Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Jack D is done. He is now telling people in Foster that they can vote for him and Tony D. He is telling everyone forget the Circus,Row B, they are going to loose. because Tony Dee controls that building.

Anthony C. was campaigning with Mark C who broke the cardial rule. When we were on strike in 1997 he was working inside with Management loading trucks while all the union members were outside the building standing on the picket lines. Row B you are done the end is near. Your first mistake was picking Jack, the second mistake was campaiging with this nobody Mark C. Even Ron C. would not foregive this guy for working during the strike. Now he is trying to pass himself off as a big Union guy, by handing out fliers outside with you guys at Foster. Every member at Foster Ave is already been passing the word that they will never vote for a Slate who campaigns with a member who crossed a picket line. Especially a person who worked during 1997 strike that Ron C called.


Well-Known Member
Sounds Good EYES we will see , as far as Foster you are right on , Foster is behind Anthony and Jack , with Bibbs now running Foster and Reimo DM , Ralph LP , Omar Ma , all moved the guys here are backing Anthony even more.

I heard from a porter that Tony D is very upset with Alphonso C because he made one of his alt-stewards step down ( he fired him ) a popular guy in the center and building. Now 1/3 of his center is upset about the move , from what I heard Al P did the right thing , but Tony only cares about votes. The quote I heard from Tony was " right before the ballots go out he makes a move like this? Doesn't he have any friend'em common sense , doesn't he realize that I'm trying to get him in the hall , a place he could never even sniff on his own with out me!! this is the problem with this building I have to hold friend'em peoples hands for everything around here " Tony D being Tony D

Also the steward in Tony's center was handing out a flier to all the drivers that said in big bold letters " NO FREE VACATION FOR TONY D " its was so funny , he ran out of fliers in minutes about 75 of them LOL

Tony and Alphonso are just fine. Alphonso is his own man, that is why Tony, Angelo and John picked him.

Just keep on lying.


Well-Known Member
Jack D is done. He is now telling people in Foster that they can vote for him and Tony D. He is telling everyone forget the Circus,Row B, they are going to loose. because Tony Dee controls that building.

Anthony C. was campaigning with Mark C who broke the cardial rule. When we were on strike in 1997 he was working inside with Management loading trucks while all the union members were outside the building standing on the picket lines. Row B you are done the end is near. Your first mistake was picking Jack, the second mistake was campaiging with this nobody Mark C. Even Ron C. would not foregive this guy for working during the strike. Now he is trying to pass himself off as a big Union guy, by handing out fliers outside with you guys at Foster. Every member at Foster Ave is already been passing the word that they will never vote for a Slate who campaigns with a member who crossed a picket line. Especially a person who worked during 1997 strike that Ron C called.

Clueless wolf, once again, this election is about one thing and one thing only. Who do you want to be negotiating our next contract?? Hoffa, who has proven himself to be useless, or Sandy Pope, who has negotiated strong contracts for her membership and was picked by Ron Carey to be Union rep of the Warehouse Division!! This election is a no -brainer (no offense lonelywolf)!

The only slate voting for Sandy Pope is 804 Members United


Well-Known Member
Jack Di is starting to panic as he watchhes all his friends turn on him. Big mistake Jake Di. You forgot what Row A DONE FOR YOU GOT YOU A CAR WASHER JOB AFTER 7 YEARS OF DRIVEN. Then you turn on them. You should be ashamed of yourself. EVEN THE P/T AREN'T GOING TO VOTE FOR YOU. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR UNION. After this you are done just like vinny m.when he sold all his guy out.


Well-Known Member
U can change your name as many times as you want to show there are members on your side, but the reality is you lost supporters because we all made a Mistake Voting 4 this E board... Please keep repeating yourself over and over because the members are now laughing at you. Even Obama stopped blaming Bush, after he lost the house, I guess Row B will have to learn the hard way also....


"Mistake", you may think you made a mistake voting for Row B, that's your opinion. Maybe its something personal, I don't know. But voting for a group of guys (Row C) who will support Hoffa at the convention when Sandy Pope (backed by Row B) needs every delegate she can get, would be A BIGGER MISTAKE voting for Row C.

Oh by the way, if you got your ballot, you will notice, IT DOESN'T HAVE THE WORDS "ROW C" ON IT!! LOL!! Good thinking with that name and strategy!! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Vinny m. go back to sleep. And get a life and a new job. Nobody like you at foster, the only friend you ever had was tony and he got ride of you what took him so long


Well-Known Member
And for you aces vinny m. It time for PROZAC OR COOL AID

This is why you have made 191 posts and no one supports what you say. Have you ever wondered why your "rep power" is 0?? LOL!! You are a lonely wolf who prefers to personally attack members, NEVER MANAGEMENT! You are even backing UPS' management's candidate- Hoffa Jr. Who's side are you on??


Well-Known Member
Sandy Pope, who has negotiated strong contracts for her membership

Strong Contracts LOL, see attached......
805 pensionredzoneletter_3-001.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you did your homework you would have found that Local 805's pension fund has recovered since then. Their fund has $8o MILLION in assets now and is on track to full funding thanks to Sandy winning huge benefit contributions from their employers during contract negotiations. Something Howie and Tony didn't do with our last 2 contracts!


Well-Known Member
If you did your homework you would have found that Local 805's pension fund has recovered since then. Their fund has $8o MILLION in assets now and is on track to full funding thanks to Sandy winning huge benefit contributions from their employers during contract negotiations. Something Howie and Tony didn't do with our last 2 contracts!

LOL, If you did your homework you would show us her financial for her local and back that up. But I guess they weren't filed yet, wonder why!!!!! But lets hear from her members about it....... and see who's lying again. Don't open your mouth and look silly again....sandydope.jpg

Had enough

Well-Known Member
LONE WOLF you are a hypocrite and I'll tell you why. You feel Tony D's video should not be posted because of "FAMILIES AND STUFF!"
Meanwhile reading all your posts, since I'm new here, you've been making personal attacks directed to Vinny M, which included his family, all the while. You should be ashamed of yourself and owe all of us an apology, & especially to Vinny M. His pesonal life has nothing to do with your venemous hatred for the current executive Board. You are just a sore loser with UNCLEAN HANDS!!!

Sound actually came out of the computer......daaaa. leave the language in the garage .... Like I said before you get what you give.......Vinny says very hateful stuff on here.