Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey guys how come you took off today? The drivers worked!!!!! When the old board was there, they gave the office girls the day off but they all went in. Another fine example of 24 - 7..... I guess they needed a rest after doing NOTHING!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
You are right packageman, They all helped me, They were all for one and one for all. Now that was 24-7 representation Miss the good old days! Now you call that Union Hall no one is there and the little they answer you ,they don't know what they are doing anyway!


Well-Known Member
Hey Row B, How come you took off today? When the old board was in they gave the office girls off , but they kept the office opened. Another fine example of 24-7! I guess they are tired of doing "Nothing". LOL

CluelessWolfl , girls had off , credit union closed , new board was in , guess your never tired of being wrong......


Well-Known Member
Last week all the Executive Board went to the TDU Convention in Chicago. They used the Dues money!!!!! When Row A went away on Union Money they all cried the blues. How come it ok for Row B to use the Dues????

cluelesswolfl , no all the E board didn't go , the ones that did paid there own way , some of them are TDU members and went to the convention ,, the others went to educational classes and they took a hand full of stewards , the stewards trip were pay for by the Ron Carey Fund for Education, that was what I was told , you can always call the hall.....


Well-Known Member
You are right packageman, They all helped me, They were all for one and one for all. Now that was 24-7 representation Miss the good old days! Now you call that Union Hall no one is there and the little they answer you ,they don't know what they are doing anyway!

No one is there because they are at there buildings not like the old board. Guess you miss how they would promise you the world LOL CLUELESSWOLFL


Well-Known Member
I did not write this but its great , READ AND LEARN , THIS IS 804

RON CAREY, the president of Local 804 in New York City, a local mostly made up of UPS workers, won a stunning victory for general president in a three-way race against two "old-guard" candidates. Carey was endorsed by Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), the longstanding reform group.

Carey got rid of the worst extravagances of the old guard, launched new organizing drives and instituted programs to boost membership involvement.
At every turn, Carey found Hoffa and his allies playing an obstructionist role. This came to a head in the 1996 election when Carey faced a united "old guard" led by Hoffa. Hoffa's slate was incredibly well funded, with fat checks from old-guard Teamster officers and staffers across the country.
Nevertheless, Carey eked a victory with 52 percent of the vote, thanks most of all to support from UPS workers.
The election came on the eve of the 1997 UPS contract fight, on which Carey staked his record, aiming to achieve a significant number of new full-time jobs, pension protection and wage increases. For their part, Hoffa's allies were completely compromised by the Teamsters' past policies at UPS--huge pay cuts for part-time workers and the vast expansion of part-time work.
In 1997, UPS attempted to further cripple the Teamsters by grabbing control of the pension fund, pushing workers into HMOs and refusing to create new full-time jobs. This provoked a two-week strike that became the biggest labor victory in three decades--and a personal triumph for Carey.
Hoffa spokespeople, however, took to the airwaves to attack Carey while 185,000 Teamsters were on the picket line. A UPS spokesperson admitted that he consulted the Hoffa campaign about how to attack Carey. The biggest act of betrayal during the strike came when Chicago-based Teamsters Local 710, led by Hoffa supporters Frank Wsol and Pat Flynn, refused to strike UPS. UPS's humiliation quickly turned into fury at Carey. The old guard had already protested the 1996 election, and a government-appointed election official set aside the results. http://socialistworker.org/2005-2/55...10_Hoffa.shtml

If the locals are'nt fixing your problem. The national is not going to your problem. The 22.3 issue was Carey's idea not Hoffa's. Hoffa and UPS executives in Atlanta could be in bed together on your 22.3 issue? You 22.3's and endangered workers in the UPS world.


Well-Known Member
It didn't surprise me one bit that our old board ran our local into the ground and ruined it. I remember being a rookie with UPS not knowing nothing about the union and a senior guy telling me to go to the union meeting , listen to Carey speak was unreal made me feel good to be a teamster. He was the one that brought in Howie R , gave him his shot , took him into Carey Hall. Howie gave Ronnie is word always the members first. Then the first chance he got he turned his back on Ron , people always wondered why? people very close say its because Ron didn't bring Howie to Washington so he could make more money. There are stories of Howie yelling and screaming , red faced when he couldn't double dip with the pension any more. People like Angelo,Tony M , Tony D and Bill L loved to tell the old stories about how Johnny Long would pull the buildings and go on strike, Angelo would say those were the good days, those were the Ron Carey days. It was always about the money , some of you guys here talk about Howie and the boys like they were hero's. They lived off of what Ron Carey built. They didn't even go to his funeral not one , no flowers nothing not even a photo of him in the union hall. They are all losers every one of the old board members, there a joke. Now they want to use stewards to get back in , people like , Rocky D , Danny P like I've said in the past I was good friends with every old board member , I was at the hall a lot. People like Angelo,tony D,Bill L,Pat D, Bill B would always say that Rocky is a pain in the @ss wants to get on the board so bad he's an @ss kisser , but not just him many stewards they would talk about ,I wasn't a steward, promised them the world. Why , why would they say that? to make people laugh? there was nothing wrong with Rocky he's a good union member that cared and wanted to make the union better. So thats who they would blow off and down play,, wasn't right .... Not Tony M , all my years being at the hall he never said one bad thing about anyone and when other board members would joke about stewards like Rocky and other tony m would always say "now , now , cut that sh/t out there all good union people , I better not hear that sh\t any more" people don't have to believe me doesn't matter , it just drives me crazy to hear how old board members are using stewards to get back in........


