Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Sm@cK, you really mess up on this one, gee I hope the E board does not take away your union card on this one, you say UPS wanted the retiree’s to pay 1200 every 3 months, the members monthly fee is 525.00 . Let me do the math 525.00 X 3 months = 1575.00
Now you took the 1200 for the 3 months and added another 375.00 to the retirees medical. You just @uck@d everyone one who is going to retiree and those already in retirement. Now if you want to say that was for single coverage of 325.00 X 3 months = 975.00 = hell you just saved every single member money maroon, but guess what, who the hell retires single, maybe 1% of members. I guess the E board must be single and they saved them selves money when they lose the next election and retiree, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Like I said UPS wants the retiree's to pay 1200 not 525 slow down and read.

Keep on grasping for straws Vinny M. Everyone knows how much you hate Tony D. Let it go, it would be much healthier for you!!!


Well-Known Member
I never expected much from Dave O. But Anthony C is a bigger upset than the JETS not making the superbowl!!! This guy was a huge Row A supporter. He has no presence in my building. Yes some members are happy to see him until they find out they have to go in the office with him and thats when they see how ineffective he is!! I can say that because I have been represented by him and others from the current board and have friends from FOSTER who have been represented by them. What is Article 7??? Ive heard it used before to help prevent us from being walked off the job right? Man I am so disappointed. I thought you all had the members best interest at heart and at least had a plan??!!! You all just lie lie and lie. There was 300 on the docket right?? okay so how many now? how many still waiting? how many won and how many lost? cause i know if the old board won we would hear from you guys.


Well-Known Member
BTW how much are WE paying Liam R to take up space at the unionhall? I dont remember seeing his name on a ballet and why is it that hes not on the delegate slate with our board? hadenough acesup eyes someone or the wolf answer these questions for me. i am not a new bloger either. im locked out of my old name if you were wondering...........


Well-Known Member
Ok Smouck,

Here we go again, I see you didn't learn your lesson yet. You should get your short term memory checked, or as Lonewolf says, take a prozac. LOL

Do you even understand what you read. Anthony C did not run with the e board, dumb aces, he was pulled into this weak union after the election. You are really making an aces of your self. You are living up to your screen name.
Before you put your foot in your mouth again, make sure your toe nails are clean.
Just sh@t up - Tim is gonna sit on you for that one.........


Well-Known Member
NO they are asking all 804 members to help them , just like Row A offered Danny P out of 43rd to run with who was a big Row B he jump for the money and still LOST.

I had to re-post this, to make sure you read it twice so you can understand it.. LOL

Here we go again, I see you didn't learn your lesson yet. You should get your short term memory checked, or as Lonewolf says, take a prozac. LOL

Do you even understand what you read. Anthony C did not run with the e board, dumb aces, he was pulled into this weak union after the election. You are really making an aces of your self. You are living up to your screen name.
Before you put your foot in your mouth again, make sure your toe nails are clean.
Just sh@t up - Tim is gonna sit on you for that one.........

Had enough

Well-Known Member
there was so much yelling and screaming can someone recap it all for me. who is row a,b and c. i was in the middle towards the back and it was very hard to hear with that poor excuse for a pa system. we all have to admit there has always been a few to voice their opinions but never like this. any suggestions on how to fix this??

Hey buddy I hope nothing happened to you!!! You are not safe with this board. I see you are coming around.

Members voice is the right choice! We need them to represent us at this convention with open minds as independents to see what is the best interest with our Membership.
I dont trust their judgement. They lie as you said!!! They just want to push in this Sandy Pope without even going and hearing anything. I dont know how they can have their minds set already. :angry:

Another storm this week!!! Drive safely!!!


Well-Known Member
BTW how much are WE paying Liam R to take up space at the unionhall? I dont remember seeing his name on a ballet and why is it that hes not on the delegate slate with our board? hadenough acesup eyes someone or the wolf answer these questions for me. i am not a new bloger either. im locked out of my old name if you were wondering...........

