Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
please explain to all how had enough is correct .

This was the first time I seen this guy not bashing our board and he clearly was trying not to. He said he was trying to keep his mouth quiet,and not starting,wow. I am explaining to you, I don't think anyone else could give a frogs ass.


Well-Known Member
1 take on sups working - More sups than ever working friend-
2 Tough fair contract enforcement - Weak presence - The only enforcement is on the members with all the discipline being taken.
3 Protect Our Benefits: Audit the Funds and Report to the Membership - Raised our Medical and retiree's medical - did not protect anything
4 Fight Production Harassment - Now more than ever we are being harassed.
5 Round-the-Clock Representation 24/7 I'v called the union call, call was returned 5 hrs later during our snow storm in Jan of 2010 - where were they when I needed them.
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries - but added friends like Liam to take the salary that was being saved.
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs - not much is being said
8 Keep Members Informed - We the members are trying to keep them informed of whats going on because they have no clue. Took them to find a letter from UPS that they were going discipline members for accidents and injuries, we have been telling them all year long this was going on.
9 Launch the 804 Teamster University - 1 class in a year in office. wow
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey - that was easy....

Row C is Better, Stronger, Experienced - Simply the best choice


Well-Known Member
Re: Local 804 lol

there is a certain delegate who is looking for a return to the hall after a landslide loss.and as i see it there is no problem with that. The problem is that this individual is looking out for no one but himself. He foams at the mouth with every mistake the new administration makes,even though its always at the detriment of a local 804 member.he sees this as a crack in the opening to his return.
He thinks we forgot how during the 2006 election campaign they where telling us the pension was solid and in fine shape,when in fact as we found out after they won the election this was not true.did it happen to just change overnight? Or was this a calculated risk?they knew there was outrage,that's why the next general membership meeting was cancelled.they would of had to explain themselves.that would of been interesting
soon after this election we find out the health and welfare fund is in financial trouble.why did'nt we hear about this sooner? Anyone want to take a guess? If it would of come out before the election they would of had no chance what so ever.you think losing 2 to 1 was bad?

Then after there devistating loss the old administration does all it can to make the transition for the new administration as difficult as possible.even in real politics there is a transition team to make the change as smooth as possible so there are as few bumps as can be.as to not disrupt the membership.but he would of rather see us(the members)get screwed ,because of course his loss is our fault. P.s. I am not now nor was i ever a row b fan .( t. D. We are not idiots, most of us see right through .)
this post is very complelling and true wow nice post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
but lets say they didn't do any of what they promised , I know lets go bact to old board member from row C and go back to
1 fair contract
2 give up 25 and out
3 give up coffee and give UPS back 10 cents
4 destroy our pension and medical
5 back Hoffa
6 vote yes to raise our union dues
7 take 3 years to make book
8 part timers waiting 18 for medical for there family
9 losing language in our supplemental fo protect air drivers
10 clerks only getting 4 1/2 hours on layoff

what about this????

Had enough

Well-Known Member
1 take on sups working - More sups than ever working friend-
2 Tough fair contract enforcement - Weak presence - The only enforcement is on the members with all the discipline being taken.
3 Protect Our Benefits: Audit the Funds and Report to the Membership - Raised our Medical and retiree's medical - did not protect anything
4 Fight Production Harassment - Now more than ever we are being harassed.
5 Round-the-Clock Representation 24/7 I'v called the union call, call was returned 5 hrs later during our snow storm in Jan of 2010 - where were they when I needed them.
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries - but added friends like Liam to take the salary that was being saved.
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs - not much is being said
8 Keep Members Informed - We the members are trying to keep them informed of whats going on because they have no clue. Took them to find a letter from UPS that they were going discipline members for accidents and injuries, we have been telling them all year long this was going on.
9 Launch the 804 Teamster University - 1 class in a year in office. wow
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey - that was easy....

Row C is Better, Stronger, Experienced - Simply the best choice

Where is The Executive Board? They are out campaigning and pushing Sandy Pope...... They only have been showing their faces and taking a little action since the Nominations meeting!! Anyone know why? Again they are outside of the building not inside helping out anyone.... I think I said that correctly!!!


Had enough

Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!


Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!


Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!

Ok, you go from "keeping your mouth quiet" to totally an insane outburst. Do you not read the804 website? Taking money from their pockets? Lol, its not suppost to be for the money, if it is, let's do it in seniority order. Pick your battles if you want to fight this board, cause brother, you are sounding more crazy as the days go on. The company is pissed again and going after the members, LOL. LOL. LOL.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Ok, you go from "keeping your mouth quiet" to totally an insane outburst. Do you not read the804 website? Taking money from their pockets? Lol, its not suppost to be for the money, if it is, let's do it in seniority order. Pick your battles if you want to fight this board, cause brother, you are sounding more crazy as the days go on. The company is pissed again and going after the members, LOL. LOL. LOL.

