Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Who is this jack from foster. Is he a snow man or a driver.!because out east they seen him driving the big guy around in a volks wagan.


Well-Known Member
Well the steward had it with cigar Pete in nassau eastside and the feeder department.Can't wait for the next election to get ride of him. he is useless just like his son dave o where has he been.never returns calls. what a waste. pete save me a cigar.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, enough with this ! Let it go ! You are making this local the laughing stock of bc

CRASH , i totally agree.
To all who are not in our Local, WE ARE ALL NOT A BUNCH OF CRANKS AND CLUELESS IDIOTS. We are a local like any other. We are dealing with all the :censored2: that ups management is throwing at us. The new executive board is trying some new things to fight back. They still have two more yrs to totally turn things around. But it will only happen if we pull together as a TEAM. Some of the dimwits who post on this thread seem to be all out for themselves. They have no use for solidarity.
We need to be taking on management NOT arguing with each other. It is bad enough when these clueless few attack the executive board. But when you start attacking your fellow members themselves , thats low- thats beneath what we as UNION members are supposed to be about.
LONELY WOLF, like CRASH has said LET IT GO. If you have a problem with the new executive board , go to then next union meeting and speak up like a man. Brown cafe is not the place for your moronic posts and lies. Youre embarassing yourself and this local. If you have something useful to add or inform, by all means post. But if all you are gonna do is destroy and attack people on OUR side, the UNION side, go find yourself a full moon and howl somewhere else!
CRASH , i totally agree.
To all who are not in our Local, WE ARE ALL NOT A BUNCH OF CRANKS AND CLUELESS IDIOTS. We are a local like any other. We are dealing with all the :censored2: that ups management is throwing at us. The new executive board is trying some new things to fight back. They still have two more yrs to totally turn things around. But it will only happen if we pull together as a TEAM. Some of the dimwits who post on this thread seem to be all out for themselves. They have no use for solidarity.
We need to be taking on management NOT arguing with each other. It is bad enough when these clueless few attack the executive board. But when you start attacking your fellow members themselves , thats low- thats beneath what we as UNION members are supposed to be about.
LONELY WOLF, like CRASH has said LET IT GO. If you have a problem with the new executive board , go to then next union meeting and speak up like a man. Brown cafe is not the place for your moronic posts and lies. Youre embarassing yourself and this local. If you have something useful to add or inform, by all means post. But if all you are gonna do is destroy and attack people on OUR side, the UNION side, go find yourself a full moon and howl somewhere else!
As crazy as you all seem I have got to hand it to you guys you seem to be really involved in your local union. In my local I wish I had guys as hard core union as you all seem.


Anthony G. Is still discharging driver in Island city while Liam R. Just says nothing while they walk the members off the job. The stewards are beside themselves. Another driver just got fired in Island City this week for what lying in an investigation. They said he took a box and Liam R. AGREED with the company and they walk the driver off the job. 24/7 :censored2: if you don't belive this go ask the steward in QUEENS NORTH. He will tell you how useless Liam R. IS always siding with the company all the time.


"Liam R. Just says nothing"??? I've never seen Liam R. just say nothing! And guess what LoneDope, your facts are nothing more than pure fantasy! Since Liam has represented this building, 1 driver has been walked off for proven and admitted dishonesty after admitting he falsified his time card. Liam got him back, without waiting for arbitration, with a time served suspension. A 2nd driver was walked off after being caught on video with a high value package from the route he covered. He claimed he never saw or touched the package. DUH! They had him on friggin video and he thought it was a good idea to lie at the hearing!

C'mon LoneFool! The new Board and Reps are doing what hasn't been done in a long time. Real representation. A real presence in the buildings. And we're hearing the truth about the H&W and Pension plans for a first time in a long time. They haven't even been there a year yet, and if anyone were going to represent me, I'd want it to be Liam. If you've conveniently forgotten, he's someone the old Board represented and sold down the river.....and he knows firsthand what the responsibility to represent really means!

Sell it somewhere else, LoneFool!


Well-Known Member
"Liam R. Just says nothing"??? I've never seen Liam R. just say nothing! And guess what LoneDope, your facts are nothing more than pure fantasy! Since Liam has represented this building, 1 driver has been walked off for proven and admitted dishonesty after admitting he falsified his time card. Liam got him back, without waiting for arbitration, with a time served suspension. A 2nd driver was walked off after being caught on video with a high value package from the route he covered. He claimed he never saw or touched the package. DUH! They had him on friggin video and he thought it was a good idea to lie at the hearing!

C'mon LoneFool! The new Board and Reps are doing what hasn't been done in a long time. Real representation. A real presence in the buildings. And we're hearing the truth about the H&W and Pension plans for a first time in a long time. They haven't even been there a year yet, and if anyone were going to represent me, I'd want it to be Liam. If you've conveniently forgotten, he's someone the old Board represented and sold down the river.....and he knows firsthand what the responsibility to represent really means!

Sell it somewhere else, LoneFool!

Here he goes again,bashing the new Eboard. Now He's Just putting up text here on B.C. just to say Row B sucks without the facts..LOL LoneDope,good one....
I see u,But U don't see me !


Well-Known Member
Hey Lonely wolf, Had enough, how come we haven't heard from you lately? Realizing the new executive board is doing there jobs. Why haven't you reported how the new board members were all hitting buildings last Friday, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. Imagine that !

And I heard some of the board was at Melville last night at midnight. It was sixth day work and management was working new hires over seniority members !

Way to go ! Keep up the good work!