Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
If reports are true looks like 2-3 full slates and 3-4 alt-delegate teams running. Which adds up to a easy win for our E Board. The real test is 2 years from now....


Well-Known Member
What have you done for the members of 804 absolutely nothing. 300 hundred pt & FULL members have been discarge in one year. THANK YOU! Now clerk, car washer, porters, combo drivers will be laid off while management work. Hillly billy Jim T.S. & crew


Well-Known Member
before i go to bed, does anyone remember when cigar pete the v.p. Was nominated for president at a meeting at local 282???? He could not even get a second person to nominate him!!!!!! what a embarressment!!! I guess you were just lucky this time pete!!!!
just lucky

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Applications for the 2011 Ed Dougherty Memorial Scholarship and the James R. Hoffa Scholarship are now available at Local 804.

The Ed Dougherty Scholarship Fund awards three $12,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are the son or daughter of an active, retired, or deceased Local 804 member.

Glad to see you did not change it!!! Does anyone know who started the Ed Dougherty Scholarship fund?

I could admit when an era is made, but I did not say it! Go back and read the post!!! I commented on packageman. The problem is that so much as been screwed up people automatically think the worst.....

Speaking of the worst....It was the worst year for Local 804 members....because of one WRITTEN mistake made on this site does not make them goooood!!! They still suck!!!!! Again who started the Scholarship Fund? AGAIN, I DO NOT STAND ALONE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Before I go to bed, does anyone remember when Cigar Pete the V.P. was nominated for President at a meeting at Local 282???? He could not even get a second person to nominate him!!!!!! WHAT A EMBARRESSMENT!!! I GUESS YOU WERE JUST LUCKY THIS TIME PETE!!!!

For once you are correct..... I was at that meeting and at that time I wouldn't have nominated him cause I was so fooled by Row A it wasn't even funny. Today I would and I am sure any of the 2,000+ other votes he got would also..... You can only play a member for so long Tony.


Well-Known Member
For once you are correct..... I was at that meeting and at that time I wouldn't have nominated him cause I was so fooled by Row A it wasn't even funny. Today I would and I am sure any of the 2,000+ other votes he got would also..... You can only play a member for so long Tony.

Easy there Local804 if any of those 2,000+ voters happen to now work in Nassau or Eastside Building , I'm not to sure if they would nominate him so fast......


Well-Known Member
For once you are correct..... I was at that meeting and at that time I wouldn't have nominated him cause I was so fooled by Row A it wasn't even funny. Today I would and I am sure any of the 2,000+ other votes he got would also..... You can only play a member for so long Tony.

For once i agree with you eyes!


Well-Known Member
But don't forget Cigar PETE is all so hated in the feeder department in 43 st & nassau. Because he is useless & he don't know anything about feeders. He is to busy kissing managements assss and giving them CIGARS. Right Hillbilly Jim T.S.


Well-Known Member
All the stewards in the Eastside building and Nassau building are fed up with cigar pete. I heard a driver chase him into an office, he was going to kick his assss in nassau. Pete is just a big mouth with no brains. when he talks he don't think.


Well-Known Member
Where has Mark Holmes been. No body has seen him in Foster ave for about 6 months or in the office. that is 24/7 at it's best. You call for him and the girls tell you that he doesn't come to the office anymore. And what does big Tim do nothing Hill Billy Jim is to busy with his T.D.U. :censored2: stuff.


Well-Known Member
Where has Mark Holmes been nobody has seen him for 6 months in FOSTER AVE. he hasn't been in the office. Because when you call the office.The girls tell you he don't come to the office anymore.THIS IS 24/7 AT ITS BEST. what does the big guy do nothing, T.S. BIG TIM. Hiily Billy Jim, is too busy trying to turn this local into a T.D.U. LOCAL.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Will the big marshmallow stay or will he go? that is the question. More than half the board think he should go because he is useless.He was only put their because Dave o Was not well like in FOSTER AVE. And was over his head. Even his father cigar Pete new that, but didn't have the balls to take FOSTER OVER BECAUSE HE WOULD BE OUT OF HIS LEAGUE TOO. So the big marshmallow was sacrificed,Now their is another problem he is useless too jost like the rest of them. So who is next in foster ave.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Well it is one year down, I don't think it is fare to just blame Cigar Pete or the marshmallow !!! Really none of them have done a good job. I am not saying that a few are not nice guys, some really are nice. But not one has had the experience to due their job. I know a few have been around a long time and maybe had a chance but the mix is just not right. Since they have been in 300 have lost jobs. I am right on target, not crazy.....The prescriptions have gone up and the Doctors visits as well. Most of then do not show up at any of the buildings and when they do "they do NOTHING" THEY ARE AFRAID OF MANAGEMENT SO WE ARE NOT EVEN PROTECTED A LITTLE. Often they have to come in a tribe to do a one or two man job!

As with many members, we are just counting down the days for another year!!!! I DO NOT STAND ALONE!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Once again Had enough is clueless but nothing new to the regulars here. News out of the hall is that the whole e board wanted Anthony to stay and he said yes. The only one that wants Anthony C out of Foster is you Tony D... Feeder guys tell me that when Anthony talks to members Tony D walks away , guess the truth hurts...

Here's a little info for the people in Foster that mite be running for the Delegate Convention. I heard that the board will have spies all over the building to see if Phil or Tony's little puppet , break the election rules. Since Tony D knows the rules very well , I'm sure he will let them know what not to do. I'm guessing some people in the hall would love a good reason to pull Phil from being a steward but what I'm also hearing is that Anthony C is backing up Phil 100%, but break the rules and even he can't help him , good thing Mark H is out of there , was told he appointed like 10 stewards in the Nassau building.