Their site is like their campaign, full of false promises....Are you living in todays world with the way the ecomomy is???? You can't take money out of peoples pockets. I am not crazy.....THE MEMBERS ARE CRAZY!!! THATS WHY THEY ARE VOTING FOR THE "MEMBERS VOICE". Members dont belive them at all...Well maybe a few of their followers!!!


Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!

So you "had enough" of the Rat when the E/B was harassing management with the large rodent. Now you "had enough" of them pulling the b.s. saftey committees. You dont seem annoyed at UPS's behavior , only the E/B's actions. Incredible!!
The E/B started using the Rat to highlight them laying off members and supervisors working. They stood outside informing the members as they went in or out with flyers. The only time your "boys" ever handed a flyer out was for their own election!!
And I guess you approved of the do nothing safety "committees". Everyone I speak to thinks most committee members push management's agenda or do it for the O/T. Tim says when they go back , they will go back with a UNION agenda fighting the good fight on behalf of the union members. They will focus on ROOT CAUSES of injuries such as load quality, stops per car, fatigue and stress. But to you (and you "don't stand alone") that is a bad thing! Oh, and poor ol management is pissed and weren't told why?? I think a letter was sent to the District Manager stating why. Screw them! They knew this was coming - the E/B has been saying they were going to revamp the committees from day 1. Why are they annoyed, too many leftover coffeee and doughnuts?? Get over it!!
Re: Local 804 lol

Can't we keep the 804 threads in the union issues forum?? I think this is a great thread and all but I'm kinda sick of all the 804 threads.

Ps I think my brothers and sisters in local 804 are balls to the wall kick ass TEAMSTERS and I have alot of respect for them all but please keep it in the union issues forum.


Well-Known Member
1 take on sups working - More sups than ever working friend-
2 Tough fair contract enforcement - Weak presence - The only enforcement is on the members with all the discipline being taken.
3 Protect Our Benefits: Audit the Funds and Report to the Membership - Raised our Medical and retiree's medical - did not protect anything
4 Fight Production Harassment - Now more than ever we are being harassed.
5 Round-the-Clock Representation 24/7 I'v called the union call, call was returned 5 hrs later during our snow storm in Jan of 2010 - where were they when I needed them.
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries - but added friends like Liam to take the salary that was being saved.
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs - not much is being said
8 Keep Members Informed - We the members are trying to keep them informed of whats going on because they have no clue. Took them to find a letter from UPS that they were going discipline members for accidents and injuries, we have been telling them all year long this was going on.
9 Launch the 804 Teamster University - 1 class in a year in office. wow
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey - that was easy....

Row C is Better, Stronger, Experienced - Simply the best choice

1Take on sups working- you are wrong, they ARE taking on sups working, whereas the old board IGNORED it. Are sups still working, yes. But they know they have to be more sneaky these days-B
2 Tough fair contract enforcement- granted they are defending a weak contract, like aces has said, these guys don't horsetrade the members. Right there, that's integrity. A+
3 Protect Our Benefits - they SAVED our beneifts. The old board ran it into the ground and was planning on implementing an even WORSE plan with UPS if they won re-election . On day 1 , the Fund would have been empty on June 1, 2011. The new board extended that date until the next contract. A+
4 Fight Production Harassment- They are not accepting discipline for production. They armed the drivers with the OJS books and have held seminars on how to fight production harasment for pters and fters. B
5 Round-the-clock Representation- the phone system still sucks but they ARE at buildings 24/7. Ask the PTers at night and early morning. They are walking the building, DOING THERE JOBS! A-
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries- they each cut like $35K off their yearly salary. Yes they hired Liam R and Anthony C to SERVE and REPRESENT the members. It is $ well spent on representation (see promise #5) A+
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs- right now they are trying to fight to hold those FT clerk jobs. On 22.3 jobs, not much. C
8 Keep Members Informed- loved the 2 newsletters, was expecting more from these guys on that. Yes, there have been several education meetings, but sometimes you find out after the fact. They did tell us the truth on the Health and Welfare Funds so that brings them up to a B
9 Launch 804 University- i know of a couple in 2010 and they just had one recently B
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey- A

In 2 years we vote on their jobs. This next vote is about un-electing Hoffa plain and simple! ROW B!


Well-Known Member
Their site is like their campaign, full of false promises....Are you living in todays world with the way the ecomomy is???? You can't take money out of peoples pockets. I am not crazy.....THE MEMBERS ARE CRAZY!!! THATS WHY THEY ARE VOTING FOR THE "MEMBERS VOICE". Members dont belive them at all...Well maybe a few of their followers!!!

SLIP SLIDING AWAY........ The members know the truth 804 MEMBERS WILL WIN EASY........ 70% of Foster is VOTING 804 MEMBERS growing every day.. It seems like Anthony C is there day and night talking to members ,,

Anthony C told us at a building meeting that this year more media attention would be put on management in Foster and that upper management would know whats going on and that things will change in Foster.

