Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
I see were making some progress.
Admitting there was SABATOGE!
And just an aside, you go to the BALLET, and vote on a BALLOT!
This is what I'm dealing with?
One question, when you zipper your jacket, where is the zipper on your back side, because you sound a little loony.

You and the e board are sweating now, give Tim a towel, better yet a sham wow, you can find them on as seen on tv.


Well-Known Member
I see were making some progress.
Admitting there was SABATOGE!
And just an aside, you go to the BALLET, and vote on a BALLOT!
This is what I'm dealing with?

No one ever said they were smart, they just rode the coat tails of Ron Carey and when all was said and done, didn't even attend the funeral, Doh!

He is the lonewolf or should I say lonewolfL? LOL

Its all about power and greed but they seem to lost the power.
Maybe in another life time.


Well-Known Member
No one ever said they were smart, they just rode the coat tails of Ron Carey and when all was said and done, didn't even attend the funeral, Doh!

He is the lonewolf or should I say lonewolfL? LOL

Its all about power and greed but they seem to lost the power.
Maybe in another life time.

I guess I'm dealing with the same mentality as your other personality's.

One question, when you zipper your jacket, where is the zipper on your back side, because you sound a little loony.

You and the e board are sweating now, give Tim a towel, better yet a sham wow, you can find them on as seen on tv.


Well-Known Member
this was posted by Mistakevoting4thiseboard:
BREAKING NEWS about JACK DI Asst. Delegate from Foster Ave.
Stay tuned!!!!! A slap in the Face to Anthony C and Row B slate.
Your gonna love this.......

and this was by lonwolfl:
Jack D is done. He is now telling people in Foster that they can vote for him and Tony D. He is telling everyone forget the Circus,Row B, they are going to loose. because Tony Dee controls that building.

Anthony C. was campaigning with Mark C who broke the cardial rule. When we were on strike in 1997 he was working inside with Management loading trucks while all the union members were outside the building standing on the picket lines. Row B you are done the end is near. Your first mistake was picking Jack, the second mistake was campaiging with this nobody Mark C. Even Ron C. would not foregive this guy for working during the strike. Now he is trying to pass himself off as a big Union guy, by handing out fliers outside with you guys at Foster. Every member at Foster Ave is already been passing the word that they will never vote for a Slate who campaigns with a member who crossed a picket line. Especially a person who worked during 1997 strike that Ron C called.

I GUESS YOU POSTED IT UNDER YOUR WRONG AKA , slow down your going to fast.


Well-Known Member
Tony and Alphonso are just fine. Alphonso is his own man, that is why Tony, Angelo and John picked him.

Just keep on lying.

Keep lying?? what was a lie that Al C fired his Alt-Steward or that I heard what Tony D said from a porter????? you can say you think its untrue but its not a lie. I know to much for you at one time......


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm dealing with the same mentality as your other personality's.

One question, when you zipper your jacket, where is the zipper on your back side, because you sound a little loony.

You and the e board are sweating now, give Tim a towel, better yet a sham wow, you can find them on as seen on tv.

I can't wait for this election to be over. The stupidity is getting worse everyday.


Well-Known Member
Vinny m. go back to sleep. And get a life and a new job. Nobody like you at foster, the only friend you ever had was tony and he got ride of you what took him so long

people here and at Foster would be shocked to know who I am. Things are getting bad for Tony D he is now talking to Frankie friend again in Foster LOL Wants Frankie to be his little buddy again whats nexted Vinnie and then Jack.......


Well-Known Member
I like how people here say no one likes Mark C from Foster , he's the guy that told all the drivers in Marine Park not to vote for Tony D for steward. AND TONY D GOT CRUSHED. Tony D is done in Foster . he's a nobody going no where ,, everyone says Hey Tony we got your back ,, then they laugh at him. So stop making yourselves look like a fool

why do you think he put Alphonso on his slate? because he is an up and coming steward? NOT its because Alphonso guys will vote for him if he's on the slate but not Tony D. Even if Alphonso told his guys to vote for Tony they wouldn't. So the only way to get votes in Foster was to put Alphonso on his slate. Why do you think Phil has the preload and Crossbay and Tony D tried to push Alphonso to do Ocean and Times Plaza Centers , its not for the best interest for the members its for Tony D's best interest. The problem is , its not working.



Well-Known Member
people here and at Foster would be shocked to know who I am. Things are getting bad for Tony D he is now talking to Frankie friend again in Foster LOL Wants Frankie to be his little buddy again whats nexted Vinnie and then Jack.......

You see now, we know who you are, how - I 'll tell you, Anthony C is telling the shop stewards in foster who you are. He also thinks you should keep your trap shut because you make him look bad every time you post. He says you are the reason the members dont like him and stewards dont like him in foster. But lets not focus on Anthony C the BA the E board picked not the members. But wait, since you posted lets make him look bad, ( bad in the sense of the Truth about him ), Anthony C is one of those members that went home when they were over before the E board took him in. (why would he object, hes off the truck now and getting perks ) Wait, goes home when there over, now that makes him a great candidate for the Delegates election I guess and even better BA.

Now about Liam, he was fired I would say about 3 or 4 times before 2010. But always got his job back.... So when liam gets fire with our new E Board, Tim could not save him, so what does he do, makes him part of the union at our expense. Wow, why doesnt he do that for all the members of local 804 that got fired, because he doesnt care about the members only his friends. Just ask him............


Well-Known Member
Now about Liam, he was fired I would say about 3 or 4 times before 2010. But always got his job back.... So when liam gets fire with our new E Board, Tim could not save him, so what does he do, makes him part of the union at our expense. Wow, why doesnt he do that for all the members of local 804 that got fired, because he doesnt care about the members only his friends. Just ask him............

Clueless mistake, you are right Liam R was fired several times in 2008!!! Yes, he was fired while TONY D was his BA!! Tony couldn't save him or maybe Tony DIDN'T save him?? Hmmm. Liam R was fired officially (by an arbitrator) in Jan 2009 a full year before Tim S became President of this Local so you really do not know what you are talking about!! Liam was the old board's sacrificial lamb. Liam was a thorn in the side to both management and the old board. Tony hated him and wouldn't even testify during Liam's arbitration!! Way to go Tony D!! "For the Members"??? I wonder what management gave him to sell out Liam??


Well-Known Member
All that I know about Anthony C is that he was a steward for 14 years for battery center and the preload for Manhattan South. But if thats all you can cry about is him going home WOW what about Tony D over the years taking care of all his buddies giving them inside job and violating members seniority , making so many deals with UPS over the years to get what he wanted. I know a guy that was from Battery Center and now is a feeder driver and ask him about people going home a lot in Manhattan South. He said that on his center drivers would go home even Anthony the steward so that part timers that came on the center could make book. In one year 12 part timers made full time driver. And also there was 2 part time air drivers that had family problems going on , one had to do with a kid that had cancer another he couldn't remember but he said that many drivers even Anthony would let him do the route to make extra money to help him and his family. So you keep talking all you want you never have all the facts or know whole truth.



Well-Known Member
Just to show you that I'm not one sided , when it comes to Liam R I don't agree how that all went down but that was Tim S call and he has to live by it. Nothing against Liam we was a good steward. Howie made a lot of crazy calls himself over the years , Bill L , Steve M but also I do understand they were Union members at the time and Liam was not.


Well-Known Member
What are you going to do play on your computer all day aces? Why don't you go buy a new jacket. We all know who you are, you are the guy who sold all the guys out in your center. That why you aren't the shop steward anymore.