Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I have to say this has got to be the best thing I can say on this site........This new board is hated and as destroyed the members so much that the members actually put a banner over an overpass. On the Long Island Expressway going East at the Utopia Exit there is a Banner saying"""""804 MEMBERS, DO YOU MISS HOWIE AND THE BOYS YET?""""" I just knew it was a matter of time. This new board SUCKS........

That was a very dangerous task to take. Just imagine the hatred towards them......I only hope we survive the next two years!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have to say this has got to be the best thing I can say on this site........This new board is hated and as destroyed the members so much that the members actually put a banner over an overpass. On the Long Island Expressway going East at the Utopia Exit there is a Banner saying"""""804 MEMBERS, DO YOU MISS HOWIE AND THE BOYS YET?""""" I just knew it was a matter of time. This new board SUCKS........

That was a very dangerous task to take. Just imagine the hatred towards them......I only hope we survive the next two years!!!!!!!
wow!!!!lets see over thousand members voted for row a ...so im not surprised that one or two of them made a banner .... seems to me somebody needs to get a hobby other than hating the new board .... sick puppies

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas Row B and Row (A)........I hope you all get what you want.......I know We just did.......That's right our hobby is hating the new board.....
THEY SUCK!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas Row B and Row (A)........I hope you all get what you want.......I know We just did.......That's right our hobby is hating the new board.....
THEY SUCK!!!!!!!
well my hobby is making my union stronger !!!!! in 23 months you will have your chance meanwhile lets take on ups together ..... if your guys win next time .. I hope everyone rallies around them!!!its a war going on and your helping u.p.s destroy your own future and ours how can you do that and live with your self .... who knows maybe your matt .h the labor mgr ..... its no way you can a union brother....


Well-Known Member
News out of 43rd st ,,Divison Manager Al friend. told all the stewards in a meeting (not one BA from 804 was told about the meeting ) that he was going to lay-off the 22.3 guys next week because the air volume will be down and all the stewards sat there and said nothing ,, even Danny P with his 30 years as a steward on the inside said nothing but he did go around tell all the 22.3 that they will be laid off next week.Danny's a great guy he's always helps out management. Thank God a 22.3 called the Union Hall , all the 43rd st BA's plus Anthony C showed up at 43rd the next day and told managment they can't lay-off the 22.3 as per the contract the labor manager was on the 4th fl and he said there right there will be no 22.3 lay-offs next week. Danny P , Danny M , even Angelo G said nothing.

News out of the Eastside Building is that Rocky can't run since he was on workers comp. and dues are not up to date. Also heard that other guys that are on the slate are glad he's not running with them. Poor Rocky can't ever catch a break........


Well-Known Member
News out of 43rd st ,,Divison Manager Al friend. told all the stewards in a meeting (not one BA from 804 was told about the meeting ) that he was going to lay-off the 22.3 guys next week because the air volume will be down and all the stewards sat there and said nothing ,, even Danny P with his 30 years as a steward on the inside said nothing but he did go around tell all the 22.3 that they will be laid off next week.Danny's a great guy he's always helps out management. Thank God a 22.3 called the Union Hall , all the 43rd st BA's plus Anthony C showed up at 43rd the next day and told managment they can't lay-off the 22.3 as per the contract the labor manager was on the 4th fl and he said there right there will be no 22.3 lay-offs next week. Danny P , Danny M , even Angelo G said nothing.

News out of the Eastside Building is that Rocky can't run since he was on workers comp. and dues are not up to date. Also heard that other guys that are on the slate are glad he's not running with them. Poor Rocky can't ever catch a break........

danny is def on the management side trust me i know im an air driver and i was on 4th floor when all that went down so do you have any more info on PT air drivers i was just laid off friday ?


Well-Known Member
As far as anymore info , no sorry. If I was you I would make sure to call the union and make sure this is done by seniority order though out the whole building day and night , 1 list. Other then that , I guess you will have to see if the center stewards are going to put in grievances when management is working. If you can see about working on the preload or local sort.


Active Member
cluelesswolfl , no all the E board didn't go , the ones that did paid there own way , some of them are TDU members and went to the convention ,, the others went to educational classes and they took a hand full of stewards , the stewards trip were pay for by the Ron Carey Fund for Education, that was what I was told , you can always call the hall.....

That fund was orignally the ed dougherty scholorship fund for the members. Children .The new E board Changed the name to the Ron Carey fund for education.
Now they use it to go to TDU conventions. What a crock of BULL. how many Schorships did you give out this year to the members children. Another way to screw the members. What did you learn. I hope hill billy Tim went to how to dress class.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You are a liar "Aces up yours" they went. The whole Board are a bunch of liars.....They have been screwing the members since the first day they got in..... IT IS DISGUSTING THAT THEY CHANGED THE NAME!!! ED DOUGHERTY DIED FOR HIS MEMBERSHIP AND THEY CHANGE IT TO RON CAREY!!!! WHAT A STUPID BUNCH!!! They are so done and everyone is happy!!!!

