No you don't. As you said some guys don't mind getting called in. No where does it state you have to come in, you can if you want.
Management needs to get their staffing proper, it's not our job. Ups needs to know the night before how scheduling is looking, plan for call ins, and if those call ins don't happen the cover guys can still work if they want and a senior guy can take a sch off. That's how it's supposed to work.
I can tell you have never been a cover driver.... It's the worst. Pt pension credit, treated like crap and you get used and abused. It gets old.
If a driver lives 45 minutes from the hub do u think it's fair they wake up every morning, Shave, get dressed, sit by the phone and wait.... Just to not have to work, and than they still have to report to their regular sort.... It's not cool and ruins your sleep and daily life