Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
5 guys???? are you crazy like 100 before that waste...... Please , its funny no one in feeders likes him........ believe me I hear it all the time......


Well-Known Member
I called that office all day myself on Veterans day. Someone please tell me how anyone can say they were in the office! Only the answering service picked up the phone.

Come on Sybil!!!!! Bla-Bla-Bla THERE IS NO 24 - 7 IN THAT UNION Where are the real men?

The BA's were at there buildings , and the girls in the office had off ,,, just like you said your buddies from the old board did it. nothing new no facts , just keep typing...


Well-Known Member
That is why you where never pick Vinny m. you are not to be trusted you are a TDU GUY and a RAT. EVERYBODY IN FOSTER KNOW THAT. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST DEAL MAKER IN THE BUILDING THAT WHY THE GUYS GOT RID OF YOU AS SHOP STEWARD. Even Carey hated you he used to say that you were no good and a ballwasher. Its really a shame how miserable you have become. You talk about Karma, then you better watch out. Buddy you need to lighted up and stop attacking with such hatred. Even your friend Joe K says you are miserable May be its Rusties coffee that making your brain swell. Dont forget Danny L used to clean the pot with the toliet bowl brush...........Maybe just maybe you should consider getting some Medical Help. You better hurry before the co-payments go up again!!!!!! Run as fast as you can!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Yes your right Vinnie is there drinking that coffee every morning , you couldn't pay me to drink it. Thats not as bad as DOG kissing all those disgusting females , but then again he is italian......


Well-Known Member
If thats Steve, How the friend&#k did he get in the hall. He cant write and Im sure he has difficulty reading.
Man up Lonewolf.....
Either way, U have no b**Ls, and u did not deserve to b there. Everyone in feeder is staying away from u. I wonder why? U have 2 friends there. 1 of them is the mirror.

Steve M got into the hall as a favor to Bill B ,He followed Billy every step of the way,, over the years every old BA got to bring a friend to be a BA,, O wait all but Tony D , Howie liked Billy better and that p'ssed off Tony D.......


Well-Known Member
Hey Cigar Pete, what about all the casual Feeders drivers that the company has brought in for the Holidays? Because of you all the Feeders drivers have lost all their over time for Christmas. You have done not a thing about it. Now all the Feeders drivers are mad at you. They said they are going to make sure you looooooose the next Election. Especially the one in 43red Street and Nassau.


Well-Known Member
Sources are saying that Telphon Don Harry the Machine Gun Weldon was assulted by a lower level management peron. He is keeping his promised to get new teeth for the Next Arbitration. He is still walking around with his box of tissues, making sure every management gets a tissue and a BIG SMILE.


Well-Known Member
The Big Marshmallo is getting his @ss kicked in at Foster Ave by Management. Guys are getting fired left and right and also suspended. Especially in the Cross Bay Center and Ocean Hill Center. Meanwhile he stands in the corner with his briefcase in his hand. Drivers want to know if its glued to his hands. When is this guy going to show some force. He started out comming around but it is getting fewer and fewer. His laziness is starting to show. This is what the Row B. said was a very strong and experience new BA. YEA RIGHT!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What about the Rock from the East side Building. Word was told that he had to straighten out Cigar Pete for yelling at his nephew at 43rd Street. Meanwhile they have never seen Pete yell at Management that way. All he does is give out Cigars to management and is like a little mouse when he is dealing with Al friend. the division manager. Sources say he has not been in the East side building in six weeks. Why bother comming at all Pete ? You only do Shi* anyway.!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
A petition was sent to the Joint Counsel to get Chris S. out of the Elmsford building, where he was the Steward before he was elected. He is usless and does not know anything. Never shows up and the members were fed up with him. Now rumor has that the Big Guy Hillbilly Jim is taking him out of Elmsford and was already taken out of Brush Ave. Maybe the Big guy can can make him clean toilets bowls at Union Hall.

We are in deep trouble with this Row B. I have never seen such a despicable bunch in my life.


Well-Known Member
This week at Island City there was a big meeting. Management people came in from Corporate and from the East Coast. Low and behold who shows up? Hillbilly Jim,Tim S. looking like a slob while all the Corporate people were in the building. Can you believe this guy is our President? One steward said he had jelly on his shirt and his pants were wrinkled. He was so embarassed of him that he represents our local. One steward told another steward we should have taken a day off, not to be put in such an embarrassing situation. Hillbilly never shows up, it figures the only day is when Corporate comes. I guess he knew there was going to be free food.


Well-Known Member
When he loses his members trust like HR did, then we should be worried. Because he is over weight that does not mean he isnt capable of running a local. Never judge a book by its cover.


Well-Known Member
The Big Marshmallo is getting his @ss kicked in at Foster Ave by Management. Guys are getting fired left and right and also suspended. Especially in the Cross Bay Center and Ocean Hill Center. Meanwhile he stands in the corner with his briefcase in his hand. Drivers want to know if its glued to his hands. When is this guy going to show some force. He started out comming around but it is getting fewer and fewer. His laziness is starting to show. This is what the Row B. said was a very strong and experience new BA. YEA RIGHT!!!!!!