Don't worry packageman......The members see now how much they miss what they had. You know the old saying you gotta watch what you wish for!!!

Row A.... I would never stand behind this new board........believe me I am a Union Brother.....They are nothing but an embarrassment !!!
I also know how the company is....I would go to my Steward before I would ever go with the board.....THEY SUCK!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That fund was orignally the ed dougherty scholorship fund for the members. Children .The new E board Changed the name to the Ron Carey fund for education.
Now they use it to go to TDU conventions. What a crock of BULL. how many Schorships did you give out this year to the members children. Another way to screw the members. What did you learn. I hope hill billy Tim went to how to dress class.

Packageman , Stop asking question , try calling the union and find out for yourself. Be a MAN and call yourself and then tell us what they tell you. But I will help you , more scholarships were giving out this year then in any other year.


Well-Known Member
You are a liar "Aces up yours" they went. The whole Board are a bunch of liars.....They have been screwing the members since the first day they got in..... IT IS DISGUSTING THAT THEY CHANGED THE NAME!!! ED DOUGHERTY DIED FOR HIS MEMBERSHIP AND THEY CHANGE IT TO RON CAREY!!!! WHAT A STUPID BUNCH!!! They are so done and everyone is happy!!!!

Don't worry packageman......The members see now how much they miss what they had. You know the old saying you gotta watch what you wish for!!!

Row A.... I would never stand behind this new board........believe me I am a Union Brother.....They are nothing but an embarrassment !!!
I also know how the company is....I would go to my Steward before I would ever go with the board.....THEY SUCK!!!!!

Why are you calling him a liar? The whole E board didn't go , David friend , Mark H , Steve A , Chris S and Sammy Q did not go to the TDU Convention. Funny how 3 or 4 stewards went and all said the classes were great. But again nothing new with you , you never get any facts straight , our E Board only has 1 TDU member Jim R , Liam R but he isn't on the E Board. I think you owe ACES an apology but I'm sure you won't........


Active Member
well my hobby is making my union stronger !!!!! In 23 months you will have your chance meanwhile lets take on ups together ..... If your guys win next time .. I hope everyone rallies around them!!!its a war going on and your helping u.p.s destroy your own future and ours how can you do that and live with your self .... Who knows maybe your matt .h the labor mgr ..... Its no way you can a union brother....

u.p.s is not destroying the future this e board is with there deal making. Lets see what happens with the aftermath of the snow storm
we might be working for straight time this sat.


Well-Known Member
You are a liar "Aces up yours" they went. The whole Board are a bunch of liars.....They have been screwing the members since the first day they got in..... IT IS DISGUSTING THAT THEY CHANGED THE NAME!!! ED DOUGHERTY DIED FOR HIS MEMBERSHIP AND THEY CHANGE IT TO RON CAREY!!!! WHAT A STUPID BUNCH!!! They are so done and everyone is happy!!!!

Don't worry packageman......The members see now how much they miss what they had. You know the old saying you gotta watch what you wish for!!!

Row A.... I would never stand behind this new board........believe me I am a Union Brother.....They are nothing but an embarrassment !!!
I also know how the company is....I would go to my Steward before I would ever go with the board.....THEY SUCK!!!!!

If you think these guys are bad I could only imagine what you thought of the old board


Well-Known Member
That fund was orignally the ed dougherty scholorship fund for the members. Children .The new E board Changed the name to the Ron Carey fund for education.

Now they use it to go to TDU conventions. What a crock of BULL. how many Schorships did you give out this year to the members children. Another way to screw the members. What did you learn. I hope hill billy Tim went to how to dress class.

Indeed, all you have written is a crock of bull! The Ed Dougherty Fund IS STILL THE ED DOUGHERTY FUND. It is there for the children of members. The new board also INCREASED the number of scholarship winners this year! (Where do you and Had Enough get your information? Or do you guys just make it up as you go along?)
The Ron Carey Education Fund is a SEPARATE fund used to educate members, especially stewards. I think 4 or 5 stewards went to the TDU conference and attended the educational classes. What's wrong with that?
The way some of you write, a little education would go a long way! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Indeed, all you have written is a crock of bull! The Ed Dougherty Fund IS STILL THE ED DOUGHERTY FUND. It is there for the children of members. The new board also INCREASED the number of scholarship winners this year! (Where do you and Had Enough get your information? Or do you guys just make it up as you go along?)
The Ron Carey Education Fund is a SEPARATE fund used to educate members, especially stewards. I think 4 or 5 stewards went to the TDU conference and attended the educational classes. What's wrong with that?
The way some of you write, a little education would go a long way! LOL!

VERY WELL SAID ,, and like always hadenough and packageman will say nothing........ to reply......


Well-Known Member
Applications for the 2011 Ed Dougherty Memorial Scholarship and the James R. Hoffa Scholarship are now available at Local 804.

The Ed Dougherty Scholarship Fund awards three $12,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are the son or daughter of an active, retired, or deceased Local 804 member.

Call 718-786-5700 to request your application. Call soon—the closing date for applications is January 31, 2011.

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