Hi 804 Warrior,

I tried getting the same question answered about Liam myself, but the eboard is yet to answer, it seems they only pick and choose the easy questions. We know the board is here on Brown Cafe because I heard them talking about it to my fellow workers. You bring up another good question about him not being on the delegate slate. My theory may be right, which they did not challenge it in my prior post. He was pulled in because UPS was going to fire him and the only way to save his job was to bring him on there board on our dollar. Thats gonna sound really good when its time for re-election.

Im glad to see others members are seeing all of the eboards lies - The only thing we can do is help build a stronger union and let the members Voice be heard. Take care brother and look over your shoulder for the next year and a half. No one is safe.



Well-Known Member
Did anyone see Danny P at the nominations meeting? Hello!!! Old board!!!!!.....

New Row C slate got their $h*t together.

Heard he (Danny P) was asked by Tony D and the other Hoffa supporters on Row C and he said NO! Also heard Joe K (also from 43st) rejected the Hoffa supporting slate too! Also heard a Suffolk steward was asked and also said no. Oh that's why they couldn't fill a full slate. LOL! Out of 7000 members, THEY COULDNT GET 12 MEMBERS TO FILL THERE SLATE!!!!!!! WHAT A JOKE!

Hey "had enough", you were right . You do not stand alone. You stand with 12 other guys! LOL!
Listen we ALL have had enough of UPS management. And we "had enough" of guys just talking crap about the new board. Try helping the new board get stronger. Try helping to take on UPS. All you do on this site is attack and call names . You add nothing positive to the conversation. You are simply a cyber bully ("I like the computer") who only has balls to speak annonymously without ever attempting to fix ANY problem!


Well-Known Member
Sm@cK, you really mess up on this one, gee I hope the E board does not take away your union card on this one, you say UPS wanted the retiree’s to pay 1200 every 3 months, the members monthly fee is 525.00 . Let me do the math 525.00 X 3 months = 1575.00
Now you took the 1200 for the 3 months and added another 375.00 to the retirees medical. You just @uck@d everyone one who is going to retiree and those already in retirement. Now if you want to say that was for single coverage of 325.00 X 3 months = 975.00 = hell you just saved every single member money maroon, but guess what, who the hell retires single, maybe 1% of members. I guess the E board must be single and they saved them selves money when they lose the next election and retiree, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Like I said UPS wants the retiree's to pay 1200 not 525 slow down and read.

I,m running out of names to call you, Oh, just thought of a real good one, "liar"

Like you said, UPS wanted retirees to pay 1200 every 3 months, i did the math for you in the simplest form possible, but i forgot you cant count when you run out of fingers and toes especially when there in your mouth.
Now there paying 525 a month. Step 1 add 525 three times and you get 1575.00 - check you math twice before you continue to read, now you made the retires pay an extra 375.00

Ok now let me explain where the 375.00 came from. You minus 1575.00 that the union raised for the retirees every 3 months and take a break (pause) or in simple form 525.00 a month , then you subtract 1200 for the 3 months UPS wanted to raise, take a pause ( are you still following) and you are left with 375.00 more than the UPS wanted them to pay. Maybe you can use eyeballs fingers when you run out of yours, but be warned he has stinky feet.

Please stop, you are embarrasing your Eboard,
Lesson over.



Well-Known Member
I had to re-post this, to make sure you read it twice so you can understand it.. LOL

Here we go again, I see you didn't learn your lesson yet. You should get your short term memory checked, or as Lonewolf says, take a prozac. LOL

Do you even understand what you read. Anthony C did not run with the e board, dumb aces, he was pulled into this weak union after the election. You are really making an aces of your self. You are living up to your screen name.
Before you put your foot in your mouth again, make sure your toe nails are clean.
Just sh@t up - Tim is gonna sit on you for that one.........

Mistake, you started out with long and reasoned posts. I disagreed with most of it but it was your opinion. Now only 10 posts later and you are sounding like "had enough" or "lonelywolf" attacking the members, like aces.

