Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Dont get to excited, see how you guys lie, I knew that from Wednesday about those 2 guys going, how is that breaking new. Come on, you cant even lie without getting caught. That was a good one about the NY post. LOL - your busted...

You knew like every one else on Wednesday about Ralph leaving and that Joe R was going to Texas to do charity work for the homeless for a mouth and that Pat S was going to cover for him ,, Joe R gave everyone his word he would be back after a month , he found out today that he wasn't coming back to Foster just like the other DM's that were moved around our district......


Well-Known Member
You knew like every one else on Wednesday about Ralph leaving and that Joe R was going to Texas to do charity work for the homeless for a mouth and that Pat S was going to cover for him ,, Joe R gave everyone his word he would be back after a month , he found out today that he wasn't coming back to Foster just like the other DM's that were moved around our district......

You know very well Anthony C had nothing to do with it.
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Well-Known Member
1Take on sups working- you are wrong, they ARE taking on sups working, whereas the old board IGNORED it.
Were not talking about our old board, it's our current board that is the issue. They are doing NOTHING........
Are sups still working, yes. But they know they have to be more sneaky these days-B
Sneaky, is UPS playing Peek a Boo with the E Board ???? Dont insult Local 804 members.
2 Tough fair contract enforcement- granted they are defending a weak contract, like aces has said, these guys don't horsetrade the members. Right there, that's integrity. A+
If they were defending a weak contract, like Aces said, I proved him wrong already, dont your read the prior posts. You are not making sense. Every member Job was safe, until this board took over, Now were getting walked out of the building on every little mistake we make, So the 300 members on the docket that were fired when Row B got in were all safe????
3 Protect Our Benefits - they SAVED our beneifts. The old board ran it into the ground and was planning on implementing an even WORSE plan with UPS if they won re-election . On day 1 , the Fund would have been empty on June 1, 2011. The new board extended that date until the next contract. A+
Total nonsence, But lets just say there cant be any worse plan than what our current E Board agreed with UPS.
They raised the Medical for members, and Retirees monthly payments, and after adding insult to injury, that include a 10% increase every year starting 2012.
Again why don't you ask an old board member what there plan was to fix the medical after they got re-elected , oops they didn't but I KNOW WHAT IT WAS IT WAS WORSE SO ASK THEM AND POST WHAT THEY SAY
4 Fight Production Harassment- They are not accepting discipline for production. They armed the drivers with the OJS books and have held seminars on how to fight production harasment for pters and fters. B
It is up to our E Board to fight production harasment for both pters and fters, An educated member is great but without backup by our E board, what good is it. Harassment in all forms has risen and nothing is being done. Because of the way the BA's and stewards are taking good notes now , not like before UPS isn't going foward with any of those cases.
5 Round-the-clock Representation- the phone system still sucks but they ARE at buildings 24/7. Ask the PTers at night and early morning. They are walking the building, DOING THERE JOBS! A-
LOL, you ask the pters at night, they'll tell you "where are they"...We now have and answering service 24/7 and more reps.
6 Cut Excessive Officer Salaries- they each cut like $35K off their yearly salary. Yes they hired Liam R and Anthony C to SERVE and REPRESENT the members. It is $ well spent on representation (see promise #5) A+
So they cut their salaries 35K and hire two useless guys and spend 90K on Anthony C and probably another 90K on Liam - thats 180K wasted. Anthony C takes disapline, ask anyone from Foster, Yes ask them guys are stealing time and the company wants to walk them because they were followed but I know do like Tony D did put it on the docket , have them out of work for 8 months and them lose there jobs at Arbrition , Tony was great at that.I get calls all the time, and Liam gets a free ride because he helped Tim get elected. Not to mention UPS wants to fire him, but his safe with Tim for now. Why doesn't Tim save every ones job and make them part of the E board so we don't get fired.
7 Fight for More Full-Time Jobs- right now they are trying to fight to hold those FT clerk jobs. On 22.3 jobs, not much. C
Not much because they don't know what to do.Fighting for 22.3 jobs that were not replaced our old board said we had to many , no fight , hall says locals should fight for those jobs great job our old board was doing
8 Keep Members Informed- loved the 2 newsletters, was expecting more from these guys on that. Yes, there have been several education meetings, but sometimes you find out after the fact. They did tell us the truth on the Health and Welfare Funds so that brings them up to a B
I hope you loved the newsletters, I have a few extra frames you can hang them in. The Education meeting are a joke, as i am told by the members who attend, I will make sure I attend the next one for a good laugh.Laugh all you want they are doing what they said like it or not
9 Launch 804 University- i know of a couple in 2010 and they just had one recently B
I know a few people who attended, no big deal.Again they are doing what they said like it or not.
10 Honor the Legacy of Ron Carey- A
I'll give you the A on this one. No I think they could do more , dont kiss up :)

This new slate is in only 1 year 2 more to go already doing more then the old board did in 15 years, still wait for you a answer this?