Well-Known Member
now.... lonewolf how many friend trips did u go on with local 804 money? u have some pair of balls. when u went to steward conf upstate or wherever, did u stay where the stewards stayed or did u stay close by in ALOT nicer place. u think your smile* dont stink.. thats the problem. i go to ups everyday with a smile cause i know your really working and not waliking around making fun of people for a living.


Well-Known Member
just so members on here know .. i was a steward for a short time (only 4 years)and tony and his crew would pick out the most crappy place to stay every few years at conference. the stewards would stay with their families at this dump ,while tony(who planned everything) and his crew would stay at a nice new place and take a bus everyday to where the stewards stay. tony u should be embarrassed . Tony m said it best you guys were just truck drivers in suits. nothing else.


Well-Known Member
It didn't surprise me one bit that our old board ran our local into the ground and ruined it. I remember being a rookie with UPS not knowing nothing about the union and a senior guy telling me to go to the union meeting , listen to Carey speak was unreal made me feel good to be a teamster. He was the one that brought in Howie R , gave him his shot , took him into Carey Hall. Howie gave Ronnie is word always the members first. Then the first chance he got he turned his back on Ron , people always wondered why? people very close say its because Ron didn't bring Howie to Washington so he could make more money. There are stories of Howie yelling and screaming , red faced when he couldn't double dip with the pension any more. People like Angelo,Tony M , Tony D and Bill L loved to tell the old stories about how Johnny Long would pull the buildings and go on strike, Angelo would say those were the good days, those were the Ron Carey days. It was always about the money , some of you guys here talk about Howie and the boys like they were hero's. They lived off of what Ron Carey built. They didn't even go to his funeral not one , no flowers nothing not even a photo of him in the union hall. They are all losers every one of the old board members, there a joke. Now they want to use stewards to get back in , people like , Rocky D , Danny P like I've said in the past I was good friends with every old board member , I was at the hall a lot. People like Angelo,tony D,Bill L,Pat D, Bill B would always say that Rocky is a pain in the @ss wants to get on the board so bad he's an @ss kisser , but not just him many stewards they would talk about ,I wasn't a steward, promised them the world. Why , why would they say that? to make people laugh? there was nothing wrong with Rocky he's a good union member that cared and wanted to make the union better. So thats who they would blow off and down play,, wasn't right .... Not Tony M , all my years being at the hall he never said one bad thing about anyone and when other board members would joke about stewards like Rocky and other tony m would always say "now , now , cut that sh/t out there all good union people , I better not hear that sh\t any more" people don't have to believe me doesn't matter , it just drives me crazy to hear how old board members are using stewards to get back in........

WOW, well said!


Well-Known Member
just so members on here know .. i was a steward for a short time (only 4 years)and tony and his crew would pick out the most crappy place to stay every few years at conference. the stewards would stay with their families at this dump ,while tony(who planned everything) and his crew would stay at a nice new place and take a bus everyday to where the stewards stay. tony u should be embarrassed . Tony m said it best you guys were just truck drivers in suits. nothing else.

Yeah, U are right !


Well-Known Member
Nicely put about the board and R Carey. He was the man !
We now need.............. a new leader? I hope it will be an active UPS'er .....


Well-Known Member
Tony Barbarino, Tuff Tony, Tony BoomBotz, Mr.T, Teflon T, T-Bone, T Dog...Where u at? Where R U ?

I see U...............But U don't see me.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, Sybil Male version, "The mole living in the basement is getting to you ". (Vinny M. 5angels, littlebilly, acesup Maybe some others). You must be exhausted talking back and forth to yourself. I guess that Tony D. must be a person you want to be like or maybe you feel very threathened. LOL "Thats all you talk about". I know I said I would not type on this Thread again but who could resist. Ok continue Vinny M. Bla-Bla-Bla-Bla....Let the show continue!!!

But with all seriousness this new board can't get out fast enough! I am counting down the days! Again I do not stand alone nor do I talk to myself. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey tony or tonys ballwasher. Tell everyone how u stayed at a much nicer place then the stewards did at the conference u planned all the time. U are rite the board may have to go. But... no way will the members bring back management wannbe or a deal maker like u every again


Well-Known Member
WOW, well said!

Nice post. And you are rite. But.... let's tell the truth about where we are today at UPS. We are at a company making 15 billion in profit. Why in gods name is everything we have getting worse? Let's put what everybody feels politically aside . We are going backwards . What I wanna know is what is this new board going to do . Because I don't wanna hear about row a anymore cause its time to start to figure out how not to dump all the problems on the members, cause its easy. It's time for all of us to get together and make a stand . Like the Carey days. Enough is enough already


Well-Known Member
Hey tony or tonys ballwasher. Tell everyone how u stayed at a much nicer place then the stewards did at the conference u planned all the time. U are rite the board may have to go. But... no way will the members bring back management wannbe or a deal maker like u every again



Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, Sybil Male version, "The mole living in the basement is getting to you ". (Vinny M. 5angels, littlebilly, acesup Maybe some others). You must be exhausted talking back and forth to yourself. I guess that Tony D. must be a person you want to be like or maybe you feel very threathened. LOL "Thats all you talk about". I know I said I would not type on this Thread again but who could resist. Ok continue Vinny M. Bla-Bla-Bla-Bla....Let the show continue!!!

But with all seriousness this new board can't get out fast enough! I am counting down the days! Again I do not stand alone nor do I talk to myself. lol

I knew... I could get u to post back here........LOL ....U really think we are all 1 person.. I will help "U" out.....5angels is my name,thats it and U know exactly why........
Again I do not stand alone nor do I talk to myself...On the other hand, I believe u have a few clowns (u,B.B,S.M) get together to try and defend ur positions,that helped ruin our union.
I can picture u guys, getting together...... upstairs in the D.M. office and go online...

I see U............But U dont see me