Show some force??? I like how you say he started out coming.. Thought he never comes to Foster? Why don't you talk about all of the members over the years that lost there jobs and got suspended under Tony D ,, What you think those 300 cases on the docket got there by them self. You talk about people getting fired in my building only 1 person was fired out of Crossbay and this was a guy that has 16 years for taking long lunch breaks and flagging stops plus going home and sheeting NDA as not in , but when you have a porter as a steward that takes no notes , cant remember anything, just yells and screams but doesn't educate members this is what happens. No one that I know was fired in Ocean Hill , 1 person resigned , when he didn't have to.


Well-Known Member
This week at Island City there was a big meeting. Management people came in from Corporate and from the East Coast. Low and behold who shows up? Hillbilly Jim,Tim S. looking like a slob while all the Corporate people were in the building. Can you believe this guy is our President? One steward said he had jelly on his shirt and his pants were wrinkled. He was so embarassed of him that he represents our local. One steward told another steward we should have taken a day off, not to be put in such an embarrassing situation. Hillbilly never shows up, it figures the only day is when Corporate comes. I guess he knew there was going to be free food.
you know u really have no respect what so ever. really. ok the guy is a mess. fine get over it. at least when the guy shows up and upper managemnt is there he dont hug them and go have drinks with them and go to there family parties. i mean what did h.r do? let ups take away breakfast which in turn gave ups the go to start everybody later and later. now, u need to work until your kids are sleeping to make the same money. h.r also made the medical a total mess and.... he sided with hoffa which screwed up this horrible contract. thats the reason why u put on browns everyday instead of a suit. grow up already and answer the question. 1. did u ask people to vote on this contract? u wont answer cause your so political that u have lost the members and u know if you lie people on here will rip u apart.. go have drinks with mike your feeder boss friend. u manager. if this is s.m try beating up management and not stewards in the locker room. one day u are going to run into the wrong person.
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Well-Known Member
That is why you where never pick Vinny m. you are not to be trusted you are a TDU GUY and a RAT. EVERYBODY IN FOSTER KNOW THAT. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST DEAL MAKER IN THE BUILDING THAT WHY THE GUYS GOT RID OF YOU AS SHOP STEWARD. Even Carey hated you he used to say that you were no good and a ballwasher. Its really a shame how miserable you have become. You talk about Karma, then you better watch out. Buddy you need to lighted up and stop attacking with such hatred. Even your friend Joe K says you are miserable May be its Rusties coffee that making your brain swell. Dont forget Danny L used to clean the pot with the toliet bowl brush...........Maybe just maybe you should consider getting some Medical Help. You better hurry before the co-payments go up again!!!!!! Run as fast as you can!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
im not vinny d*** head. u are washed up . i know it must hurt but people dont want u back. i know u spent money like u were so important but.. its over u are just a ups driver. lol hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Sources are saying that Telphon Don Harry the Machine Gun Weldon was assulted by a lower level management peron. He is keeping his promised to get new teeth for the Next Arbitration. He is still walking around with his box of tissues, making sure every management gets a tissue and a BIG SMILE.

there u go make fun of someone ... u have no balls at all! u are like a women really. nobody wants a guy in the hall making fun of people and walking around like the job is his for life. sorry read the writting on the wall. its rite in front of ur face. go away


Well-Known Member
there u go make fun of someone ... u have no balls at all! u are like a women really. nobody wants a guy in the hall making fun of people and walking around like the job is his for life. sorry read the writting on the wall. its rite in front of ur face. go away

Yep, Lonewolf u r schizo, take ur meds or maybe leave the suit on when u type.
U talk all this crap about being nice ,but u got a nickname for everyone and make fun of them. U Loser!

Now,about the breakfast that we lost,,,,,,WOW another great job by row a
How about the gps language ?
Wow,U want to get back in? FouGeddaaBoutIt.
...yes 300 guys in arb. from row a
Row A ruined the Local,They should of took the right guys but yanked there chain.
Rumor has it, There were 2 guys in the boroughs and 2 on long Island that should of been picked.ESPECIALLY before Steve M . Some complacent people ( H.R.) should of retired along with his double dipping


Well-Known Member
When he loses his members trust like HR did, then we should be worried. Because he is over weight that does not mean he isnt capable of running a local. Never judge a book by its cover.

No one should have a problem with his weight but if he is dressing like a slob and has food on his clothes I do think thats a problem he is the president.


Well-Known Member
When he loses his members trust like HR did, then we should be worried. Because he is over weight that does not mean he isnt capable of running a local. Never judge a book by its cover.

No one said anything of him being over weight!! Go back and read my post.......


Well-Known Member
This is getting embarassing. you are ALL making local 804 a joke. This forum can be useful if used properly. Read some of the other threads NOT about local 804. Some are very informative and helpful. The 804 threads are petty and useless.

FINALLY who cares who is the "green jacket" or if Tony D had multiple names on here or steve M is a lonely wolf. WHo cares! Granted it might be a few guys taling to each other or themselves. They seem to have a lot of free time on their hands.

If there is legitimate criticism of THIS board or the LAST board, great let's have that debate. And if we are finished with the name calling maybe we can use this forum to take on UPS management. Maybe we can communicate what management is doing in each of our buildings so that we can use that info and be able to fight back in a more unified way. You know S-O-L-I-D-A-R-I-T-Y!

The next union election is not for another 2 years! Let's use that time constructively and stop blaming each other. If management reads this, I am sure they are laughing at us and licking their chops. Grow up and aim your slings and arrows at the appropriate target-UPS management!