Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
mistakevotingforthiseboard , some of what u post is true , but our old board ruined or medical not this one. this guy signs up yesterday 1/22 but posts today ?? maybe its had enough , or lone wolfl changing there name again ,, hey where's agitator 2 LOL what a joke


Well-Known Member
Name change for sure.....
Guy with 7 years sure knows a lot of crap.

Btw Tie, please stop from having fun threads locked :)
I love you long time but come on man!! :)


Well-Known Member
I've been hearing a lot of talk about brown cafe in my building, even over heard the BA talking about it with a fellow driver.
So I decided to take a look,... Couldn't help but register after reading some of these posts.

Lets start off with, 7yrs on the job, I voted for our E Board, and boy what a mistake. They promised a lot and have done nothing.

1. More sups working - they promised surprise building raids, what a joke.
2. Most discipline taken than ever before - they promised tough, but fair contract enforcement - I have not seen anything tough from these guys.
3.Hire professionals to audit our Funds - they promised to defend our pension, Health and welfare AND RETIREE benefits, with no surprise cuts - they have increased our Health and Welfare, Even raised Retiree medical with a 10% increase every year, Basically every retiree and future retiree's pension has been reduced. How much did Tim get under the table for that one, They did not mention that 10% increase in the news letter they mailed out, oh sorry it was all the way at the bottom, where you needed a microscope to see it. What #@K is that about. Now how are we going to retiree without a fixed income. Thank god I have a lot more time go and the next New E-board can fix that for us. ( if i dont get fired by then) What kind of professionals did they hire, what a waste of union funds.

The list goes on with the others promises, anyone with any common sense knows they were full of @t - and any supporters they still have must have there heads examined.

The only thing this E Board did do, is honor Ron Carey, which I don't mind but that was easy to do. I heard he was a good leader so why are you guys so awful.

I supported you guys and you let me down, and others that I know down, but this is why we are not voting for those guys any more. I am afraid of the mess they will make in our up coming contract. I'm sure with these guys in charge, I will be paying my own medical soon in the next contract..

Got to go for now, Lets Go Jets


This is for Vinny M. Prozac kid, green jacket, even his friend Joe K dont like him and talk $h*t about him., green mold man


Well-Known Member
mistakevotingforthiseboard if you are new then welcome very good post and what you say is true. but I'm sorry to say you are wrong about this vote what you are complaining about is the vote 2 years from now. Why did you vote for row B you voted for them the same reasons we all did , our old board not telling us the truth , our old board telling us to vote on a bad contract ,not protecting our members with better contract language like the clerks and car washers or the p\t air drivers that a change in our supplemental open the door to laying them all off , our old board destroying our medical and pension , our old board giving money to Hoffa and endorsing him , our old board giving back 25 and out , coffee , 10 cents but was stopped by the members , our old board all voting yes to raise our union dues from 2 times to 2 1/2 times, raising there salaries from 130,000 to 167,000 whiles we were all getting split raises.

This vote is to get Hoffa out of office plan and simple , this vote is to make sure we send people that will have our best interest in mind , this board will go there and not support Hoffa , we need an International President that will fight for us not kiss UPS @ss.

Believe me my brother when I tell you your not along this board is having problems mostly because UPS wants Hoffa to stay as President and will do every thing in there power to get this board out. BUT that VOTE IS IN 2 YEARS if row C goes to Vegas after 4 days they come back and go to work you will still have the same E BOARD. The facts are there we can not trust ROW C to speak for our local in 2 years if members are still upset then vote them out , now is about YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S FUTURE not who's in the hall. GOD BLESS GO JETS

You talk the same $h*t in every post. Give it up! This broad is a circus. They are done.


Well-Known Member
Mistakevoting, im glad to see you younger guys on here getting involved and speaking out. The new board should be held accountable to their promises. However, you think it was a "mistake" to vote in Row B?? Ok, so it was Ok for members to be sold out by the old board and allowed to horsetrade members?? The 300 case backlog of arbitrations was ok?? The 2 sellout Hoffa-pushed contracts that the old board pushed on us were ok?? The health and welfare fund running out of money, OK?? The frozen pension since 2002, OK?? Man, I could go on.

Expecting alot from the new board is reasonable but expecting miracles is not. Supervisors working has gone on for decades and not just here in local 804. They promised to address sups working whereas the old board just ignored it. It has been addressed , grievances are being filed and paid . Hopefully you are one of those who have been grieving sups working in your building. A matter of fact I'm hearing the board is holding a seminar on Jan 29 with activist members on tactics and strategies for attacking sups working. Go to it and be a part of the solution.

On discipline being taken, well you are going to have to be a little bit more specific.