Anyway, I think it is a "mistake" for anyone to try to divide this union at this point in time. The election is over Row B won. But instead of helping and being a part of the solution, others immediately tried to discredit them, colluded with management, undermined their authority, talked behind their backs. Yeah, real union-like.

I say this, the current delegate election is a no brainer (no offense TonyD LOL) . Do you really think THIS local , the local of RON CAREY, will EVER AGAIN support guys who are going to go to the convention and SUPPORT HOFFA?? Remember, our local voted in 91 for Ron, 96 for Ron, 98 for Tom Ledham, 2001 for Tom, and in 2006 for Tom. Row C (aka old board Row A in lonewolfs clothing) is THE HOFFA SLATE.

I know the members are under attack from UPS everyday. Its been like that for years! But the members are not stupid and they can remember when row A kissed Hoffa's a%# and pushed Hoffa's contract on us!
This year Hoffa is vulnerable, but sending Row C The Hoffa Slate to the convention with our contract up in 2013 would be a HUGE "mistake".

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Heard he (Danny P) was asked by Tony D and the other Hoffa supporters on Row C and he said NO! Also heard Joe K (also from 43st) rejected the Hoffa supporting slate too! Also heard a Suffolk steward was asked and also said no. Oh that's why they couldn't fill a full slate. LOL! Out of 7000 members, THEY COULDNT GET 12 MEMBERS TO FILL THERE SLATE!!!!!!! WHAT A JOKE!

Hey "had enough", you were right . You do not stand alone. You stand with 12 other guys! LOL!
Listen we ALL have had enough of UPS management. And we "had enough" of guys just talking crap about the new board. Try helping the new board get stronger. Try helping to take on UPS. All you do on this site is attack and call names . You add nothing positive to the conversation. You are simply a cyber bully ("I like the computer") who only has balls to speak annonymously without ever attempting to fix ANY problem![/QUOTE]

Hey everything is hear say!!!!





Well-Known Member

Please "had enough", like I said before, Row C is the Hoffa Slate. Do you really think we are going to vote for a slate lead by Hoffa-supporting hasbeens to represent us at this convention with contract negotiations right around the corner??

Row C = Old Board Row A


Well-Known Member
Heard he (Danny P) was asked by Tony D and the other Hoffa supporters on Row C and he said NO! Also heard Joe K (also from 43st) rejected the Hoffa supporting slate too! Also heard a Suffolk steward was asked and also said no. Oh that's why they couldn't fill a full slate. LOL! Out of 7000 members, THEY COULDNT GET 12 MEMBERS TO FILL THERE SLATE!!!!!!! WHAT A JOKE!

Hears a quote from your buddy loco's mouth, from his 1/24 post. Since you like to repeat your self over and over, I will use your buddies answer to answer you. You see I can repeat you also. LOL LOL LOL

You guys are getting so predictable, now listen to the way you sound........Brownie I still waiting for my cookies.
Also you guys are starting to sound like the same person. Thats why you cant think of anything new to say with importance. You just keep sounding d@mb and d@mber. LOL fools

Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience. When submitted as evidence, such statements are called hearsay evidence. As a legal term, "hearsay" can also have the narrower meaning of the use of such information as evidence to prove the truth of what is asserted. Such use of "hearsay evidence" in court is generally not allowed. This prohibition is called the hearsay rule.


Had enough

Well-Known Member


Please stop repeating yourself again about the old slate......Row C is a new Slate


Now I am done with you, I promise I will not answer to you anymore....Please do the same......


Well-Known Member

Please "had enough", like I said before, Row C is the Hoffa Slate. Do you really think we are going to vote for a slate lead by Hoffa-supporting hasbeens to represent us at this convention with contract negotiations right around the corner??

Row C = Old Board Row A


If you guys (the Eboard ) dont know how to read a contract, how do you expect to negotiate one. And Im not LOL,

Row C = Better , stronger , more powerful, job security for all members, something your board has not show.

