Well-Known Member
you guys have more time than me, do you know how the health & welfare works? I thought there was an administrator and a law firm involved in the handling of the funds. no one person could make any moves without the ok from the eboard,administrator & a ok from the lawyers. Any pension moves also had to pass not only thru the eboard but also the company reps on the pension board. if this is correct, it seems the economy is to mostly to blame for the issues and not any one person or group. If any one has any info on this please share it. thx.

very well said , yes you are right , thanks to Howie and the boys (tony d , Angelo , bill b ) for keeping us all in the dark about what was going on. It was more important to get re-elected then to tell us what was going on. As the medical funds went from 33 million to 4 million they all said nothing. When UPS wanted the contract done 6 months earlier why didn't our old board demand more money for our health fund , why didn't they demand better contract language , because they didn't give a sh/t. I never heard 1 old board member say sorry for letting you guys down. Now we have to read how Rocky is defending them ,, O its not there fault , they did what there boss told them,, total BS ,, Just keep walking around that little barn of yours. I heard that in the eastside building a steward once told management that a union guy was smoking pot because he was upset with that guy.......... but I don't know who the steward was...............:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Pay attention so u don't miss it. The union has .........I don't know 8k members on its side. The reason u voted them in is to act in the members best interest by sitting on a board that makes decisions on your pension. Where have u been under a rock? Row b and the little piss ant agitator came out with 1500 flyers on how row a didn't act in our best interest when it came to our pension and health and welfare. So... u should expect your union to take care of your best interest so ups pays what they should to keep the fund in good standing.

thats what there doing , taking it on , head on ,, not hiding it ,, sometimes the truth hurts


Well-Known Member
Well let me clarify what I meant..Who is going to retire when they have to pay 500 bucks or so a month for benefits out of the 3600..and I got news for you they will probably go up quite a bit in the next year or two just a feeling I have..

Its not a feeling it because Angelo told you how friend'ed UP the health and welfare is thanks to him and the old board. Again UPS plan was to have all retirees pay 1,200 a month for medical

To be honest I do like you Rocky, your a good steward that cares for the members and would fight to the end and never back down from anything but I'd rather you just come out and say your going to run with them on a slate , at least then it all makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
Well let me clarify what I meant..Who is going to retire when they have to pay 500 bucks or so a month for benefits out of the 3600..and I got news for you they will probably go up quite a bit in the next year or two just a feeling I have..
Yes I agree, The only thing Is it wont be 500 dollars,Starting in 2012 Its going up by 10% so If you have 15 years now and plan on retiring in 10 Equaling 25 years of service = $3,600
So minus Benefits U will pay for ...U will be paying prob. $1100 or so....U will be left with $2500 or so after taxes maybe $2200
So If someone is retiring in 10 years with 25 years of service,,,They can expect to keep $2100 -Give or take- Take home..
After 25 years of service.
Its not a feeling you have,It's what it is.
Either way, Im hoping Our president had to do that( so its out of arb.) so we all dont pay more,But the retirees and future retirees did get screwed.....Either way Hopefully he has a plan to get it from the company.
If not, It will not be good.


Well-Known Member
thats what there doing , taking it on , head on ,, not hiding it ,, sometimes the truth
ok when the truth hurts like there is no medical for retirees EVERYBODY PAYS 150 A MONTH FOR MEDICAL THEN U COULD SLEEP AT NIGHT KNOWING THE TRUTH.. just cause nobody is hiding anything from u doesnt mean they should just sit back and be happy they told u. They (row b) are in office and its up to them to fix it. it is not up to them to just lay the problem on the members and blame somebody else...

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hello Little Billy/Aces/Vinny M./Five Angels,

Are you enjoying yourself Sybil Male Version? Your one crazy Dude my brother!!!!!!! Row B is going down!!!! Sorry!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello Little Billy/Aces/Vinny M./Five Angels,

Are you enjoying yourself Sybil Male Version? Your one crazy Dude my brother!!!!!!! Row B is going down!!!! Sorry!!!!!!

Tony,Is that u "my Brother" U gotta another name? LOL
Row B might very well go down,but it wont be by you..LOL.
It's over Hang up your guns.
There will be a new slate running and they will take any votes u thought u had.. Surprise,surprise,Watchaaaa gonna do... brother? Im a Hulkamaniac too


Well-Known Member
Hello Little Billy/Aces/Vinny M./Five Angels,

Are you enjoying yourself Sybil Male Version? Your one crazy Dude my brother!!!!!!! Row B is going down!!!! Sorry!!!!!!
first of all we are not all the same people d**** bag . and second.. come up with something new like the members did when they trough u out.
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Well-Known Member
hey had enough or tony or new guy cyrus or whoever this is. again for the 10th time. 1. did tony (U) ask the members to vote on this contract? 2.are U going to run next time with the guy who who was best friends with manager jim kirk? that does not seem crazy to me.. i think they are good questions. i think u know if U answer these questions honestly people will see who u really are. tony if and when u campaign i will be there to let the members remember who u really are.. so get ready cause im not afraid of u like everybody else. you will never be in that hall again telling your big buddy that u will die there. nope tony u will die a ups driver........ not that there is anything wrong with that


Active Member
tony m, tony d, tom c, pat d, john n. At least if you had a problem and called the hall and your BA wasn't there anyone of these guys would pick up the phone.
and you woulde't get THATS NOT MY BUILDING.


Well-Known Member
Last week all the Executive Board went to the TDU Convention in Chicago. They used the Dues money!!!!! When Row A went away on Union Money they all cried the blues. How come it ok for Row B to use the Dues????