On the health and welfare funds, you are totally wrong. The new board came in and made some difficult but necessary changes. Was it the most popular thing to do politically??No. But it was the fiscally responsible thing to do. I give them credit. They told us what the problem was and immediately fixed it. We all took a hit, including retirees, but it had to be done. Again, this would not have been such a problem if the old board had done its job in the first place!

On the building raids, I know of several building raids, but you are right, they have not had as many as I expected they would.

Listen, this new board is not perfect but they are addressing our problems and they are not lying to us. The other guys did. To now say, you are going to vote row C which is packed with former row a hasbeens , seems to be wanting to go backwards. Talk about having your "heads examined"!

Plus like Eyes says, "this vote is to get Hoffa out of office". When you get your ballot in a month or so, vote Row B -they will be going to support Sandy Pope. Row C (Row A in lonewolfs clothing lol) have no problem with Hoffa. In 2 years, you can make an informed decision about the new board and the job they have done over 3 years and then you can vote your conscience.


Well-Known Member
Mistakevoting, im glad to see you younger guys on here getting involved and speaking out. The new board should be held accountable to their promises. However, you think it was a "mistake" to vote in Row B?? Ok, so it was Ok for members to be sold out by the old board and allowed to horsetrade members?? The 300 case backlog of arbitrations was ok?? The 2 sellout Hoffa-pushed contracts that the old board pushed on us were ok?? The health and welfare fund running out of money, OK?? The frozen pension since 2002, OK?? Man, I could go on.

Expecting alot from the new board is reasonable but expecting miracles is not. Supervisors working has gone on for decades and not just here in local 804. They promised to address sups working whereas the old board just ignored it. It has been addressed , grievances are being filed and paid . Hopefully you are one of those who have been grieving sups working in your building. A matter of fact I'm hearing the board is holding a seminar on Jan 29 with activist members on tactics and strategies for attacking sups working. Go to it and be a part of the solution.

On discipline being taken, well you are going to have to be a little bit more specific.

On the health and welfare funds, you are totally wrong. The new board came in and made some difficult but necessary changes. Was it the most popular thing to do politically??No. But it was the fiscally responsible thing to do. I give them credit. They told us what the problem was and immediately fixed it. We all took a hit, including retirees, but it had to be done. Again, this would not have been such a problem if the old board had done its job in the first place!

On the building raids, I know of several building raids, but you are right, they have not had as many as I expected they would.

Listen, this new board is not perfect but they are addressing our problems and they are not lying to us. The other guys did. To now say, you are going to vote row C which is packed with former row a hasbeens , seems to be wanting to go backwards. Talk about having your "heads examined"!

Plus like Eyes says, "this vote is to get Hoffa out of office". When you get your ballot in a month or so, vote Row B -they will be going to support Sandy Pope. Row C (Row A in lonewolfs clothing lol) have no problem with Hoffa. In 2 years, you can make an informed decision about the new board and the job they have done over 3 years and then you can vote your conscience.

lol They do not have the capabilities for the job.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I've been hearing a lot of talk about brown cafe in my building, even over heard the BA talking about it with a fellow driver.
So I decided to take a look,... Couldn't help but register after reading some of these posts.

Lets start off with, 7yrs on the job, I voted for our E Board, and boy what a mistake. They promised a lot and have done nothing.

1. More sups working - they promised surprise building raids, what a joke.
2. Most discipline taken than ever before - they promised tough, but fair contract enforcement - I have not seen anything tough from these guys.
3.Hire professionals to audit our Funds - they promised to defend our pension, Health and welfare AND RETIREE benefits, with no surprise cuts - they have increased our Health and Welfare, Even raised Retiree medical with a 10% increase every year, Basically every retiree and future retiree's pension has been reduced. How much did Tim get under the table for that one, They did not mention that 10% increase in the news letter they mailed out, oh sorry it was all the way at the bottom, where you needed a microscope to see it. What #@K is that about. Now how are we going to retiree without a fixed income. Thank god I have a lot more time go and the next New E-board can fix that for us. ( if i dont get fired by then) What kind of professionals did they hire, what a waste of union funds.

The list goes on with the others promises, anyone with any common sense knows they were full of @t - and any supporters they still have must have there heads examined.

The only thing this E Board did do, is honor Ron Carey, which I don't mind but that was easy to do. I heard he was a good leader so why are you guys so awful.

I supported you guys and you let me down, and others that I know down, but this is why we are not voting for those guys any more. I am afraid of the mess they will make in our up coming contract. I'm sure with these guys in charge, I will be paying my own medical soon in the next contract..

Got to go for now, Lets Go Jets


First I want to say thank you very much for your post. Every word was well written and said. "The Executive Board" is Done. I do not care who thinks its the same person writing, I am happy just knowing people feel the same way and they are starting to come around!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:


Had enough

Well-Known Member
I would like to start on a serious matter!!!!!