The only problem you will fix is illegal imagrants taking our jobs...

What does Sandy bring to the table, you dont even know fool. now crawl under the rock that you came from....




Well-Known Member
Now its my turn to repeat myself,

So what your saying is the Eboard took in Liam and Anthony C for the part-timers No Anthony C was asked to come in because they wanted a package guy because Ken R could not handle drivers , and yes he was a Row A supporter for years , long time steward that had a center and preload. You making fun of him shows what a clown you really are, plus he was put in Foster because Dave O was afraid to deal with Tony D, not Anthony C, trust me Tony D knows his place, he's very respected in Foster by all members. Drivers make around 90,000 or more but you being a part timer you wouldn't know.
Ok @ummie here we go again, Ken R was a package guy and could not handle drivers, but in his champagne he writes” In my 25 years as a Teamster, I have never seen the membership so overworked or so fed up. We can’t afford go-along, get-along. It’s time to stand up for our rights” now he could not handle drivers, you know why because he did 24 stops per hour and could not defend any driver that did 23 stops or less. So why did he run in this election, I guess just like Anthony C for the perks.

Me making fun of Anthony C shows the members want him out maroon.
You say Dave O was afraid of Tony D, hell if he’s afraid of a teamster imagine how afraid he is of a manager, now thats the real reason he was kick out of foster by the members, He had a tail bone growing, not a back bone, everyone hated him. Just ask any steward in that building. I talk to those stewards at union meetings and get involved. That’s why I go to the meetings, not to listen to the lies of the e board. Now you say drivers make about 90, 0000.00, just like Anthony C, thats true when they have to work 55 to 59 1/2 hrs a week and the sweat off our back makes record profits for Big Brown. Now if you E board would enforce the contract maybe our members would recognize there wife and kids. Again you are a @ummy

You say there's no language, but there is language that UPS cannot discipline a member sole on information gathered by technology which would included diad info. Again you are a jack@ss you no nothing let me help you Article 6 section 4 number 8 No employee shall be discharged on a first offense if such discharge is based solely upon information received from GPS or any successor system UNLESS he/she engages in dishonesty. To UPS flag a package , sheet it in the building , to them its dishonesty..... Next time write the whole thing.
Ok again I prove you wrong, by the way thanks for quoting that, your buddy ACES said there was no lanquage on GPS in the contract, you just proved your friend wrong. The whole membership will be laughing at both of you on Monday morning. Tim will be very upset with you, anyway he wasn’t going to make you a member of the eboard, hes looking for more Row A Supporters to help him. @ss Ho@e LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

So now get ready to be yelled at by your e board, don’t cry because they may forgive you if you just stick your noise deeper in there @@s and pull out a Piglet out of Pork chops B@t

Now you and your buddies ACESUP, Brown804 and Local804, can try to answer my post, but they know Im right and you are the 4 stooges on Brown Café. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Guys just admit it, You MADE A MISTAKE VOTING 4 THIS EBOARD just like I did. They fooled us and its time to get make it right. Lets be friends, if you are pro union like Anthony C, who cares about our local teamster members LOL LOL LOL

There's so much more to say but your so boring to respond to, You should just retiree old man.



Well-Known Member
Before any of you smart @sses respond WE ALL have a right to know how and where our money is being spent. Dont we all agree?? So with that in mind.....................

Today is Jan 30, 2011 where are the financial records for the calendar year of 2010 for our local union officers?? I WILL NOT leave this topic alone until I receive an answer!!!!!! I also have more questions.....
This week all questions will revolve around Liam R.....

Why did WE hire him?

How much does he make? Did he have to make book as a delegate;and if so what were the necessary requirements that he had to meet to pass probation?

How many of applicants applied;Why was this not posted in the buildings?

When he was hired we were told that he was going to be a union organizer;has he organized any crafts lately?

What are his current responsibilities and why?