This is what Tony D , Angelo and John supported.
1 saying this was a fair contract.
2 willing to give up 25 and out.
3 willing to give up coffee and give UPS back 10 cents
4 sat back and watched our pension and medical get destroyed and never told us.
5 backing Hoffa and giving him money for his slate.
6 voted yes to raise our union dues at an Delegate Convention and did not tell our membership.
7 take 3 years to make book.
8 part timers waiting 18 for medical for there family
9 losing language in our supplemental to protect air drivers
10 clerks only getting 4 1/2 hours
on layoff because of weak language





Well-Known Member
Local 804 lol This is what a person posted from Island City.

by upser198703

There is a certain delegate who is looking for a return to the hall after a landslide loss.And as I see it there is no problem with that. The problem is that this individual is looking out for no one but himself. He foams at the mouth with every mistake the new administration makes,even though its always at the detriment of a local 804 member.He sees this as a crack in the opening to his return.
He thinks we forgot how during the 2006 election campaign they where telling us the pension was solid and in fine shape,when in fact as we found out after they won the election this was not true.Did it happen to just change overnight? Or was this a calculated risk?They knew there was outrage,that's why the next general membership meeting was cancelled.They would of had to explain themselves.That would of been interesting
Soon after this election we find out the health and welfare fund is in financial trouble.Why did'nt we hear about this sooner? Anyone want to take a guess? If it would of come out before the election they would of had no chance what so ever.You think losing 2 to 1 was bad?

Then after there devistating loss the old administration does all it can to make the transition for the new administration as difficult as possible.Even in real politics there is a transition team to make the change as smooth as possible so there are as few bumps as can be.As to not disrupt the membership.But he would of rather see us(the members)get screwed ,because of course his loss is our fault. P.S. I am not now nor was I ever a row B fan .( Tony D. we are not idiots, most of us see right through .)

,, WOW STRONG AND POWERFUL , HONEST AND TO THE POINT , Its post like this that make me say there is no way we can trust our future with row c not while people like Tony D are a part of that slate


Well-Known Member
70% of Foster is VOTING 804 MEMBERS growing every day.. It seems like Anthony C is there day and night talking to members ,,

Anthony C told us at a building meeting that this year more news media attention would be put on management in Foster and that upper management would know whats going on and that things will change in Foster.

My manager told me that Anthony C has had a couple of sit downs with Ops Manager Frank W talking about things going on in Foster with DM Joe R and LP Ralph L , talking about the way members are treated and harassed ,management people talking to members with no respect , about how members stayed home election day giving up triple time to send a message to UPS, large amount of members on workers comp , being over worked and over dispatched , that members are having a hard time when reporting an injury and that if changes were not made they will only get worse.

Rumor has it that Anthony C called the newspapers about how UPS did not care about getting packages delivered.


from all the members at Foster THANK YOU

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bella amicizia
Re: Local 804 lol

How many members are in the 804? It sounds huge with little mileage compared to up here with an enormous territory and probably a quarter of the members.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure if you ask Anthony C if he thinks he had anything to do with the move he would say NO , but if he did Joe R should thank him he's going back to Long Island as a DM near his home.


Well-Known Member
Local 804 lol This is what a person posted from Island City.

by upser198703

There is a certain delegate who is looking for a return to the hall after a landslide loss.And as I see it there is no problem with that. The problem is that this individual is looking out for no one but himself. He foams at the mouth with every mistake the new administration makes,even though its always at the detriment of a local 804 member.He sees this as a crack in the opening to his return.
He thinks we forgot how during the 2006 election campaign they where telling us the pension was solid and in fine shape,when in fact as we found out after they won the election this was not true.Did it happen to just change overnight? Or was this a calculated risk?They knew there was outrage,that's why the next general membership meeting was cancelled.They would of had to explain themselves.That would of been interesting
Soon after this election we find out the health and welfare fund is in financial trouble.Why did'nt we hear about this sooner? Anyone want to take a guess? If it would of come out before the election they would of had no chance what so ever.You think losing 2 to 1 was bad?

Then after there devistating loss the old administration does all it can to make the transition for the new administration as difficult as possible.Even in real politics there is a transition team to make the change as smooth as possible so there are as few bumps as can be.As to not disrupt the membership.But he would of rather see us(the members)get screwed ,because of course his loss is our fault. P.S. I am not now nor was I ever a row B fan .( Tony D. we are not idiots, most of us see right through .)


This is how most members feel , they lost fair and square , went back to the hall destroyed important information , took the hard drives , made sure they took all there so call vacation that they say they never got , maybe true. Did not what to help this new board help us , 2 of them went back and the first thing they did was run for stewards and got crushed. Never wanted to help US in anyway , just pray it burns and sneak back in.... Well its not burning we finally have an E Board at our hall that is really there for us the members.



Well-Known Member
This is another reason you have to vote for "The Members Voice"!!!! Good job Executive board shutting down the Safety Committee, without even telling the company why. Now the company is pissed again and are going after all members. All you did was hurt the members on the safety committee by taking money out of their pockets during difficult times. You are doing anything without thinking during this Elections time to try and get votes.....But again without experience we the members are being hurt!!!

Again, I do not stand alone!!!

This is nothing new from "Had Enough" he has go on record a couple of times saying how scared he is of UPS and like the go along , get along way. Sounds just like Angelo and TonyD "be glad you have a job" "in the end you cant beat UPS" "they have all the money and time" this is what I have heard from old E board members for years.


Well-Known Member
Now word out of 43RD ST is that members on the Row C slate are thinking of running against our E Board in 2 years with out Angelo , Tony D and John N. Danny M and others are saying that they are only holding back this slate , saying that its easy for our E board to attack their past and many members will just vote against them no matter who else is on the slate , they will look for strong stewards from Long Island. Our membership already voted in a whole new board that had no experience before so there is no need to carry them. WOW I have to say without a doubt they would get many more votes with out old board members. Our whole board campaign is to attack them and their past which is very easy. Lets not forget that our E Board Election is months before the contract is up and we know our board is going to have a field day with Angelo , Tony D and John N because they supported old contracts. I think thats a smart move and in 2 years would be a great test against our board.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Members Voice is the Right Choice!!!!

I think I am going to start listening to my gut feeling and stop writing........I am sure you are all very happy!!!