Just to show you how dishonest this Row B Executive Board are, they are still lying
about this IBT Convention. First, they tell us they are not TDU, now they are passing out fliers saying they are backing Sandy Pope. Everyone knows she is a big TDU Candidate.

Secondly, they are lying to members saying they are going down to handle UPS National Contract Negotiations, There is no negotiations at the convention. There is not even any UPS management at the convention.

Just like they lied to you about 24 - 7 representation. They also lied about protecting our benefits and fighting for our members. You have seen what has happened in the last 13 months.

Record numbers of members have been discharged and walked off the job. This is why we must send a message to Row B and tell them we do not want them representing us at the IBT Convention.

Remember this Executive board has raised the Local Union dues $3 in the last year. That is an all time high!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Remember this Executive board has raised the Local Union dues $3 in the last year. That is an all time high!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Just like they lied to you about 24 - 7 representation. They also lied about protecting our benefits and fighting for our members. You have seen what has happened in the last 13 months.

AGAIN MORE LIES , Union Bus Agents don't only go to a building once a week like the old board now even part timers see there bus. agents at nite. You say protecting our benefits our old board destroyed them sending it to arbitration the more and more you post its very clear you are just a ball washer to row c but thats OK because the members know that and you will see with this vote.....


Well-Known Member
hee hee hee.... at least us cavemen can spell Einstein.
I think I'm now good for five threads that have been closed usually when I had some whiner by the throat as I did with Crash.

Meanwhile this thread with its third grade union rhetoric continues without abatement. I'm sure most of 804 members are hard working fairly intelligent upsers. this thread though seems to have attracted those members of 804 that make cavemen look like Einstiens.

If there is any integrity on this board then this thread and the many others that crop up under other pretenses will get closed down.


Well-Known Member
Just to show you how dishonest this Row B Executive Board are, they are still lying about this IBT Convention. First, they tell us they are not TDU, now they are passing out fliers saying they are backing Sandy Pope. Everyone knows she is a big TDU Candidate.


Hey had enough, why don't you say all the truth. RON CAREY was TDU's candidate too. Oh let's not forget over 65% of Local 804 members voted for Tom L, another TDU candidate, in the last 3 IBT elections! I guess you voted against Carey in 91, 96, and Leedham in 98, 2001, 2006 ??

Tell me Had Enough, haven't we all HAD ENOUGH of Hoffa??

Vote 804 Members United!


Well-Known Member
Remember this Executive board has raised the Local Union dues $3 in the last year. That is an all time high!!!!!


For those who might not be informed, our dues go up everytime our wages go up. It is done automatically by the IBT in Washington, not by the Local. It is like that for EVERY Teamster local. Like it has been explained before, it is two and a half times your hourly wage!

For Had Enough, stop the lies. And why don't you also explain how Howie and Tony D and Bill B and your other boys from the old board went along with Hoffa's changing of the due's formula to 2 and 1/2 times?? Too embarassed or too clueless to what your boys did way back ?? Give it up!


Well-Known Member
EyeLookingIn, I see we both agree that our Eboard is not fit for the job. I voted for them for some of the reasons you mentioned, however I see now that there was a lot false propaganda going around and I was fooled into believing it. Now that was the past and I am looking into the future and will make the right choice in less than 2yrs to correct my Mistake Voting 4 this Eboard

I understand what the Delegates convention is, and im voting for Row C

Hoffa does need to go, but I dont agree with your choice of Sandy. If she was running for a eposide of baywatch then perhaps she would get my vote. How much do you know about her, I've heard she organizes immigrants who are not American citizens with no legal documention. She even got them fired when there employers got wind of it. Thats jobs being taken away from American citizens. She will have your job replaced with a immigrant. She's even trying to get laws passed to protect non american illegal workers...

Also how far is Local 804 from local 805 - about 8 mins away, I think theres a conflit of interest there, how much did Tim getting for our signatures.



Well-Known Member
mistakevotingforthiseboard , some of what u post is true , but our old board ruined or medical not this one. this guy signs up yesterday 1/22 but posts today ?? maybe its had enough , or lone wolfl changing there name again ,, hey where's agitator 2 LOL what a joke

Hey, Your Aces up

This is what I mean about false information, guys like you that make up stories, I wanted to start off on a good note, but I guess your like the rest on the Eboard

When you join BrownCafe, your first post is reviewed before it is actually posted, that was the delay from my signup, da Im suprised you dont know that, you must have your ace up somewhere..... LOL

From reading your past posts, I shouldnt even waste my time with you. You sound like a broken record, if you even know what that is. LOL