My manager told me that Anthony C has had a couple of sit downs with Ops Manager Frank W talking about things going on in Foster with D M Joe R and L P Ralph L , talking about the way members are treated and harassed , about all the members that stayed home election day , large amount of members on workers comp and that if changes were not made they will only get worse.

Rumor has it that Anthony C called the NY Post about how UPS did not care about getting packages delivered.


from all the members at Foster THANK YOU
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Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!
lol amazing ... he wants to bring back go along get along days !!!!!!!!dont upset ups they may get mad lol


Well-Known Member
SLIP SLIDING AWAY........ The members know the truth 804 MEMBERS WILL WIN EASY........ 70% of Foster is VOTING 804 MEMBERS growing every day.. It seems like Anthony C is there day and night talking to members ,,

Anthony C told us at a building meeting that this year more media attention would be put on management in Foster and that upper management would know whats going on and that things will change in Foster.

My manager told me that Anthony C has had a couple of sit downs with Ops Manager Frank W talking about things going on in Foster with D M Joe R and L P Ralph L , talking about the way members are treated and harassed , about all the members that stayed home election day , large amount of members on workers comp and that if changes were not made they will only get worse.

Rumor has it that Anthony C called the NY Post about how UPS did not care about getting packages delivered.


from all the members at Foster THANK YOU
Great news about those 2 being "re-assigned", but are you trying to say Anthony C engineered that??


Well-Known Member
1Take on sups working- you are wrong, they ARE taking on sups working, whereas the old board IGNORED it.
Were not talking about our old board, it's our current board that is the issue. They are doing NOTHING........
Are sups still working, yes. But they know they have to be more sneaky these days-B
Sneaky, is UPS playing Peek a Boo with the E Board ???? Dont insult Local 804 members.
2 Tough fair contract enforcement- granted they are defending a weak contract, like aces has said, these guys don't horsetrade the members. Right there, that's integrity. A+
If they were defending a weak contract, like Aces said, I proved him wrong already, dont your read the prior posts. You are not making sense. Every member Job was safe, until this board took over, Now were getting walked out of the building on every little mistake we make
3 Protect Our Benefits - they SAVED our beneifts. The old board ran it into the ground and was planning on implementing an even WORSE plan with UPS if they won re-election . On day 1 , the Fund would have been empty on June 1, 2011. The new board extended that date until the next contract. A+
Total nonsence, But lets just say there cant be any worse plan than what our current E Board agreed with UPS.
They raised the Medical for members, and Retirees monthly payments, and after adding insult to injury, that include a 10% increase every year starting 2012.

4 Fight Production Harassment- They are not accepting discipline for production. They armed the drivers with the OJS books and have held seminars on how to fight production harasment for pters and fters. B
It is up to our E Board to fight production harasment for both pters and fters, An educated member is great but without backup by our E board, what good is it. Harassment in all forms has risen and nothing is being done.
5 Round-the-clock Representation- the phone system still sucks but they ARE at buildings 24/7. Ask the PTers at night and early morning. They are walking the building, DOING THERE JOBS! A-
LOL, you ask the pters at night, they'll tell you "where are they"...
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries- they each cut like $35K off their yearly salary. Yes they hired Liam R and Anthony C to SERVE and REPRESENT the members. It is $ well spent on representation (see promise #5) A+
So they cut their salaries 35K and hire two useless guys and spend 90K on Anthony C and probably another 90K on Liam - thats 180K wasted. Anthony C takes disapline, ask anyone from Foster, I get calls all the time, and Liam gets a free ride because he helped Tim get elected. Not to mention UPS wants to fire him, but his safe with Tim for now. Why doesn't Tim save every ones job and make them part of the E board so we don't get fired.
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs- right now they are trying to fight to hold those FT clerk jobs. On 22.3 jobs, not much. C
Not much because they don't know what to do..
8 Keep Members Informed- loved the 2 newsletters, was expecting more from these guys on that. Yes, there have been several education meetings, but sometimes you find out after the fact. They did tell us the truth on the Health and Welfare Funds so that brings them up to a B
I hope you loved the newsletters, I have a few extra frames you can hang them in. The Education meeting are a joke, as i am told by the members who attend, I will make sure I attend the next one for a good laugh.
9 Launch 804 University- i know of a couple in 2010 and they just had one recently B
I know a few people who attended, no big deal.
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey- A
I'll give you the A on this one.

In 2 years we vote on their jobs. This next vote is about un-electing Hoffa plain and simple! ROW B!

Now you say this vote is to un-Elect Hoffa - who do you want to vote for Sandy, do you know anything about her.
Give me one thing. What is she bringing to the table. Do you even know.


Well-Known Member
Great news about those 2 being "re-assigned", but are you trying to say Anthony C engineered that??

Dont get to excited, see how you guys lie, I knew that from Wednesday about those 2 guys going, how is that breaking new. Come on, you cant even lie without getting caught. That was a good one about the NY post. LOL - your busted...
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